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Who's Who: The Prophecy
Date of Scene: 09 January 2021
Location: The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: Buffy leaves the Blue Lady following a disturbing vision. Thomas brings her back.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith

Buffy Summers has posed:
After a conversation with Cheetah (of all people) and later on, Harry, which had involved an interesting request, Buffy had..Suddenly been nowhere to be found. Not in the cellar, not in the apartment or private office. Where had she gone?

Of course there had been a live band and dancing earlier, had she simply slipped away? It was hard to tell really..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith of course is concerned about where she went, but also knows that his lover is capable of handling herself and also feeling a bit cooped up over the last few weeks. Still as the night starts to get longer he does try the new cell phone her bought her, hoping she has it on..

Buffy Summers has posed:
The cell phone keeps on ringing and ringing with no response. If she has her phone with her she's not picking up fir some reason. Suddenly one of the servers hurries up to Thomas, looking a bit concerned. "Mister Raith? If you're looking for Buffy, I saw her slip out the back door. I tried to stop her, but..You know how stubborn she can be.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith sighs a bit, "Thank you Mercadez." He says pinching the bridge of his nose. "And believe me, I know exactly how stubborn she can be. Thank you for letting me know. I think Table four is ready to order." he adds, moving towards the kitchen and the back alley...

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's getting dark now and the alley can be a spooky place, as most people take the front entrance. In fact there is no one else out here, but Thomas can definitely make out the sound of hurried footsteps heading near the end of the long alleyway, but no breathing oddly. Whoever it is can see in the dark and clearly doesn't need to breathe.

And then the streetlight near the end lights up, illuminating her bleach blonde hair and tall, busty figure. Tiffany. Or rather Buffy in Tiffany's body.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith quit smoking before he ever met Buffy, but he suddenly has a strange desire for a cigarette. "You know it's funny." He says calmly to her back, walking to catch up with her. "We had a Red court infestation about two years back. They always seemed to end up in this alley in the end."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers narrows her eyes as she spins around, sporting that handy battleaxe that Thomas himself had given her for her birthday. And she may not be as fast or as strong as she once was she is still the Slayer.

She frowns as she crouches, picking up her axe, ready for combat. "Dont try and stop me Thomas, we both know I can't stay at the Blue Lady any longer. If I do, I'll continue to endanger everyone, especially you.." she seems sad but determined.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs a bit, "I made that choice when I decided to fall in love with the Slayer." He says casually, not seeming to plussed about the Axe or her combative stance. "I wonder though... You've got the theory of how to use that thing from having your mind swapped... But does muscle memory count for anything? I Garantee Tiffany's body doesn't have that." He shrugs slightly. "This Red Order are spell slingers right? You know what will happen if anyone tries using Magic in the Lady. Axe is an experienced Vamp killer. Crush is a were bear. there is me and Didi. Nick. Honestly i have a great outpouring of pity for anyone that comes to that Club looking for trouble."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shakes her head, "Doesn't matter. They'll hurt innocents to get to me, even if it means holding them hostage til I come to them." she sighs, looking at her axe with a slight frown, knowing that he could easily take her in her current form, but she has to try..

"I saw it, Thomas, I have prophetic dreams. If I don't come to them, they will kill innocents. I can't let people die because of me. I can't!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods a bit, "And if they kill you, how many more innocents will die?" he asks plainly. "How many will die because the Slayer wasn't their to protect them?" He shakes his head slightly, "So let's go back to the apartment. We'll get our gear. and we'll go kill the son's of bitches... or daughters of bitches in this case. Then after that's done maybe have a nice breakfast. I'm thinking chocolate chip waffles."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip, considering that, but shakes her head slowly. "I...Can't." she takes a step back, "Being around you right now..I can't control myself..Can't even think straight, I just..Want to assault you..Violently..Drink you dry. If I ever see Tiffany again, I'll probably kill her for real."

