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Be thankful for the quiet times
Date of Scene: 26 November 2020
Location: Barbara Gordon's Apartment, Clocktower
Synopsis: Dinah visits Barbara at the Clocktower for a Thanksgiving lunch
Cast of Characters: Oracle, Black Canary

Oracle has posed:
Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that makes it clear when someone does not have family. When everyone else is going "home" to enjoy the time with their families, those with very small - or no - families are the ones who tend to slip through the cracks. Unless their friends make certain to look out for them, of course.

Nearly lunch time, Barbara wass active in the kitchen of her Clocktower apartment, getting a lunch time meal ready. It wasn't a whole turkey but it had the needed components, she thought to herself. Tapping her ear comm, she talked to Dinah and Zinda as she worked, "Almost ready, ladies. Don't you dare be late and stand me up on Thanksgiving!" It was a teasing threat but one she could deliver consequences over if they failed to arrive.

Black Canary has posed:
The tour's continuing, post band lecture. Ashes on Sunday are working on an album. Which means touring to promote it. Which means....yeah no. Two tour dates, two bouts of trouble. Admittedly the last one was more meeting Captain America in a cafe. And having to deal with band shenanigans, too. This time. This time...she's left them in another hotel, with packs of cards and strict instructions to behave...or else.
Something, something, replacing guitar strings with shoelaces, something something. Dinah is not best pleased with her band. She gets it. They don't wanna be touring right now. If it was up to her, she'd be in the clocktower apartment not having to deal with tour schedules, and all that fun stuff.

Either way, she's here, sporting the required band attire. Jacket. Check. Jeans? yeah. Her usual boots? Oh yeah, gloves? Yeah, and hair done up like she's going to a photoshoot? that, too.

And she's brought enough in the way of snacks to last months. No way she's not crashing around the Clocktower no matter what anyone says. It...doesn't help she's a fellow Bird of Prey, too...and she currently has the whole I am Canadian, we had ours earlier in the year thing in her pocket.

Admittedly. She's not brought Canadian leftovers. Nah. She's brought the essentials since Babs mentioned Thanksgiving. It just....happens to coincide with a tour.

"Yeah yeah. If I have my way I'll bring you Ashes from Sunday branded turkeys and plates" Dinah mutters, knocking on the apartment door. "You think my band will behave? I left them with food and playing cards and hotel TV channels"

Which on second glance...may not be smart, Dinah. At least this time, they are chilled out. Dinah's got that nervous energy...hence knocking on the door like she's trying to drill her way through it

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon finishes setting out some snacks then rolls her eyes, "Sorry. That kind of turkey is too stringy and tough for my tastes." She walks to the door and opens it, "You act like you don't practically live here when you're in town. Since when do you ever need to knock to come in?" Shaking her head she moves back to the stove. "Lunch is almost ready. Just a few more minutes. And one Lady Blackhawk. Though she might be delayed. Some air traffic congestion affecting approaches to Gotham International today."

Black Canary has posed:
"why not just zeta beam?" Dinah asks and grins, "Of course I pretty much live here, come on. How could I not?" she adds. "And I wanted to see how quickly you'd react if I started banging on the door. Got my answer, and left the band branded turkeys where they should be. Which...is a win all things considered" Dinah scoffs and looks pleased, stepping on in. "Zinda's coming here? Excellent, we can relax and watch the city, the three of us huh? See, I didn't bring anything for her though. Think I should run out and get something for her to drink?"

Which is thoughtful and kind really. Birds stick together, all that.

"Lunch" Dinah says and throws her Ashes on Sunday jacket over in a corner...because no, she's not wearing that thing while here. "Is good right about now. What're you cooking for us? Birdseed?" she nods, quick witted. "I mean...not that I'd eat it but"

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon snerks. "You know how Batman feels about people using that kind of tech in 'his' city" she says dryly. "I knew where you were the whole time. Oracle sees all!" she says with a playful grin. She shakes her head, "I am pretty sure our Z will be happy having you here, Dinah. Plus.. she's got her own stash here. She knows it's safe in my hands."

