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Latest revision as of 02:12, 11 January 2021

So, I now have an action figure
Date of Scene: 10 January 2021
Location: Upper East Side, Manhattan
Synopsis: Drake and Hunori talk about the mutant town attack and eat chili dogs.
Cast of Characters: Slipstream, Hunori Seong

Slipstream has posed:
It's early afternoon and Drake is hanging out at the hot dog stand down the street from Avengers HQ. He contacted Hunori earlier in the day to meet him up here so they can 'chill' and maybe 'train' or something. It was fairly opened He's dressed in his casual 'hero' uniform which is mostly an Avengers jacket, a pair of Avenger running pants and a simple black t-shirt with a small utility belt around his waist.

Currently, he is making small talk with the hot dog vendor, talking about some of the old days of the Yankees. The old man sure knows a lot about Mickey Mantle. At times, he'll glance down at his communicator on his wrist to catch the time, then looks about the busy sidewalk. People as usual are heading this way and that, on the way to jobs or touristy attractions.

Hunori Seong has posed:
Arriving at the Avenger's HQ was awesome...hopefully next time she'd get to see more of the inside then whereever she'd been lead to have a 'checkup' about her abilities.

Dressed in her bright pink 'team jacket' and a pair of jeans, the Korean girl was absently chewing gum as she made her way through the city, blowing a bubble that expires with an audible 'pop' before her eyes spot Drake and she lifts a hand, revealing her approach from within the crowd of likely taller people!

Slipstream has posed:

Drake spies her and waves his hand in return to her. He gives a grin to the stand owner, then heads over to meet up with her. "How you doing? You ready for the best chili dogs in the world? This guy's hotdog stand goes back five generations of New Yorkers and considered to be iconic. He's also really chill. Whatcha been up to today?"

He hands her a small gift bag.

Hunori Seong has posed:
"Chilli dogs?" She repeats. Hunni knew what they were of course, but she hadn't actually tried one before in America. Perhaps the authenticity would add something! Shrugging her shoulders she tilts her head. "Mostly just...exploring, practicing...I might have slept in this morning..." she confesses with an embarassed laugh before blowing another bubble of gun and looking down to the bag in suprise.

"What's this?"

Slipstream has posed:
"It's my new Avenger action figure that just released." Drake says with a laugh as he motions to it. "It makes me look like I'm thirty years old and way buffer than I am. It's comical. But, still, it kinda looks like me. I can't complain, I never thought I'd see the day I have an action figure."

He orders four chili dogs from the vendor. It's the type you can put your own toppings on. "What kinda practicing did you get in? You making headway?"

Hunori Seong has posed:
"First release and still in the box? Awesome. Gonna hang onto this..." a beat she tilts her head, "At least until I have one of my own, right?"

His question of practice has her pausing, looking about before she speaks lower. "Movement mostly. When you can suddenly move faster and jump higher it can...catch you off-guard."

Slipstream has posed:
"First and probably only release. I'm not even a D-Lister Avenger." Drake laughs. "But Tony was insistent on it and that we'd pull some gamer fans in for PR. He's all about that ... PR and stuff. I never really thought about that in the superhero world of marketing and advertising. I just save people. But I guess you need to make money to fund all of this stuff somehow. I dunno."

"Moving faster I get. I remember that I almost hit the wall a few times without knowing how to brake properly. It's weird because when I move, the world looks slow around me, even if I'm just jumping ahead a few yards at a time."

Hunori Seong has posed:
"Hey, you never know!" Hunori comments, finally taking the time to deposit her gum into one of the napkins and toss it in a street trashcan. Giving a little giggle, the girl shrugs. "For all you know a few years from now you're going to be on a bunch of lunchboxes and stuff." Reaching for the offered 'dogs', Hunni takes a small bite for herself, a little sigh of delight coming at the taste of the 'junk' food. After all, she'd survived on plenty of 'less than healthy' things in practice sessions and just indulgences of gaming.

"I've done that already, and I'm not doing super-dashy thingys"

Slipstream has posed:
"I doubt I'll be on lunch boxes." Drake laughs. "Maybe a calendar or something if they need to fill a month. Long as I don't have to do it shirtless. No one wants to see a skinny kid sprawled out on a couch with flower petals or whatever lame thing that marketing would come up with."

"We can practice later if you want." He says, then crams a mouthful of hotdog in, giving a few quick chews before he swallows.

Hunori Seong has posed:
"I'd like that," Hunni answers, although her words are a little muffled by her mouthful until she swallows, giving a little laugh at his mention of the Calender. "You know, I -actually- had that suggested one year for the team as a promo. 'Girl Gamer Glam Shots'." A shake of her head, there's another bite of her hotdog and she tilts her head. "But practice could be a really good idea. Do uh...do the Avengers have 'tryouts' of some kind?"

Slipstream has posed:
"I was in an Overwatch League calendar. I was March. I was holding two keyboards." Drake says with a laugh. "I don't think it sold very well. Who the hell buys them anyways when we got smart phones to stare at instead? I still have one in my closet unopened. I got everyone's autograph on it at least. Not that it means anything."