Buffy looks away, ashamed of herself, and even as she speaks, there is a shift in the wind, a familiar scent of vampires surrounding them, not far off. "I don't even know who I am anymore..I just know that I don't want to hurt you anymore.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith walks closer. "You're not going to hurt me Buffy. Hell when you were first going through this, don't you remember my over the top and highly dramatic display of self sacrifice, just to prove that point?" he asks playfully amused. Axe told me Harry had stopped by earlier. He had to tell you that he's been working on that Dragon Katana thing. He doesn't look away from her, but does speak out in a loud clear voice then. "This area is claimed by right to the White Court of Vampires, and under the Unseelie Accords you are at this moment trespassing on sovereign WhitE Court land. Leave now, and leave in peace... or refuse me, and leave in pieces." He looks away from buffy to make it clear he is speaking to the Vampires.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shakes her head, taking a step back. "You're wrong! Even if I don't want to..I can't control myself, I don't even know if I'm Buffy anymore! So please..At least let me protect you from myself.."

Her ears pricked, fully aware of hostile watching her and she snarls, baring her fangs, clutching the axe more tightly. "They're after me, Thomas! I betrayed them so please..Just save yourself!"

Laughter echoes in the darkness, all around them now. "We have no conflict with you, white court! That girl however, betrayed us by killing her own, and now she must pay! Hand her over peacefully or we have the right to exact proper punishment upon her for her crimes!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Hey, Fang face!" The voice of Axe comes from behind the Vampire who is speaking, about a second before a Tomahawk appears to be growing out of the same's forehead. Beside him the massive form of Crush steps out and cracks his knuckles. "Think the Boss suggested you leave. You ain't taken my girl nowhere." He takes off his sunglasses to reveal brown eyes far more animal then man." Didi approaches from the other side of the alley, simply tossing Thomas a pair of Kukri knives and then pulling out her own pair...

Buffy Summers has posed:
In the dim light, a total of seven vampires appear, and as Axe tosses his axe at the first vamp's forehead, he snarls, pulling it out, tossing it back at him. "Fool! You will pay for this!" The other vamps close in quickly, one going after each of Thomas, Didi and Axe, the last four charging at Buffy who swings her battle axe at the first, easily slicing off its head.

Two more come at her, older, stronger and bigger than her in her current form. "Slayer!" snarls the last, a powerful, muscular and ancient vamp, "So the rumours are true! Trapped in the body of a young and weak vampire! I will go down in history as the vampire who slew the Slayer!" he charges at her with a deadly katana, even as she has her hands full with two others.

Thomas Raith has posed:
The one charging Axe is the first to die. Axe doesn't kill him, but rather Crush grabs it's head with a single hand and rips it off his shoulders. Then before the head can Ash he throws it like a fast ball /through/ the chest of one of the Vamps going after Buffy. The massive man then lets out an unworldly growl, transforming himself into a 12' tall man-bear-monster-thing.

Axe whistles and smirks. "Didncha mama's ever tell you not ta poke bears?" he asks retrieving his Tomahawk and wading back into the battle.

Thomas moves to put his back to Buffy's, slicing his Kukri's through the air, planning to separate limbs from bodies and anything else that comes close.

Didi...is like a lightening storm. simultaneously beautiful and deadly. Moving with the poise and grace of a prima ballerina she swings her own kukri around to keep the vamp going after her at bay. Knicking him... cutting him...playing with her food.

Buffy Summers has posed:
The group of Blue Lady guards make quick work of he vampires in colorful and creative ways. And it would be quite impressive if Buffy weren't fighting for her life..When the dust settles, there are still three vampires standing, though two of them are fast, moving at eye blurring speed as they rush at Buffy in a pincher attack, both of them simultaneously stabbing her on opposing sides with their blades.

Her eyes widen, managing to stab one of them to dust at least, before she falls to her knees, blood trickling from her wounds.

