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Chip Talk
Date of Scene: 30 October 2020
Location: Iceberg Lounge, Central Heights
Synopsis: Spike and Catwoman met with Lex to find out about what it might take to get rid of his chip.
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Spike, Lex Luthor

Catwoman has posed:
The iceberg lounge is quiet tonight, which suits Selina just fine. She had showed up in her Catwoman persona, not wanting to blur the lines between her less villainous civilian identity, and Catwoman. Even though she suspected that Lex already knew who she was.

She had arranged to have Lex to meet her and Spike here to discuss a potential business proposal and if things went well, a win-win situation. Tonight she is dressed in her usual black leather catsuit, the zip pulled up to her neck, goggles resting on her head as she leads Spike to a quiet booth on the second floor.

"Im sure you've heard of Lex Luthor of course. Let us hope he will find our proposal worth listening to."

Spike has posed:
     Spike on the other hand doesn't seem too concerned with appearanaces. The advatages to being over a century old. Sometimes you don't care that much. Besides, a chance to be seen with the famous Catwoman? How could he pass that one up? He sizes the place up and those that are present,"I've heard of him yes. Millionare power broker. Rumors go both ways if he is legit or not. None of my business either way. I'm more interested in whether he is interested in the proposal as well."

Lex Luthor has posed:
The meeting had been short notice, but Catwoman is one of the Lights freelancers... and had an arrangement to discuss.

Usually wherever Lex goes, reporters or fans follow; he is the Man of Tomorrow, after all.

Tonight... is different. Tonight, Lex has taken his usual measures to evade attention and suspicion from the modern press. Having taken one of his less conspicous cars with Mercy and Hope, Lex enters the Lounge with little fanfare... and those who attempt approaching him get a glare that clearly says in certain terms 'I'm not here for you, go away'.

He heads right for a reserved VIP booth, ignoring everyone as he does... except for Catwoman and Spike, whom get a nod.

It's a quiet authority, that nod. He's a man used to command and intimidation, and seeing him for the first time, Spike can likely feel the unmistakable air of charisma to the man as he moves to sit down, business suit adjusted just so as he does so.

"You have my attention."

Mercy and Hope remain on guard just opposite the booth, silent guardians.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle glances up as Lex arrives, nodding to his two body guards and Lex as well. "Mr. Luthor. Good to see you again, it's been a while.." she smiles, glancing around, and she is relieved to see that there are no news reporters or other nosy types lurking around.

"I trust our phone call covered the basics of this meeting?" she nods to her vampire friend, "This is Spike, whom I talked about on the phone. He is quite..Well known, a legend even, in certain circles. And of course Spike, you have certainly heard of Lex Luthor before?"

Spike has posed:
     When Lex arrives, the room changes. Alive and dead for as long as he has been, he catches that instantly. Selina usually keeps his attention when they are together, but for the moment he is distracted by Lex as he arrives. He studies the man briefly without staring.

     Not good at words...well not the smart ones usually...Spike waits for the introduction between the two and he replies,"Legend in his own right." he comments when she says he's heard of him. That cockney accent impossible to miss when he speaks. Spike's confidence is a different type and he finally nods,"The lady speaks very highly of you too. Hard to beat that combination."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Basic enough. I need details now." As Lex speaks, Mercy brings out a device from a pouch, and turns it on, placing it on the table and moving back. "A white noise generator and jammer. We can speak freely now. Something about a long term arrangement was mentioned. I didn't get anything else in case the line was tapped."

Lex glances to Spike, "I presume you're the recipient."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle nods, "Yes..It's a bit of a..Delicate situation.." and indeed that line may have been tapped and even here, who knows how safe she is. Can she even trust Lex? But they are running out of options.

The white noise generator is acknowledged with an appraising nod. "Hmm, clever. Of course, I trust what is said here stays between the three of us.. Even after we leave." she is hesitant but for good reason.

"Very well..Spike can give you more details, but suffice to say that, some secret government organization captured and experimented on him, installing a...Some sort of behavior modification device in his brain."

She smiles and nods in agreement with Spike, "Indeed, there are few people with the brains, the funds and resources to safely remove that chip..But I believe you would be the perfect candidate for the job."

Spike has posed:
     The security measures are given a moment of regard and then Spike looks back towards Lex. Never one for shy or even really one to play the cards close to his chest he replies,"One of Uncle Sam's dirty little nieces sent her thugs out to catch me and take me into captivity." he comments and uses his left index finger, the nail painted black, to point at his head,"They drugged me and cut my bloody head open and stuck a "behavior mod" chip in my brain." he explains,"Esentially I went to the vet and got fixed."

