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Rooftop Musings at Night.
Date of Scene: 22 November 2020
Location: Selina Kyle's Apartment, South Hinkley
Synopsis: Catwoman and Spike consider new alliances while enjoying a night on the rooftop.
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Spike

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman is out on the rooftop of her apartment, which features a nice little courtyard and garden, a rare appearance in gloomy Gotham. She's still in costume, this time, her shiny patent leather patched costume, with a blonde wavy wig, just for fun. Hey, she needs to keep people on their toes right? It's a clear night and a full moon, a beautiful scene from up here.

Spike has posed:
Spike comes and goes pretty steadily now, but he always finds his way home. When he first arrives at the apartment he pauses and looks around. It might make some uncomfortable, but he tests the scent in the air and follows it towards the roof. Better than any blood hound.

Climbing up to the roof, Spike pauses to light a cigarette and then steps onto the roof. He smirks a little and comments,"Normally I'd say blonde is my color love, but you make it work really well." Glancing around once, he starts to cross to where she is at.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman chuckles as she spins around to face him, stepping towards him, "Spike! You like?" she grins and gives a little twirl, before reaching up to give him a peck on the lips, "I never thought to take you up here before, it's quite a peaceful place, don't you think?"

Spike has posed:
He smirks a little and moves the cigarette away from her as she moves in to kiss him. He winks and nods,"I like." he replies as he plays with the wig lightly. He looks around the roof again and adds,"I like the roof too. Very peaceful."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman nods slowly and sighs tiredly, "Yeah, it's pretty peaceful here, especially in the winter, at night. I like to come here to think...I've been thinking a lot lately, maybe forming a group of like minded individuals..A kind of thieves guild." she smiles, "Some old friends of mine showed up the other day, I'd like you to meet em, what do you say?"

Spike has posed:
He takes a drag from the cigarette and exhales thoughtfully,"I'll leave the thinking to you love. A thieves guild does sound interesting though. Everybody coming up with heists and applying their own talents to each grab. The tricky part would be keeping everybody playing nice if they don't like their cut."

The mention of meeting her friends gets a raise of his brow,"You sure you want to show the crazy vampire to your more respectable sorts?" he teases her lightly,"I can go with you. It's always interesting to see how new people take to me. Amusement is worth a lot to me."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman shrugs and smiles, "Well. To be honest, Poison Ivy and Harley and I have been friends for a long time. But I can understand your apprehension. Afterall, they've often been wary of me and my..Obsession. With the Bat." there she said it. It's still there. Her obsession with Batman. She glances curiously towards Spike, not sure how he feels about that.

"But on the other hand, it seems that CatLady and her cohorts are growing stronger, and we need all the help we can get.."

Spike has posed:
"Old friends can be good to have." he replies easy enough. If he's bothered by her Batman obsession he doesn't indicate it,"We all have our hangups we'll never be able to get over." he assures her,"Remind me sometime and I'll tell you about mine." He takes another drag and considers the names and the idea of allies against the Cat pretender,"The more you stack the deck, the better the chance we take her down permanent. It would be good to have allies that can hit the bad guys too."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman chuckles and shrugs, "Well I know you had a falling out with the Scoobies, with a particular blonde bombshell from what I've heard..I'm still curious to see this girl that you obsessed over." she shrugs aspen smiles, apparently more curious than anything.

"Im sure you've heard of Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn, at least if you've lived in Gotham long enough.." they are hardly anything to scoff at of course. "How about Black Cat and Gambit? They could be useful allies as well.."

Spike has posed:
"The nasty blonde." he agrees and slips an arm around her waist,"Getting used to this one though." he teases and finally shrugs,"I could show you a picture if you really wanted. I don't have one with me, but you get the idea."

He considers the names and nods slowly,"I think I saw something in the paper about a crazy sort that ran with the Joker. Harley Quinn sounds right. Poison Ivy I have heard by name, but I don't know anything about either of them." He pauses and frowns again,"Black Cat sounds like another copyright infringement. I don't know of her or Gambit that I can think of. Any good allies that can help us get more money."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman smirks a bit at that, pulling off her mask and the blonde wig with it. "Hmm, I always thought blondes were dumber, anyway." she purrs as she draws closer, tracing his lips wuth her fingers, "But I think I understand what you went through. I always felt like I had to behave around Batman, be the good girl..Bit I haven't seen him around for a while so maybe this kitty can be a bit more naughty, without having to watch her back?" she grins and winks, that impish twinkle never leaving her eyes.

As for talk of potential allies, she shrugs, "Harley can be a bit off her rocker, and yeah she's pretty obsessed with the Joker, but she's been a good friend too. Ivy is a powerful plant empath of sorts. Also a bit mentally unstable although she's also been a good friend to me. I trust them.."

