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Latest revision as of 14:17, 8 December 2020

Co-operative Play
Date of Scene: 06 December 2020
Location: Midtown, Manhattan
Synopsis: Hunni and Drake meet, swapping information about metahumans rather than game metas.
Cast of Characters: Hunori Seong, Slipstream

Hunori Seong has posed:
It wasn't that long ago for Seong Hunori that the closest thing she's ever thought she'd have to deal with when it came to alien attackers was a classic 'Zerg Rush' being thrown her way. Now, in the space of a short month she'd encountered everything from raiders to big foul-mouthed bounty hunters on flying motorcycles straight out of some Death Metal cover. It was...strange to say the least. About as strange as becoming a super-powered being herself, and the whole 'powers thing' didn't exactly come with a tutorial for the young woman. She'd mostly done fine, buuuut there was a completely trashed street or two that reminded her she still needed to work on control.

Of course, the question of who to ask for advice came back with rather limited answers most of the time...right up until her scrolling of social media had come back with an image of a familier face among the Avengers. Huh. How had she not known that one?

A few moments of lip-biting consideration later and she'd sent a message asking Drake to meet. Assuming he remembered her, what was the worst that could happen?

Slipstream has posed:
It's rare that Drake even gets a day off, between his time with the Legion and his part-time gig with the Avengers. Now that he is back on Earth for hopefully the forseeable future, he started fishing through his messages to catch up. Most of them was from his old teammates who keep tabs on him, sponsors, Tony asking him where his Door Dash delivery is at. That may as well be his new alias. Door Dash.

As he blurs into sight from a quick funnel of speed, he looks around for the familiar face from his old gaming days. Truth be told, he was a huge fan of hers in the Korean circuit. Girl gamers at that high level of skill gets easily noticed and remembered when playing on the ladders.

Kicking back against a wall with one foot behind him, he taps away at his phone with his thumbs to let her know that he's arrived.

Hunori Seong has posed:
The dashing and rushing lights were actually something Hunori didn't spot at first...mostly because she'd been anxiously looking at her phone for almost the entire time. Technically the season was over, as far as her family and teammates back home knew she was on holiday in the US after having found Paris 'less fun' than she'd planned, but just because she'd so-far managed to keep her secret didn't mean it didn't have her anxious as hell.

When the bright and chirpy notification sound rings out on her equally bright cased phone, the Korean youth exhales a breath and then tucks her hands into the pockets of her bright pink hoodie as she moved to look around. At the very least, she was going to stand out enough he'd be able to spot her in the crowd!

Slipstream has posed:
Glancing upwards as the alert comes across his phone, Drake taps Snowball on the head and sends her upwards into the sky for recon. Just in case this was a trap. You never know. Even D-Listers have enemies. Once he spies her, he lifts a hand upwards and makes his way over. He's wearing an Avenger jacket over two layers of shirts to ward the cold away, as well as a pair of black jeans with some type of stylish pattern about them. Like carbon fiber.

"Hey!" What does he call her? "Dude. What's up? Was not expecting to get a message from you of all people."

Hunori Seong has posed:
Herself, Hunni wasn't really well known or experienced enough to be expecting a trap. It probably helped that she looked rather different when she was using her powers, but truth be told she simply wasn't thinking of such risks yet. The hand raised is returned, the greeting of 'Dude' actually earning a little giggle before she nods her head in greeting and reaches out, pinching at his sleeve. "Well, I was not expecting you to be an -Avenger- of all things. I'd have thought they were a sponser if I saw you in that jacket, if I hadn't seen an article pop up."

A pause, a glance, she tilts her head lightly. "I've only been in town a few weeks too so...do you want to get something to eat?" Normal enough, but she didn't really have a good segway into 'I've got superpowers and I'm working out how to deal with them'. Especially with someone she'd really only known in 'Passing professionalism' in the past.

Slipstream has posed:
"Sure, we can do that." Drake says as he gives her a grin. "Pick something and I can get us an Uber to drive us over. But, yeah, I'm an Avenger. Also a member of the Legion of Superheroes. I've been in space for the last few months and I just got back home a few weeks ago. But, I've been doing 'this' for about three years now ever since I kinda accidently got these speedy powers. How have you been doing? Still grinding the ladder and playing in the league? I haven't kept up much."

