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Latest revision as of 22:00, 22 November 2020

Rampant Rumours on the Rampage
Date of Scene: 20 November 2020
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Superboy, Pixie and Magick step in to stop some violence among teens in mutant town.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Superboy, Magik

Pixie has posed:
This early evening in mutant town, the streets are more rampant with crime than ever. With a sudden uprise in meta criminal activity followed by the recent capture of three of the four meta criminals who were purportedly captured and de powered by a mysterious group of white coats, the natives are getting restless, so to speak.

Which is probably why Pixie is here in her official black dress and gold trappings X-uniform, having arrived alongside Superboy and Illyana for backup. Her portal opens up in the middle of a busy park where fires are set off everywhere, people are drinking and partying and more gangs than ever are running about, smashing windows and looting all manner of goods.

There are also innocents here, specifically a group of frightened young mutant kids who came to play in the playground, waiting for their parents to come as the sun goes down, only to face a gang of punk kids who have already lit fire to half the park.

Its about time someone brought some order to the place.

Superboy has posed:
"Looks like you were right, Megs," states Conner. She called him while he was studying, but some things are more important than college grades. "It is not quite a riot, but it is coming close."

He is wearing just his black t-shirt with the red S, since he was in a hurry. "You get the girls out, okay? I'm going to talk with those punks." He glances Illyana with some curiosity. One of Megan's friends he didn't know yet? Introductions can wait, he guesses, flying down to land between the gangers and the children.

Magik has posed:
    Illyana isn't /quite/ sure why she's here. She's not especially crowd-control friendly. And the one place where she would normally try to reduce the chaos, she doesn't really try too hard. But Pixie apparently needed backup and Illyana views Pixie as... if not some kind quasi-student, at least a "next generation" version of her. And so when she was asked to join as backup, she agreed. And as they arrive through the portal, she's not quiet about her feelings about the situation, "I am still not sure why we need to do this. I am sure the situation would handle itself if we left it alone." Eyeing the situation, she raises an eyebrow at just how bad things actually appear. Maybe it /is/ better that they handle this.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns softly at Illy, shaking her head slowly, "I dunno, I think we need to intervene at this point. Crime has been steadily increasing since these rumours about a mutant 'cure' and people are getting anxious. We need to calm things down before they make things worse..Like Metaforce and those escaped criminals." Shes confronted them firsthand and doesn't need to see more mutant terrorist groups forming out of fear.

To Conner she nods, "Alright, maybe take Illyana with you? Show you what she's capable of." she smirks as she flies off to round up the scared kids who have started to scatter.

Meanwhile Conner is confronted by a small group of angry and scared mutant teens, among them, a teenaged boy with flaming hands, a neon green punk haired girl with some sort of wind power, and what appear to be a brother and sister duo with glowing white eyes whose powers are not readily apparent.

"What do you want?" demands the fire starter, glaring at Conner and Illyana, "Get outta our way or we'll have to hurt you too!"

Superboy has posed:
"I can't be hurt, so chill out," replies Conner, folding his arms over his chest. "And you were scaring those children, not to mention burning the damn park. But the park can be fixed easier than an injured kid. So wait a few minutes here and we will be gone, and you can keep destroying one of the few parks your neighbourhood has. Good plan, that."

Magik has posed:
    "We are police now?", Illyana answers Megan. But as the group of mutant teens are pointed out and then, she's offered as a solution to them, she seems at least somewhat contented. "Hmmmm... so what do we have here? Fire... Wind..." She glances to the other two who's powers that haven't been revealed yet. "Does that make you two earth and water?" And as she talks, she draws the Soulsword, the blade almost immediately bursting into magical flame. "I think I would like to start with 'fire'", she starts with a cold grimace.

Pixie has posed:
Fireboy smirks at Superboy as he approaches him, "Sure, whatever, you think we care about all that? Those kids and their parents are freaking humans! They dont belong here and as long as they are, they're gonna be causing trouble! So you'd better back off!" he doesn't look like he's in a mood to relax or calm down, and with a yell he unleashes another cone of flames towards Conner.

Wind girl smirks and nods, "What he said!" she lifts her arms skywards, summoning a powerful whirlwind to spread the flames further towards Illyana as well.

Pixie sighs and rolls her eyes at Illy, "Cmon we're superheroes, we're supposed to set an example!" and she encircles the kids, rounding them off as a few stray. "Cmon, stay close to me, I'll port you somewhere safe.." she peers around, looking for a place safe from chaos...Hmm that well lit restaurant should do..If she can keep the six kids from straying off..

