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Revision as of 07:10, 20 December 2020

Who's Who: The After Party!
Date of Scene: 20 December 2020
Location: Fort Joseph, Haven
Synopsis: Buffy and Thomas walk Willow home. Vamps have other plans. A new blonde villain enters the scene.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith, Willow Rosenberg

Buffy Summers has posed:
The Christmas party had been pretty low key and uneventful. Buffy had hoped that more Scoobies could have arrived like Karrin and Harry, but she also understands that Christmas is a busy time of year too.

After some charting, drinks, food and gift exchanges, Buffy had offered to walk Willow home, mostly because she doesn't really live at the apartment in Gotham anymore, having more or less moved in with Thomas full time.

be honest, she feels bad and that's half the reason she offered to walk Willow home. She also offered to find a suitable room mate to replace her, soon as she could.

"Thanks again during the gift Wils , this could sure come in handy!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith comes out of the samll underground garage where he keeps his cars. This one is a snow white Corvette that looks like it's going to get a speeding ticket while parked. He pulls up beside the pair of girl's grinning. "Hey sexy ladies, care to take a ride?" he says with that too white smile and grin.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow listened, but she wasn't surprised. "I may be moved to a smaller place. Too bad Spike wasn't looking! Maybe I can pay the rest.."

She frowned. She really couldn't afford the whole apartment, and she couldn't risk having just anybody moving in.

You're welcome." She nodded. "I was surprised that I could do it. Thanks for my gifts as well.."

Thomas brings out a smile. "You know, I can go home by my self. Really!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shakes her head, "No really, I I sust! I mean, it's getting oretty cold, and you know the kind if craziness that happens wuth us! Besides.." she sighs, "I'm really sorry about moving out on such short notice, just...You know.."

She shrugs helplessly towards Thomas as he arrives. It's pretty obvious that things are advancing pretty rapidly between her and Thomas. This was the inevitable next step.

"But I promise I'll look for a replacement?" she is about to take the offered rude but frowns, pausing and strung at some point in the distance. And shivers for some reason...

"Huh?" was that a hint of magic on the horizon?

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow shakes her head. "I can't live with anyone. You know.. magic?" She doesn't recognize that she's not talking about her homelife, but, instead, right *here*.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas smiles a little bit, "Out of the Question. This place is literally named Bludhaven. Like Blood is right there in the name. Granted it's spelled with that u with the two dots, but do you know what B-L-Umlaut-D translates to? " He pauses. "Actually it translates to 'Stupid, which is what you'd be if you walked home alone in the dark in this town." he says with a grin... but when Buffy's Scooby sense goes off he shuts off the engine. "What is it?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns, shaking her head," He's right, this place is too dangerous..And I *know* you can take care of yourself, but.." she sighs, glancing back at Thomas distractedly, "I dunno, exactly, just..It feels like a dejavu? Like this has happened before..In a dream..."

And with that, Buffy starts to drift off towards a large open field which is all the spookier in the dark, with all the old knarled treees and overgrown bushes and whistling sounds if arctic wind as some snow storm is clearly brewing nearby..

"I need to be here..I need to save those kids..." as if on cue, the sounds if kids crying fir help can be heard in the suddenly foggy park..

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
That's weird.. why would kids be out here in the dark?!? Willow traipses off after Buffy. "Buffy.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith sighs. He looks at the Sky and and then hesitates and looks down at the ground. "Just one Holiday. Just one. Would it really have been that much to ask for you to wait till New Years?" he doesn't follow /immediately/ instead getting into the cars small trunk and pulling out a gym bag... a bag that makes wooden and metallic clacks as he lifts it.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip, wrapping her beige trench coat around her shoulders. She hadn't expected to run into trouble but that's so typical with her, isn't it. "Kids screaming, probably in trouble. If this is anything like my dream, then...There are bound to be those cult members from before around."

She too sighs, pulling out her tonfa, adjusting them with stakes at the tips. "I guess a Slayer's work is never done. Come on, it came from that direction.." and she hurries off towards a particularly shady part of the park.

It doesn't take long to notice the shadowy figures stepping from the darkness of the trees, dressed in last decades fashion, snarling as they surround the three. There are maybe six of them, vampires by the looks of it, getting ready to intercept the Scoobies.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Vampires! Willow prepares a spell to protect them. "Don't you wish they'd at least be different. Every time.. it's getting boring."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a bit walking up with the small duffel bag. "Did you say party? Because I brought party favors." he says as he pulls out a pair of spikes, offering those to Willow before going into the bag for more.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, eyes on a shadowy tree in the distance, "Gess they dint know well enough to stay away..." she frowns, "You two keep those vamps distracted while I track down the kids.." Buffy may have once hesitated to out Willow in danger like this, but she works fir the Justice League now so she's clearly got more firepower than she once did. Besides she knows Thomas has her back.

