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The Cure: Aftermath, part 1
Date of Scene: 10 January 2021
Location: Shannon's Room (East Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: After having been hit with a Cure dart, Shannon finds it difficult to cope with being 'normal' again. Thankfully, there are friends to lean on, and hope is restored.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, SpyderByte

Nightingale has posed:
     To say that the day prior had been eventful would be an understatement. A rare call to join the team on a mission to Bushwick had not ended well, despite best efforts. Shannon was in her dorm instead of the dining hall for lunch, with a small tray on her bed, and a cup of tea steaming on her bedside table. She's in a simple, pale blue paisley sundress that looks more suited for the summer months than winter's chill, with a low back that would be ideal for someone with wings.

     This time, though, there were no wings to be seen.

     Perched on her bed, with her phone nearby and no slippers on, she's partaking of her repast, seemingly lost in thought for the moment.

SpyderByte has posed:
There's a knock on the door, followed by Shannon's phone chirping with his voice.

<< Shannon, it's me, Jeremy. Can I come in? >>

The gothnopath is waiting, rocking back and forth on his feet a bit with anxious energy. He's as usual, dressed in all black, like a moving shadow of long black hair, long black sleeved shirts and chained black pants.

Nightingale has posed:
     There's no answer via her phone, but instead, Shannon slides off of her bed, padding softly over towards the door. With a little click, and a slightest hint of squeaky hinges, the door is opened. She smiles a little bit, stepping back to let Jeremy in. "Hey there," she says. Her voice is calm, but her brows remain lightly furrowed. "I was just having a little lunch. There's plenty if you're hungry?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< You could be having lunch with the rest of us downstairs like usual. >>

Jeremy's phone chirps from his shoulder strap as he steps inside to take a look around. Once he's in, he turns his eyes upon her, really getting a look at her, lips pressed together thinly. He blows some long hair away from his face.

<< This doesn't change anything.. You're still one of us. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "Am I really?"

     Shannon leans over and hugs Jeremy fiercely. Her strength remains, but that is perhaps the considerable training she has put in without her gifts. She's very reluctant to let go, taking those moments to steady herself. "Megan got hit, too, but she's doing alright. I'm scared for Logan, though. What's annoying for Megan or I, could be deadly for him."

     She takes several deep breaths, keeping her eyes closed. "Worst part is, there isn't much I can do that the docs here aren't already doing to help him. And I hate that. He's always been there for all of us, and when he's the one that needs help, there isn't a damn thing I can do."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< He will be fine. We will find a way to reverse this. >>

Jeremy returns the hug back to her tightly, then leans back. He offers her up one of his trademarked awkward smiles.

<< Of course you are one of us still. You are our friend, even if currently you aren't a mutant. But, even if you don't get wings back, is that so bad? You can have a normal life if you really wanted it. No one will freak out when they see you, or think you're sent from heaven and they possibly died. You know, the terrible pick up line. >>

He stubs his foot on the ground a few times. << But you would always be our friend, and family. You would always be an Xavier's student. Nothing would change. It wouldn't for me. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "I know. We've got some of the most brilliant minds ever here at this school working on it. Tried leaving a message with Dr. McCoy in case he needs or wants help with any of that." Shannon lifts her shoulders upwards briefly. "Not sure if he'll accept, though. This has got to be hitting him pretty hard."

     Finally letting go, she just smiles lightly, a hint of a rosy glow to her cheeks. "Thanks for that. I'm not normal, though. Not anymore. My body may be, but in here..." She taps the area over her heart. "...I never can be again, and don't want to be."

     She moves over to her bed, perching on the edge and pulling the little tray over. On it is a BLT, and a bowl of mac 'n cheese; it looks as if there's enough to share. "I feel badly for Mr. Summers, too. He gave the order for me to get Megan out of there, and that's what got me shot. Wish I could tell him it wasn't his fault. I'm not mad at him. Just... glad if it was going to happen, at least it was helping my friends. My family. They're worth it."

     Her smile widens just a little bit, and she sits up a little bit straighter. "It's a little silly, but I'm also kind of proud he trusted me enough to even be there, and help out."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< You don't have to be normal in your heart to go out and have a normal life. I am autistic. I don't think I could have a normal life even without my powers. I can't speak very well and I have problems dealing with social situations when I am stressed out, which is almost all the time. >>

Jeremy settles down on the bed as well, on the edge of it as he wrings his hands together a few times in anxious energy.

<< I am currently reviewing multiple videos from cameras both pedestrian and city to try and identify some of these attackers and track their retreat. I think they should be reported to Shield at this point. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "I think SHIELD may already be somewhat involved, as are the Avengers. Perhaps not directly with the Cure, but with events in the area. But this time... yeah. Might be time to tap them on the shoulder." Shannon rubs her temples lightly, letting out a light sigh. "I'd been trying to let Mr. Summers and Miss Grey know about that, but I think the holidays ate the messages. At least I was still able to get through to Sam, and he'll be able to let them know."

     As she sees Jeremy wringing his hands, she reaches out, resting her own hand atop his, offering what calm she can. "If it helps any, I'm not all that great at social situations, either. Maybe in a different way from the way you experience them, but still..." Her lips tug upwards in a ghost of a smile, and she leans over for a hug. "I look forward to the day the cure to the Cure can be found. Normal sucks."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Shield isn't involved. The Department Against Mutant Terrorists is a splinter group. They act outside of the law. Though I don't know why the government hasn't stepped in yet. >>

Jeremy squints his eyes a bit, then slides his hand along Shannon's for a quick squeeze.

<< I don't think the cure is a bad idea. There are some mutants that should want a normal life and not look like a fish, or a bird, or have two heads or .. puss dripping out of their pores. Not everyone is lucky to be a beautiful blonde with angel wings, or can pass normal and talk to computers. Some mutants have really bad powers that can hurt people, like if you sneeze poison. There is a lot of dumb powers out there that people would pay good money to get rid of. >>

He lets out a loud sigh. << I don't blame them. I don't think the idea is bad. I think it's bad that it's become a weapon. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "I think that's the idea Dr. McCoy and Dr. Brightman were both after, the same way you just said it. But like anything else, it's way too easy to turn into a weapon." Shannon squeezes Jeremy's hand, and presses her lips together in a thin line for a moment. "I don't think there's any way to stop that from happening entirely, either. But does that mean the choice for those who actually want it should be taken away?"

     That blush in her cheeks just grows brighter, and she ducks her head. Her back tenses as if to move a pair of wings that is no longer there, and she can no longer shield herself. Still, there's a hint of a smile there again, even if she says nothing at the moment.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Every good intention becomes weaponized. War is the most profitable career there is for the wealthy. >>

Jeremy squeezes her hand back and smiles.

<< Come on, pick up your food and come downstairs with us. Join your friends. Show them that you are still strong. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "Wish I felt as strong as you think I am right now."

     Still, Shannon nods, picking up her tray, but leaving her tea behind; it would be alright cold later. "Someone told me once, 'But if you can't find a way to keep going, how many other people are going to die instead?'. Guess I can add you telling me I'm still strong to that now."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I also believe in faking it till' you make it. >>

Jeremy says with a grin as he bumps his shoulder to hers, then heads out the door with her to have a lunch with their friends.