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Latest revision as of 16:27, 11 November 2020

Hump Day at Xavier's
Date of Scene: 11 November 2020
Location: X-Men Base
Synopsis: Scott talks to Victor about Metaforce and touches base with Jubilee.
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Jubilee, Phoenix, Sabretooth

Cyclops has posed:
The elevator doors swish open to reveal Scott Summers, wearing a sleeveless black tanktop and a matching pair of swishy workout shorts. He is up for an early morning workout this middle of the week day. His ruby quartz goggles are on his head in a wrap around manner so they won't fall off by accident during a jostle.

Giving a long stretch of his body, he aims for the gym doors as he glances around the hallways to the underground X-Men base, curious to see who else is awake and about.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee has class later, so she's doing a warmup. In a yellow leotard, blue leg warmers, and a pink headband, she's in the gym herself, at the moment doing a running start into a series of flips.

Phoenix has posed:
For all the years that she has been a student, an X-Men, and now a teacher, Jean still is not a morning person. It's not that mornings are bad, they're just early and require caffeine to approach. Even worse, with her recent personal conflicts, she's tried mostly giving up caffeine and alcohol. So suffice to say when the elevator opens to let the redhead out, she does not look in the least enthusiastic about carrying a stack of folders towards the War Room.

"Mornin." Is her muttered, half-yawned greeting as she ducks into the room to go stash the reports.

Sabretooth has posed:
    The elevator doors open once more. and Victor Creed steps out into the hallway. He is dressed in white tshirt and blue jeans with frayed legs. He looks a bit ragged at the moment. His long hair is in tangles with leaves and small sticks caught in it. His clothes are wet and muddy. His face, arms, and legs are also smeared with mud and something that might be fish guts? Hard to tell. He is thumping along the hall and towards the gym where the showers all. He grunts which might be "Morning," but it is hard to tell.

Cyclops has posed:
"Morning." Scott says to Jean as he pauses on his way to the gym to track her movements towards the war room. "Everything okay?" He asks with a tight lipped tone in his voice, brow creasing ever so slightly. He gives a glance into the gym to spy Jubilee doing her thing and making it look easy. Oh, to be young again and flexible. "I was going to work out but if something is up, I can put it on pause for a moment."

The doors open again to reveal Victor and his brows lift upwards at his appearance. He tilts his head to the side, then lets out a soft breath. "Victor. Good morning. What happened?" He asks as he presses a hand to his chin, then cracks his neck with a tilt of his head as he applies a bit of pressure.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee of course nails the landing. It's been years since she was doing proper olympic training, but it turns out X-Men training is plenty strenuous enough to keep her in condition. Taking a deep breath,s he turns around to see everyone else. "Good morning. I see I'm not the only one with students to speak with this morning? Late start for some of us, and a messy start for others."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey steps back out the room in short order while in the midst of of pinning back the forelocks of her hair in a quick clip at the back to keep them out of the way. "Everything's fine, just getting those reports filed in paper. Which seems silly, but I guess vaguely useful in case if we ever loose power and need to refer back."

Her nose warns her in advance of Victor's presence as she looks over towards the man passing on his way to the showers. "Well, I guess if any of the kids are due for detention than they can clean up that." She remarks as she looks to the trail of debris he leaves in his wake.

Realizing Scott's gym venture is not a solo one, she walks over the door and peeks in. "Hey, Jubes! How's it going? Haven't spotted you in ages, which is ridiculous when we all live in the same building."

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor stops and looks at those around him with a surprised expression. "What?" he grunts and then looks down at himself. "This? This is just collecting breakfast." He reaches into his hair and pulls out a bramble. "And out sleeping during the night." He drops the stick and shrugs.

Cyclops has posed:
"Why are you sleeping outdoors? We gave you a room with a bed. We also have a fully working top of the line kitchen." Scott glances down at the debris, then lets out a low sigh in his throat. It's going to be one of those days, he can just feel it in his bones.

"Get showered up, I have something I want to go over with. I'm going to give you a chance to cut loose a bit." He reaches out to tap Jean on the hand gently, then steps into the gym as he gives a smile to Jubilee. "Good morning, Jubilation." He says with just enough warmth in his voice.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee waves to Jean when greeted. "Hi, well yeah, I spend some off hours off campus. Just becuase this place... can be a lot. And sometimse it's good to just have some place quiet to go." Nodding to Scott, "Good morning." And finally considering Victor. "Some people would shower after making a mess... but I Guess that's ont everyone."

Phoenix has posed:
"I hear ya." Jean says to Jubilee, the answer simple enough even if the tone of her voice suggests she understands that on a much deeper level. "Fresh air and distance aren't a bad thing, and you see the kids more one on one than I do to boot."

