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Latest revision as of 16:02, 29 December 2020

Defector in Danger!
Date of Scene: 29 December 2020
Location: Manhattan
Synopsis: The Falcon, Captain America and Slipstream protect a defecting Russian FSB Agent. Badguys attack and violence ensues.
Cast of Characters: Falcon, Captain America, Slipstream

Falcon has posed:
Illya Kalashnikov (codename Bear) of the Russian Federation's FSB is one of their top intelligence agents. That is until he had a change of heart after learning of some of his nation's more dastardly doings. Now he's trying to defect.

In order to get out from under the thumb of his country he's reached out to both the Avengers and SHIELD to take him in in exchange for his knowledge about Russia's intelligence community. Unfortunately for him, the FSB is on to his plan. They've got a team of cybernetically enhanced operators already on the ground in New York to take him out. It's only a matter of time before they get to him.

Currently, Bear is hiding out in an apartment high above the streets of Manhattan, hoping that he'll be picked up soon. He's currently in communication with a SHIELD asset who's heading in his direction to keep him safe.

That asset, The Falcon, is utilizing his wings to soar through the sky towards Bear's apartment building, scanning around it through his goggles to keep an eye out for danger. His plan is to circle the building while guys on the ground head inside to pick up the defector. As he arrives in position he speaks through his radio to the others on this operation, "This is the Falcon. I'm over the target site. No hostiles visible at this time."

That's because these hostiles are tricky sons of guns. They're entering the building disguised as caterers with their suppressed ShAK-12 12.7mm bullpup battle rifles concealed in metal serving trays that, at the distance they're at, block Sam Wilson's goggles from picking them up. They proceed inside smoothly, the doorman having just gotten a message on his smartphone to expect them. The team of agents approach the elevator to get inside.

Bear is not wholly unprepared for something like this, having at one point been on a similar FSB assault squad. The hidden cameras he's got in the lobby pick up the caterers and he recognizes that the crew appears to be Russian. This sets his 'spy-senses' a tingling and he reaches out over his comms, "They're here! Catering crew in the lobby, heading for the elevators!"

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers is standing guard outside of Bear's room. Not exactly subtle, clad in the red white and blue, with his shield and his mask, but the whole floor's reserved so there aren't likely to be passing bystanders. He hears the info come in through the comm in his ear and taps just below the wing on his mask to activate the speech mode.

"Let's keep it clean, folks. Contain and disarm first and foremost. We don't need these guys putting stray shots through civilians. Slipstream, you hit the lobby, Falcon, keep an eye on our ursine friend. I'll cut them off at the pass."

He approaches the elevator and strikes with his shield, hitting the seam between the doors and then pulling them apart. "Here goes nothin'," he mutters to himself and then steps in, dropping down, down, down, sliding his shield underneath him to disperse the point of impact so that he'll hit the roof of the elevator right as the encroaching 'caterers' arrive.

Slipstream has posed:
As usual, the speedster of the team is across the street on a roof with his small floating robot, Snowball, at his side. He is dressed in his own Avenger's uniform, which is a black bomber jacket, a simple black shirt and a pair of black and blue colored neon pants that is designed to withstand high velocities. He looks like something straight out of futuristic movie with his tactical goggles on.

Glancing over at his communicator strapped to his wrist, he gives a firm nod of his head as he rises upwards, blowing some hair away from his face. "Yes, sir! I'm on my way. Snowball can wall off the building once I'm in to ensure no one gets in or out."

The robot chimes: Doot! She's happy to assist.

With a twist of his Legionnaire Flight Ring, he steps to the side of the building, then kicks off in a blue contrail as he blinks forward. As his alien technology synchs up with him, he glides down at sonic speeds to the floor, then blurs through the lobby doors. From behind him, the gold floating bot whirls and clicks as ice starts to form from beneath her as she changes the air around her into solid slabs of ice from the ground to ceiling.

"Hey guys! Did any of you bring those really tiny sammiches? I am starving." As usual, he looks to create a bit of a diversion to give Cap time to make his grand appearance.

Falcon has posed:
Cap's timing is flawless, hitting the roof of the elevator at the exact instant half of the FSB team gets aboard. They hear the thud of something landing on top of them and go for their weapons, pointing them up at the elevator's ceiling. One of them calls out in Russian.

The other half of the team hasn't yet gotten onto an elevator as there's a bunch of them and the trays take up a lot of room. When they hear the guy on the other team speaking out over the radio they start heading for the stairs, ready to take an alternate route to get to the target.