     He crosses takes a cigarette from his pocket, thinks better of it, and places it behind his ear for now,"Now when I get aggressive with the normal types, humans of any sort, I get my very own stun gun eruption in my brain on a level that leaves me in a sort that I'd piss myself were I able. It takes a while for it to wear off. Instant blinding pain that leaves me with the hangover of it for hours."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"There's enough self-interest between us, you don't need to worry about that." Lex assures Selina. Then, he looks to Spike. "You talk as if you're not human. You'll need to explain that before we continue." Lex states matter of factly.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle frowns a bit, hesitant to continue. She had been vague during the phone call too. "Well...He is..A vampire, actually. Now before you pull out your cross and stake, I must assure you that he is not your typical vampire. He is..Unique, capable of human emotions that most vampires cannot fathom. He has saved my life numerous times, and with his superior attributes, I believe he could be a major asset to your cause."

Spike has posed:
     Spike glances towards Selina and winks, then turns his attention back towards Lex again. As his eyes meet Luthor's again, they turn a yellow color. His forehead and cheek bones seem to bulge a little. The smirk on his face reveals the fangs in his mouth. A raise of his brow when she mentions the cross and stake, but that typically is the response from most,"So now you know my dirtiest secrets. At least you know I won't die on an operating table. I'm already dead."

Lex Luthor has posed:
He doesn't flinch. There's no real fear in his eyes as he listens. Instead, Lex simply... nods. "Plenty of 'monsters' that are fairly reasonable. I don't see a bloodthirsty, out of control brute here... and I'm not worried. Mercy and Hope are both more than capable of controlling you, if it comes to that."

Lex glances sideways to Catwoman, "And I trust that Catwoman wouldn't be interested in seeing me being eaten either." He glances back to Spike. "What, exactly, do you want?"

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle just nods slowly, quietly eyeing Hope and Mercy. She's never actually seen them in action but there's a reason these women were hired as bodyguards for one of the most powerful and influential men in the world perhaps. She just nods silently, wordlessly, glancing at Spike to answer that next question.

Spike has posed:
     Shaking his head, Spike lets his "demon gameface" fade back to the human face again. He studies the two bodyguards for a moment and then looks back to Lex,"Since I couldn't hit them back they probably would beat me to oblivion." he agrees.

     He touches his head with his left forefinger again and tells the man,"I want someone to go in and undo what the government did to my head. I don't have a lot of money, but I have a good many talents that could be employed by you for a time in payment for the work. To be honest, your blood doesn't smell like my type so you're good." That might be unsettling in its own way.

Lex Luthor has posed:
There's a long moment as Lex studies Spike. It's not a flat stare, but Spike can probably practically /see/ the cogs spinning as he considers possibilities.

Then, he nods slightly. "I'll need a baseline scan at one of my labs before I make any promises."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman frowns a bit, glancing between the two thoughtfully. it's hard to know what's goi g through her mind right now, as there are many factors to consider. "You mean you need to run a brain scan on him?" she sighs, "Guess that makes sense. Cant say I know much about these sorts of things but I can think of no one else who would be capable of helping him..Although I wonder what sort of payment you would require..?" still, this is more something between Spike and Lex so she takes a step back.

Spike has posed:
     There is a shrug and Spike replies,"You want to take a peek in the skull, I got no issue. It's not like the radiation can hurt me." He does considers Lex for a moment and nods,"While I am more than ready to be rid of this thing, the lady does make a point. You don't get rich and powerful doing favors, so I would be interested to know what your price would be."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"We can discuss payment once I know how complicated this entire endeavor will be." Lex stated with finality. "Once you get enough money, favors becomes a more valuable currency... something to keep in mind, if you plan to work in the big leagues, Mister 'Anderson'."

Spike has posed:
     "Good enough." Spike replies and shrugs,"We'll go from there." He laughs softly and nods,"Friend, foe, and people in general call me Spike, half the time I forget to answer to Anderson. I really only keep it to be able to drive and get booze. Most people don't believe I am over a hundred years old."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"We have god-like aliens zooming around above our heads on a daily basis. We have beings that say they're gods from the myths. We have two Atlantis vying for control under the sea." Lex stands, "what most people will believe or not... does not matter."

He starts to head for the exit, Mercy and Hope coming in behind him in a protective formation. "I have a helicopter waiting for us."

Spike has posed:
     Considering the words, Spike nods,"Good point." he replies and watches as the two settle in behind him, then follows the trip towards where they are leading,"I don't think I've ever ridden a helicopter." he muses mostly to himself.