"We're doing Thanksgiving Monte Cristos." Thick hand cut slices of roast turkey and ham. Cranberry relish. Cheddar and swiss cheese slices. All stacked between hearty home style sourdough bread made into french toast and the whole assembly dusted zealously with powdered sugar.

Black Canary has posed:
"Yeah yeah" Dinah says rolling her eyes. "Gotta bow down to the Bat, right?" she smirks. "Well I just threw myself off of the Wayne family Christmas card list. Was I ever on it to start with?" she asks with a nod, listening keenly.

"Now that's how to do a feast. And to think. Ashes on Sunday get stuck in a hotel room, while I'm here enjoying this. Think I could sneak some out for them?" she nods keenly...still muttering about why not just zeta beam to the airport...though really, Babs is right. Bats would get his cape in a twist about it. Dinah would pay to see that one.

"Hey, I need to take lessons from Z, gotta hide drinks better. So if you know where I am, you know aboutt A&B Records and that whole tour and my feelings on it, to then? I'm kinda feeling bad about dragging Ditto along for the tour. Can't tell them hey, go back home can i?" she wonders aloud, shaking her head.""They're like family to me, You are as well, this place" she gestures around, "Home, much as my loft is"

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon grins at the jokes at Batman's expense. But it isn't really wrong. She shrugs, "I think her secret is something about having a friend and teammate who doesn't drink often and remembers where all the hiding places are."

A grin, "I'm glad you like the idea! Hope it tastes good, too. Just seemed wasteful to do a whole turkey and the fixings for a few of us. But this hopefully hits all the right points of a Thanksgiving dinner. And yes! we'll send you back to your bandmates with a care package. There is plenty left."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah grins more, "Hey, I like it. You are too good at times Babs, you know that?" she asks with a nod.

"See if it was up to me, takeout. I'm not creative like that, really. Now if we're talking flowers. I got you beat" Dinah smirks. True, she does. Florist and all that. Not that she's telling her bandmates about Babs. The last thing they need is to be fans of Commissioner Gordon'n's kid. Or, Dinah's roomate in Gotham, true

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon smiles. "You can never be too good.. but thanks, Dinah." She munches on her sandwich and then laughs. "You're creative. But yeah... takeout is your speed" she agrees. "I know who to talk to about flowers I can't kill in five minutes." A thumb jerks toward the blonde, "and I'm not about to try and start up a band, for that matter. You got those fields on lock."

Black Canary has posed:
"Noted" Dinah grins moving to hug Babs. "Nah you can't be too good, really. And damn right I got those on lock. You want to do the online things, go for it. That's your forte" Dinah smirks looking pleased.

See. Oracle is the tech genius. Maybe though, Maybe Dinah ought to convince her to turn her hand to producingg songs...nah, that's just being silly now.

"You dare try killing my flowers, and I will not be happy" Dinah points out, though her humor's still there.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon hugs back and nods in agreement. "I own the Interwebs, yes." A grin. "I don't try to kill flowers. Or any plants. I just.. do"she says helplessly. "They don't speak binary and they don't have 64 bit processors. So. Mystery." She shrugs. "But it's a deal. You care for the plants and making the platinum hit albums. I'll stick to digging up the dirty secrets of the bad guys so we can shut 'em down."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah tsks, "Deal" she says simply, with a knowing look.

"See" Dinah says. "Computers are...I don't know. I'm not a tech head honestly, but..."

Dinah waves a hand, "I got my strengths, ya know? I'm better at punching people and having my canary cry, see, I...don't think it'd work well with the clock tower" she admits, looking a bit sheepish.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon laughs. "It just takes time and determination to learn. Not that it would be easy. But you didn't get to be one of the most deadly martial artists in the world by just deciding one day it was so." She munches more. "But sure. I'll keep the computers from talking to you unless there is no other alternative."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah looks entirely too amused at the mental idea off Orac dumpster diving. Which hey, Dinah's trying not to giggle at. Mostly since Dinah just finds the idea of Oracle dumpster diving too funny. Still though she munches away and nods.

"Yeah my band will probably demand regular cooking from you, justt saying" Dinah nods keenly and stretches out, yes, she's pretty much at home here in the apartment. Guitar goes there, jacket there....and not over anything too vital. Hopefully Babs is a fan of impromptu guitar playing orr singing.