He finishes off the first dog, then goes about cramming in the second. "You hear about what went down in Mutant Town? Some shady department attacked a bunch of mutant protestors and shot them up with mutant cure. Took away their powers. Crashed copters into the neighborhood."

Hunori Seong has posed:
"Shot them with the mutant 'cure'?" Hunni repeats, seemingly glossing over the talk of the calendar very deliberately when there was more serious topics to discuss. Her second hotdog? She's taking it a little slower, perhaps distracted by the discussion as she tilts her head to the side. "That's less 'cure' and more like a 'poison'. Firing it at protestors...were they even using their powers? It sounds like a full-on attack."

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah. It's all in the news right now. Some department called the department against mutant threats created this 'cure' that they can use to take away mutant powers. They were at first giving them out volunteer to mutants who didn't want to be mutants, but now they're loading them in guns and firing them into crowds. I plan on talking to Iron Man and Cap about it so we can maybe get involved. It seems pretty bad." Drake says with a frown on his face. "Mutant Town is one of my hangouts when I patrol so I know the people there. They're getting really scared."

Hunori Seong has posed:
"Is it permanent?" Hunni questions, gently turning to walk down the street a little and gesturing for Drake to follow her rather than simply have the two of them discussing such things in front of the same hotdog cart attendee and other customers. "I mean, I only just got my powers but...losing them. I know some people hate being different, but after feeling what I've felt and seeing what I can do. Becoming normal like that is like...being nerfed? Only so much worse..."

Slipstream has posed:
"Well, if my mutant power was having bug wings on my back and green scales, I'd take that nerf also. If my powers was flying around like Supes, I'd be mad if I lost it. But yeah, it's a perma cure from what I've heard on the streets. No one has a way of reversing it yet." Drake says with a frown. "Magneto attacked one of the labs, blew it up." He takes another bite of the dog as he goes. "Opinions seem to be split down the middle."

Hunori Seong has posed:
"I don't...wow..." she trails off, biting her bottom lip. Suddenly she wasn't quite so hungry for the second hotdog. After all, this hero business seemed to have far more complex moral questions than she'd really expected. Figures. Exhaling a breath and tilting her head, Hunori looks back to the Avenger and offers out her remaining three-quarters of food to the other teen. "So, what are you going to do about it? The Avengers I mean. Or, what do you -want- to do about it?

Slipstream has posed:
Taking the hotdog, Drake shrugs. "Get more intelligence on this cure, who is funding it, where it's coming from. Talk about legal ramifications of these guys trying to .. I dunno.. wipe out a species of people. It's no different than what Hilter did, right? You can't just go around wiping people out because they're different. It's one thing to ask for the cure, but it's another to fire it into a crowd with the intent to depower and then kill." He takes a big bite of the chili dog, licking his lips. "I guess I go along with whatever Cap and Iron Man wants to do. I'm the scout. I'll pass the info on and let the big dogs chew over it."

Hunori Seong has posed:
"Just...be careful. Okay? I'd hate to see you get hit by that stuff and lose..." she trails off, sweeping a hand to gesture to all of him. "You seem happy, and being able to do what we're doing is awesome. So much better than even the best games we've ever played. People doing this need to be stopped, but try not to get hurt doing it."

Hands freed of her food, she crosses her arms now, a self-hugging gesture likely to comfort herself from the thought.

Slipstream has posed:
"I'm not a mutant though. It won't work on me." Drake says as he gives a long stretch of his body. "It targets the mutant gene. I got my powers through a spatial break in a time stream. So, they can shoot me up, nothing will happen. But, even though, it's my job to get involved and knock some heads if I gotta. I can't be afraid of the what if's. I've fought aliens on Mars and in deep space. I can't wussy out when it comes to humans with needle guns. Either way, the Avengers got enough firepower to deal with that stuff. Thor, Hulk, Captain Marvel. They don't even need me."

Hunori Seong has posed:
"I don't...know if I'm a mutant, a metahuman or...who knows what? Maybe it'd just work on me. Or maybe it wouldn't. I've been shot at and my...whatever it is, other me? There's some kinda forcefield that stopped me from getting turned to swiss-cheese so...if I can help? I want to help." A nod of her head as if to afirm to herself, she does however turn her gaze downwards. "Y'know, if I was actually needed or whatever. Like you said, they have some 'big guns' already."

Slipstream has posed:
"Pretty sure you're not a mutant. Your powers isn't really a mutation. It's more like an extension. You didn't get yours during puberty and all that jazz. You're probably fine. You're what we classify as a metahuman. Though knowing the origin of your powers is still important." Drake wipes his mouth off and lobs the napkin into a trashcan. "I mostly just do foot stuff on the ground for the team. Track down bad guys, then send in the others. That or I'm on pedestrian crowd control. I help people get off the streets. So, even though I'm an Avenger, I don't have big shoes to fill. I'm like a grunt work kinda guy and I'm okay with that. I can't throw cars or shoot laser beams."