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Latest revision as of 14:01, 10 November 2020

Big cat, small cat and cap
Date of Scene: 09 November 2020
Location: Midvale, New Troy
Synopsis: Ivory, Cheetah and Steve catch up!
Cast of Characters: Ivory, Cheetah, Captain America

Ivory has posed:
    Monday after the rather spectacular falure of opening the nocturnal exhibition in the Gotham Zoo, Ivory is strolling streets of Midvale. Most of the damage is small and covered up by the clothes anyway, but the scratches those bats left on them do extend to the hands. But it's not a degree that incapitates them as they weye the shops and resaurants, pondering if they want to get something.

Cheetah has posed:
Barbara-Ann Minerva, the cosmetic industry magnate, is comfortably appointed in one of the restaurants Ivory is eyeballing. The Athenian Café specializes in (expensive) coffee and tasty treats from throughout Southern Europe -- though primarily Greece. Minerva's attention is presently in thrall to her phone and so doesn't notice Ivory hanging around outside and bringing down the area's property values.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers is enjoying some time out in the open today. He's wearing a bomber jacket and an American flag baseball cap turned low over his features. He doesn't mind being recognized or getting attention, but he's working on a sketch at the moment. He doesn't tend to sign most of his art anymore, because he wants people who see it to measure it on its own merit, rather than tying it in to Captain America. Plus, speculators would likely buy it up and try to profit. He knows a few small art stores that he donates them to for no profit, in the hopes that they might sell and help the people out.

He hasn't noticed Ivory yet, his recent encounter having left him twenty dollars lighter and a bit enlightened in other ways.

Ivory has posed:
    Ivory sighs as after some longer moments they slip into the Athenian, the ears not out in the open today. Not after having fought a swarm of bats and a crazy batlady the night before and getting quite harsh words from the zoos curators for self defense. "You have a table free for someone for a cu of late coffee?" they ask, their voice one that Minerva might recognize from several occasions.

Cheetah has posed:
Minerva's ears are out in the open. And perfect. Though her body remains still, her green eyes snap to attention. Since an unpleasant meeting with a demon king some months ago, her hearing has become rather acute. Discreetly, she starts to scan the café. She knows who she's looking for and settles on Ivory in short order. The two have met before.

"Ivory, darling!" Barbara-Ann's voice lords over the gentle din of the café's other customers and she raises a hand to further draw Ivory's attention. If there wasn't a table available before there's clearly an open invitation now. Maybe Minerva can *finally* get to the bottom of how Ivory connects to that necklace connects to that annoying cat.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers finishes his sketch and closes his pad carefully, tucking it into his napsack. He decides to get something for himself before he heads back to Avengers Mansion. Maybe a nice hot chocolate. The weather was lovely and cool and autumnal. Cider might be more seasonal, but, truth be told, Cap was more of a Christmas person than a Thanksgiving person.

He waits his turn politely, then raises an eyebrow when he hears Ivory's name called. Well. Small world.

Ivory has posed:
    Ivory spins the head as Minerva calls out the name, revognizing the face from a charity event they both attended. "Miss Minerva! A pleasure to meet you again. I didn't expect you to be in this restaurant!" they answer the sudden greeting, nodding to the waiter they had talked to. "Seems like I am invited to a table though. Mind getting me a coffee?" she asks with a smile before working ther way through the room to settle with Barbara-Ann.

They havn't spotted Cap pretty much behind them... though they lack their cat ears today. Because they havn't taken them out today.

Cheetah has posed:
Minerva rises from her chair as Ivory draws near. The always fashionable la bise -- a kiss to both cheeks -- is quickly delivered (whether Ivory is prepared or not), and Barbara-Ann gestures to a chair close to her own. "And how is my favorite up and coming designer?" Minerva resumes sitting and runs her greedy eye up and down Ivory's frame searching, perhaps, for the necklace her secret alter-ego, Cheetah, has tried and failed to claim on more than one occasion.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers makes his way up to the front, "Hot chocolate please. No whipped cream, thank you, but I'll take a cherry if you've got it," he says with a slight grin. He drops a ten in the tip jar and waits his turn patiently, although with his hands clasped behind his back, just standing off to the side without yet claiming a table. It seems Ivory had a friend today, a lovely young lady.

Ivory has posed:
    Ivory answers the kissies in the appropriate fashion before they take off the jacket, showing it to Minerva first, the back of it featuring a new kitten design. A blue persian snuggling inbetween the well known white persian and a shorthair with tuxedo pattern. "What do you think?" they ask, smiling some. "The kittens still outsell everything else to my pain and pleasure." they explain, sending a little glance to the waiter at the bar, spotting the one that spots them.