The last vampire is also fast but strong as well, blue eyes turning midnight black as he too rushes at Buffy but is blocked by Thomas. "Fool, you should have listened when you had the chance!" he snarls, moving at near eye blurring speed as he slashed and slices at his face, trying to slice off his head. "Diee!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith parries the vampire, if only just with a sweep of his Kukri at it's wrist. "Ah ah ah, hands off the merchandise." Thomas says almost scornfully. He sweeps the other blade around in a smooth motion aimed at the vampire's throat. Intending to de capitate it. And of course there is also the massive bulk of Crush moving in on their position as well and while the Vamps might be fast, he is huge. Like Money Mayweather fighting Andre the Giant."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Really, the vamps dont stand a chance, not against this inane fighting force that they never took into consideration. The strongest vamp puts up quite a resistance, squaring off against Thomas, exchanging blow for blow, maybe even getting in a hit or two.

But when push comes to shove, Thomas proves to be the stronger of the two, and as if his elegant but deadly moves are not enough, the powerful were-bear Crush finishes the job, reducing the big vamp to dust.

Which leaves just one vamp standing, ugh snarls and charges at Buffy, who manages to parry his attack, sending him flying and crashing into a nearby wall.

With a snarl, he rushes at Thomas next, attempting to slice his head off with his deadly sharp daggers!

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Fuck this." Thomas says with a sigh, dropping his Kukri and reaching behind him and drawing a sawed off shotgun, pointing it directly into the face of the final vamp. Letting him get a really good look at the barrel of it a second before the chasm like barrel erupts in smoke, lead pellets and seventeen inches of flame." Axe sighs putting away his Tomahawks and spits on one of the ash piles. "Ah hate fucking vampires... Then blushing adds "Uh, present company accepted course.."

Buffy Summers has posed:
The vampire shrieks as Thomas blasts it in the face..Although it manages to dodge to the side moments before he can finish the job..Unfortunately it didn't take into account an angry vengeful Buffy-vamp as she propels herself at the last vamp standing, thrusting him hard against the wall as she plunges her fangs into his neck, talking a long, long drink...

It might take some effort to wrest the hungry vamp-slayer away from her newfound prey..

Thomas Raith has posed:
So, he doesn't try. Not Physically anyway. Thomas walks over to where she has the monster pinned and screaming and says softly, "Buffy? Buffy this isn't your way." He holds out a stake in front of him right where she can see it. "He dies. No question there. But remember what you are. You are the Slayer." his tone gentle, with no reproach.

Buffy Summers has posed:
It is not common for vampires to feed on one another. In fact they gained little nourishment from the dead. And dead vampire probably didn't taste very nice either. Still, she loses herself in the sensation, the act of killing another, at least until,Thomas voice calls out to her.

Her eyes widen, pulling back forcefully, blinking a couple of time before pulling out her stake and stabbing the vampire point blank, turning it instantly to dust.

She takes a couple steps back then, wiping her face desperately, trying to clean the blood from her mouth and her fangs, turning away from Thomas so he can't see her as she really is..A monster..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith slides his arms around from behind her, just holding her from behind bringing her back agienst his chest gently and kisses her on the top of the head. Then as if reading her thoughts whispers, "I know Monsters Buffy. I am a monster. You aren't. Not even close. And even if this were to become irreversible? Do you think that any of it would make me stop loving you? You'd simply the monster I love. Buffy the Vampire and Slayer."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs and closes her eyes as she feels his arms wrapping around her, shivering slightly. "Thomas.." she murmurs, but doesn't pull away. And she knows deep down, she could never truly leave, even if it's for his own sake.. Their lives are far too intertwined for that, her love for him too deep.

"But what if I hurt you...Again? I don't want to be that way anymore. I just want to be me.." she reaches up to fiercely brush a tear or two away.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas smiles and kisses her head again softly. "You didn't hurt me, I promise." He says softly. "I love you. We'll get through this together." he says softly... At which point Didi sighs and says "Gawd you two are like some Italian Opera or something. Everything is so melodramatic. Now can we go back inside? It's as cold as a witch's tit in a brass bra out here. And I think I chipped a nail." She adds with a bit of a pout, moving to sashay back into the Club. Crush meanwhile slips back into his more human appearance, his clothes shifting with him He pulls out his sunglasses to hide those unsettling eyes and says, "I'm going back inside too. You kids get back in too before you catch phemonia." Axe just shrugs following in the big man's wake. Thomas sighs, "And I /pay/ these people.."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, turning around to hug him properly, burying her face in his chest. "Thomas.." she just murmurs softly again, taking a moment to calm down, although cuddling him definitely helps in that department.

