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Latest revision as of 02:41, 17 November 2020

Linking the dots
Date of Scene: 16 November 2020
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Bigby visited Willow to ask about Buffy and met with Constantine and Thomas
Cast of Characters: Bigby Wolf, Willow Rosenberg, Constantine, Thomas Raith

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Convinced that his nose would never fail him, it is with an incredulous look on his face that Bigby followed yet another track leading to the store again, the Magic Box. He's not bringing any special item this time, since his initial intention wasn't to end up at the magic store.

As he enters the shop, he quickly looks around, always with that incredulous look on his face. There, she was here. The other girl he met in the cemetery. Everything leads back to this place. Maybe Willow will be at the store and he could ask her some questions.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Mr. Bigby!" Willow laughs to herself. "You know, I'm starting to wonder about you always sneaking up on me!" Of course, she's joking. "How can I help you today?"

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Bigby can't help but smile at the young woman - she might not consider her young, but to him she is. A couple hundred years between them.

"Good day, Willow," he replies as he walks toward the bookcase.

"Naw, I'm not sneaking on you," he says, "But I'm looking for someone I met in a cemetary the other night. And no, not you. Another woman. She was kinda, hrm, special so I thought maybe she's one of your clients maybe?"

Well, he's not going to just say how he followed her by her scent!

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
As usual, he wasn't trying to pick her up. Albeit he was a little old..

"You know, I kinda need a description of her before I can tell you if she has been here." Willow waits to hear the description.

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Recalling the encounter, Bigby has someting better than a description. He also got a name.

"Buffy," he replies, "Called herself a vampire-slayer."

He pauses, waiting to see if Willow will react to this, or just laugh as if it was a good joke. He hasn't been in Sunnydale for long and he already finds that some of the inhabitants aren't exactly what they seem. The place reeks of magic and dead-blood, as he calls it, vampires. Which brought him in the cemeteries to start with.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Ooooh.." Willow bites her lower lip. How come Buffy decided to tell this stranger her name, and furthermore what she was. "Buffy, you're sure she said that?"

Come on, Willow, she wouldn't have said what she said.. unless..

"You're not normal, are you?"

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Bigby came to the store, following Buffy's scent after their encounter in the cemetery.

Willow just asked him if he was normal.

Bigby laughs slightly at Willow's question about him being normal. A soft, low, almost rumbling laughter without any hint of agressivity or menace. Just - a funny laugh. Normal? What is normal?

"Well, you know her."

No need to be a psychic, Willow and Buffy both use to hang at the store, his nose can attest of that. Plus, there was a hint of apprenhension in Willow's voice. Dang, he's not here to intimidate her.

"Normal. Willow, don't I look normal to you?"

As he speaks, he casually leans against one of the large tables, hands in his dusk coat pockets. Totally relax and hopefully non-menacing.

Constantine has posed:
Constantine just heard the last bit of the question as he comes in. He doesn't have context or much standing, but that never stopped him before, his head wreathed in the lingering smoke fo the cigarette he just put out, before a sharp inhale draws it all into his lungs to be absorbed as if by a sponge.

"I ain't seen normal in me ol' life, far as I can tell. They told us Maggie Thatcher was normal an' good, but one look at her crustbucket snoot told me an' every soul with sense that she weren't nothin' but a foul ol' piggie and lo and behold, we was right. Bein' a freak is the only way to be worth a damn in this world," he says.

"allo, Willow, luv. Sorry I been outta touch. I does that now and again. Don't take it personal"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith always seems to come with a sound track. About 20 seconds before the bell above the door to the Magic Box opens Carrie Underwood offers a warning via his car's radio:
He's a good time cowboy Casanova
Leaning up against the record machine
He looks like a cool drink of water
But he's candy-coated misery
He's the devil in disguise
A snake with blue eyes
And he only comes out at night
Gives you feelings that you don't wanna fight
You better run for your life...
Then the radio is off and too pretty for words Thomas Raith comes in. He nods to the stranger and offers Willow that Colgate smile. "Heard from a little birdie you were working late, so figured since I was in the neighborhood picking up some stuff from Mac's I'd drop you off some dinner." It's a steak sandwhich and fries. this can be deduced by two factors. One the heavenly aroma, and two it has rendered the brown paper sack transparent enough to see it is a steak sandwhich and fries.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
He didn't really answer her question. Or maybe he did. What she didn't know was why she had announced herself to him. For all she knew, they had a fight, and he was hunting her up.. And, darnit, she'd liked him!