As for Black cat, she chuckles, "Sexy, sneaky cat burglar who knows how to catch people off guard..Sound familiar?" anither impish smile, "As for Gambit, he helped us in fending off CatLady and her minions in that warehouse the other day..Remember?" he was kinda flirting with Catwoman, but Selena carefully skirts around that part.

Spike has posed:
"Not fair to assume about blones. I mean I can think of a smart..." he pauses and considers,"...I mean there was..." he pauses again and shakes his head,"...no. I guess I can't." he finally admits.

"As it comes to Batman or Buffy, we all have our blind spots and we need to have things that take them out of the picture." He kisses the finger that traces over his lips. A smirk at the description of the two women and he admits,"I've had my share of crazy past associates."

He smirks a little more and he adds,"A sexy, sneaky catburglar. I think that would be fun. Maybe I should get one." A moment of consideration, reflecting on the days past and finally nods,"The Cajun one. I remember. Reminds me of a bloke I used to know. Seemed a solid hand in a fight too."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman chuckles and shakes her head, gently running her fingers through his blond hair, drawing her lips closer to his, almost teasingly so. "I do t mean you, silly! I mean blonde girls. It's a real thing, you know? Take Harley, love her to death, but she's still crazy and not terribly smart." okay, that might have been a low blow but shush!^p

She just nods slowly in regards to Buffy and Batman, "Yes, we should really focus less on them and more on ourselves. But I think a thieves guild could work. Oh sure, we'd have to make sure everyone gets their cut, but heck, we don't have to call them in on every job, just the bigger ones that require extra muscle..Like with CatLady and her minions. I'm worried, she's had time to capture more people to infect with her curse.."

Spike has posed:
He flicks the cigarette over the edge of the building and lets her pull him closer to her,"Blonde girls are crazy." he teases,"As for the shush. I know nothing. Just ask me. I'll tell you."

He watches her eyes for a long time and adds,"I'll forget mine, you forget yours, and we'll make new memories." The thoughts of a thieves guild does at least distract him a little from the beauty so close,"The CatLady does need to get taken off the board through whatever means necessary. Sharing the cut doesn't bother me much. I mean the bigger the score the bigger the cut."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman chuckles and nods, "Right? And that whole garbage about blondes having more fun? I beg to differ! But you know.." she sighs softly, closing her eyes as she wraps her arms around the back of his neck, fingers still combing through his hair, "Sorry, I keep bring up the past like that, don't I? gotta say, I think we both got the better end of the deal here, hmm?"

Her eyebrows wriggle playfully at him as she ponders, "Alright, Soo..We need to find crazy CatLady right? I think Gambit put a tracker on him, but I dunno how long it'll take her to find it. Soo, we need to find Gambit and see what he knows. Plus I wouldn't want him to grab all the loot if he finds her first.."

Spike has posed:
"Forget the past, doomed for repeat it." Spike offers and slips his hands and arms around her waist,"As for blondes having more fun. Depends on the blonde. Finding you to be far more entertaining than any blonde I never knew."

"Crazy Catlady needs to drop yes. I might be able to track Gambit by his scent, but I wasn't ever that close to him. I'm not sure I have it. Do you know anything else about him. Aside from dashing thief? He has some sort of abilties that are not normal obviously."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman smiles, "Not sure, but I can find out I suppose. I did give him my business card, told him to call me if he has a lead on CatLady.. " she sighs, resting her head against his chest, closing her eyes briefly. She seems tired, it's been a long day.

"Hmm...Gambit. Isn't he some sort of mutant superhero associated with the Xmen? I'll do more research on him. But in the meantime..Let's enjoy the scenery, at least we have some calm before the next storm?"

Spike has posed:
"That business card gets attention." he tells her playfully and sways a little as she leans against him. He understands the need for the quiet after a long day. The name connected to the X-Men gets a slight nod,"Now that you mention it, that sounds familiar. One of the mutant heroes. Not terribly heroic. Well. He is and he isn't I guess. He's likeable though. That's saying something. I wonder if that is a power too."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman smiles and nods, "He seems to be in it for more personal reasons, seemed more interested in the loot than capturing criminals..Which seems right up our alley." she grins, gently caressing his cheek with one hand as she peers intently into his eyes, "And honestly, isn't that the one reason why any of those other people would help us? for the loot?" Catwoman shrugs, "Mind you, I am a bit concerned about those hostages of hers, but as long as everyone's attention is on the loot we do t have worry about them double crossing us, I'd think."

