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Latest revision as of 19:54, 4 January 2021

Oaktown Blues
Date of Scene: 21 October 2020
Location: Oaktown, Bakerline
Synopsis: Lex and Berri bump into each other.
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Berri Sundae

Lex Luthor has posed:
It's been a while since Berri was employed by Lex. With an initial orientation for LexCorp work, Lex has since had Berri mostly on standby. She was being evaluated, and Lex was waiting for an opportunity to test her abilities and skillset.

Tonight, she was given her first assignment by Mercy; there's a small time gang just starting to expand a bit out of Oakstown... and Lex wants details. He has a lot of other work he's doing, so he's sent Berri out to scout the situation and see what they're actually doing. Her job? Assess their capabilities and interests, and see if they can be brought into line with LexCorps efforts in the area. LexCorp had vested interests in gentrification of the neighborhood, and Lex was not in /any/ way interested in having upstarts disrupt his plans.

Berri Sundae has posed:
A while, but Berri hadn't been without work since her meeting with Mercy. Now she was on her way for a little recon, perfectly happy with the idea of the paycheck headed her way. Currently she was dressed in her usual attire, whites and blacks paired with pink while she made her way towards Oakstown.

She'd stand out...but only for as long as she wished to!

Lex Luthor has posed:
The destination in question was a townhouse the gang had rented. About two dozen strong for now, they were mostly late teens and a couple adults that Berri knew of, and approaching the townhouse itself she could see some of the teenagers tending to maintenance of the house proper in casual garb. No gang colors here yet.

Lex had given her the name 'Malcolm Hanvari' as their leader.

Berri Sundae has posed:
Onwards and upwards. With her parasol lazily resting across her shoulder, open and twirled with an absent twist of her fingers at the handle, the 'icecream' colored metahuman gave her phone one last check before tucking it into her pocket. This close? It was time to start looking about.

Mismatched eyes peered over those outside, seeking to take in detail. It was her mental senses however that reached out, looking for thoughts of the gang and this 'Malcolm'. The more she could learn? The more leverage might be had...and the more she could know what she was dealing with!

Lex Luthor has posed:
Those outside have a bit of the typical gang interests; food, money, sex. One of them is looking forward to a date tomorrow, even. Another is just about done and about to go report to this 'Malcolm'.

That's all on the surface. Going deeper will take a bit more time.

Berri Sundae has posed:
And just like that, she had a lead! A shift and a smirk, Berri moved forward, her parasol closed with a -snap-. The young woman shifts, moving towards the direction of the man headed to make his report.