And speaking of alternate routes, the drivers of the two catering vans get out of their vehicles and approach the side of the building. They roll back the sleeves on their left arms, point them upwards and fire out cords attached to grappling hooks. The hooks bury themselves in the side of the building and the agents begin to ascend quickly and smoothly.

"Roger, Cap," The Falcon tells the supersoldier over comms as he lands on Bear's balcony, giving the defector a wave that's as much a motion to get down as it is a friendly greeting. His goggles pick up the grappling hooks and Wilson frowns as he levels one of his hands at them, moving to cut through them with his wrist mounted gun with a couple of well aimed shots.

The guys zipping up the wall don't drop too far as their cords are cut. Their enhanced reflexes kick in and they punch their robot fingers into the side of the building to resume their climb. They seem quite implacable.

In the lobby the group headed for the stairs before being greeted by Slipstream react with inhuman speed. They're no speedsters, but their reflexes are scary fast. Catering trays flip apart so that the guys can grab their guns and try to engage the unexpected threat. As one lets off a controlled pair of shots from his weapon he yells in English, "You can eat this!"

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers stays perched atop his shield, protecting him from any incoming fire that might happen to come up his way. "Surrender now and we can all have an easy night, comrades!" he calls. He doesn't anticipate they'll take the offer. Nobody ever wants to do things the easy way.

He rears his body, twisting muscles to let him hop on the shield, bouncing down onto the roof until bullets start to tear through it, bouncing off the indestructible weapon and weakening the roof until he plunges down into the midst of them. He doesn't waste motion as he lands, sweeping wide with his shield and throwing a kick that pins one Russian to the wall, cracking a few Russkie ribs in the process. He doesn't have time to say anything into the coms at the moment, his entire being focused on the battle in the elevator. Why does this always happen to him?

Slipstream has posed:
"Sweet comeback! Are you guys Meal Team Six?"

There's a blink of light as Slipstream puts himself in action as he blurs forward in a zig-zag motion. The spray of bullets ricochet off the wall behind him. That was a close call! He can feel the ringing in his ears from their close range. As he squeezes his fists together, he gives a quick one-two blink of contrails, moving into close range and looking to throw a combination of punches to take them down. At his high velocity and training, hopefully the job can be done quickly.

"I got the entrance sealed off and a couple Gravy Seals in the lobby. I should be okay."

Bang! He takes a bullet to the shoulder.

"Mostly! Ow ow ow."

Falcon has posed:
The guys in the elevator are well trained, well armed and inhumanly physically fit. They sling their rifles and draw knives as Cap comes crashing down so that they don't accidentally light up their allies. As one is pinned to the wall the others lunge towards Captain Rogers, clearly intending to do some grievous bodily harm to the superhero.

The guys in the lobby continue to try to take down the speedster. Of course, that super speed is hard for anyone to deal with, even some suped up Russkies with potent firepower. A few go down under the barrage of blows from Slipstream as they're blocked in the building by the buildup of ice outside.

The two climbing the wall continue to make their way up, tough guys that they are. That is until Redwing, The Falcon's drone, drops down from the sky to take a quick scan of the FSB agents before unleashing it's grappling launcher to bind one of them up and prevent him from hanging on. He drops like a stone towards the ground. The other guy watches as his battle buddy gets his ass kicked by a tiny flying robot, drawing a pistol to fire it one handed at Redwing. He does not notice Sam Wilson's silent approach until his head is stomped on by both of the airman's feet in a loud crunch. The Falcon actually pushes off of the agent's head with his legs and resumes flying back to the balcony as the Russian falls, unconscious, towards the Earth.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers catches an incoming knife, his gloves lined to protect him from the cutting edge and he twists, snapping the blade off and then following up, stepping in and cracking a headbutt into the soldier's nose. Luckily, their 'disguise' kept them underarmored, lacking helmets to protect them from Cap's devastating blows and strikes.

He grunts as he takes a blow to the kidneys from one of the larger men, an attempt to follow it up with a knife avoided as Cap twists and grapples, shifting a hip underneath the man for leverage to toss him sideways into the wall of the elevator.

"Status report!" he calls out.

Slipstream has posed:
"Three down, three to go, took a bullet to the shoulder. I probably need tactical armor that's lightweight. I really could go for a milkshake after this."

There's another round of blinks and blurs through the lobby as Slipstream zips in and out of the last few combatants. As he gathers kinetic sonic energy about him, he releases it in a loud =BOOM= as he slams his fist into the ground, creating a ripple that explodes outwards and knocking the three gunmen across the room and knocked unconscious.

"I'm good!"