Spike has posed:
     "Pretty much the primary reason for me too." Spike agrees,"The money. I mean my sexy partner in crime might take first place sometimes too, but yes. In it for the money." he teases her lightly. His lips press against hers lightly and then he adds,"The hostage thing bothers me. Normally I wouldn't be bothered, but some of you human sorts are causing me to have this disease called a conscience. It seems like we're going to need someone to concentrate on just that at least dealing with her."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman sighs, "Yes, I suppose money is a great motivator, isn't it?" she shouldn't be bothered, but somehow she is. That second part however, causes her to smirk, "Nice to know money isn't your only motivator. And really, is a conscience such a terrible thing? You think I'd be attracted to you if you were nothing more than a breathless thug?" she shrugs, "I wonder if I have the Slayer to blame for that conscience bit?" Catwoman doesn't regret it though, she might not have liked the former Spike from what she's heard.

Spike has posed:
He laughs and twirls her around in a circle like an easy dance,"Money is good." he agrees. Considering what she says he adds,"Conscience has a place sure. I would be missing out on an amazing woman without it. As for who caused it..." he pauses and goes on,"...I suppose Slayer had some to do with it. Her little sister maybe more to it. I usually caught myself worrying about what Dawn might see or do. She wanted to hear all the bad, but nobody should hear all of that."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman laughs, grabbing onto him as he twirls her. "Little sister huh? Didn't know you had a soft spot for protecting little girls!" she chuckles, "Although whatever the case, I'm glad that those two girls had such a profound effect on you..I hope I can be a good influence in your life too...Even if you do eventually get that chip removed.." she seems a bit worried about that, actually.

Spike has posed:
"Dawn is...something." he admits and considers,"She is a teenager, but she sees things the grown up miss despite her age. She also has a little trouble with the sticky hands. She's a cat burglar in training." It's easy to understand why people are concerned about the chip though,"You've been a good influence on me sure. You remind me how to play in the grey without getting swallowed by the dark."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman hmms, "Dawn sounds like a smart girl, maybe someday I'll take her under my wing..Nit that I'm 'the best influence on anyone really.." she shrugs, "To be honest, I'm not exactly proud of turning to a life of crime..But it became a necessity for me, and not a luxury."

She chuckles a bit at the flattery though, "Well I'm glad I could be of help. I'm sure even without the chip you would still keep your conscience, right? It seems you've changed too far to go back.."

Spike has posed:
"Dawn would love that. The sister that can pick up the rear end of a car or shatter concerete with her fist and the only person to commit an ass beating on yours truly in a long time...not so much." Spike comments to her taking Dawn under her wing. He doesn't dwell on that and instead he asks her quite seriously,"Are you going to be afraid of me if I get the chip gone? In my early years that would have been appealing, but I don't know about that now. I've changed yes, but hesitation is understandable."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman laughs rather nervously, "Really...ThisSlayer is that strong? Guess I'm bound to get on her bad side sooner or later so probably best if I stay out of her hair..And keep my distance from her sister too. She's bound to be over protective of her from the sounds of it.."

She does seem troubled by the idea of Spike being free of his chip and she reaches out to clutch his hands, staring down at them in silence for a few moments, "I suppose I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me..And even if you say you're still you no matter what, I know you were different before you had that chip, so.." she gives a shaky sighs, "But even so, I firmly believe that all creatures should be free, even vampires. Heh, maybe that's twisted of me but.."

Spike has posed:
"The Slayer is born and empowered to fight vampires and demons." he replies,"They are stronger than a vampire and most demons as well. They are also bound with each prior Slayer's experiences. They don't live as long as a vampire, but they have experiences older than me by a long shot."

     He nods when she talks about the concerns,"I get it love. I do. If you want I can find someplace else to stay once the chip is removed. There are spells that can remove your invitation too. Willow knows it only too well." he assures her,"Believe me. If you knew half the stories they did you'd probaby kick me back to Bludhaven in a heart beat."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman frowns and shakes her head, reaching up to cup his face in her hands, "No..No, it's alright. I don't want you to go.." she sighs, "Call me crazy but..I believe in you, I know you'll somehow find the strength to overpower those demonic urging. Even without that chip..Right? "

Maybe she's a fool for falling for a vampire, but.."Let's just see how things go, okay? If I mean enough to you, then I'm sure you won't try to hurt me.." it's a bit crazy, but..

Spike has posed:
     He enjoys the closeness and the touch she offers. He takes a breath, not like he needs it, and closes his eyes for a moment. When he opens them again he studies hers for a long moment,"Let's see how things go yes. I enjoy having you nearby. That goes deeper than a lot of things. I've gotten used to having you at my side at night and waking up to you. To become like me would destroy that to say nothing for hurting or killing you."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman nods, smiling softly at him, "Yeah, I would definitely miss that, waking up in fear wouldn't be much fun but..." she shrugs, "I dunno. I understand wanting your freedom, but what is it you *really* want to accomplish by removing the chip?"