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Latest revision as of 22:23, 27 November 2020

Uncaged Canary
Date of Scene: 26 November 2020
Location: Coffee Shop, Mercutio's - Gotham
Synopsis: Dinah meets Willow. Mini JL meetup in a coffee shop...and cookies are promised to be made. Happy canary.
Cast of Characters: Black Canary, Willow Rosenberg

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake's totally not being responsible. Admittedly it's sneaking food into the cafe, and words of encouragement from her fellow Bird of Prey, and oh yeah, the whole tired of being a lead singer for the moment thing, but she's all yeah no, I'm gonna be myself.

Which is why she's hunting for a seat right now, she has though bought coffee and seems relaxed and at ease with things, mostly since she's not dealing with trouble right now, and just found her spot in Gotham. See, she's dressed casual, jeans, t-shirt, her usual boots and hair and gloves, and she's got a book with her...on flowers. Even when she's not in Starling...she's still keeping up with plants. So book under her arm, coffee in hand, and chair hunting, that' what Dinah Drake's up to. She's not hard to miss really, and moving like she's got a reason behind wanting that chair.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow finally had the afternoon all to herself! A sandwich, a cup of coffee, a danish, and a book (New Age Theorem for New Age Mathematicians). She's just settling down when she frowns..

Who *is* that over by the cash register?

She's really not secretive about her nosiness.. where did she know her from?

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah's used to nosey people. She looks over and sets the coffee down, waving her free hand and waving Willow over.

"Hey hey" she grins, "C'mon over, I'm brushing up on my flower knowledge again. Beats my other job" she nods and slides out a chair settling into it with a pleased sigh. No trouble, got time to herself. Record company can shove it, too.

And...and...she's in a fantastic coffee shop!

Willow Rosenberg has posed:

Dinah waves her over, and blushing, Willow decides to go. Taking her coffee, and other things, she approaches. "You look sorta familiar? But I can't place it." After all, what could she say: are you a superhero?

Sitting down she introduces herself, "I'm Willow by the way."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah looks amused, "You into flowers? I run a florist shop up in Starling and I sing in a band" she offers. That's a hint to who she is.

"Flowers, music. Odd mix but hey it works. What about you? I'm Dinah, by the way" she offers and extendss a hand with a grin.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow takes her hands and shakes it.

"Nope.. Although I have been to Starling. Though what are you doing so far from home? In Gotham!" Then something clicks! "You said music.. a friend of mine plays in a band. Dingoes Ate My Baby." She giggles. "It's not as simple as you think."

Black Canary has posed:
"You know those guys?" Dinah asks, an eyebrow rising. "Okay, they are...how do I put this, they are an interesting bunch. I'm the lead for Ashes on Sunday. DD" she nods and looks pleased. "As for why I'm so far from home? We put out a new single, we're promoting it. I could give you a signed copy if you like?" she asks. Yeah, so much for coffee, Dinah's gone full on hey, let me give you this cool shiny thing mode.

"What about you?" Dinah asks, eyes glinting as she nods, "Yeah, Dingoes are doing their thing, we're doing ours, we know of one another but we're not that close, you know?" Dinaah says with a laugh as she sips coffee and looks pleased.

"So you in the music biz, Willow?" Dinah asks curiously.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow laughs. "Do I look like I play music? No. I'm still deciding what to do with my majors in University." But she'd like to have the single. "Could you make it out to Buffy? Spells just as it seems. She'd be thrilled I'm certain."

"I do somd stuff for the Scoobies, and occasionally another group when they need my expertise. Which is more often than you might think!" A pause, and she continues, "I sort of do magic."

Now she waits for the 'you're crazy, right?'.

Black Canary has posed:
"Magic, as in....actual magic or the things you see on stage?" Dinah asks with a curious look, eyes wide with curiosity. Oh please let it be real!

"Sure, I can sign the single. Buffy, huh?" Dinah asks. Oh what she's not saying is she already knows of a Buffy, thanks Birds keeping tabs on the Slayer. "Alright, you got a pen?" Dinah asks with a nod. "You help people out? See, noble. I'm the same way helping people out" Dinah nods and sips her coffee with an easy, relaxed look. "University huh? Not been there, school was....sorta not my thing. But, life taught me things, here I am, nearly thirty, in a band, and keep up with martial arts and protect my bit of the world"

That's a subtle way of saying hey, psst, I'm really a superhero but I won't say it out loud.

