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Latest revision as of 23:28, 20 January 2021

Foot to the Face
Date of Scene: 19 January 2021
Location: Upper West Hill, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Tyler interrupts June as she tries to get info on the Foot. He shows his mettle as he captures the traitor who has evaded the family for so long.
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Twitch

June Connor has posed:
    The cold is not June's cup of tea. The old black ski jacket wraps her up, her hands in her pockets as she heads to her target. The purple ski cap clashes with the flourescent blue locks of hair that peek out from beneath it.

    She turns down one of the alleys of the Upper West Hill. A place no one goes unless they are the kind of person you don't want to meet in one. She's supposed to meet someone who is going to sell her some info on what the Foot has been up to, as the war that was so intense a few months ago seems to be far less visible than it was previously. She casually steps around a patch of ice in a pothole as she make her way to the back door they had arranged to meet at.

Twitch has posed:
Informants need to be silenced. That's what brings Tyler Grant, Twitch, so far out from his usual haunts. He's armed and dangerous and ready to strike, just as soon as he gets to who he's after. With sunglasses, a black beanie, a scarf wrapped around his face, black puff coat, blue jeans and black boots he's almost entirely covered from head to toe, sort of like he's trying to make sure he can't be identified.

But what might give him away as a ne'er do well is the fact that he's currently on top of a building, looking down over the alley that the young woman is passing through. He hasn't seen her face yet, but the fact that she's here means that he may need to act faster than he anticipated to complete his objective.

June Connor has posed:
    Shave and a haircut is the agreed knock that June was supposed to deliver when she arrived. She reaches the brown steel door, rusting around its bottom panel, and gives the rap on the metal with her bare knuckles before returning them to her coat. Her constant need to check for being watched is muted, though she casually turns back to look at the entrance to the alley while she waits, and then tilts her head up ever so slightly, using her eyes to look up more than fully turning her head upward to scan the edge of the building. Rule of 45, people don't usually look up. So she does.

Twitch has posed:
As he watches the person on the ground turn her head in his direction, even slightly, Tyler gets a good look at her and nearly freezes. Thankfully, he's well conditioned and manages instead to flatten himself against the roof to make himself as hard to notice as possible. Could he be getting really lucky today? Two birds with one stone? Is that the girl with the death mark on her? Gotta be.

June Connor has posed:
    The door squeaks open, and an older chinese man appears. "Xiao?" she says. "Nightowl."
    Xiao glances down the street on either side, and then quickly motions for her to come in.

Twitch has posed:
When the door opens Twitch starts to move. He pushes himself up smoothly and heads for the edge of the roof, hopping over the lip. As he falls towards a dumpster he produces a kunai and launches it at the old man the moment he's got his head in his sights. Then he lands with a bang. Literally, the edge of the dumpster he hits makes a loud noise. Sliding off of it he hits the ground on his feet and starts moving towards June.

June Connor has posed:
    June senses the incoming kunai, or hears it whistling through the air. Whatever the reason, her instinct to duck out of the way makes for a clean shot to the man's head. It misses his eye, but is still a true strike, blossoming in red as it plants in the front of his cheek. He stumbles back with a scream, hitting the wall inside. June twists around as Twitch lands on the dumpster.

    "Fuck me," she mutters. Her first reaction isn't to fight, though, it's to run. She makes a dash to enter the building, only to find her face slamming into the door as Xiao kicks the door desperately shut. It knocks her back, bloody nose as a parting gift from her would-be informant. She's probably not getting that info now even if he does survive this encounter. If SHE survives the encounter.

    She lands hard on the ground on her rear, cursing to herself as she looks up at Twitch on the dumpster. "Dammit, you get an A for entrance," she growls.

Twitch has posed:
"Traitor!" Twitch exclaims from behind his scarf, pointing a hand at June as he strides forward, quickening his pace with each step until he's running. Seeing that the woman's first instinct was to run he aims to overtake her before she gets the opportunity to bolt. "Can't believe you heard that blade coming. You made dude flinch, I might be inconvenienced getting to him again!"

