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Latest revision as of 23:07, 20 December 2020

Recon 101
Date of Scene: 20 December 2020
Location: Holy Ghost Church, Clinton
Synopsis: Dazzler finds Dagger to discuss missing mutant kids. Encounters a surprise.
Cast of Characters: Dazzler, Dagger, Nightcrawler

Dazzler has posed:
A good teacher is one who cares for her kids, even outside of class. When students from Xavier's turned up missing, there wasn't any question of Miss Blaire joining the search or not. Only not all of the missing mutants were actual students.

Not that Dazzler really made the distinction. Kids are kids, after all. Heroes go after missing kids, and Dazzler is a hero.

The low rumble of the Harley pulling up outside the church removes any element of surprise. Dazzler is dressed like she just stepped out of a music video, all leather with sparkly overlay, complete with the signature blue starburst over one eye. The bike cuts off and she rocks it back onto the kickstand as she dismounts.

Fingers run through blonde hair in fingerless gloves as she steps slowly towards the church, tactical senses up and ready.

Dagger has posed:
Inside the church is Tandy Bowen, who's dressed in a pair of jeans with holes along the knees and a heavy off brand hoodie from some store long shuttered. Sometimes the homeless shelters have something good once in awhile and she got lucky the other day.

As she is settled in a pew and flipping through a magazine, she munches on a granola bar for her lunch. Her hair is pulled up behind her into a messy pony tail. There is a couple of candles lit to provide some light that doesn't make their way from the outside. It smells musty and dusty, coupled with the scent of rotting wood from years of not being treated and kept up.

Her partner is off to who knows where. Most likely sneaking through the shadows of New York to find their next prey.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler doesn't try to be quiet when she opens the door, and she announces her presence as well. "Helloooooo..." she offers, glancing around as her greeting echoes around high ceiling. Boot heels are slow and steady as she paces along the central aisle, fingertips lightly dragging along the backs of pews on the way.

She spots the messy ponytail and heads in that direction. "I know you've helped the X-Men recently and that you value your privacy, but I wanted a few minutes to talk."

Dagger has posed:
When the doors creak open and the cans that are attached to them rattle and clank in the form of a crappy security system, Tandy jerks her head upwards and rises to her feet. She waits for a moment to hear the voice before she relaxes.

"Hi." Her voice calls out in a raspy tone as she flips one hand over to erveal a bright ball of light forming across her palm.

"Wait. Holy shit, are you .. Dazzler? Like the singer? What are .. you doing here?"

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler continues her slow approach, a wry smile touching her lips. She pauses a comfortable distance away, shifting her weight to one side and tilting her head. "Well you're too young to be an -old- fan, unless you've been following my recent tour. But yes, yes I am. Please call me Alison if you want."

Her gaze shifts to the ball of light on the younger woman's hand. "Another light manipulator, I see. And I'm looking for mutant kids. I have reason to believe that some are still out there. Street kids. Kids that nobody would care about if they came up missing."

Dagger has posed:
"I don't know if I consider myself a fan, but you are definitely famous enough for me to pick you out of a crowd easily. I listen to mostly classical music. I did ballet for years and it keeps me calm. Helps keep my mind at ease, otherwise I can be a bit of a bitch." Tandy squeezes her hand shut as the light bleeds away.

"They call me Dagger. My partner is Cloak. He's not around right now. If he was, this place would be freezing." The blonde smooths down her hoodie some, then tucks some hair back behind her ear. "If you're looking for mutant kids, Hell's Kitchen is where most of them are holing up at these days. With The Devil and Luke Cage claiming ownership of that turf, the gangs that are tracking them are a bit more reluctant to step foot in there."

"That and when they do, they end up missing and it upsets the Kingpin quite a bit."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler's glittery-blue lips pull into a small smile at that, and she nods. "You'd fit in well in the Hollywood social scene, I think." she offers. "Dagger, then." Alison definitely understands people who prefer to stay on a code-name basis. Just because she is 'outed' doesn't mean that everyone else wants to be.

"Hell's Kitchen." she repeats, looking thoughtful. The other names are familiar to her as well, apparently. "So is Kingpin the sort to really care about mutant kids? It seems to me that his interests lie in other areas."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Up in the rafters there's the sound of air displacement, and a figure crouches in the darkness, eyes narrowed, tail curling behind him. Ordinarily he did not like subterfuge -- and trusted that Tandy could handle herself in a fight -- but when it comes to unfamiliar footprints outside the church, you can never be too careful.

    He creeped along in the shadows towards the sound of voices, as quietly as he can, hidden in the dim shadows with his dark gray jacket and black slacks.

Dagger has posed:
"No, the Kingpin doesn't care about kids in general. He just controls all of the large gangs and makes sure that the money is flowing into his pockets. He controls police, lawyers, drugs, politicians and media. But he isn't behind mutant kids being taken. Our mission goes deeper than that."

Tandy slides down into a pew roughly, her blue eyes hard and cold. She has years of pain behind them and her voice holds a jagged razor's edge.

"Maybe once a long time ago I would have fit in. My mother is a famous model and we lived a wealthy life until I got it in my head that I could run away and make it on my own." There is a slight scoff from her. "That was before the men took me and Cloak to the island and did this to us."