"Don't rush thinking about your life Willloww, which is a pretty name by the way" Dinah adds, coffee on the table, and single signed she slides it to Willow with a nod, "So what would you suggest I have in here?" she asks. Only fair she puts Willow on the spot as tour guide given Cap did the same to her earlier on. So she's just passing it on, though really, Dinah's taking in the coffee shop and liking the atmosphere of the place.

"Scoobies? Like...dog trainers or something?" Dinah asks quietly. "I mean, dog training is noble and highly in demand really"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I know." Willow shakes her head. "I really do magic. Not the stage kind. Though that's really neat. No, I'm the real deal. But usually I'm really under utilized most of the time." She shrugs. "Most of the time my second group seems to find my abilities are important.."

She just said, in a roundabout was that she was a superhero.. right?

"The Scoobies are a bunch of people with skills to defend against supernatural things. The other group, I'm really on the sidelines, after all, Superman doesn't have the same enemies! But occasionally they need me."


Black Canary has posed:
Dinah beams and looks pleased, "See, you're not crazy. Given all the wierd stuff that' round the area you're not crazy. You said Superman huh? Yeah I know a few of the folks who help him out. Good people" Dinah nods keenly, coffee forgotten. "Wait a minute. Willow who helps out Superman? Willow. Willlow Rosenberg?" Dinah asks with a grin. "I know about you!" she nods, careful not to get too excited and, literally, bring the house, or, coffee shop, down on them. That'd be bad. That'd be majjorly bad. Dinah doesn't want to be on the hook for property destruction and accidentally offing g anyone.

"So now I know who you are, I'm sorry for not figuring it out sooner" Dinah nods, "Dinah, you may know who I really am" she says quickly.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Dinah made her think.. If she knew Willow.. what a minute, she hadn't met her, but.. "Black Canary?" She beams. "You're one of the members, who lives in.. oh boy. Starling." To which she giggles. "Really we should have a secret decoder ring to flash at people so we would be informed. Yes, I helped save him on Acropolis."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah grins and lifts her hand for a high five, "Yeah that's me. Hi!" she says brightly, "I'd go skreeeee and all that, but....I don't like taking out walls without a good reason. Hey I'm glad Superman was saved" she nods keenly. "I'm staying right now in the clocktower though, so you may spy more of me if you keep an eye out, Decoder ring, secret JL handshake...yeah we need to work on that, don't we?" she giggles.

"I'd demonstrate secret handshakes but then it wouldn't be secret, would it? Though I do like decoder rings. You're on to something good here Willow" Dinah says. No sarcasm, sincerity. Dinah fully agrees some sort of ID would be good.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Imagine if they put it on our driver license?" Yes, Willow is joking. "You're staying there? Well, if you would like some chocolate chips cookies, I can bring you some."

No, she doesn't know who lives there.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah was about to sip her coffee and turns her head so she's not spraying Willow with coffee. "Hey, Hey, I won't ever turn down free cookies. What's the catch, you want help with homework or martial arts training?" Dinah nods. Oh, she's serious on that last one. Believe it or not...Dinah, well..

She has a mindset that hey, people should be able to defend themselves. She did run a dojo way back when.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
*blink blink*

"There's no catch. Just I like to make them. That's all." But she has hit upon something.. "Do you think somebody like me could do martial arts? I mean, I just thought I couldn't. You know.."

And she wiggles her fingers about to demonstrate what she means as to why she thought she couldn't.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah grins, "Well, you won't know till you try" she points out. "See, but...if you can do magic, real magic, you don't need to kick people if you can, I dunno, what's a good magic, zap them with lightning or blow them off the top of a building?" Dinah wonders aloud. "Though it's a good thing if your magic fails you to just punch somebody in the face" Dinah adds with a grin, raising her coffee to salute Willow.

"So I can help teach you martial arts, yeah, and you bring the clocktower cookies. I'll just tell people there's a kind soul leaving cookies out for people but only worthy people?" Dinah smirks. "Not trying to have everyone beat down your door demanding cookies or anything"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh," Willow shakes her head. "I just don't have time to make everybody cookies! Trust me. But for you, I'll make an exception. Maybe on the weekend? No classes."

She grins, even though her weekends were chock full of other things.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah smirks, "Alright then. Deal" she grins looking from Willow to coffee. "Though I need to get going back to the clocktower and check in onn a certain someone" Dinah smiles, looking somewhere between amused....and worried, though she scribbles out a set of digits on a napkin and heads for the door. "You need any martial arts things, call" Dinah nods keenly with a grin.