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Who's Who: A safe haven
Date of Scene: 28 December 2020
Location: The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: Buffy recovers at the Blue Lady after being attacked by Spawn
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's early in the morning, early enough that Dawn hasn't broke yet, though sunlight is due to shine through the clouds at any minute. And for once, the Blue Lady is almost empty, which is a good thing as she wanted to keep a low profile, especially given her current state.

The too tall, too busty, too blonde young woman stuck to the shadows as she approached the Blue Lady, peering about warily as if she might be followed. When she reaches the front door, she is limping markedly on her right leg, her skimpy pink halter top shredded and bloodied as are her black tight leather pants, shredded and bloody, riddled with bullets.

As if that wasn't enough, she's got a large gash over her right leg and a big ugly bruise across one cheek. No wonder she's desperate to get away before whatever attacks her comes back, pounding desperately on the back door, "Hello? Anyone here? Hello!?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
A young woman opens he door and peeks out at her, "If you are looking for a handout sweetie you aren't gonna get it here." she comments with a bit of distain in her tone before she takes in the full image of the girl, crosses herself and says "Jesus, Mary and Joesph. What /happened/ to you." Pulling her inside the kitchen of the club and looking up and down the alley as though she expected to see a roaming hoard of brigands rounding the corner. "You poor thing, should I call the police? An Ambulance?" And then a second later a male voice says, "Leave her with me Edith, If your finished cleaning up here you can go on home..." Thomas is wearing, unsuprisingly, white. White suit pants and a white dress shirt. He apparently left the jacket somewhere else but is lightly fingering the white bow tie at his neck." Of course Mr Raith, the woman says scrambling away. Thomas gestures with his arm towards a heavy wooden door in the back of the kitchen. "The Kitchen should be light proof, but lets not take any chances. I've got the wine Celler set up for you. We can talk down there."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns a bit, glancing around rather anxiously at Edith, shaking her head but not really saying much. "I'll be okay, just..." she shivers, wishing she hadn't lost her jacket when Spawn had attacked her. But at least Vampires don't get cold, not as easily as humans at any rate.

She seems almost relieved, to see Thomas. Was she starting to remember what he meant to her? "Thomas." she smiles weakly, "Guess I was wrong, I suppose I deserved all this." Buffy tries to laugh it off but ends up coughing up a bit of blood instead, leaning briefly against the wall, wincing at the pain from all those bullet wounds.

Thomas Raith has posed:
What would Buffy, that is the Buffy of December 23rd, if she saw what happened next. He moves to support her, her blood staining blotches on his white silk shirt. He opens the door to the wine celler and helps her down the stairs. There, between the last rows and racks of bottles is a bed. It is small (at least compared to the bed Tuffy is currently stuck on,) but has several thick comforters on it, and even some teddy bears surrounding it... Thomas leads he to that bed and sets her down. "What in the hell happened?" He asks softly.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers doesn't protest this time, doesn't push back as he helps her down those stairs. Seems she trusts him more than the last time they met, at least. Of course she doesn't say a thing at least until she's laying in that bed, eyes closed and shivering as she takes a couple of instinctive breaths - even if vampires don't need to breathe.

"You were right, Thomas. I don't know how or why, but this is all wrong...I'm..I'm not a vampire. Even Nolan.." she coughs, "Nolan recognized me, the instant he saw me.." she sighs, hugging her bloody torso. It's amazing how brutalized a vampire could be, and still live through it as long as they're not decapitated or staked through the heart. Even so, it would take an especially skillful vampire to survive what she has.

Buffy glances back at Thomas, her gaze softening, searching for those elusive memories. She seems to recognize him somehow, even if those specific memories are missing or at least, incomplete.

"I couldn't do it, hurting humans, drinking from them..I couldn't just...Watch by.." She winces again, as it seems the slightest movement causes her pain. And so much blood. How much can a vampire lose before they simply bleed to death?

"I took down as many as I could, started carrying stakes around, can you imagine.." she laughs weakly, then coughs again. "Then, I met *him*, calls himself Spawn, slayer of demons.." she shivers at the horrifying memory, how he mercilessly brutalized her, seemed to have fun doing it even.