Didi, Axe and Crush, who, she has never seen shift into a giant bear before - are all given a faint smile and nod. "Thank you.." she looks back to Thomas with loving, adoring eyes, seeming somehow to sound and act more like Buffy than Tiffany or any vampire ever could.

"I...Really hate it when you're right."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit cupping her face and grinning that mischievous smile of his. "Then your life with me must be one of constant misery." He says with a wicked smirk and gestures with his head back towards the club. "Now lets go back inside. If your determined to make a run on the Red Order on their home turf, lets at least draw up a battle plan."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles faintly, shaking her head, "I'm sorry I ran off like that, I don't know what I was thinking. I just..The other night. I don't know what came over me.." she bites her lip, blushing a bit. And with someone usually oozing with confidence, it's pretty clear he's the first person who has managed to make her blush and can still make her feel shy, her heart fluttering like a love struck teen still.

Still she nods, taking his hand, intertwining her fingers with his, "Alright..." Buffy does frown a bit, opening her mouth to say something else, but hesitates for some reason.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith Grins a little bit and slides his arm around her. "Sorry? Sorry that we had mind numbing, furnature destroying sex? Because I'm not that concerned about it." He's quiet for a second. "I had to talk to Harry about part of it, but believe me it wasn't your...exuberance..." He says with a slight grin, then looking at her asks, "Alright spill it. What's on your brain?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles a bit uncertainly, "Y-yeah..I guess..." she sighs as they walk back to the club but pauses near the entrance, "I dunno..The fact that it was the most intense session we ever had, while I was in someone else's body? Or the fact that I wasn't entirely in control of myself...Or the fears that you might not..Want me as much when I'm not sporting double D breasts...?" she flushes at that last part, looking away, "Sorry but it's been bugging me for a while, even though it's a stupid thing to worry about.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith laughs a little bit, amused but not cruelly. "Both of us were running on a fairly high emotional level." he says smiling and as soon as they are inside kisses her lips gently as if in reassurance. We went at each other. And your right it was intense as hell. But it was with you. I could only let myself be that... primal... with you." He strokes her face, kisses her again. "And as for Dese D's." he says with a smirk. "While I must admit they are very nice, I've had bigger, better, and even natural ones. And who did I chose?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, pressing her lips hungrily against his, arms wrapped around his neck once they're inside, pulling him closer, reassured by his nearness. She takes her time to kiss him before breaking apart but only slightly.

"It was..Intense. But it felt really good..Your blood was soo....Soo.." she sighs, running a finger along his cheek, down his jawline, touching his neck thoughtfully, remembering the pulse of his blood underneath that pale skin, how...Delicious he tasted, how seductive it was..