Taking out his phone, he launches his travel apps and starts to hunt through the list of local places to snag something to eat. "You still in Korea or did you end up moving somewhere else? Still with the same team also?"

Hunori Seong has posed:
"Still in Seoul," she nods, folding her arms and giving a shrug. "Maybe you should pick? I am still learning the city...it's big and there are a lot of places to eat. What's good?"

Having handballed the task of finding a place off to Drake, she nods her head. "But yeah, we've been doing well, had a great season. Keeping sharp...I mean, I'm on holiday now but..." Another shrug, she tucks her hands back into her pockets. "So, is it weird, being known for having superpowers?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Not really. Hardly anyone even knows I'm an Avenger. I'm sorta a D-Lister, you know? I'm not Thor, or Cap, or even Black Widow. I'm just some doofus that's kinda fast and I am mostly used to knock people out of the way off falling debris and sometimes I stop a mugger. More people ask me for autographs from Overwatch."

Drake doesn't seem too upset by that. He just shrugs with a grin on his face. "I also kinda look normal and I'm not six five with blonde hair and blue eyes and a twenty-pack. Blah blah. I'm barely a superhero."

Hunori Seong has posed:
"I mean...who -is- Captain America...or Thor..." a grin, she shrugs. Superheroes were the heartthrobs of plenty a youth growing up, even internationally. The odd K-pop star kinda paled for Seong Hunori when she had them to compare with. His comment about interviews? It brings a nod, a chuckle even as she gestures to herself. "I've had a few people here, but I guess I'm not as recognizable here compared to home." She winks, a humorous enough tease before there's a shift back to conversation in a more deliberate direction.

"So how did it happen? You being all...whoosh?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Well, I mean .. Captain America is Steve Rogers, one of the greatest icons of our history in regards to military and Thor is an actual God with blonde hair and muscles and a huge over compensating hammer. So..." Drake trails off. "You know. They got a lot going for them. They fill out their spandex really well."

"So .. with me.. I got kidnapped by a super villain named Glorith who was using me as a ransom to have another hero named Mon-El try and save me. She was obsessed with him. Anyways, she's the keeper of time and space. She locked me in a prison of time in which I was stuck in another dimension, one in which I was married and had a kid and was working at a bank or something. Was crazy. Then they saved me and in the process the time prison broke, I got hit with a wave of energy and .. poof. I can run fast. The downside is this." He taps his bracelet. "My body is a hot mess, so if I take this off, I vaporize. I'm sorta stuck between two realities and because of that, this bracelet keeps me safe, or my molecules tear apart and I die."

"It hurts really bad by the way."

Hunori Seong has posed:
"So...alternate dimension, matrix-like other world?" she counts off on her fingers, tilting her head to the side. "Kind of like ending up in a vat of time radioactive waste?" Best comparison she had, but the girl had read her share of Manga and comics growing up.

His admission about the whole exploding thing? That has her exhaling a breath in a whince. "So it's not all fun huh?"

She bites her bottom lip, considering a moment before she speaks again. "So did you get...lessons? On how to do your stuff?"

Slipstream has posed:
"It's just like being in another timeline all together. A different life, same world. Was weird. Everything is connected via a multi-verse. I just got sucked into another string of one. But, I did get some training, yes. I had a bunch of help from the Legion since it was technically their mess I got in."

"So, you know, it was a lot of trial and error. Knowing how fast I'm going, how far I speed boost, how many times I can before it really hurts. No one could really teach me, but they could guide me through the process, look over me, make sure I wasn't doing anything dumb .. which .. I did a lot of. I couldn't help myself."

His shoulders shrug upwards. "Not very exciting to be honest. Maybe if I could throw fireballs someone could teach me how to aim."

Hunori Seong has posed:
"So there's no...school, or something?" she asks, accented tones not quite hiding her disappointment. "That...sucks I guess. Still..."

She looks over her shoulder, spotting an option in their hunt for food. "Thank you for meeting me anyway. I could buy you a coffee, if you would...share some advice?"

Slipstream has posed:
"You want advice from me? I dunno, I don't even know what the current meta is right now in the league. If its streaming stuff, I can help with that." Drake says as he follows along with her upon the street, glancing about at times in case ninjas pop out. It's happened so many times he's hardly phased.

