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The Cure: On The Warpath
Date of Scene: 17 January 2021
Location: Horse Stables - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Warpath and Shannon discuss current events, family and matters of the heart. The two agree on the proper placement of prickly plants in pugilistic persons that have plagued mutants lately.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Warpath
Tinyplot: Mutant Cure

Nightingale has posed:
     Day by day it was becoming a little easier to cope with the sudden and unwanted change that had happened in Bushwick some days prior. Life went on as normal, or as close to normal as one could expect. Classes were held as usual, chores were done, snacks and times with friends were shared. Then there were times for reflection, to continue the process of absorbing the whole matter.

     This was one of those times that Shannon found herself in, perched atop a hay bale in the stables. The comforting, familiar smells and sounds of the animals, the sweetness of the hay, and the quiet and warmth were a welcome balm to the spirit. She's in light blue jeans, a plain white t-shirt with two slits for her wings in the back, and old white sneakers.

     But, instead of wings, there was a backpack strapped to her back instead.

     Oh, dear.

Warpath has posed:
     Is he mad? Fuming. Someone hurt his family. Still, he knows she is upset and so Jimmy takes a little time to meditate, calm himself, and then he goes on his way to find her. It's been a few days so it isn't as though it all just happened.

     He doesn't really tell her, but he tends to find her by tracking her scent anymore. She's familiar enough that it is easier than just randomly searching the grounds. There is the whole predictablity of the barn when she's having troubles helps to find her as well. He approaches silent as death and the first indication he is coming close is when he comments softly,"Next time you go to the ranch with me."

Nightingale has posed:
     How could he possibly move that silently? It never ceased to amaze Shannon. It was not a skill she had -quite- mastered yet, though over time, it improved with practice. Pale blue eyes go wide as she sees Warpath. Not a word is spoken, but unless he steps out of the way, the next thing he is liable to find is an armful of lil sis, wrapping him up in a fierce hug. "It's okay, everyone got out alive. And I was proud to be trusted enough to help," she replies.

Warpath has posed:
     He doesn't try to get out of the way, just catches the inflight little sister when she jumps that way. He hugs her tight, mindful of the missing wings. He is quiet for a while, just letting her talk and making sure she is ok otherwise. The returned hug is maybe not as fierce because one of them can squish the other like a grape. Still.

     Shaking his head he comments softly,"Everyone got out alive is good, but not fully whole less so." There is a deep sigh and he comments,"On the upside, if there is one, you get to at least walk around less obvious for the moment. It's a lousy trade, but we've talked before about the ease of how I walk and you couldn't."

Nightingale has posed:
     "You're damn right, it's a lousy trade." That Shannon cursed at all in front of Warpath was rare. "What's more is I can't do much to help Logan. He caught it the worst out of all of us. Megan's taking it pretty hard, too." She burrows into the hug, glad for the contact for the moment, allowing herself a little sigh. "The best trade-off, though, is actually the fact that I got hit at all. Gave Dr. McCoy a sample of my blood to help him figure out a cure to the Cure."

     She actually -smirks- for a moment, chuckling darkly. "We'll see how those bigots like having the wind taken out of their sails, when their little toy doesn't work so well anymore, and can be a whole lot less of a threat."

Warpath has posed:
     A soft sigh escapes him again and Jimmy mutters,"If it hit Logan and Megan as well there should be ways to find patterns. A single case is tricky, multiple examples make for better research." That is probably the last of his expertise all said and done,"As for the bigots, they'll get theirs. Whether it is Xavier's way or Magneto's way remains to be seen." Says the one that was brought up and groomed by Emma Frost, White Queen of the Hellfire Club.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon nods in agreement, and smiles somewhat. "Very true. Either way, somehow it will work out. I have to keep telling myself that, and keep faith in my family and friends. It's just what you do."

     Her smile does not fade, and she sighs a little. "Part of me wants to be angry. Part of me wants to be upset. Part is sad I'm not able to help others and to fly. Part of me is scared for Megan, and even more for Logan. But I won't let it get the best of me. You've taught me that much. Anger has its place but it can burn you alive if you let it."

     She peers up at Warpath for a moment, tilting her head to the side. "Someone put it like this once. 'If you win, you're brave. If you lose, then you're a fool. But I figure, you go down swinging because the world needs to see that somebody's gonna stand up to those abusing power.' At the time, that person was telling me to make a stand with the school, and I see no reason not to go that way now."

