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Latest revision as of 17:25, 23 December 2020

Date of Scene: 23 December 2020
Location: Den and Study, Avengers Mansio
Synopsis: Natasha chats with the newest Avenger
Cast of Characters: Black Widow (Romanoff), Slipstream

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
For once, she wasn't on watch. She had already been relieved by one of the others. Yet it was also her day off from SHIELD, leading to her having little to do at the moment. There were some leads being followed up on but they didn't need her hands on.

Which led her to this room. She was sitting in the plush leather chair behind the desk, a book laid on the wooden surface in front of her as she read. The book was written in Russian and looked to be quite old at a glance, by the yellowing of the pages.

She was dressed down in jeans and an emerald green sweater, socks on her feet and no shoes. One foot was tucked up on the seat with her.

Slipstream has posed:
Heading into the Den is Drake, who is back from outerspace and now a full time member of the Avengers. The team's current speedster has been spending most of his time getting back into Earth habits, such as re-discovering cheeseburgers that aren't 3D printed and catching up on movies and video games. That, and jaunting about with Tony on some side-tasks.

"Hey, Natasha." He calls over to her as he aims for a book shelf to pick through some graphic novel titles he hasn't read yet. Plucking one out in particular, he tucks it under his arm.

"Whatcha reading? The Bible?" It's the oldest book he can think of.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"While a riveting read, this one is by a Russian author. Leonid Adreyev?" She says it like a question, as though it might ring a bell for him. He wasn't exactly a well-known name in the United States. Yet she still acted as though Drake might have heard of him. "The Abyss, to be precise."

Seeing him pick a book off the shelf, she doesn't question what it is. Or what it might be about. She's observant enough to see the type of book it was when he slid it free of the press of other books around it.

"I got an email saying you had become a full member. Welcome to the team."

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh. Yeah. That guy."

Drake says as he bobs his head, going along with it. As he sprawls out into a comfy chair, he pops his chest a bit with a loud 'crack', then opens the book to start scanning through the comic booky pages.

"Thanks! I'm excited to be back on Earth. After saving the universe and a few galaxies over the last year, I figure I finally got the experience under my belt that I was lacking before. They even let me keep the flight ring and a comm tablet in case I need to get in touch with them. I think they're cruising around Saturn or something. I don't know. They were talking about trying to get back home to their own time also."

"I thought about it too. Going into the future, seeing what the world is like in the year Three-Kay. But, the topic of cheeseburgers and pizza becoming extinct came up and there is no way I can throw those two away. Space pork is also weird. Has this texture that isn't uh .. optimal."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The response to his summation of food being a key element for staying on Earth has her staring at him for long moments. Perhaps a few seconds longer than might be considered polite. "I will take your word for it." Space is not something she wishes to venture into. Earth is odd enough without throwing the vastness of space in the mix.

"I do agree the lack of a greasy cheeseburger in the future is enough to make me glad I'm in this time." Natasha says doesn't let herself wonder if she might live that long. After all, she hadn't really aged much in the last hundred. Not that this was common knowledge, nor was she going to be sharing it with anyone.

"Hopefully you won't be too bored here after saving the universe and a few galaxies."

Slipstream has posed:
"How can I ever be bored? I'm working with Captain America and Iron Man. That's like ... historical, you know what I mean? Two of the greatest Earth champions. To be an /Avenger/. That's the kinda stuff your parents are proud of. I can call a friend up and tell them I'm in the Legion of Superheroes and they'll be like ... who? But I call 'em up and say I just got back from kicking the shit out of insert D Villain of the week with the Avengers, and people wig out. The Avengers is the A-List of superhero teams."

There's a proud grin upon Drake's face as he flips another page in his book. "This is like the biggest achievement anyone can get. At least in my opinion. Obviously you being a quintriple secret agent and notorious super spy, you think being an Avenger is not a big deal, but for kids like us? I grow up idolizing Cap. Working with Captain America is like .. I don't know.. it's hard to talk about without getting all crazy emotional about it."

"He is the hero of heroes. He's the American dream. I'll trade all the space adventures in the world to work side by side with you guys."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The fact he chooses Captain America and Iron Man as his two people for examples has Natasha smiling. It's not uncommon. Generally Thor makes up the trio for the Big Three on the team that people go crazy over. It's less so for the rest of them, not that she minds. It's easier that way. Simpler.