Hunori Seong has posed:
"A trade then? Meta for...metahuman advice?" she offers, the first hints of the purpose that she first came for. Pushing in front of him, she glances back over her shoulder and heads towards the counter. "What do you want?"

Making her way forwards, she's already chasing her own drink. She sort of needed nerves calmed before she outed herself after all.

Slipstream has posed:
Raising a brow upwards, Drake follwos after, then orders a coffee after her. "Huh? Whatcha mean? Are you saying you actually fell into a vat of radioactive goo and got powers or something?" He asks as he pays for the drinks after swiping an Avenger's issued credit card through the paypad.

As they shuffle off to the side for their drinks to be prepared, he gives her a curious look. "Is that the real reason why you were hitting me up? I was almost thinking you'd want an autograph.. or I dunno.. a picture or something."

Hunori Seong has posed:
Coffee ordered, table claimed, there's a moment of protest when he's about to pay for the drinks before she spots the card and gives a little shake of her head. Alright, any team with Iron Man on it could probably spare the coffee and best any cash prize she'd ever won. Sitting herself down at his words, there's actually a giggle, even if it's an expression of nerves more than anything and the girl shakes her head. "No. I mean, sure we could probably do some sort of collaboration some time but-...I kind of exploded."

Informative, but the girl gives a little noise of frustration. "It's weird."

Slipstream has posed:
"You exploded? You seem to be all in one piece and still smoking hot. So .. what does that mean?" Drake asks as he takes his cup and sips off it after giving the surface a quick blowing along the top. "But I've seen weird and at this point I don't think anyone is really weird. So .. start from the beginning and let me know what's going on? If you need um.. training or something, I can speak with Tony about having you work in the Young Avengers."

Hunori Seong has posed:
There's a little pout at his comment, more amused than really annoyes as she exhales. "Okay so, exploded in the sense of...." A frown, a bite of her lip. "You know the green guy? Gets really angry and transforms into a huge super-strong shirtless thing?"

A pause for a sip she exhales another breath. "I sort of do that...except without the angry, and into something...super girly and stuff."

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, I know Hulk. I really try my best to not get him mad. I did that once and I was lucky enough to outrun him until he got tired."

Drake say with a grin as he gives a long stretch of his body, arching himself to pop a few joints. "He snores really loud also. So .. you can turn into ... a .. She-Hulk? I wouldn't trademark that. We already got one and Jennifer is a lawyer. She'll sue the pants off you."

Hunori Seong has posed:
"No it's not hulky or..." there's a noise of frustration, a rather determined sip of her drink and a shake of her head. "Look, I can show you somewhere, but it's kinda bright and noticable...and a lot of people have cellphone cameras."

A blink, she tilts her head at that. "Wait, so superheroes have copyright claims?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Uh .. yeah. We got merch. Well I mean .. /I/ don't have merch. I sorta still got this Overwatch League contract I'm still stuck in for a bit, but you know.. yah. We got Avenger posters, toys, shirts, jackets." Drake pops the collar of his. "Sneakers. Lunchboxes. Cartoons."

"The Avengers are fully licensed and commercialized. I got to show up in a few posters. Tony even said I was the Avenger's most improved teammate." He says with a hint of pride in his voice. "I lasted two years without dying. I beat almost all the odds that I found out they had on me. Was kinda insulted that Nat said I wouldn't make it four months."

Hunori Seong has posed:
A little whince comes from the korean youth, a little exclaimation in her native language before she shakes her head. "I mean, people have bet on us in stuff before, but that wasn't real bullets and monsters and stuff..."

Slipstream has posed:
"Ah, it's all in good fun. Pretty sure they wouldn't let me die anyways, not after all the resources they pumped into me to keep me up." Drake says with a chuckle. "Gotta have a sense of humor in this though. Otherwise you get all jaded and beat down." He props his chin up in the palm of his hand as he takes another sip of his coffee. "So, after we eat, you can show me."

Hunori Seong has posed:
"Sure," she nods, even if there is a little note of doubt on her face before she shakes her head. "So, what are the odds someone is about to hurl a car or crash through the window right now? I mean, aside from wanting an autograph?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Uh .. slim to none? Stuff doesn't just follow you around because you become a superhero. Well, maybe some of the A-Listers. But not a chump like me. No one cares about me." Drake laughs. "I don't have an arch nemesis. Unless you count The Shredder. He and his ninja gang have gave me a bit of trouble over the years." He gives a look around for a moment. "Everything looks normal and boring here. I have Snowflake, my little robot doing a sweep anyways around the area. Nothing is going on far as she knows too."