Superboy has posed:
It is a good thing this time Conner left his usual leather jacket home, he can't protect it from such a broad fire wall of flames. But although his tactile telekinesis was never good against fire, his Kryptonian blood makes him pretty resistant. Instead of backing off, he steps forward and tries to grab the pyretic punk by the throat, lifting him a few inches from the floor. "Told you I can't be hurt, but if you don't stop with the light show I am going to start breaking some bones," he threatens.

Magik has posed:
    Illyana rolls her eyes a little at Pixie's remark about them being superheroes. But Megan's still young. She can continue to believe that 'superhero' isn't just a label... and maybe not the most accurate one. At least not as far as Illyana sees herself.
    And as the wind is used to draw up the flames, Illyana actually looks amused. "Oh. Wind girl wants to play with fire." A stepping disc appears beside her and another appears a short distance behind the wind girl. "Maybe we should bring some friends of mine. Friends who practically live in fire."

Pixie has posed:
Fireboy's eyes widen as Conner grabs his neck and snarls but struggles uselessly. Superboy is clearly stronger than him. "you'd better let me go if you know what's best for you!"

Windgirl is busy twirling fire around in her whirlwind to pay attention to whatever Illy is doing and doesn't notice the portal behind her.

But the two younger punks are clearly nothing to scoff at. They seem to have noticed and the step closer together, clutching each other's hands.

A moment later they're surrounded by bright light and when it clears, a massive stone golem stands in their wake, snarling as it stomps things its feet, sending a powerful shuddering quake through the park, aimed at Illy and Conner more than anyone.

Megan gasps and nearly loses her footing, scooping up a kid in each hand, bringing them to land in higher ground atop monkey bars where the rest are gathered. "Hang in there, calm down so I can focus.."

Superboy has posed:
Conner's feet leave the ground and he hovers a few inches, still holding the fire punk with a hand. He does spare a glance to Megan and Illyana, though, checking to see if they are in trouble.

Then he tosses away the guy he grabbed. Fortunately he lands on a pond of swallow water ten yards away, and not smashed against a burning tree or the pavement. He probably didn't get broken bones, just wet and muddy.

"Your pal didn't get what 'I can't get hurt' means," he says to the golem, "here hoping you are smarter. Step back, Rocky, or I am going to turn you into a pile of pebbles."

Magik has posed:
    As the golem appears, Illyana seems pleased with herself. "There is the earth", she comments, looking squarely at the rock creature. "If only you were magical..." But she doesn't waste any time from there, apparently satisfied with her correctness and ready to proceed with her plan. She takes a step into her stepping disc, appearing just behind wind girl, taking a moment to open another disc just a few steps in front of her and swinging a kick out to try and send the girl into the freshly created portal.

Pixie has posed:
Fireboy yells as he gets thrown, but it's more annoying than painful as he lands with a splash in the water. "Hey!" he yells in annoyance. Windgirl yelps as she vanishes from view, kicked through said portal. But the massive golem is still on a rampage, snarling as it pelts rocks into the sky with frightening force and speed towards Superboy.

More rocks are pelted in rapid order at Illy and its feet still shake the ground, sending tremors every which way. Fortunately Pixie has vanished by this time, having rounded up the kids and vanished with them in a portal. Now to find the worried parents..

Superboy has posed:
Conner grunts as some rocks hit him at nearly bullet speed. Okay, that did hurt a little. But he hides it well, charging at the Golem with the intention, not to smash it, but lifting it a few hundred yards up and well away from any target. Including Illyana and Megan. "By the way, how good do you swim? The Hudson is right there," he tells the golem.

Magik has posed:
    As the rock monster sends a hail of rocks at her, she produces a portal in front of herself to catch the stones and send them elsewhere. Probably to wherever she just sent Wind Girl. She's about to make a quip when Conner charges forward to engage with it up close and personally. She could wade into that fight too, but it really wouldn't make sense. If he wants to handle the monster, Illyana is content to watch. Though she does still have to figure out what to do with the girl she just sent into one of her portals. Creating another disc and stepping inside, she decides to attend to that now.

Pixie has posed:
The golem snarls and doesn't seem capable of human speech. It really is quite massive and heavy though and probably not easy, even for Superboy to lift. it doesn't answer his question, but does reach out to try and wrap its powerful rocky arms around his neck, easily matching his own strength as it attempts to completely cover his skin in liquid rock that spews out of its body.

Fireboy snarls and flies in the portal after Illy, still in the game. "Bring back wind girl, you idiot! You'd better not have hurt her!" he sends out a cone of fire after her. And while that's happening, a fourth mutant rises from the river, taking watery humanoid form as it starts to aim solid watery columns towards Superboy, before Pixie returns, sprinkling water boy in faerie dust. It's enough to momentarily stun confuse him.

