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Revision as of 23:02, 24 December 2020

Who's Who: The Graveyard Before Christmas
Date of Scene: 24 December 2020
Location: Brendan Cemetery, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Mercy runs into a body-swapped Buffy and helps her fend off vampires.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Mercy Thompson

Buffy Summers has posed:
T'was the night before Christmas, and not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...But there were tons of vamps lurking in the cemetary, because apparently vamps don't celebrate Christmas. Or if they do, it's quite a bit different, and involves feasting on wayward humans that manage to stumble, lost, into their domain..

It's really not the Christmas that Tiffany had hoped for, but to be honest, she doesn't really remember any past Christmases, or any past...Anything. Maybe it's because she only 'woke' up a few weeks ago. Or that's how it feels.

She had been dragged out here with some of her vampire 'friends', and honestly, you kind of have to stick together with other vamps, with all the heroes lurking about, trying to kill you. But as always, she backed off on the latest feeding, and simply could not bring herself to feed. In fact, watching them feeding, she feels the need to...To do something..But what?

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's out for a night time jog. Work's slow. Mercy's, well, she's sort of closed up early and is out here forr a run. She's got a wrench in hand, true, and she's smart enough to keep one of her used wrenches, not one of her main ones. This one's got grease on it, and....rusted bits of Bug and Jetta and things. Apparently, Mercy can bring a club to a vampire fight. Alright. A wrench, if needed.

Buffy Summers has posed:
There are maybe six vamps out tonight. Three are still lurking about the tombstones. Two are stalking a couple. A third hangs around Tiffany, chatting with her. "I mean, come on, why are you acting soo weird? You don't want to feed, dont want to kill. It's like..Like you're neutered or something, like that Spike guy."

The vamp talking to Tiffany is a petite brunette with a braid halfway down her back seems almost concerned. She does notice Mercy however and smiles wickedly, moving towards her. "Well, here comes dinner, wanna join me?"

Turning to Mercy, she puts on a sweet, helpless look. "Oh, excuse me miss, do you have a phone? My car broke down, and I really need to get home to my family..It's soo cold and creepy out here, please help me!"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy shakes her head and sighs. "No, and no. If your car's close I can take a look mind" she offers though she can tell when people are lying, thank you Coyote and his nose. Thank you for that one. So she gives that look, that skeptical look at the vamp and Tiffany, as Mercy shakes her head again, and grits her teeth. "Why didn't you call for help, why are you asking me? Surely you've got insurance and a car and membership right?" Mercy adds looking just a little unhappy.

Buffy Summers has posed:
The brunette smiles sweetly still, arching a brow at the wrench. "Ooh, are you a mechanic? That's cool, let me take you to it. By the way, do you have the time?" she is definitely looking for an opening, and Mercy's nose can easily smell the vamp in her.

Tiffany watches warily, and notices another vampire sneaking towards Mercy from behind. She sighs. Okay, enough is enough. She can't just stand here and let another innocent get hurt. "Look out! They're vampires!" she warns and rushes and tackles the guy behind Mercy.

Meanwhile the brunette bares her teeth, attempting to punch Mercy in the face. They may be fairly new vampires, but they're still at least 5 times stronger than your average human.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's the daughter of Coyote, and practices shi she kai can, a martial art designed for close quarters battle. Leaning back she spins and watches, before ducking and rolling. She grew up with werewolves, so...and werewolves did not play easy with the little coyote girl, so...

That and she has a wrench, too. Which she swings quickly. Sure, she's not as fast or as tall or as muscly as a werewolf, but....fast, agile 'yote is quicker on her feet.

That and she's fairly sure if she's dead, her father will not be pleased. And now who will run the shop if she's dead? Probably Jo. Which would be admittedly interesting, but...Mercy's not going down easy. So the wrench swings through the air.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Hey!" the girl yelps as Mercy dodges the punch and comes in quick with the wrench. She snarls as she brings up her hands to block the wrench, make a grab for it, and misses. "Ouch!" she yelps again, staggering back. That swing might have cracked a wrist or seriously hurt another person but this is a vamp. She grins wickedly, attempting to kick at her several times, trying to shove her into a nearby tree.

Tiffany meanwhile, has her hands full, fighting the other vamp, who is a bit startled and surprised by the attack, staggering back as he spins around to exchange blows with the blonde vampire. Too bad she doesn't have a stake with her, but that tree branch might work, and she shoves him towards said branch, impaling him on a particularly strong branch.