Snowball gives a loud 'doot' as well, spinning upwards in the air in her usual victory dance before she floats over towards the hero to start scanning his shoulder and delivering data back to Stark Industries. A small arm protrudes out from under her, then shoots him in the shoulder with some foam to seal the wound for now.

Making his way to the elevator doors, he reaches out and yanks the doors open, taking a few steps back.

Falcon has posed:
"All clear outside," Wilson radios as his goggles inform him that both of the wall climbers are out of the fight. Redwing flies over their vehicles to make sure nobody's managed to get into them to try to escape. Looking in through the balcony, Sam is given a thumbs up by Illya, who has taken cover behind the marble counter. "Bear is secure."

The remaining couple of guys Cap is brawling with end up spilling out into the lobby when the elevator door is opened by Slipstream. One turns to try to stab the younger fellow, darting towards him like a viper. The other remains intent on slaughtering Captain America.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers assumes Slipstream can handle the guy heading towards him. He wouldn't be an Avenger otherwise. Cap keeps low, driving a shoulder into one, using the environment to his advantage. A knife skates over the surface of the shield, sparking with friction until Cap finally just backhands the man with the shield, making him flip end over end as he throws a swift thrust kick to put him down for good.

"Elevator secured. Looks like we surfed the wave, gentlemen."

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh, hey guys. I see you're still -ahh!"

Slipstream dances back as the man tumbles out of the elevator with a blade. He dodges to the left, then snaps out with a blurred spinkick to the man's stomach, followed by a snapping overhand swing of his fist to knock him down. He bobs a few times on his ankles, then lets out a heavy sigh.

"You know, I've never gone surfing before. But I did play a lot of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater from the old days. It's really fun, we should try it sometime. I'd love to see you hold a game controller."

From ProGamer to Pro-Hero. He's living the life.

Kicking a few guns and knives away from the prone bodies of the bad guys, he looks to make a pile of them so they aren't in grabbing distance.

Falcon has posed:
"SHIELD's got a Quinjet on the way to pick up the package," Falcon tells the other two. "I'll escort him up to the roof. I hope you two don't mind babysitting the guys you just took care of until ground forces can secure them. We'll debrief over some milkshakes"

The bad guys aren't moving much, if at all. They are quite badly beaten and don't seem to be inclined towards doing much of anything aside from occasionally moaning in pain.

Redwing continues soaring around the building to keep an eye on things as Sam protects Bear on his way up to the roof to meet the Quinjet. Outside, some of SHIELD's black SUVs pull up and start spitting out folks in suits. They quickly secure the two who fell off the wall while others wait patiently for the doors to the apartment building to thaw out.

The whole time the violence had been going on the doorman just watched quietly. Now that things are over he chuckles a little bit, "Worst caterers ever. Am I right?"

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers spends some time ziptying up some of the captives, prepping them in advance for SHIELD to take them into custody. He's confident they're down, but confidence is no guarantee of anything and he wants to ensure the safety of the agents coming in. The Russians are highly trained operatives and an abundance of care needs to be taken with them.

Smiling, Cap pats the doorman on the shoulder, "I don't know about that. I can think of a few weddings I've been to that caused me more damage than that. Never eat undercooked salmon, my friend," he says, watching as SHIELD takes full control of the scene, speaking into the coms. "Mission accomplished. Good work all around. I'm in the mood for a hot dog and a Coke. Anybody else?"

Slipstream has posed:
"I'm always starving. I burn about five thousand calories an hour."

Drake gives a few pokes at his wounded shoulder that has been foamed shut by Snowball, wrinkling his nose. The robot floats over and pops open a compartment, in which he reaches in to take out a pill bottle. After twisting off the cap, he throws a pair back with a swallow.

"I'll get the door." He says as he heads over to the walled off ice, then reaches out to push his hands against it. With a quick vibrating motion of speed, the ice shatters in a tumble to the ground, then starts to melt.

"So, how long have you two known each other for? Aren't you both jarheads?"

Falcon has posed:
"Sounds like a plan, Cap," Falcon says over the radio as he loads Bear into the Quinjet. Kalashnikov gives Falcon a salute before taking a seat, which the hero quickly returns. Sam walks to the edge of the roof and drops off, using his wings to slow his descent when he gets close to ground level so he can meet up with the Avengers. "Jarheads? You got the wrong service, my man. I'm an airman and Cap here's a soldier. Jarheads are marines," Wilson sounds amused, however. "I figure Call of Duty would have taught you the difference." Then he lifts his chin and asks, "So where we going for lunch? Want to head to Coney? Nathan's is open all year."