Superboy has posed:
    Superboy grunts, surprised the golem is close in strength to his own. He is aware there are some really powerful mutants out there, but didn't expect to find one in a street gang. He is, however, able to keep the liquid rock off his skin using his tactile telekinesis.
    Strangling him is not going to work either; he can easily go half an hour without breathing. But it does prevent him from speaking. It does make him change plans, though. Instead of lifting the golem further high, he releases it and punches it several times, aiming to the 'face'.

Magik has posed:
    Illyana is already well inside the portal by the time Fireboy arrives and she gives him a half-turn when he arrives. "Her name is actually Wind Girl?" Not the most creative street gang ever. She shouldn't really talk though. However, once Fireboy crossed through that portal into Limbo, his chances of succeeding in his rescue took a downhill turn. With a slight gesture, the blast of fire is stopped... just a foot from her. "You should not have come here." And behind him, the portal behind the fire-wielding teen closes shut.

Pixie has posed:
The golem seems to be their strongest member and while not quite as strong as Superboy, it seems capable of taking a lot of punishment nonetheless. Still, Superboy proves the stronger, and those punches are strong enough to start crumbling its face. It snarls as it attempts to wrap its rocky arms around his waist, squeezing tightly.

"Superboy!" Megan calls out, a bit concerned, but it seems waterboy is not out of the race yet..He pulls her back with tendrils of water, attempting to strangle her.

Meanwhile, Fireboy's eyes widen as his firepower's mother longer seem to work. "What's going on? What are you? What is this place?" now he just looks scared, and even more worried as Windgirl stumbles out, looking frightened and confused. If she has a name, it's not offered. "Fireboy!" she calls out, rushing to his side, equally frightened as she flares at Magick. "What did you do to us?" angry and frightened. They weren't expecting this.

Superboy has posed:
And of course they have a four water-based member lurking around. Conner might have underestimated the gang a bit, but he is also trying to be careful not to hurt anyone. Maybe too careful. Plus now he is completely soaked in water. No fun.

The golem seems able to take all he can dish, and also strong enough to make difficult to get free. So, Conner starts punching its face and shoulders harder, and faster. "Let me go, you idiot," he glances at Pixie and his eyes widen in alarm. He grabs the stone creature wrists and pushes with his full strength, trying to force them open and perhaps break them.

Magik has posed:
    Illyana smiles at Fireboy. "This is my... home away from home. Do you like it?" Most people would probably not like it. The creepy gothic appearance of the old castle. The claw-like fixtures. But hey, the scent of brimstone might be a plus for the guy with fire powers. "And here, it is: my home, my rules." And with a thrust of her hand, she pushes at the fire to blow it back at Fireboy. She's not really as worried about trying to go easy on him as Superboy seems to be with his opponents.

Pixie has posed:
The golem is tough, but Superboy is tougher. It can only hold on so long, and it's body is starting to crumble. It snarls in pain, this time letting go completely of Superboy...Which sends it in a free fall towards Megan and waterboy. Glancing up, Megan angles herself to right into the flight path of the falling golem..But she clearly has a plan and at the last moment she teleports out of the way, leaving the golem to slam hard into Waterboy, leaving them both to crash to the ground into a crumpled heap of rock and water..

Meanwhile, Fireboy wraps his arms protectively around Windgirl, absorbing the flames as he glares back at her. "You're creepy, you're worse than the people who want to take our powers away! You should be on our side, not fighting us! Just send us back! You're not our enemy!"

Superboy has posed:
Conner is sent flying in the other direction, but he can actually fly, so he corrects the flight plan quickly. Just in tome to see Megan about to be hit by the golem. "Pixie!" He yells, trying to reach her.

And she teleports just in time.

That girl is going to make Conner have grey hairs before he is 22.

Magik has posed:
    Illyana looks genuinely surprised. "So you /are/ flameproof. Good to know." Her expression changes though. Less amused. More contemplative. "It is a good question though: what to do with you? If we send you back, you would just cause more problems. We could leave you here... though I don't really want you here either. If something eats you, I'll never hear the end of it." She produces another portal right beside her and looks at Fireboy seriously. "You should stay right where you are. If you don't, I don't think it would be safe. I'll be back soon."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn reappears somewhere near Superboy, glancing at the two Elementals as they try to disentangle themselves. Though for the most part they seem pretty beaten up from the crash and not in any shape to fight anymore. "Phew, are you okay, Conner? Where's Illy got to?" she peers around with a soft frown..

Meanwhile, Fireboy and Windgirl just cling to each other more tightly, warily eyeing Illyana and the portal she creates "What are you gonna do with us?" Windgirl asks, a but fearfully.