"I understand it's a big deal. After all, some of us are human with no superpowers or high-tech suits. Being on the ground with gods and people like those you mention is an honor for us as well." She grins a bit.

"Just some of us have gotten seriously jaded as time has passed."

Slipstream has posed:
"I'm barely a superhero. I just hopscotch really quickly. I can't even beat you in arm wrestling. I'm really good at saving cats from trees and getting Tony's lunch. He suggested I change my name to Door Dash, or Uber XL." There's a joking grin upon Drake's face. "I was thinking maybe going with Velocity, or .. Jump Start. I went with Slipstream since it was a play on Overwatch and I wasn't feeling very creative."

"I dunno. I don't think it really matters. It's not like anyone is gonna slap a poster of me on their wall." He gives a motion with his hands. "Mom, can I get that Slipstream poster!? Drake is sooooo dreamy."

There's a grin on his face. "It's hard to compete with America's ass after all. But you're kinda a big deal also to young girls. I almost think you do shit on purpose, like how you superhero land, how you whip your hair back, how you pull your guns out and you got that look in your eyes. You're a walking poster. I haven't seen many bad shots of you."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Other than promotional stuff, I wasn't aware there were that many images of me circulating out there. Outside a few blurry images here and there." With SHIELD and Avengers resources at her disposal, she was careful to be certain only the bad stuff remained. Outside they stuff they were forced to do for the team's public eye.

"Being an official Avenger, you'll end up on lots of walls. Never doubt it. That's just how it works. She does arch a brow. "America's ass? That's a new one. Please don't ever say it to him. You might make him blush. Wait. Change that. If you do say it, just make sure I'm present to watch him blush."

Slipstream has posed:
"You and I don't frequent the same message boards." Drake laughs. "I've been a kid my entire life up until a few years ago. I've sat on so many superhero obsessive fan sites. Steve definitely has a fantastic ass. You should see the galleries dedicated to it. Camera phones are the worst."

"But you got your own fans as well. You're beautiful and mysterious and you wear a black cat suit with tactical pouches and barettas. People who love James Bond films /love/ you. You're like every Bond girl come to life."

"I would have a crush on you if I wasn't terrified of you. You'd be the scariest ex-girlfriend any guy could have."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Glocks." It's an automatic correction that comes out when he mentions Barettas. Not that she hasn't used those. And likely every other gun manufacturer and model that isn't brand new. Those she'll try as soon as she can get a hand on them.

"People in my line of work have a sort of love/hate relationship with James Bond. It's unrealistic in so ways but they are enjoyable to watch."

At his last sentence, she can't help but smile. She pushes off to her feet. "Scarier than you can imagine." She closes her book, moving on silent feet toward the exit before glancing over her shoulder. "You are wise beyond your years, Mr. Winters. Wise beyond your years." For she most certainly is a frightening ex.

Slipstream has posed:
"I am very wise. I have a two hundred IQ." Drake says as he taps the side of his skull. "I'm the first person in the Overwatch League to take a Widowmaker and run it down mid against a full dive comp and use spray and pray and clutch a three on one going into overtime on Anubis."

"Everyone else would have taken an angle at long range." He says as he bobs his head a few times, brows lifting upwards. "Anyways, I gotta go. Tony is paging me." He says as he holds up his wrist to show a blinking light on his bracelet. "Probably something bit coin related."

"You wanna do something this weekend? I'm free and I could use a workout."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"If you are asking me on a date, the answer is no."

Natasha continues toward the door, passing through to the hallway beyond.

"If you are asking if I'd like to help you train and likely beat the hell out of you in the process? Certainly."

Slipstream has posed:
"I said workout!" Drake says with a huff in his throat. "You're not even my type, Nat. You're like Internet hot, but I'm more into girls that aren't specialized in espionage and murder. I'm more of a barista at the local Starbucks kinda girl who hooked me up with an extra shot in my already quad shot latte."

"I've already dated the Foot Ninja girl who stabbed me in the back, actually literally, and then dumped me in a spectacular manner. I also dated the really hot Green Lantern who cheated on me with a God drunk on space booze."

"I'm sorta over girls in costumes, or catsuits. Ya'll crazy."