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Latest revision as of 13:44, 14 December 2020

The View From the Roof
Date of Scene: 14 December 2020
Location: Alleyway, Clinton
Synopsis: Spider-Man and Cloak wind up sharing a snowy Clinton rooftop. Spidey learned Cloak is a bit of a Grinch, but a Grinch with some sneaking suspicions that the holiday's hottest mutant curing gift may just be a lump of coal.
Cast of Characters: Cloak, Spider-Man

Cloak has posed:
Night in New York City. Snowy skies, the low clouds reflecting the dull light from distant neon and Chrismtmas lights. Here in Clinton, things are a bit darker, the colors muted. Dirty yellow reflecting from foggy grey. It's quiet despite the general busy noises of the city, strangely peaceful for a rough part of the city. Maybe everyone is still in the bar. There's the low thump of music here and there.

Up on one of the many rooftops, there is a hooded figure perched on the edge of the building. The snow settles on broad shoulders and bowed head as Cloak looks out over the city. Like the rest of the city, he seems in a state of quiet. Waiting, watching.

Spider-Man has posed:
It probably should happen more than it does, but for whatever reason, most heroes don't end up on the same roof to get that good Brooding going on. Spidey's actually just doing a patrol, having just stopped a small but possibly violent mugging, when he notes the figure on the roof. He ponders not going back but, for whatever reason he does. He creeps up the back of the building and comes up to his feet. "Oh, this roof's taken? I was just on another one but got chased off by Dardevil. Said it was "His Spot"." He's obviously joking, but has doubts about it helping lighten moods.

Cloak has posed:
"He has his jobs, I have mine." Says Cloak as the hooded head turns in the direction of the speaking spider. "The Punisher has his streets. Power Man has others. We all have our places." And so the nature of this area of the city. Heroes with their own territories.

"The streets are quiet tonight. I suppose the snow has everyone finding warmer places to do their dirty work. I take it you're finding things just as quiet?"

For once, the cloaked figure isn't leaping towards Spider-Man. There's no sign of his cohort either.

Spider-Man has posed:
Ok, no Spider-sense buzzing, so that's a good start. "They're never quiet enough," Spider-man replies. "Few blocks down, someone ditched by the system tries to rob someone. I stop the robbery, but the robber's just as much a victim as anyone else," he explains. "But, someone's going home to their family tonight that might not've before." He looks off a moment, "But yeah, its getting too cold for crime. Except for bank jobs. Those guys love Christmas. I think they like the Die Hard vibe. I occasionally go in through the air ducts just to give them an early Christmas gift."

Cloak has posed:
"Christmas." Cloak scoffs quietly. "A time of truce bought by guilt of judgement. Children behaving for Santa Claus or else they don't get presents. Adults pushing themselves into debt because they feel they need to give, because if they can't even be charitable during Christmas than what hope do they have the rest of the year to maybe be good people? So they steal to give. They steal to make up for their charity in the months following."

The man gives a shake of his head before looking back towards Spider-Man. "But that's the way of the world, isn't it? Give and take." Then there's a faint quick of a grin under the shadows of the hood. "And no. I never got the new game console as a kid. We didn't have the money, but that's not why I'm saying this."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Yeah, I didn't have the latest greatest myself. I mean... we scraped by but," Spidey shrugs, "Its life." He leans back against a chimney a few moments, then just pulls his feet up into a sitting position. "But, even in all of this, we found our happiness. You have to be able to do that," he says. "Might not seem important, but it is. Moreso for us," he says, waving a hand around a little, "This, whole thing. If you don't find the good, the bad swallows you up." He then puffs out a breath through the mask, "Mm, too much of this, I feel I should make a movie reference or some other pop culture quip."

Cloak has posed:
"It already did swallow me." Cloak says quietly, his breath barely frosting in the air despite the cold. "But that's okay. I can survive the dark. Besides, it gave me the good in a different way."

The shadowman is quiet for nearly a minute as he looks down over the streets. It's a contemplative quiet that's eventually broken by a question as he shifts his position with a quiet rustle of fabric. "This cure that the streets are talking about, the one for the mutants. Do you know anything about it? Does it only work on them, or can it work on others?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"Well, it's never too late to find something to make you happy," Spider-man says, "Friends, Family...something." He gets quiet a moment, shifting a bit against the surface he's stuck to right now. "I.... don't know," he replies. "I haven't gotten my hands on a dose to look at it, and honestly I don't really have a lab complex enough to make that sort of determination."

Cloak has posed:
"Mm." Comes the acknowledging and even faintly disappointed sounding grunt. "That could change a lot of things, if it works. A lot of people wouldn't be forced to suffer for being born as a sentient pile of shit, or put out a cloud of radiation to kill their family, or even kill themselves. How many of those so-called villains out there would be different people but for a slight change in circumstance?"

"I'm just wondering how far this plays out. Is it more than just them? Maybe you too? Me? Course, a needle can bring a cure or bring a poison. It's all in who's filling that syringe. Guess we'll find out which it is soon enough."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Sorry, I wish I had better answers. I don't have that Reed Richards bank account and lab situation going. Barely afford to keep the web shooters full." Spiderman listens though, and lightly noed. "People wouldn't be forced to do that, but some people like how they are. I'd imagine it would be fine as long as its not forced. I see that turning bad quickly if they make it mandatory." He nods again though, "But it's a bit above my pay grade. Honestly, hope it stays that way. I'm not sure which side I'd land on if the world riots over something like that, and I don't want to be in that position."

Cloak has posed:
"You know better." Cloak says in a voice bordering on chiding but landing more on the resigned side of things. "If something can go to shit in this world then it probably will. I'd risk more than half a hope, but something doesn't feel right. Things like this don't get made overnight. Hell, they're still advertising they're working on curing cancer. Then all of a sudden, one day this company shows up with a fix for a genetic condition just like that. Never a peep about anything like this on the news. Know what the only thing that crawls out of the woodwork that fast is? A cockroach."

Spider-Man has posed:
"I know better," Spidey confirms. "Though times are weird. It wouldn't surprise me if robot aliens were behind this stuff." He's apparently hesitant to say cure. "It doesn't feel right. But, for now, all we can do is keep our eyes open, right? Can try to get a sample of it, I guess," he says, now sounding as if he's musing it over, "I know a couple people I could maybe take it to to have it looked over."

Cloak has posed:
"Can't see what robot aliens have to worry about. Normal people, though? Humanity built its legacy on destroying or subjugating everything that spooked it. This is probably closer to home."

Cloak stands himself fully upright, shedding his layer of settled snow with a flex of his shoulders and head like a grizzly shaking out its coat. "It's something to keep an eye out for while you're out there. If they figured this much out than it may not stop there, if not by their hand then someone else - someone who may not be friendly to the hero type. A sample in the right hands may help all of us be ready in case someone gets the wrong ideas."