"I think though I got a follower today. See the one at the counter?" No, the cap and jacket can fool people. It's not only glasses and reporter suits that are perfect disguises.

Cheetah has posed:
It takes everything in Minerva's power not to frown upon the sight of that blasted white Persian's image. That cat has bedeviled her for weeks! "Why it's lovely," Minerva lies. She's a good liar; she practices constantly.

Barbara-Ann follows Ivory's subtle indicators until her glance lands on Steve standing at the counter. She raises an auburn eyebrow, "Well...hello there." This is uttered quietly and for her own amusement. Naturally, Minerva fails to make any connection between Steve and Captain America. She is only dimly aware there are people on this planet not named Barbara-Ann Minerva.
If Ivory had intended for Steve not to know he was the subject of comment and consideration, Minerva is making a hash of it.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers overhears Ivory, of course, even as he takes his hot chocolate from the barista. "I am not following you. Just mere coincidence. Or maybe fate, but if it is, I have no idea for what purpose. I do not try to control my fate, just do the best I can. Hello, Ivory, it's good to see you again. Hello, miss," he adds to Minverva, taking a sip of his cocoa.

Ivory has posed:
    Ivory smiles as they settle down. "Oh, Mr. Rogers, that is Barbara-Ann Minerva, owner of Catseye cosmetics. And that is Steve Rovers, a veteran." They introduce the two to one another, still waiting for their coffee as they sort the position of the chair a moment, the scratches on the hands and lower arms coming back to light as they put the hands on the table.

    "So, what is it that brings both of you here today? I was looking for a shop that anoher designer had last year somewhere here but it seems to be gone again."

Cheetah has posed:
Minerva holds out her hand to Steve, daintily and palm down, in the European fashion. Obviously, Steve is playing coy. How could he NOT know who Barbara-Ann is? That's inconceivable. To Minerva's warped ego, at least. "A pleasure, Mr. Rogers."

Ivory's wounds do not escape Barbara-Ann's notice despite Steve playing unwitting distraction. Minerva says nothing but files the information away. She picks up the thread of Ivory's conversation. "I'm merely out and about, darling. Which designer were you looking for? I know everyone."

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers leans forward and does the proper European thing, bending forward to kiss at Minerva's knuckles very lightly. "Miss Minerva, then," he says. He isn't likely to be so coy about Ivory's injuries and he frowns, "Have you been in sort of trouble, Ivory? I'm sure I could get you medical attention if you need it, even if your physiology is...unusual."

Ivory has posed:
    "Oh, I remember better where their shop was than who they were. They had a green scarf as their logo, something with B... But they might have moved on." Ivory notes as they shrug, smiling, the hand waving off. "It's nothing to fret over."

    "Oh, those are nothing. Just had the questionable privilege to be attacked by Gotham's bats. If you want you could read all about that in the news, but it's just stinging. I mean, I am lucky that the Zoo does check its animals for rabies. Too bad that I had to smack some of them in a way that would kill the poor animals. But they attacked me."

Cheetah has posed:
Minerva almost purrs with happiness. At least ONE male in this benighted country knows how to greet a lady properly.

As Steve draws attention to Ivory's wounds, Barbara-Ann hurries to add her voice of "concern" as though just noticing the hurts for herself. "What have you been up to, Ivory?" She gently touches Ivory's hands with her own as though taking a closer look. Much like her heart, Minerva's fingers are ice cold.

"Bats??" Minerva makes a face. Inwardly, her mind is a whirr of activity: unusual physiology? Ivory? Now that's a line of investigation that needs following...she hadn't noticed anything unusual before. Well, aside from the talking cat that's somehow connected to Ivory. Wait... Minerva's eyes narrow slightly as though FINALLY putting one and one together.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers frowns, "Bats are not creatures to be toyed with. Even less so when they come in the form of men," he says with a hint of a smile.

"I won't press you on the matter, but keep an eye on it. The last thing you want is an infection. And maybe just be careful about what wildlife you bother. We've already discussed your issue with skunks."

Ivory has posed:
    "Eh, no, they were bats. Like literally feet large blind winged mammels. Some demon-bat-lady drove them crazy and had them attack the visitors of the zoo. Just defended myself there. And the docs looked at them yesterday. Or was it today morning? I dunno really, but I got my thetanus shots, I'm fine. Really, it's nothing."

    With an awkward smile they take their coffee as it finally comes, taking a sip from it. "I mean, really, it's nothing. I seem to get lucky when it comes to injuries."