She gives a quick and reassuring smile to Scott as she leans her back against the hallway wall. "If it's about what I think, I suggested to Logan and Remy last night that they come talk to you." She doesn't seem inclined to provide more details than that.

Sabretooth has posed:
    "When I make a mess, I will be sure to clean it up," Victor grumbles as he stops to regard the trio. He looks over at Scott. "I'm not some house cat like.....someone else." He pauses at the last so to not throw under the bus the house cat he is referring to. "Lake fish is better than some dry ceral or," he wrinkles his nose. "Wheat germ or yogurt." He is pulling off the dirty shirt as he stands next to the door of the gym, stopping at Scott mentions cutting loose.

Cyclops has posed:
"But it's not better than Cinnamon Life cereal." Scott says with a thin press of his lips together. He folds his arms over his chest, taking in a deep breath. "And we have fishing poles so you don't need to dive into the lake yourself. Maybe we can get you a nice boat to nap in."

"Anyways. This group Metaforce. I am looking to assemble the strike team to bring them down. I am not sure yet who I plan on putting in charge of the mission, most likely Logan, or Alex, but I want you on this, as well as Remy and Betsy. This is the perfect time to execute X-Force and see how well you all work together."

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee snickers to Victor. Sorry to imply otherwise. Of course you'd clean up after yourself. But that looks uncomfortalbe right now to me anyway. And Scott, that sounds important!"

Sabretooth has posed:
    "How strong a response you looking to send this Metaforce, Summers?" Victor raises an eyebrow as he looks at Scott. "You going to keep me on a leash or are we going to stop stop them?" He leans against the wall, crossing his arms in front of him after throwing his dirty shirt over his shoulder. A few more leaves fall down around him without a notice. "Not that I wouldn't like a chance to really hunt some jack ass, but I don't want to be yanked back at the last minute becaue of bleeding hearts."

Cyclops has posed:
"We have a mutant group that is going out attacking humans, causing insane amounts of damage and putting us in a spotlight in which the government may start making rumbles again." Scott says with an even tone in his voice. "I am looking for the team to create an 'appropriate' response. This obviously would not be an X-Men mission. This is not the type of job that we would go out and put a show on in front of the cameras. This is a dirty job. The type that will not have a field report attached to it."

He gives a glance over towards Jubilee and Jean for a moment before he casts another look towards Victor. "And I will not be there holding any leash." He starts for the gym equipment, the treadmills, then reaches out to turn one on.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee walks up to a gymnastics horse to lean against, hands flat against it, listening to Scott. "Oh that's bad. I don't think I'd be the right kind of person to do something like that, but we probably have people who could do it, yeah."

Phoenix has posed:
There's a quiet, thoughtful downturn of Jean's mouth as she listens. Responses with a sense of finality clearly aren't her cup of tea. "Ideally, we should try and figure out why they're doing what they're doing. They're fairly well organized for just a gang of mutants banding together out of the woodwork. There hasn't been many signs of anyone pulling their strings, but... I don't know. I want to stop them, but it feels like there's more to it. If we can get ahold of one, I can try to question them."

Sabretooth has posed:
    "If you are bringing me into it," Victor says with a huff as he pushes away from the wall and slowly moves in the direction of the shower, "this isn't going to be a happy picnic where we get to share feelings about favorite colors or where mommy touched you. I'll bring at least one back if you want to /question/," and he adds emphasis and an almost implied quotes around that last words, "I can do that."

Cyclops has posed:
"I'm bringing you into it, because I know that you know how to assess a threat and make a decision that will ensure that my friends will make it through. These guys do not play for keeps. They are looking to murder and they do not care if innocents or children get caught in the crossfire." Scott says with a frown on his face.

"I am sending Betsy to gather intelligence and to extract it in however she feels fit. My goal is not to go out and kill these guys, but I'm also really, /really/ tired of these mutant groups who get an itch to go out and slaughter people and get a slap on the wrist. But I feel a message needs to be sent. If we can take them in, that is the best case scenario. If a few end up missing limbs or vital organs, they only have themselves to blame."

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee Takes a deep breath, and keeps working as the conversation continues. Lifting one leg and landing her calf on the horse, stretching out. "Well. I'm glad you have options Scott. We have a pretty diverse group."

Phoenix has posed:
"Betsy should be able to get the info, then." Jean says as she pushes herself back off the wall. "I'll leave you guys to planning, then. Time for me to get upstairs and get to work."

She points a finger and a grin back towards Jubilee as she heads for the elevator. "We should catch up on lunch break one of these days." And with that said, she gives a wave and departs.

Sabretooth has posed:
    "Whatever you say, Summers." Victor has the air of someone who is listening, but maybe not listening as well. "Just let me know when and where." He nods to everyone and heads into the showers to get cleaned off.