"I guess I really lucked out with you huh.." she laughs, "When I first met you, I thought you were just a fake, shallow pretty boy..I'm so glad I decided to give you a second chance. And now, now..I think I better understand what you have to go through with your hunger. That's one good thing from all of this..Right?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slowly and in as deadpan a tone as he can possibly muster says, "And so I hope you understand now that I am a very real shallow Pretty boy." though he can't maintain the mask for long and smiles just a bit, though he nods some. "It's definitely a good thing... And I appreciate that you will have some insight into it..." He says in genuine honest feeling. "After all not all of us monsters have to be...you know...monsters. Some of us are just trying to survive."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs and shakes her head, slowly guiding him towards the wine cellar, desperate to get away from the crowds, "But why do you keep calling yourself a monster? You really aren't you know..Cuz monsters hurt people without any regret..You don't. Especially not with me. I mean, you're really the kindest most selfless person I've ever met. You could have lived a life of luxury, but you chose to break away from a poisonous family..You could have chosen to feed off endless lovers, but you chose to remain loyal to one person. I can't imagine a more noble act.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles just a bit, a little happy, a little sadly at the same time. "I feed on people Buffy." He says softly, honestly. "At the very best, I'm a parasite. Before i met you? I used this place to lure unsuspecting women into my clutches so that I /could/ feed on them." He shrugs slightly, "If something were to happen to us... or you... I'd likely go back to doing just that. A monster can be good. a good person can be a monster. They aren't mutually exclusive.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs and shakes her head, clutching his hands tightly, "Stop that. If you were a true monster like your family, you wouldn't stop at just feeding yourself! You'd go all the way, killing without remorse. But you choose not to. That has to count for so,etching, right?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks across the club at the staris leading up to their apartment. "I'm in the mood for spaghetti and meatballs." He says casually, "How about you?" he asks with a smile, gestuing in that direction, but also wanting to get out of the public area to continue this conversation. "On the stairs he comments, "I'm not Madrigal or Madeline. I get that. I'm not even Lara or my father.." he sighs a bit, "But lets say there is someone sitting on a barstool andshe's on the fense about following me upstairs r staying here... and I give her a nudge... is that monsterious?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "I miss real food, even if it doesn't sustain me so..Sure..After I get cleaned up?" she looks down at her bloody hands and face. "I think..Giving them a nudge is..maybe a little bit cheating, but..You need to survive too, right? Even so.." she frowns, "That was precisely why I chose to help you in the first place." she's not exactly answering the question but skirting around a bit. Maybe he's right, in a sense..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks amused, holding the door open for her. "Would you really have tried to kill me you think?" he asks amused as he leads her upstairs. "I've wondered sometimes. I mean I know I'm not /completely human, but how close to that line are you allowed to tred?" he asks as he retrieves the burger and sausage to start making meatballs. "Put the water on for me will you?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, following him up the steps, though she hesitates a bit before going in, "I wouldn't have killed you Thomas. At least not before giving you a chance at least. Afterall, look what happened with Angel and Spike..I saw something worth saving in them and in you too."

She sighs, hovering in the doorway still, sniffing a bit, glancing towards the bedroom, clearly anxious. "On the other hand, if you had killed an innocent..We'd be having a very different conversation right now.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, and she can see that moment in his eyes... a Story he told her once about his one and only kill while feeding. A Stripper named Kandi Kane that he killed before his father even told him what he was. "It's not as broad a path as you might imagine." He says softly, putting the meait in the bowl, cracking a few eggs, adding spices. "The hunger just gets stronger...stronger... whispering how slaking that thirst is so important... trying to convince you that feeding yourself is more important even then this person's life... and when it's happening...you want to believe it."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, shivering a bit but deciding to focus on Thomas instead of Tiffany's presence. "Right.." she hurries to the oven, filling a pot with water, setting it to boil as she thinks, "Yeah, I think I understand that now, the hunger I mean..The desire to survive no matter what, even at the expense of others, but.." she rests a hand on his shoulder, "Now you have me, right? Ir..Soon, hopefully.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods a bit, grinning slightly and smirking as he rolls up his sleaves and begins to mix the meatballs by hand. "Now I have you." he agrees with a smile. "And I'll do whatever it takes to keep you. So, for entirely my own selfish and personal reasons, I have to ask you don't try slipping out to go fight the Red Order all single handed again, huh?" he says teasingly. "Otherwise i'm going to have to go back to meaningless sex with a nearly endless parade of beautiful women, and who wants that."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, "I'm sorry, just..I didn't want people to get hurt because of me. I should have trusted you more." Buffy gives his shoulder a little squeeze before letting go. "Things are still pretty iffy though. I mean, Harry is working as fast as he can on that Katra thingy, but he said hr was missing some vital component so now he has to compensate for that. In the meantime, is it ok to continue to feed on..My body? And..What about us? Me all uncontrollable, primal, hungry.. violent.."