Warpath has posed:
     "It always works out, one way or another." he mutters. He pauses and looks at her for a long moment. Not really pulling away, just looking down. There is something going through his mind anyway,"How good of a look did the bigots get of you and Pixie I wonder? Logan stands out no matter where he is. He's too distinct."

Nightingale has posed:
     "It was pretty chaotic, so I'm not too sure," Shannon replies. "I was eyes in the sky, Pixie was doing her thing. Good thing I was up there. She was hit first, and Cyclops gave the order to airlift her out of there. Archangel did his best to offer cover but a lucky shot hit me in the shoulder anyways. I was just about able to glide in to a safe rooftop before my wings shrank away entirely."

     Shrugging, she shakes her head. "So... yeah, not too sure how good a look they got."

Warpath has posed:
     "So what was it? Some sort of gun?" he asks thoughtfully. He studies her hair for a a moment and frowns. There's an evil plan forming....well at least a plan. Still he doesn't say anything yet,"So are you getting as adjusted as can be expected? I know this won't be easy."

Nightingale has posed:
     "It was a dart, looked a little like the kind fired by a trank gun," Shannon replies, smiling grimly. "I don't envy those bigots. Miss Grey was gone for a day or two after, and I can only guess she was doing what she does protecting us all."

     As to the question of adjusting, she just shrugs. "It's a process. Sam came up with this backpack I have on. He weighted it to make up for the weight of my wings. Figured it'd help with strength training, so when my bones and such are back to normal, I'll hopefully be stronger for caryring this thing around."

Warpath has posed:
     "Projectile." he mutters thoughtfully,"Was there anything that might identiy these particular bigots. Like typical bigots. On their clothes or such things?" He nods at the backpack,"A good idea. You're going to have to make sure your balance is kept as normal as possible."

Nightingale has posed:
     Something else comes to mind as Shannon casts her mind back over the whole battle. "Reavers. There were things there called Reavers. Cybernetic, mutant-hating humans. At least, that's what Cyclops called them. And some of this was connected to things that Jeremy, Indi, and I kept out of Magneto's hands during that one other incident." Pause. "This has been building up a while, and it seems to run deep. I'd really suggest going to Mr. Summers and Miss Grey on this. They may prefer to tell most of it themselves."

Warpath has posed:
     "The Reavers." he comments and shakes his head,"That idea is out." Whatever his plan was changes at the mention of them. There are some lines he won't cross,"So there is a new scent clinging to you a little deeper than usual. Who's the new beau?" He frowns thoughtfully,"Seem familiar like someone around the mansion at least. Are you kissing and telling yet?" Some people.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon opens her mouth to reply, but then closes it again just as quickly. Her face goes flame red, clear to the tips of her ears. For once, she actually bursts out giggling, and is that a bit of a twinkle in her eyes? "I'm not sure I want to jinx it just yet by saying who," she finally answers. "But I can promise you he's been nothing but a gentleman." Pause. "Even if there was a tiny bit of a kiss."

Warpath has posed:
     There is a deep grunt and a shake of his head,"A gentleman he'll remain or we'll take a trip to my hog farms." he finally comments. A feigned shudder at the mention of a kiss and he sighs,"Next time I go to the farms so do you." Of course this time it is done with a little less venom. A boy can be dealt with, the original issue not as much.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Not that I'd mind seeing the farms," Shannon remarks, giggling. "But nobody needs to take a trip to the hog farms. Nothing bad happened." At least she's in more of a giggly mood. Alright, perhaps outright laughter.

Warpath has posed:
     "Someone kissed my baby sister's lips. That's bad enough. Hog's need to eat well so we can sell them at market." he mutters with little in the way of amusement, but no real malice at least. He sighs and adds,"You're growing up. It's not right."

Nightingale has posed:
     "I've got a funny feeling that no matter how old I get, I'll always be your baby sister. So this is likely to be a lifelong thing, no matter how I grow up." Shannon just giggles, shaking her head. "The hogs will have to eat a little lean this time. Sorry."