With that in mind, Buffy breaks out into a sprint, outrunning the two vamps who try to cut her off, disappearing into a brush. Meanwhile, those two vamps rush at Willow instead, going for a pincer attack while three others approach Thomas, one of them attempting to tackle him while another goes for a low foot sweep if that fails, and a third pulls out a katana with a wide swing, attempting to slice off his head!

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Eek! There they go!

Willow throws up the protection, and immediately begins to cast a second spell - her most favorite spell: Force Lightning.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Note to self: Witches don't need stakes. Thomas blocks the Katana blow with one of the thick shafts of hickory while driving the other into it's unprotected chest of the Vampire moving in for a tackle. He lifts one leg and brings it down for a crushing stomp on the Vamp trying to leg sweep him. He then spins away gracefully, drawing his Kukri knife and smirking at the Katana welding beast. It's not fair he doesn't even study dance.

Buffy Summers has posed:
The two vamps coming at Willow shriek as the lightning stuns them, causing them to stagger and stumble back in confusion fir a few moments. It wasn't quite enough to kill them but their hair and some parts of their clothes. are now on fire.

Meanwhile, one of Thomas' vamps is stabbed in the heart point blank and it shrieks as it sinks to the ground, exploding into a burst of dust and smoke. The third vamp shrieks as he stomps on his foot and he snarls, retaliating wuth a good stuff kick aimed at his groin. The first vamp also attempts to move in close and punch him in the face.

Buffy is nowhere to be seen, apparently helping those kids..

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Fire," Willow ponders. "I have to get lightning with fire." But she keeps on scorching the vampires closest to her. "Have you got yours under control? If so, wanna help me?" Not that she was hurting yet. "Hey, have you seen Buffy yet, and the kids?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
"If there is one thing I have learned dating Buffy? Buffy can take care of herself." he says amused, stepping out of the way of the kick to the groin with tyhe reflexes of any male on the planet who has ever been hit in the "fruits and veggie". "Asshole." He says distanfully and cuts off the offending leg at the knee joint, turning to focus on the one with the sword. "I've got 1 and a half of mine... give me five seconds?" he asks almost casually. God being around Buffy is a bad influence.

Buffy Summers has posed:
The vampires shriek as Willow ends more lightning their way. They were already pretty scorched, now they're pretty much burnt to a crisp. There's really nothing left by the time Willow is through with them.

One of Thomas' vamps shrieks in pain as blood spurts from its leg, staggering to its knees. Given the angle of the cut, it ain't take long for it to bleed out and collapse in a ither pile of dust.

The last vamp just laughs, rushing at Thomas, attempting to head butt him -this one being much larger than the rest. "You've no idea what you're up against, fools! hah!" he laughs maniacally.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Well, they haven't touched her yet, but the longer they go on..

"Not because she's in danger, but to help her out, and get out of here."

Her attention was taken up with her vampires dying. Too soon she was looking about. "Mine are dead. Yours?" But regardless, she was concerned. "Lets go help her with kids."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith spins like a ballerina...or a tornado, the steel flashing snickersnack and the charging vampire rushes past where Thomas was standing while it's head hangs in place for just a moment before falling straight down to the ground. "Before the creature even ashes he nods, "Yeah good plan. I don't like leaving my car on the street. Same reasons you are not walking home.

Buffy Summers has posed:
With the six vampires dealt with, it won't take long for Thomas and Willow to hear the two crying kids who are further up ahead, still partially tied to a tree. Looks like Buffy tried to free them but was interrupted.

The sound of rustling leaves and a battle cry, followed by a pained scream can be heard from a shadowy alcove nearby.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh fuzzbutt!" Willow still doesn't swear. "I'll take care of these. You help Buffy. Go!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith head shakes. "You could try Empty Night, it's a little more powerful the Fuzzbuckets I think." He says amused, leaving Willow to the kids and centering in on the screaming, "You better be okay Buffy... you better be okay..."

Buffy Summers has posed:
The kids cry as they reach out towards Willow, "I want my mommie! I'm sooo scared! That mean blonde girl wuth the teeth tried to eat us!" they sob, maybe only six or seven years old.

Up ahead, there's the sound of a loud crack and a flash of light as Buffy battles with a tall skinny vamp with bleached blonde hair and a pretty skimpy black leather mini skirt and red bustier. Their hands are clamped together, some sort of blue metallic device like a Chinese finger trap keeps them locked together.

As the light clears, both girls stumble to the ground.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Shrieking kids are one thing Willow is comfortable with. She pulls several candies out of her satchel. "You were brave! Here have some candy."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks to the sky again as if in prayer and says, "You know I try to be a good and decent man. I even stopped using the 10 Commandments as a 'To do' list for my day. Once, just once, why can't I come across my lover locked in mortal combat with another hot blonde in a pool full of chocolate pudding? Is that really so much to ask?" He then sighs drawing his saber, rushing towards the back of the woman Buffy is fighting.

