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Latest revision as of 00:41, 8 November 2020

LexHub: Intrusion
Date of Scene: 29 September 2020
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Lex and Mercy go on a mission.
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Mercy Graves

Lex Luthor has posed:
It's been years since this specific project was started. Initially envisioned by Lex as a platform to eventually branch out corporate interests into the solar system, the practicalities of modern technology made it so Lex had to scale back a bit. Instead beginning with a foundation; a platform designed to be expanded upon... but provide an income via orbital refining and debris belt salvaging. The final testing of it is mostly done... and now the parts and pre-fabs to be sent into orbit are being manufactured.

Or... they were. A half hour ago, all contact from the factory complex where those parts were being made was lost. There's been no explanation. An entire secret manufacturing complex on the outskirts of Metropolis... just vanished off the grid.

Given the priority status of the project (This is the first LexCorp privatized space station, after all), Lex was not taking any chances; Mercy was sent by transport helicopter with a team of Team Luthor agents to determine the nature of the situation.

The complex itself is built underground, hidden under an office building designed as the administration of the project grounds.

Mercy Graves has posed:
Body armored up, though most of her body armor just looks like a slightly heavier tailored black business suit, Mercy's checking all of her weapons as they speed along towards the compound. She's got the comm unit in her ear, the one directly connected back to her team and to Lex himself. "Comm check, over, everyone with me? Soon as we get there, we head in. Perimeter scout, then straight inside. No time to lose."

Lex Luthor has posed:
The approach has the pilot call over comms, "I'm not seeing any radio at all on the scanner, Ms. Graves. I know for a fact people here have them as backup if the comm network went down, so something is definitely going on down there."

As the transport helicopter sets down in the parking lot, there's a distinct lack of sounds as the rotors go into standby. This is almost like a ghost town...

... and it shouldn't be. Not at all.

In front of Mercy and the dozen strong Team Luthor group is the two block large white building that serves as administration and the cover for LexHub.

Mercy Graves has posed:
"Well, then we've gotta do it lives, lay our own eyes on the sight. Time to go." Mercy calls back to the team with her. She secures two extra guns in shoulder holsters tucked into her reinforced jacket, but she's got a long rifle in her hands, strap across her back, and the safety already off. It's pointed at the ground, no targets in sight, but she's ready for this to be a dangerous mess.

She spills out of the back of the helicopter, crossing forwards to the large white building and the side door she knows should let them spill into the action of things, not the neutral, stylized front entrance. SHe pauses just a second to ensure her team is with her before moving to that door. Everyone in position. She leans forward, giving her eye scan for the lock, and then pushes the thing open, spilling into the room with her shoulders hugging the wall and rifle clearing around her.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Nothing. Nothing at all. More ghost town. Even more worrying? No power. This site has a main generator and two backups. The emergency lights are on, and nothing else.

This should be a living, breathing industrial center, and there's nothing.

Mercy has the blueprints of the building, and a solid team... there are two possibilities; the staff are all dead, or the staff are hiding on the safe room deeper in the complex... and so far, there are no bodies, or signs of fighting.

Mercy Graves has posed:
"...No one in view. Are you still reading us on the outside?" Mercy calls over her comms as she hugs against the wall, spilling deeper into the darkened, abandoned seeming building. She activates the light at the front of her rifle, at least getting some clear view of anything in her sight, but it's not made to illuminate an entire room. "Jones, weapon down, get us a flood light and keep the path ahead lit up." She orders to one of her middle ranking team members.

She doesn't slow down, though, working by the light of her rifle and others behind her. She makes her way directly towards that safe room, that the only other place she can imagine where their employees could be.

Lex Luthor has posed:
The weirder part? No signs of any sort of struggle. Everything is exactly where one might think things are in the middle of a work shift. Well, mostly. There are things like cupcakes on the ground, suggesting people were in a *hurry* to get out.

Getting deeper into the complex, near the elevators, Mercy can see the heavy reinforced doors of the safe room... and the display saying 'occupied'.

There's an intercom on the control panel, but the panel itself says the doors are locked.

Mercy Graves has posed:
As there is no response from the outside over her comm unit, Mercy very quietly curses beneath her breath. "Looks like we're on our own. Just keep eyes out." SHe calls to her team in the building. The complete lack of disturbance of anything is... Unnerving. Goosebumps all across her skin as she flashes her focused light around the room, confirming that nothing looks out of place.

Once at the security door, she breathes out a hint of relief as she sees that it's occupied. She leans over, hitting the intercom, "This is Mercy Graves, access code 127-Tango-43-Delta-381. What is your status inside? I am going to release the security locks, there is no present threat." And she starts inputting all her own codes. The retina scan. Thumb print. Voice recognition.

Lex Luthor has posed:

Suddenly, Mercy can see her code being overridden, from the /Inside/. These safe rooms were designed to allow the people within to be safe from outside threats... which means the people inside are panicking, for some reason. "We're just fine in here right now. You have no idea how fast those things are. Whatever they are, we saw them come out of the elevators to check around. They went right back down into the complex twenty minutes ago and we haven't seen them since."

There's the sound of a camera swiveling towards Mercy. "We can watch the area, but this is the safest place in the building. Please, don't make us open the door. We're not fighters."

Mercy /could/ use the master override code, if she wanted... her, Lex, and the project Director know it.

Mercy Graves has posed:
Listening to that voice, Mercy frowns deeply, "With whom am I speaking and what is your access code? What more can you tell me about these things? What did they look like? How fast were they moving? When were you made aware of them? Did we lose anyone? I want a full report." Mercy recognizes the man's tone, but now she's paranoid herself. If that is Jake Konterna, the man will know his code and at least be smart enough to give all the information Mercy requests.

She does stop her own override, however, not forcing the safely protected civilians out while there might still be a threat. Her rifle remains slung towards the floor at her side, but she carefully presses her back into the wall, watching her surroundings as she keeps one hand on the intercom.