Warpath has posed:
     "Always." he agrees in regards to the baby sister comment. He considers the rest and adds,"As for the hogs...let him break your heart and see how they eat then." Difficult as it is he moves the conversation,"So Reavers. A crazy lot. Has there been any activity towards finding them yet? Legal or otherwise?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "All I know for certain is Miss Grey was gone for a couple days, and I didn't hear anything after that. This is why I suggested you talk to her and Mr. Summers. I've stayed out of things since it happened, except for trying to help Dr. McCoy as best I can. Even if it's just making sure he doesn't forget to eat while he's working his fur off on a cure to the Cure. Plus there was a lot leading up to the whole thing that's best heard from them." Shannon sighs a little, shaking her head. "I wish I could convince Mr. Summers he doesn't need to blame himself for what happened to us. He got us home alive. I'd call that a win."

     As for the hogs' dietary future? Shannon cracks a wry smile, and shakes her head. "He's actually been really kind and sweet. I don't think he'd have it in him to break anyone's heart. And even if things don't work... I've been through heartbreak before and survived. I'll survive again. But... let's hope I don't have to."

Warpath has posed:
     He nods finally and sighs,"I'll see Jean soon. As for Scott, that's something that comes with leadership. You blame yourself for everything. There's no changing that." He snorts softly,"As for Beast, he'll take care of himself as well as can be expected for a scientist. He'll be fine."

     "So do you want to tell me which one or do I have to scent everyone in the compound until I find out?" he asks in regards to the gentleman,"Heart break is a fact of life, but you have enough to deal with right now. I can be glad you have someone so long as he doesn't make you cry. You cry, he cries."

Nightingale has posed:
     "It... wasn't who I was expecting," Shannon begins, cautious. "And I'm not even sure if it was just the moment talking, or if there's actually something there. I want to think there is, but I've fooled myself before. Still..." she muses, seeming to think things through. "I'm cautiously optimistic."

     But is she naming names? Nope. Not yet.

Warpath has posed:
     He sighs softly and sniffs the air again,"OK. I'll hunt him down. That will be bad for him." he comments with marginal mirth in his voice,"Regardless. So is Megan like you? Completely without powers?" he raises a hand and shakes his head,"Ask Miss Grey. You need to get and try to enjoy some time though. See the world as it were, just stay out of trouble."

Nightingale has posed:
     "You know that is difficult for me. I don't find trouble. It finds me." Shannon chuckles lightly, and sighs. "Megan's without wings, like me. But she still has her fairy side, so... I'm not entirely sure how much of her powers are still there, and honestly, I'm not sure if she really knows yet either."

     She actually pouts, putting on her most adorable look. "You're going to make me say it, aren't you? Okay, it was Ted. Please, though... let's see where things are going with that, before you go all brother bear on me?"

Warpath has posed:
     "Leave it to the Reavers to come up with something that works...partially on some and moreso on others." he growls darkly and shakes his head. Easier to leave that alone since there's nothing for it currently.

     "As for Ted. He gets a pass until he makes his intentions clear and make sure he knows that kissing without good intentions will bring out the bad intentions of someone much bigger and meaner than him." he instructs.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Does it help his case any that he made me smile?" Shannon chuckles softly, and just smiles. "I don't know where things are going, but at least for the moment, there is a little peace and happiness. That counts for something."

Warpath has posed:
     "It'll make me smile if he messes up." he replies, flexing his hand and making the knuckles crack. Finally he nods and admits,"If you're happy I'll be happy. Peace is good. We could use a lot more of it. There is a place for war in this world and I wish it would get smaller to the point of gone."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Oh, war has a place in this world, alright," Shannon retorts. Her eyes sparkle with particular glee, and she almost cackles. Alright, not almost. She -does- cackle. "It belongs in the same place as a blunt cactus sideways would, within those who would start war."


Warpath has posed:
     Another snort and a shake of his head,"I concur." he tells her with a nod,"I'll buy the cactus. You help me figure out where they are and I'll do the sticking."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon cackles softly, just shaking her head. Dark mirth soon turns into peals of laughter, her whole expression lightening as she leans back on one of the hay bales. "You sure we're not related by blood somewhere in there, shik'isn? There are times we certainly do seem to think alike."

Warpath has posed:
     "Like minds." he comments with a shrug,"That's what matters. Blood speaks to blood. Whether there is a lot in common or not. As for the rest. Who knows. There is that one gene after all." He winks,"So in that sense we're certainly family shik'isn. The rest is details."r

Nightingale has posed:
     The smile that spreads across Shannon's face is priceless, her whole expression lightening. "That we are. And you know... I actually wouldn't mind seeing the farms one day. Let's just not feed the hogs."