Hunori Seong has posed:
"That's good because my...thing when I transform? It doesn't come with a mask. I mean, I look a bit different and stuff, but..."

She shrugs, a sip of her drink taken in consideration. "Wait, you have a spy robot flying around here?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Then get yourself a mask." Drake says with a laugh as he finishes his coffee, then blinks back and forth in a burst of blue light as he deposits it into the trash. "It's not so much as a spy robot. It's a health bot. It monitors me, but we've programmed it to do basic sweeps. She also has this really cool feature called a Blizzard. So.. you know Mei's companion from Overwatch? Mister Stark built a replica for me that works. She absorbs moisture out of the air, turns it into a freezing compound and releases it upon a target. It's so cool."

Hunori Seong has posed:
There's a little narrowing of her eyes at that, a mote of irriatation at the 'advice' about the mask before the sudden burst of speed has her jumping back with a start. She knew he had powers, but the direct demonstation was something else!

Of course, topic moves right along to ice robots and Hunori is left blinking, eyes going wide. "That's awesome! Does it look the same too? I think I had a plushie of it back home a fan got me!"

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, she works the same. She follows me around in the air, makes the same cute noises and stuff. She mostly stays strapped to my backpack which charges her at the same time. She can go for a few days before needing a charge, but she does it every night on her dock." Drake says as he gives a motion towards the window as Snowball floats up and down, giving a wave with one of her propellers. She is solid gold with blinking blue eyes. U.U

"So, let me know when you're ready to go and you can show me yours."

Hunori Seong has posed:
Urge to squee barely resisted, Hunni pushed her mug aside and zips up her bright pink jacket once more. "Lets go then! Assuming there isn't some super secret superhero dojo nearby, we'll have to find somewhere quiet nearby."

Climbing to her feet, there's a quick stretch of her arms over her head and then a moment of thought. "But if you laugh at me, I'll kick your butt!"

Slipstream has posed:
"Psh. You wish you could." Drake says with a grin to her as he zips up his jacket as well, heading out the door. He summons Snowball to him who gives a 'doot!' and then attaches herself to his back in the harness he has across his shoulders. "I don't think we have a dojo nearby. Here, hold on." He dips down and scoops her up princess style, then blurs off with a quick blink of light. The world rushes past them with a numer of jaunts before they appear in front of an abandoned warehouse.

Once he puts hers down, he gives her a grin, then blows his hair out of his face as he heads inside through a side door. "We can practice here. I used to do it all the time when I was younger. We got decent light coming through the skylights and it's quiet."

Hunori Seong has posed:
As strange as some of the things she's experienced recently were? The sudden bridal carry and zooming around on the streak of light had her shrieking and wrapping arms around his shoulders for dear life. She was no speedster after all.

When they come to a stop? She shakily lowers herself to her feet, stumbling a little and brushing her own considerably longer hair out of her face.

"That was...something else!" she exhales, murmering in her native language perhaps a less polite version.

His words bring a tilt of her head, a blink of her eyes. "When you were younger? How long have you been able to do that?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Going on three years now. So, when I was about eighteen or so." Drake says as he heads into the warehouse, looking around for a bit. He ambles over to a wall that has a panel built into it. Taking out a key, he pops the padlock off, then takes out a bag that he unzips. "I have a spare change of clothes in here and some other things." He takes out some flash lights, the bright expensive Stark tech types and turns them on to flood the room. He places one on either end.

"Okay, show me your stuff! You got a cool codename picked out yet?"

Hunori Seong has posed:
The space was open, private and...safe enough. Cool. Stepping into the open space, the brunette waits as Drake sets up, giving a little low whistle at his 'stash' and setup. "I think I saw a music video in a place like this," she jests, but his invitation brings a nod. No more delaying, time to get started!

Her eyes close, her hands spread wide and...light! Immediately an intense glowing halo erupts from the girl, illuminating her and engulfing her completely until she was nothing more than a silhouette of her slender form.

The light warps, twisting and wrapping around her form until it begins to take shape of what looks like a dress in some borderline gothic style. Her brunette locks? They were now bright blonde as if composed of sunlight until the light faded and now?