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Of course he does..." Thomas says with a grumble, as if that idea is just the icing on the cake. He sets her on the bed and picks up a small dagger. "I've got blood bags down here, but you are hurt. Your body is going to need blood if you want it or not." he draws a line with the blade across his hand. Deep. And makes a fist. "Tilt your head back. I'm not going to let you drink from me directly, but my blood should still pack quite a kick..." He's absorbing every word she has to say, but his first priority is making sure she doesn't die.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks, sniffing the air as he cuts his arm. "But..I can't. I don't know.." she frowns, but she really can't protest. He's right, she needs the blood or she could die. Buffy closes her eyes, tilting her head back as that blood trickles into her hungry mouth. And of course Thomas is right. He's no ordinary human and his blood is more potent than any normal human too. She shivers softly at the taste, noting how it's pink instead of red but tired, in too much pain to think too much about it right now.

Shes already reaching up to touch his arm, desperate for more of that incredible blood..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith swats her hand down, "No, You just drink it.." He says firmly. He's not sure if he could stop Buffy if she wanted to actually take him. He probably could, but likely not without hurting her. And as much as he'd love to twist Tiffany's head off like a chicken... the thought of causing Buffy any more discomfort then nessicary galls him. He lets the blood flow a little more freely, not sure of Vampiric regenitive abilities, but hoping it won't take more then he can spare. Soon enough he pulls away, wrapping a white cloth over his cut hand. "So what happened love?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Her eyes widen as he swats her hand away, then turns away, a bit ashamed of herself. She truly is the monster now. "I'm sorry.." she sighs, squeezing her eyes shut, feeling the potent blood mingling in her system, healing the pain, sealing up the less grievous wounds. Although most vampires dont heal quite as quickly as the Slayer, who can literally heal just about any wound short of decapitation within 24 hours.

Even so, she's looking a bit stronger already as she turns to watch him again thoughtfully. "Like I said, I met this psychic named Nolan Voight, he recognized Buffy's...My soul, my mind in Tiffany's body." she shrugs, relaxing a bit now that her wounds are starting to heal, feeling her strength slowly coming back.

"He did some.." she twirls her fingers, "Some magic mojo, said my mind was being attacked by a horde of tiny invisible demons that steal happy memories and present them to their queen.." it's a disturbing thought really, and Buffy seems troubled by it. Tiffany was right, if they continue this way, she may get end up as nothing more than an empty shell, devoid of memories.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith tilts his head slightly. "Not sure you ever mentioned him to me." He says simply. No accusation of hurt feelings on the matter, simply the fact that one of Buffy's associates in the field of Slaying never came up in a previous conversation. He goes to the fridge and pulls out two bulging blood packs and setting them on a small night stand before setting down beside her. "If it's demons, I can have Harry put a circle up to keep them away." He says softly, "At least protect you while you sleep.."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles faintly and nods, "I didn't know I knew him til he recognized me. Odd guy, talks to ghosts, lives in an old run down former bar that looks like a shabbier version of this." she speaks of him as if she respects him quite a bit but nothing more than that. It's not like she knows him that well afterall, or for very long even.

"Anyway, he did something, said he tainted the strider demons' stolen memories with some of his..Deepest darkest ones." she sighs, shaking her head sadly, "It was...An unpleasant experience, reliving his worst memories. Such a sad, lonely man.." Buffy truly does seem to feel sorry for him.."But he said, with any luck, with their tummies now full, they will go to their queen and have their memories rejected and returned to their owners, assuming she doesn't merely destroy them..Shouldn't take more than a week or two to see what will happen either way."

She glances back at him, somewhat apologetically, "You were right all along. I *am* Buffy, just don't know if I can be *your* Buffy, without those memories. But one thing is for sure, I'm no Tiffany, I'm not a vampire.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks just a little bit and cups her cheek. "Of course I was right. If you had your memories you'd know I almost always am." He says in a playful tone that is none the less gentle and kind. "Well, for the record I'm not giving up just yet. And I won't. We are going to fix this." He says it with firm confidence, even if he hasn't the foggiest clue /how/. He then leans over and gives her a soft kiss on the cheek. It's not chaste, not like the kiss one would give a sibling or a friend, but nor is it passionate. It's a connection. A reassurance that he cares about her and will do what is nessicary and possible to get her back.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles faintly, blushing ever so slightly. She may not look like Buffy in this body but her mannerisms, the way she speaks..Even hints of her old personality are coming back to her. She reaches up to clutch his hand if allowed, although careful not to touched the bandaged portion even as she eyes the bloodied cut with faint hunger and desire..So this is how the hunger feels. She will be sure to remember that later, if things ever go back to normal.