Cheetah has posed:
Skunks?!? Barbara-Ann does her best not to recoil in horror. She is mostly successful. Retreating to her own chair, she fumbles momentarily with her own cup but manages to take a sip without causing an incident. "Demon bat-lady?" Minerva shakes her head. "What is the city coming to?" Said the demon cat-lady with no hint of self-awareness.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers raises a hand, "The discussion of skunks was theoretical," he assures Minerva. "I don't think you get tetanus from animal bites, unless the animals have rusty teeth," he says with a certain amount of amusement. "But if you've seen the doctor, I'll refrain from pestering. Just had too many friends try to pretend that nothing's wrong when they're hurting."

Ivory has posed:
    "Gotham? I think their zoo has something for animal-humanoids. I mean, they rumor that a cat-lady was there, and now a bat-lady. Anyway, Gotham also a mad clown, so I guess it's perfectly normal for Gotham."

    "Skunks are like the worst animals, and he claims they serve a reason! I think they should be eradicated, for their smell *and* their cruel claws."

Cheetah has posed:
Minerva nearly chokes on her coffee. "Cat-lady? Oh, why that's just... What nonsense. Utterly preposterous." Are we talking about her? Is there more than one cat-lady running around? Stay cool, Babs, stay cool. She dabs her ruby-red lips with a napkin. Just then her phone springs to life. Saved by the bell!
Barbara-Ann checks the display. It's an unremarkable pseudonym. No one of note. Nobody would connect the name on the screen to Lex Luthor, the true identity of the caller. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I really must be going. I'm late for an appointment." Elegantly, but with a certain degree of alacrity, Minerva gathers up her handbag. Ivory gets another small kiss on the cheek, "I'll call you soon, dear, we'll do lunch." Lunch being something one does.
Steve gets a loaded glance, "I do hope we won't be strangers, Steven." Briefly, she rests a hand on his nearest shoulder as she makes her way to the exit.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers raises his cup in greeting. He's surprised by the touch of his shoulder, but not so skittish as to show it. "Have a good day, miss," he says to the departing Cheetah. He shakes his head a little at Ivory, "Gotham itself is just a dangerous place. I hate to see it, it used to be a nice place to visit, once upon a time, but it seems to have had some hard times in recent years."

Ivory has posed:
    Ivory smiles as Minerva calls it preposterous. "It's the rumor. Could have been an old lady with a lot of cats or someone in a catsuit or whatever. I mean, people are strange."

    "Have a nice evening! And don't be a stranger either!" They greeted back to Barbara-Ann as she left, then nodding to Steve. "Like, they lost the hang on crime when someone sold the Chicago Typewriter to people there en-masse and now like a bunch of the people there are lunatics."

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers frowns, "Gotham's mental health crisis is no joke. It makes me sad to know that people there are suffering - even the ones too often victimizing their fellow citizens. They need a robust civic resonse. I respect the vigilantes of Gotham, but I'm not convinced they're the right solution to the city's problems," he sighs. "Maybe I join you?" he says, gesturing to Barbara's empty seat.

Ivory has posed:
    "Sure, why not? Let's jsut finish our drinks in community. Maybe the vigilantees are part of the problem? Like, how many might create their own enemies, voluntarily or inadvertadly.... and maybe some do make them to stay in business? I mean, like firemen burning down houses."

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers shakes his head, "I don't mean to imply there's causation there. I do think there should be some investigation as to cause. Maybe pollution in the water supply? Some sort of radiation? I'm terrible at science, honestly, that's what Tony Stark is for," he sighs.

Ivory has posed:
    "If it was unsafe for human habitation, they should have found out years ago, don't you think?" Ivory asks with a little shrug. "Though they had like dozens of incidents with the water there, so it's likely some houses there mght induce madness... How you think it's in New York? I mean, there's a large rogue gallery there too, but not as mad as in Gotham..."

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers shrugs, "Negligence is a frequent cause of a lot of human troubles. If someone's making profit off that land or the conditions of the place, then they could exert a lot of influence to keep investigations fruitless. I've heard Bruce Wayne is a good man underneath his frivolous exterior, but I'd hope to see him take a more active role," he sighs.

"I suppose there's no use speculating. It's best to just try to keep people safe as much as we can and try to encourage law enforcement to do the right thing in investigating."

Ivory has posed:
    "Maybe arming law enforcement with a wider array to react appropriately? I mean, they might not need a LAW in the car, but if they could field more than just a handgun, they might reduce the cases of death caused by police and at the same time allow them to effectively stop some superpowered crime..." They sigh, pondering abut it a little.

    "Maybe Mr. Stark might have something to solve that?"

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers nods, 'He usually does. I'm a simple soldier, but I think we could do more, in general, to try to make the environment less dangerous, to have countermeasures in place. Too many people just slip into prejudice because it's easy, because they're scared. The panic about mutants is silly, as if having a superhuman ability has anything to do with someone's character."