Hunori was standing there in that promised 'girly' outfit, glowing energy dancing between her fingers.

Slipstream has posed:
"So .. your super power is changing clothes like Sailor Moon?" Drake asks as his brows lift upwards, giving her a wide grin. "You didn't jump in the air and do a twirl or something. We gotta work on that part." He trots around her to check out this glowing costume. "So, what is it exactly? Like a .. psionic based adaptative light construct?"

Hunori Seong has posed:
Arms cross in front of the corset that wraps around her form, a frown on her lips and the newly blonde girl shaking her head. "Shut up!" she pouts, poking her tongue out at the other hero before exhaling. "But...kinda. I also can shoot this...energy stuff. I have this forcefield and...some stuff. I'm stronger and faster, can move better."

Slipstream has posed:
"Well, show me everything so I know what we're working with." Drake says with a chuckle. "I seriously can't believe you used your chance to impress me by changing your clothes." He hops up on top of a crate, letting his legs dangle in front of him. "How'd you get these powers anyways?"

Hunori Seong has posed:
"I...don't know. Someone tried to kidnap me and I kinda...nuked a street. I don't want to explode the whole building and stuff."

Impress him? The esports starlet turned superhero rushes forwards, reaching down and making to lift the crate with him still atop one-handed.

"Guess I need lessons in showmanship?"

Slipstream has posed:
"You don't know how you got your powers?" Drake asks as he is lifted upwards on top of the crate. He peeks down at her, then blurs off to stand at her side. "That's not really good that you don't know how you got them. Maybe you're a late mutant." He says as he runs his hands back through his hair. "That would make sense I suppose. Mutations can come about after extreme duress or levels of stress once past puberty."

Hunori Seong has posed:
"A mutant?" she repeats, frowning a little and then turning her head towards Drake and then lazily tosses the box aside with a thud. Hopefully things inside aren't breakable. "I mean, did I just read too much Manga and this is how it came out?"

A gesture to herself, a little twirl of her form and then she lifts a gloved hand. "I mean...I -feel- awesome. Like, adrenaline rush, winning streak amazing the whole time, but it's still strange!"

Slipstream has posed:
"I guess I could have Tony Stark take a look at you and see if he can figure it out. The Avengers pretty much have seen it all and done that. I can vouch for you." Drake says as he watches her play around with her powers. "Didn't go swimming in any radiation or something? Didn't get bit by an anime spider?" He says teasingly. "I bet you could use your powers to create a Dva mech and then you can do roll outs with it."

Hunori Seong has posed:
"Not that I remember. Unless energy drinks give you superpowers if you drink enough of them. I -did- drink a lot..." Another shrug of her near-bare shoulders, the girl gives a laugh at the mech and extends a hand, 'burst' of plasma bursting like a shotgun from her palm through the air. "I -am- the mech!" she proclaims, drawing her hands in front of her to manifest her forcefield.

Slipstream has posed:
"Pretty sure that wouldn't do it for you unless it was like Quad-Jolts." Drake grins in amusement. "That is pretty impressive though. Way better than what I can do. But at least I know here my powers came from. I'd still say get tested and make sure that you aren't dying of cancer due to it you know? That'd suck. It almost seems like for every upside, there's a terrible downside when it comes to powers."

Hunori Seong has posed:
"Way better? You just whooshed us across town in seconds!" she pouts, "I shoot lasers in a skirt and change my hair color! Not exactly 'OP' over here." A frustrated noise, she gives a little blink at his warning of downsides and bites her lip. "So I need to get a...superhero physical or something?"

Slipstream has posed:
"I can whoosh you around town but that's about it. I'm speedy, but then I just sorta gas out and then it hurts really bad. Like my body is coming apart. Like when you tug the stitches out of a doll." Drake explains. "But yeah, I'd get a check up to make sure that you aren't a mutant and that you aren't like .. emitting radiation or something. I'm glad you reached out to me. At least I have the contacts to help you out."

Hunori Seong has posed:
A whince comes, the visual of seams plucked and stitches torn not exactly a fun one, but she nods her head and exhales a slow breath. The light flares, the silhouette returns and the outfit 'unwraps' until she's left wrapped in the hoodie and shorts of before her transformation. Blonde locks were back to her classic and more natural brunette as she crosses her arms once more at her chest. "I didn't even think of that. That I might be nuking people walking around...should I even be in public?"