Superboy has posed:
Conner whews when Megan reappears, moving closer to hug her. "I am fine, just wet," he admits. "They are pretty dangerous for a street gang. Illy? Your friend? She vanished in a circle of light with two of the gangers. But I guess that is what she does, right? Another teleporter?"

Magik has posed:
    Illyana smiles at Windgirl as she starts to step through the disc. "I am going to find that out right now." She's not really sure /what/ they're doing here. "So stay where you are." And then in a loud voice she calls out, "And I do not expect either of them to be eaten by anyone before I come back!" There are plenty of demons that could be within earshot. She's just clarifying for their benefit that these 2 are expected to be kept safe. For now. And within a moment, she's stepping back into the Earth dimension, looking around to assess the situation with the rest of the gang.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles softly up at Superboy, returning the hug, "Hope you weren't too worry, Yknow I don't look like much, but I can take care of myself." she smiles sweetly. Yeahh..She's a real trouble magnet. But Illy has her worried and she sighs, glancing around and nodding, "Teleporter, sorceress and wielder of a soul sword that makes my dagger look like a joke, among other things..But now I'm worried. If she pulled those kids into limbo, I just hope she doesn't harm them.."

Because Megan still doesn't trust them. Fortunately Megan does have her communicator on her and she taps it now, hopefully Illy didn't turn hers off. "Illy? Where are you?"

Superboy has posed:
Conner looks around. No sign of the missing gangers or the blonde woman. "Maybe they deserve some harm; they were going to attack children," comments Conner. "I tried to go easy on them, but they were tossing deadly attacks from the beginning. What happened with the rest of the rioting people?"

Magik has posed:
    Illyana's portal didn't take her far from where they were fighting previously. So when Pixie reaches out to her by the communicator, she almost looks visibly bothered. Like someone calling on the phone from a room away. "I am right here", she calls out as she reapproaches the scene. "I came back because I want to know what you planned to do with them." This is a social issue that really doesn't happen in Limbo. And Illyana is glad for that.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is relieved to see Illy reappear, the she can guess where she sent those poor kids. And she frowns softly. "Let them go, they're just scared kids. If you ported them to limbo, they're probably scared silly by now." she sighs, scanning the crowds below, the mob seems to have mostly dispersed by now, and the scared human kids have been reunited with their parents.

The park is a mess now, but hey, that's hardly new in this war torn town. "I think maybe we need to make a more visible presence in Mutant Town from now on. If they see that there's nothing to be afraid if, I'm sure they will relax if only a bit. Maybe I can talk to Andrea too, convince her to try for another show in the park.."

Superboy has posed:
Conner frowns, "you sure? They might be young, but I think if we had not been here they would have killed those children. Or at least injured several of them." He will follow Megan's lead in this matter, as it is a mutant issue, but... "they weren't playing, they tried to kill me. And you two."

Magik has posed:
    Illyana raises an eyebrow. "So you just let them go? With no consequences?" She adds after a moment, "At least one of them was scared." She shakes her head. "Do the police want them?" She frowns and and she's questioning whether she should've come along on this little trip in the first place. "Otherwise, what is to stop them from doing this tomorrow?" She looks at Pixie sternly, possibly even judgingly.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shakes her head, "Not just let them go, but you certainly can't leave em in limbo..Where the demons will eventually kill them." she frowns as she tries to think, "I suppose the proper thing would be to turn them over to the police, just hope they're more effective than the rumours I've heard. We should Tie em up, call the police and let them deal with it." Megan sighs as she considers, "But then, these feelings of fear and anger will continue to linger in a lot of people here, until we can get to the root of the situation.."

Superboy has posed:
Conner nods, then sighs. Mutants jailed usually have short lives. But Those five gangers might try to attack someone else the next day. And their choice of targets is pretty nasty. "Police makes more sense. Sorry, Megs. And uh... nice to meet you, Illyana." He smiles to the blonde and goes to unentangle the rocky siblings from the water guy.

Magik has posed:
    Now Illyana has the chance to look indignant. "You said that you wanted to let them go. But they are fine... for the moment. And if we have nowhere to bring them, everyone is safer with them in Limbo. But if you want them back, I can be right back." And she opens yet another stepping disc to travel back to Limbo. As an afterthought, she also adds to Superboy with a polite nod, "Yes, it was nice to meet you too." And with that, she's on her way back to Limbo to get her prisoners.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shakes her head, frowning a bit. But it's just typical fur them to clash heads like this. "Let em go from limbo that is. I'm sure they'll put them in a juvenile rehabilitation program or something, I'm sure it'll be fine." and as Superboy deals with two of the kids and Illy ports off to grab the others, Megan is already on the phone, calling the police. They did a good job today, but hopefully this isn't going to be a repeating pattern in mutant town..