Buffy hugs her arms, peering towards the bedroom again, nervously.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith glances at the closed and locked bedroom door and nods slightly. "I think so. It's not...pleasant feeding on her fear rather then lust. Honestly I'm not sure how the Skavies do it... but I'm sustaining myself." He says as he forms the meatballs into...well meatballs. He points to a cupboard and says "Pasta is up here. Prehead the oven to 425. There is premade garlic toast in the freezer." he moves then to clean his hands so he can prep the sauce... a throughly domestic scene. "I will say, because I believe in full and honest disclosure in a relationship... I wouldn't mind if once we got things fixed if you wanted to be a little primal and uncontrollable every so often again.." He says casting a knowing glance towards his office.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, "Right!" she pauses only briefly by the sink to wash her hands and face before she grabs pasta from the cupboard, adding it to the boiling water and setting the timer before setting the oven then grabbing the garlic toast from the freezer. She falls into silence for a while as she works, blushing a bit at his words.

"I...Would do that, for you if it's what you want." she smiles shyly, "But what about now, me like this? Is it ok, to keep doing what we're doing?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith is quiet for a few beats. It's something he's done some soul searching about and so he needs to think his answer fully through. "She forced this on you." He says calmly. "Empty Night, she fully expected you to be killed and her body with it. So at least in /this/ situation, in my opinion, she's given up any and all claims on what you decide to do in that body. It's yours now." He says simply. "And I'd be lieing if I tried to pretend that it wasn't hot. I mean you know how I feel about costumes and roleplay... can you show me a more convincing costume then the one you are wearing now?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods slowly, "I know..And it is different, although I really want my old body back. This one is so fake and stupid, and these primal feelings.." she clenches her hands, frowning. "Just need a little more time to keep it together, before I lose myself. Only, I don't know how much time I've got left."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith gives her an understanding nod, reaches over and gives her arm a gentle and loving squeeze. "I get it Buffy. I really do." He says softly, "And I admit... it's kind of nice to know you get it now too." He says in a genuinely loving tone... "That said if ou ever need to work off some of those...primal urges, you only have to let me know." He says in a suggestive tone with a waggle of his eyebrows.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and nods, "I think I got some of it out me today, fighting those vamps, although his blood tasted like crap." she frowns, "I'd much rather drink yours, but I know that would be wrong. I don't want to hurt you anymore like that."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith raises an eyebrow and looks at her in obvious confusion... "Exactlly which part of that was supposed to hurt?" he asks amused. "Honestly Buffy it was hot as hell... Not something I might normally go and seek out... but I got a pretty good understanding on how people can develop Vampire Fetishes... Like the one where the vampires are all covered in glitter."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shakes her head, stepping towards him, running a finger along his neck, feeling his jugular underneath her finger tips. "Not that..This.." her nostrils flare, hungry for his blood even as he cooks dinner for them, as if she were normal..

"I told you, I wanted to drink you dry..I can't stand that feeling. If you lowered your guard for just a second, would I do it? Would I justify it because I'm hungry? Do I have that kind of willpower even?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks at her then and says simply. "I know what you meant Buffy, and I stand by my statement because yes. You do. Because you've already had two very good opportunities to do it, and you've passed on both of them without hesitation. And because just like you I understand that hunger... that desire. I've felt it myself, with almost every woman who I've ever taken. And you have a much higher willpower then I ever have or could have."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, "I hope so. I mean, this isn't like anything I've faced before. I really feel for you, having to go through that for so long..Must have been hard." she is trying though, even though the memory of his Intoxicating blood is still fresh in her memory.

Buffy grits her teeth, forcefully pulling her hand away, busying herself with tending to the pasta. "Still, is it bad to be insanely addicted to you?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks just a little bit, giving her that sideways playful grin. "Did you forget whom exactly you were talking to?" he asks in response to that question... after all how could he being addicted to him /possibly/ be a bad thing. "And let's be fair Buffy. It's a two way street... Do you know how good it feels to know, If I use my powers, I don't have to worry? I have the Slayer right there willing to top off my tank any time I want? It's heady stuff."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs, shaking her head, "Are you saying you're addicted to me too? I thought that was kinda like your power working on others. Maybe even my addiction to your blood. I mean, not that I'm only addicted to you because you brainwashed me or something.." she laughs nervously for a few moments, but stops herself. "I mean..That *is* something you can..Turn off, right?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks about 3 parts amused to one part annoyed that she of all people would have to ask that question, but shrugs. "It's always on I suppose, a bit anyway. I can turn it up for brief periods, turn it down if I'm thinking about it.. but just going about my business it's always on to some point. I mean lets be honest, even /I/ am not /that/ gorgious." he says with a grin as the sauce starys to come to a simmer and he begins to bring the meal together. "If you like, once you are in your own body again sometime, I'll give you a taste of what it's like if I go full bore. Might be good to do for reasons besides the obvious, so you know what it feels like."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs, "You Really have no idea how crazy you drive the girls around you. You know how many times I've caught jealous stares from others, who wish they were in my shoes? Heck, that's probably one of the reasons that Tiffany stole my body."