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Just as he was to explain his encounter with Buffy, two guys came in the store. Bigby glances at them and nods, not showing the slighest sign of fear. He's quick to assess them - including the so smelly sandwich. Even cooked meat can smell enticing! There's also a hint of dead blood around.

"Look, I met her in the cemetery," he explains, his gaze back on Willow, unafraid that the men hear him. They know Willow, most likely know all each others.

"She has a way with a battle axe, I don't tell you. I was glad not to be on the receiving end. But these vermins, man, didn't last long with the two of us."

He's not provinding a lot of details, just enough to make things clear - he's not a threat.

Constantine has posed:
Bigby gets assessed in return, from the obvious glamour to the aura of power, all of it marking him as belonging in this setting. Constantine didn't go in much for mystical dick measuring, for he'd seen a little get done with a lot, the motion of the ocean sort of thing. Of course, John had big waves and a big oar, so it suited him to be immaterial about such things, he won either way.

Raith gets a raised eyebrow, "Oi, what's that pop-country shite? Make Loretta Lynn roll around in her grave, only she ain't officially dead, but I won't speak o' what I know behind the scenes, ain't my secrets t'tell, is it? Just sayin', don't stand downwind o' her on a warm night, she's gone a little pungent. Like a soft cheese made out of meat."

He lights another cigarette, "Enough about the Coalminer's Daughter, I'll be all friendly like and introduce meself. John Constantine, continental drifter and professional fucker-up-of-evil-shite. Nice to make yers."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit, "Well it's not often you have a Grammy award winning singer write a song about you, makes you sort of a fan." He says to John, setting the bag of heart attack inducing food on the counter for Willow." The reference to Battle Axes and cemeteries raises his eyebrow. "Mind if I ask why you are looking for her?" he asks in an almost too calm tone.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Shame on you!" John is greeted with a narrow frown. "Your House misses you!" But, really, she's not really angry with him. And Thomas had brought her dinner! Except looking at it, shows most of it she won't eat. But french fries always were a treat!

Willow rolls her eyes. John introduced himself, in John's own special way. "He's our Watcher, when Giles can't make it."

As for Thomas...

"This is her boyfriend."

Bigby Wolf has posed:
"Yes,I can smell it," Bigby replies in his low voice, just as calm, at the mention of boyfriend.

Out of respect for Willow and her customers, he didn't smoke in the store. As tempting as he can be, he's still refraining from smoking.

Nodding properly at John, "I'm Bigby," he says, "And what or who exactly are you watching, Watcher?"

And then he nods at Thomas and answers his question.

"I was out huntin' for fun," he says, "Y'know, maiming and tearing apart dead people ain't a crime. And Buffy was there. We had some fun with the vermins, alas, to short an encounter. Since I know Willow, I thought to ask her if she knew her."

Constantine has posed:
Constantine takes a draw on his cigarette. It's not a matter of respect, it's just his Silk Cut are as much a part of him as his coat or the marks he's tattooed on his body. It was a focus and a wand and an element of spellcraft. Plus he was a fucking junkie and going in and out all the time made no flamin' sense.

"I ain't got no shame, Wil, you known me long enough to know that much. Still, I'll try'n call next time. Can you still make collect calls? I should get a phone. Not one of my own, someone else's. Payin' bills ain't my style," he says.