He yelps as he explodes in a burst of dust. Which alerts two more vamps who snarl as they spin around on her. "Tiffany? What are you doing? Why did you betray us?" they snarl, and a third vampire joins them, surrounding Mercy and Tiffany.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Thud. Mercy, meet tree. Fine, Four paws here goes nothing. Which leads to the silly sight of a coyote in jogger pants, socks and a sports bra. Because...well...Mercy, in her canine form, is working her way out of it and wriggling free, then takes off sprinting, as in, flat out running. Sixty miles an hour give or t. Which is fast either way...see, Mercy can probably run rings around people. Vampires? Not....well...depends how agile they are. Or if they can run freeway speeds.

Buffy Summers has posed:
The vampires pause for a moment, staring at Mercy as she quickly shifts into coyote form. "Hey! What the...!" some of them take off after her in a sprint, and hey, they're pretty fast, but probably not fast enough to outrun a coyote.

Meanwhile, some of them surround Tiffany, two grabbing her by the arms while a third punches her in the mid section. "what the heck do you think you're doing? We take you in and now you betray us?" one of them snarls even as she struggles to break free.

"Well, looks like your little coyote friend abandonned you, guess we'll have to teach you a lesson!" another powerful punch is thrust into her midsection by the big, muscular vampire that talks to her now. She cries out in pain, really wishing the coyote hadn't just fled..And left her here..But you know..She's a vamp and all too..

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Nah, Mercy's just angling to get a better path to the vampires, and she's click clacking her way, nails clicking, over to them, only it's a flat run. Now if Mercy had any help, well, she'd appreciate that. She's doubting she can get her jaws around a vampire and tear its throat out, or, or....something. Instead she's literally running interference, because Mercy's brains, not brawn. Short of distracting the vampires, well, she's not really got much in the way of tricks, aside from her cute furred self, or...or...well, distracting vampires is the one she keeps on coming back to.

Buffy Summers has posed:
The two vamps continue to chase after Mercy, distracting one of the ones holding Tiffany long enough for her to side kick one of them, twisting free of the other. Huh. That tree branch came loose. She ducks and rolls to grab the sharp pointed stick and stabs it into the nearest vamp's chest, which also explodes into dust.

"Huh..why does this feel so...Familiar? Could it be true what that guy said? Did I really swap bodies with the slayer?"

"Slayer? What the...Gack!" another vamp is dusted, leaving the muscular guy, and the two which now rush at Mercy, attempting to pincer attack and tackle her to the ground.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy plants a paw, pivots and books it away from he vamps again. She's trying to get them to run into each other, and hopefully take themselves out of the fight. Not too different tpo growing up with werewolves chasing her. Same deal. Big slower than her things run into each other and go thud.

Or in other words. Keep them on their....do vampires have toes? Huh, well, whatever they have for toes, and keep them running into each other, if Mercy can pull that off. See. She's given...wait is that a Slayer? She's given whoever /that/ is, a way to deal with one vamp.

See, vamps out of the fight. Mercy's evening the odds in her own coyote-ish way. By running fast. Speed kills, they say. Speed kills....vampires.

Buffy Summers has posed:
The two vamps after Mercy don't seem terribly bright. Or maybe not as agile as the coyote as she lures them in then darts out of the way at the last moment. "Gah!" they yell as they crash into each other, momentarily dazed and tangled up.

Buffy(?) narrows her eyes, turning on the last vamp, who seems considerably more skilled, to exchange a few blows with her. But this Buffy isn't as strong as the Slayer. She seems to be holding out pretty well at first, with her more advanced combat techniques, and a bit more speed and agility on her side. But he's strong and tougher than he looks, and barely flinches at her well placed kicks.

And then, she doesn't move quite fast enough, eyes widenned in surprise as he footsweeps her off her feet, then pins her to the ground. "Damn traitor! I'll show you what happens to traitors!"

Is this the end..?

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Job done. At least that one, Mercy growls and flattens her ears, then lifts her head and...howls, because if she can bring any of her coyote bretheren, even the wild ones to help out here and go after the vampires, why not...

Besides. Ain't no rule saying Mercy can't cheerlead for...metaphorically speaking, cheerlead for her coyote kin. right? Right? So, she howls again, a loud, full on coyote howl, he sort that's 'hey, trouble over here' type howl...as Mercy then makes a beeline, coyotline, whatever it is, for the vamps holding the girl down...as Mercy snaps her jaws.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks as Mercy comes in and distracts the vamp. It's enough of a distraction for her to head butt it and reach for her stake, stabbing it before it explodes. Once that happens, she gets to her feet and after a brief glance and nod to Mercy for her thanks, she runs off into the night.