Instinctively she lifts a hand and rubs at her shoulder, brows furrowing at the old memories of pain and terror. "Cloak and I have found that those responsible for the kidnappings are in Singapore. Too far for us to get involved. All we can do is protect those here in these streets."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler purses her lips, one hand resting upon the back of the pew that Dagger is sitting in. The pleasant demeanor fades, quickly, as Tandy talks of her past. And of the kidnappers. When she speaks her voice is soft and controlled, perhaps a bit too much so.

"Singapore isn't too far for me." she replies. No, Dazzler has fought her way through other dimensions and alien gladiator arenas. Singapore is relatively close, by comparison.

"But I'll need support. Intel. Anything I can learn to prepare."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Well, as it happens--" comes a German accented voice from above, interrupting the two ladies. Kurt drops down, landing nimbly on the seat of a pew as he rubs the back of his head. "I can see if I can recover more." he states in a gentle voice, and gives a nod to Dazzler in greeting. Tandy gets a warmer smile.

Dagger has posed:
When the voice comes from above, Dagger glances upwards to the rafters for a moment, then tracks the elf's journey down to the pew. Her face breaks into a warmer smile as she shifts over closer to him. Reaching out, she slides her hand into his, wrapping her five fingers around the three of his.

"Hey, Kurt." Her voice softens now before she looks back to Dazzler and nods. "I can give you whatever you need. I've been working with the X-Men over the last year as well track down those employed by someone named The Madame. They are taking kids to Singapore to experiment on. I believe they are extracting DNA to create super soldiers. They employ several cyborgs who can cancel our powers out. It's how they can so easily steal the children."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler half-turns at the sound of Kurt's voice, both hands forming a 'finger-guns'... which would be hilarious if it weren't for the glowing fingertips. Kurt starts to drop and Alison relaxes, the smile returning.

Yes, it makes more sense now.

"Gutentag, Kurt." she offers. "Cyborgs who can cancel mutant powers? Interesting... and good to know. That means that everyone should bring along conventional back-up." For her part, Dazzler is a crack shot with -real- guns as well.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Gutentag, Alison." Kurt greets the performer amicably, and seems to relax a little, his hand giving a soft squeeze around Tandy's as she holds his.

    "Ja. The last encounter we had with them ended with quite the fireworks show. It took several of us to contain their forces and the androids..." he gives a bit of a frown, and rubs the back of his head. "Still working out how best to contend with them. THey are very, very difficult, pwoers or no."

Dagger has posed:
Nodding her head, Tandy gives a lick of her lips in thought. "They cancel out our powers as well and we aren't mutants. It's like a weird field around them about ten feet or so. You try and go hand to hand with them and your powers go away. When The Punisher joined our fight, he blew two of them up with what I can assume is a rocket launcher."

Leaning in against Kurt's shoulder, she squeezes his hand a bit tighter for a moent. She looks relatively calmer with him around. "It has been very quiet since we took down the Black Dragon Gang. Very quiet. They were the most dangerous gang that was employed by them. Perhaps they moved on, or they're waiting for us to relax."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler doesn't let her thoughts linger very long on the cyborgs. "They may cancel powers, but it sounds like The Punisher's approach worked quite well enough." she replies. "I have friends in the military. It's a problem that can be dealt with using 7.62 full metal jacket rounds."

Yep, she's just a pop star alright.

"It's during the quiet times that we need to be the MOST vigilant, those of us who are protectors. You've definitely got the right idea, Dagger. I'm just advocating we don't wait, and that we carry the fight to them instead."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Explosives are something minor for the warehouse fight, but there is a good chance there will be fighting in a facility housing medically delicate civilians in need of rescuing." Kurt reminds. He's thinking of the children. "We do not want to bring the house down in a literal sense."

Dagger has posed:
"I don't know how to use a gun and I don't have a passport anymore to just go to Singapore. Cloak and I's fight is here in these streets, protecting those who can't protect themselves. Not just children, but those who are preyed upon by drug dealers and rapists. We are not an army."

Tandy lets out a soft breath as her brows furrow some. "I know your leaders have more information than what we have. They had that prisoner for awhile if I recall. I never did ask what you did with her."

"Hopefully you buried her so deep she can't be found."

Dazzler has posed:
"I can't speak to those details, other than to say I'm sure the prisoner was handled appropriate." Dazzler replies, with a knowing smile. "You continue to do what you do best, then." she adds. "Leave Singapore to me and my team. We will be prepared and we will be cautious."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt's expression softens. "Let us just say I tried the Good Cop routine. The Bad Cop routine was handled by others who are very effective." Kurt states quietly.

Dagger has posed:
There is an uncaring shrug of Tandy's shoulders upwards. She isn't the forgiving type it seems. "Well, Cloak will be back tonight so if you want to talk war plans, we can make ourselves available." As she shifts herself against Kurt to get comfortable, she eases in under his arm to soak up some warmth. It's a cold church. "Hey, am I allowed to ask for an autograph or something?" She asks of Dazzler. "Maybe I can find one of your records some time, hang it up on the wall over there." She gives a motion of her head towards a wall covered in newspaper clippings and photos.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler smiles at that, even chuckling softly. And she nods. "I'll send you an autographed album, if you like. One of my older ones." She looks over, following the hand gesture, and adding. "Maybe more than one. Looks like you've got plenty of space. Just let me know." Looking at how Kurt and Tandy cozy up together, she smiles again and turns a little towards the door. "Tell Cloak I'll come back tonight for more details, then. And it's nice meeting you."