"She's really lucky, to have someone like you in her life. I just hope I don't let you down..Living up to who she was.." Buffy looks away sadly, knowing this could go epically wrong.

"I've been thinking..This Tiffany was part of the Red Order cult, right? I'm sure I'd find more information at her crypt. Maybe she has a journal or something hidden at her place. I just..Hope I dont run into Spawn again. Next time I won't be so lucky.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Next time, you'll have backup." He says softly, and takes a chance to kiss her lips, though again it is more then chaste but less then passionate. He strokes the unfamilier cheek while obviously caring deeply for the woman behind the eyes. "Don't." he says softly. "Don't concern yourself with trying to live up to Buffy, because you /are/ Buffy." He says softly. "You can't let me down, because there is nothing to live up to. You are you. It's as simple as that. And even if we can't get you back in your right body. Even if you don't recover each and every memory. That will not change.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles faintly, not pulling away this time as he kisses her. And even if her memories are fractured, the feelings are still there, if only a little. She closes her eyes briefly, pressing her lips against his, if a bit hesitant, before laying back again.

"I suppose you're right. I just need to focus on recovering right?" she smiles, "But I feel safe here, just need to hunker down for a bit..Any idea how to swap my body back..?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith walks over to an empty wine rack slot and pulls out the strange fingertrap looking device. "This." He says simply. "No idea how it works. Hopefully Harry and/or Willow will be able to figure out something." He sounds more confident then he feels, but he isn't going to let any of his doubts infect her. "Once we do that, we swap you back into your body, Captain airhead into that one, then we stake her and celebrate with hours of furniture destroying levels of sex... and maybe pizza."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers peers back at the shiny green metal finger trap thingy. "Oh..Yeah, it looks familiar. Soo..It's some kind of magic mojo thingy? I just hope it works, although it looks kind of..Broken.." she eyes it doubtfully, noticing how some of the hinges are loose, the metal a bit twisted as if someone stepped down on it. Hard.

"Soo whos Harry, a friend of yours? and Willow..?" she blinks slowly at the familiar name, "Oh, she was the red head that was there the other day, right? She seems a bit familiar too, and.."

She just blushes profusely at the celebration he has planned. "You're..Not quite human, are you..."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit, tilting his head. "Harry's my brother. Willow is your best friend." He says with a chuckle as he actually makes he blush...something he hasn't been able to do on a consistent basis for some time now since they have been dating. He grins a bit when she asks if he is human or not. "The simplest explanation, rather then going into every little nuance? I'm a Sex Vampire.." He says with a grin, walking up to the door to the wine cellar and bolting it. "Sun will be all the way in a few minutes. Best you get some rest." He offers and lays down on the bed, making room for her. They would both fit there, id she is willing to play "Little Spoon, and he holds out his arms as if inviting her to do just that."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks a couple of times, "Uh...Sex vampire..? I mean, I hope you're not gonna miss this body.." you know, with all the fake implants that just scream sex icon. She blushes some more wishing she hadn't just said that. Awkwaaaard.."But you and Buf--me..It's not just..There's love there too..Right?"

Still, Buffy doesn't pull away as he offers to hold her, even if she's still bloody and ragged. Right now though she's too exhausted to even think of a shower and change of clothes. Maybe after a little much needed rest.

"Thank you, Thomas.." she murmurs sleepily as she curls in against him.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit and just holds her. "Yes there is love there too. If there wasn't, we wouldn't be together now. I wouldn't be doing all this. I'm a monster after all. A selfish one at that. But some has endangered my mate, and I will kill to get her back." He strokes Tiffany's long bleached hair the same way he normally stroked Buffy's honeyed locks. He smirks a bit playfully, "That said, we get all of Buffy's memories back into you... I mean it might be a little bit like roleplaying wouldn't it?" he asks in the tone of a guy fully expecting an elbow for his perverted comments.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns and shakes her head, "You keep calling yourself a monster but, you aren't really, are you? I mean, sure, you're a vampire of some sort, but just like me, you don't really want to hurt people, do you.."

She sighs, shaking her head, enjoying his touch in spite of herself, "I mean, you keep risking everything to save me, and a monster isn't even capable of love. Isn't the most important thing what you do, not what you are?"

His teasing causes her to giggle a bit, blushing some more, "You're into role play huh? But, I sure hope I get all my memories back before I switch bodies. Once I'm back to normal, I'll do whatever you like.." she may regret that later though.