Buffy shrugs, "I already know that I chose to freely fall in love with you, I just need to know that I'm not dangerously addicted to you like an extreme drug is all."

The pasta seems soft enough and she starts to drain it, chuckling a bit. "I'm not that great at cooking or mixing good sauces. What do we want to put on the spaghetti?" she sighs, "I couldn't imagine not eating food, not needing it. So much better than blood, save yours."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a bit, stiring the sauce he's been mixing for the past several minutes and brings the wooden spoon out of it. "Well give this a..." then he hesitates... "Umm, the garlic thing, is that real or..."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs and shakes her head, "Not real, although I hear Dracula has a mild allergy to garlic. It's sooo overrated though." She frowns a bit. "Really though, there is a difference, between love and addiction, you know? I just don't want to cross that line. I've heard of people who get addicted to the high they get from being fed off of by vampires. I imagine it's a common problem with your kind too.." still she leans over to taste the sauce, "Mmm, perfect! so glad I got you to cook my meals!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a bit and kisses her lips to remove the tiny bit of sauce still clinging to them. "It is. For the most part we don't even try to have serious relationships. Some might keep small herds. Others do what I did for so long and that's operate on a strict 'Catch and release' program. A good many people in my family actually become prostitutes or escorts or porn stars." He nods approvingly, moving the cooked pasta to a large bowl, adding the cooked meatballs then the sauce to that. "You want to open the wine or toss the salad?" he asks casually before continuing, "In my entire life I've met two people who had the life force reserves to maintain one of my kind indefinitely. And the other one? I had to stop seeing her /because/ she seemed to be turning into an addict on me."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns, "So..It can happen then, you can turn people into empty desperate shells, willing complacent robots.."s he shivers at the horrifying thought. "I guess that's why you call them monsters.." why he calls himself a monster but..

"But it won't happen to me, I won't lose myself, won't become dependent, a hapless, slobbering zombie. I mean..It's not like that with us, right? Even if it feels like it moreso when I'm this.."

Buffy does nod though, moving to grab the salad bowl, adding some greens to it, looking for other stuff to add to it. Really, she is quite hopeless in the kitchen. "Ooh I can't say no to wine though, although I'm afraid I've been drinking way more than I should lately. Not that it matters as much when you're technically dead."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly. "There are some of my kind who even /enjoy/ doing that. My cousin Madeline for instance." He says the name with absolute disgust in his voice. He shakes his head though. "You'd never become a Zombie, That I can promise you. It took both me and Didi drinking on Tiffany as hard as we could just to subdue her the first time. And even then she snapped right back after about twenty minutes. I doubt even my father could drink you dry." He takes a bottle off the rack, a blood red, and two wine glasses and takes them to the table. "But that's different then being addicted. Trini, the girl I was talking about before? She had the same near limitless draw you do. But after dating maybe two weeks... she was like a stereotypical crack addict... all she wanted was her next fix."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns, "So strange. But I still don't get what's different about me? Why do I seem to have a near limitless energy source? Why didn't I succumb like the others?" Buffy adds some cherry tomatoes, croutons and dressing to the salad, mixing and tossing it as she speaks. Hey at least she can make a decent salad!

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "Well half a Slayer I guess, although I always kinda thought it was more than just willpower. Because I'm a slayer? Does that mean if Faith tried to seduce you it would be the same with her?" She shivers, "I'm Soo glad she left town.." dinner seems to be almost ready though. "Soo, I'm starved! Can we?"