Buffy Summers has posed:
The tall blonde vamp rolls to the side, rubbing her head as she stumbles to her feet and blinks in surprise at Thomas. She backs away, glancing around, fumbling in her pockets for something, then pulls out what looks like a smoke bomb, tossing it at the two of them before fleeing the scene..

Buffy groans and rolls over as well, climbing rather shakily to her feet, coughing a bit as the smoke bomb clouds her vision. "Ughhh.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith watches the vamp run off and sighs slightly. He could give chase but instead he slides his blade back into it's sheath behind his back "Here i am dusting Vamps and where do I find you, sitting on that cute little backside taking it easy." He says playfully, reaching down to help her up and smirking. "What was that song and dance all about?

Buffy Summers has posed:
The kids seem to calm down as Willow offers them candy, hopefully their binds are fully off by now. Of course it seems the immediate threat is taken care of as the blonde vampire flees into the forest.

Buffy swears under her breath, climbing to her feet and wiping the dust off her torn jacket, "Dumb bitch..lMade me chip a nail." she sighs, "At least my dress didn't get ruined much." she smirks, but glances down at the metallic device, still wrapped around her fingers.

For some reason that causes her to sneer and she tosses it to the ground, smashing it with her shoe, "Dunno what she was trying to pull but she obviously didn't succeed."

Thats when she glances up,at Thomas for the first time, a lustful look in her eyes. Mmm, what a babe. She licks her lips,smirking, "Well now that that's done, let's go home and slip into something more...Comfortable?" she grins wickedly.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith raises an eyebrow at...well all that. He blinks slightly and offers her a hand up, keeping very careful to not let even a whisper of his Hunger slip into the Touch, "Well now, that certainly does sound like a plan... Still don't you think we should get Willow home first?" he asks smoothly.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers notices the raised brow. Did she act out of character? She sighs, rubbing her temples and flinches, "Ooh, I think I must have hit my head..Sorry about that, guess I'm just feeling a little out of sorts."

She glances around, wondering who this Willow is. Oh that wimpy girl must be her. "Oh..Willow! Are you okay? Ready to go home now?" she frowns at the kids, "Hm so what shoukd we do about them?" not that she really cares.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow turns around and gives a wee shake of relief. "There you are! What a relief! We got to get these kids home. You're ok?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, looking a bit impatient, "I'm fine, just tired, Willow. Cant we just drop em off at a police office or something? Why haven't their parents come looking for them by now?"one of the kids, the younger girl peers up at Willow, "Um excuses me miss, can we go home now? We live that way." age points towards Sunnydale.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow is a bit curious. Buffy? Giving the victims - underage victims - to the police?? And what was she going to tell them? We were sitting around and just happened to see them tied around the tree?

"Are you ok? I mean, I'll take them home." She looks to Thomas, and whispers ~I think she bumped her head?~

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith tilts his head slightly looking a bit like a dog who has heard an odd sound. Then he smirks and just shakes his head. "Actually, I have an idea. Willow why don't you take my car to take the kids home. All I want you to do is one tiny favor for me? Harry and Karrin couldn't make the party. Would you please call him and tell him that I have a Bolshivik Muppet? He'll understand but it's really important."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns. Oh great, now they have to take those stupid brats home then deal with Willow? So much for her getting to steal Buffy's delicious boyfriend and have him all to herself. And what's with this Buffy freak anyway? Was she just some kind of goody good who always put other people first!?

She sighs and nods, rubbing her head, "Uh, yeah, sounds like a good idea. I could do with some rest, that blonde bimbo vamp must have hit me in the head or something.."

The while Bolshevik muppet does get an arch of the brow from her though, "Uh, what's that now?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"A Bolshev.. oooh. Got it!" It was good Willow had renewed her license. "Come on kids, this way. I think I might have some more candy. We have you home in no time flat." And she's off.

Thomas Raith has posed:
One, Buffy knows exactly what a Bulshivik Muppet is. Two, Buffy knows Thomas would never /eeeeevvvvvvver/ let someone else drive his Corvette unless it was a life or death situation. He sighs and smirks a little bit, putting his arm around the woman. "So what's it going to take to get you out of that dress again you think?" He asks with a positively lecherous grin,

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, glancing between the two of them. Did they know..? But it no longer matters. It's too late for the real Buffy. She yawns a bit, leaning into him. "Alright then, see ya later, Wils, have fun driving that..Car." she doesn't know about the corvette yet, or about the things that Buffy should know. She realky should have studied her better but..

Thomas is given a lecherous smirk, "Ooh, are you thinking what I'm thinking? Lead the way!" she winks at Willow, "See you later!"