He slumps onto the counter and eyes the sandwich the way he's ogled more than a few working girls taking a spin around the pole. It was a sweaty look and far from wholesome, but it was honest, at least. "I ain't an official Watcher, I ain't good at takin' oaths, I'm just fillin' in cause they be short-handed on account of bein' a bunch of fanny-sniffin' bookworms," he sighs. "I don't die so easy, an' that kinda important if yer around the Slayer an' her associated acquaintances and/or sex toys," he says, nodding towards Raith.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs a bit, "Some folks collect stamps. Buffy hangs out in cemeteries and stakes vampires. Everyone has to have a hobby." He says casually. He gives an easy smile and turns slightly to lean agienst the counter. "I don't care who she hangs out with, I don't own her. Just be wary, I don't abide poachers. nest pas?

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Sigh. Willow slides the sandwich to John, and half her fries, but she keeps her drink. "Then you have to give me someone to write checks on." She tells Bigby, "He's supposed to watch over us. Give us some guidance.." More quietly, "Make sure I'm progressing along in magic instead of.. well, make sure I don't turn evil."

She checks with John to see if she got it right. (He never told her *what* he was concerned about her, but she was smart, and sussed it out).

Bigby Wolf has posed:
"I see," Bigby replies after hearing about the role of the Watcher, even on interim. "Willow, I have seen some of your magic and I /sense/ that you can do more, a /lot/ more. You were holding back."

He could add to this but refrains for now. Looking at Thomas for a moment, he oh so slightly smirks.

"You have nothing to worry 'bout me," he states, "I'm not into human females."

And that is an understatement. Now Willow has her partial answer, about him not being /normal/. What he is yet has to be established. Surprisingly enough, Buffy doesn't seem to have mentioned it to her friends.

Constantine has posed:
Constantine takes a bite of the sandwich, chewing thoughtfully for a moment, "Oh, lovely that. Could use a bit o' horseradish, but that's true o' most things," he says. He wipes his mouth with a napkin, "Willow's brimmin' wit' potential, yeah. Natural talent, clean channeler, clever as a box of ten clever owls. But power has a mind of its own, sometimes, an' she gotta make sure she don't let it eat her up and give her the kinda moodswings one associates with biblical plagues. You ever seen a rain o' toads? I have. It's squishy."

He cocks his head at Raith, "Wait, you don't own her, but you don't like poachers, so you're...what, her park ranger? You keepin' the rare species o' hot blonde Slayer preserved for the benefit o' tourism?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith raises an eyebrow at that reply and comments "Well Let me introduce you to my sister some time. She'd probably find you...delicious." he says with mild amusement. "He gives john a two fingered salute and says to Willow "Enjoy your lunch, but I've got to go. If I'm no there when the Club open they might burn the place down."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I would not!" Willow began to protest. However, her cheeks pinken, and she has to admit, "I guess it would be fun. Think of the squelching?"

See John? Don't ever suggest something as fun as a plague of toads.

Bigby Wolf has posed:
"I have seen a lot of magic, and magic users," Bigby comments, "And you are right, sir. The user makes the magic, good or bad. With great power there must be great control."

He pauses, lost in thoughts for a moment. This is a very special group - magician, watcher, slayer - and probably more. Buffy already saw him - although only in his mid-form.

"Willow," he starts, "For some readon I /had/ to lie to you when you thought that I'm a werewolf. I'm not." Pause. "I'm a wolf. And I'd like it to stay between us. 'Sides, who would believe you, hey."

Constantine has posed:
Constantine snorts, "O' course I'm right, I'm John Bloody Constantine. I spit in the face of the Morning Star and walked away. I once ate a crumpet out of the belly button o' the Queen o' the Fairies. She slapped me silly for it, but was worth it. Good crumpet, too."

"A wolf, huh? That can mean a lotta things, but long as we ain't mistaken for sheep, nothin' wrong with it. Keep your nose clean an' your more'n welcome. Not that it's up to me to decide, I ain't nobody's Daddy that I know of, except a few young ladies mebbe that call me that for their own peculiar reasons."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Ohhh." Willow took it in, and analyzed it, and shrugged. "Okay. Trust me, you're not the strangest thing I've ever met." But her fingers make an 'X' over her heart. Odd thing for a Jewish girl, and a pagan to boot, but she does it regardless.