June Connor has posed:
    "Yeah yeah, I've heard all the monologues before," she says, scrambling back to her feet and backpedaling, though his fast closing distance causes her to hesitate from just running. That would leave her back to him. She pulls her hands free from the coat, and pulls a kunai from under the edge of the jacket, hidden inside. "Let me guess, big promotion if you catch me, right? Karai would be so pleased." Of course, most of the Foot report to Karai directly rather than Shredder, only very few directly report to the master.

Twitch has posed:
"I hadn't considered a promotion," Twitch says as he closes the distance. "I was just going to do the world a favor." The presence of the knife causes no hesitation, only a slight reevaluation. The young man ends up going low with a kick aimed at the woman's ankle. "Dead or alive you're coming with me," he says before chuckling through his scarf.

June Connor has posed:
    The speed surprises June, though she has enough time to check the kick with her foot with a slight move. "Yeah, I think that just ends up with dead, so I might as well get that part out of the way now," she answers. She tries to take the opening with the kick, using the same foot she checked with to snap out a clearing kick toward his gut. "Or you could just go about screwing with someone else," she suggests, though she knows it to be a futile suggestion.

Twitch has posed:
Twisting his body Tyler strives to get out of the way of the incoming kick by dashing to the side and lowering a forearm to help steer the strike away. With his free hand he throws a quick series of jabs, hoping to bust up June's nose and further reduce her ability to defend herself, "Why would you leave, anyway? Fall in love with someone, they try to save your soul? Get some b-list capes to bail you out?"

June Connor has posed:
    June snaps her head back as she's struck a few times by the jabs, then rolls back and away from Tyler, the kunai thrown at the fastest target she can manage, which in this case, it the right thigh. Bloods trickles down her face and nose ring. "Somethin' like that. You think I'm worth some B-lister's time? That kind of flattery makes me think you want to fuck me more than take me in," she says with a sardonic grin. "S'pose it was mostly cuz I'm dumb as shit, though. Made the wrong call, now I'm just one false move from ending up in a compost pile somewhere."

Twitch has posed:
As the blade flies towards his thigh Tyler twitches! He reaches down to snatch the weapon out of the air in an instant, letting out a little chuckle as he holds up the kunai, "You never know, you might just end up in a river instead, feeding some fish." He returns the kunai to its owner by hurling it at the center of June's torso while he running towards her again, not wanting to let her get away. "I'd offer you advice on betraying people, but you're not going to get the chance to do it again. And you've got more experience in it than me."

June Connor has posed:
    Holy fuck you're fast," she curses as Tyler snatches the blade out of the air with such speed. "Probably true," June says, though whether she's referring to not getting the chance again, or more experience in betrayal, she's not specific. Maybe both. She is not nearly as fast as Tyler to be able to catch such a close range projectile, and she rolls to the side. She's not able to get out of the way, but she is able to take the blade in her bicep rather than her chest, so she'll call that a win.

    She doesn't waste time with grunts or curses, but instead continues her spin to try to catch Tyler as he reaches her and redirect his momentum away from her and toward the wall of the building.

    And run. She has no doubt that she's outclassed, but one of her better skills is that of evasion. If she can't fight, maybe she can escape.

Twitch has posed:
"Nice moves," Tyler comments as he tries to grab June only to find his momentum being steered towards a wall. He plants a foot on it to stop himself and pushes off with his leg to go after the woman once more, though by now she's managed to get a little distance from him. "Where you running to? Got somewhere to be? Don't you want to stay and play catch some more?"

June Connor has posed:
    "Got a Tinder date," she answers as she leaps up onto the dumpster and vaults toward the chain link fence. It's a decent distance, one she can only barely clear. Her coat catches on it as she hits it, and to keep herself from losing time, she unzips it, sliding out to the ground on the other side. Underneath she has a utility vest with a few more kunai, and a grenade that are holstered in it, covering a bland gray thermal underwear shirt with a hole on the left elbow. She lands and continues to burst forward, heading for a catholic church across the street.

Twitch has posed:
Springing after June, Tyler jumps to the dumpster, then the fence, getting his hands on the top bar of it and pulling himself to the top to jump forward, trying to build speed. "Is that a grenade? Nice! I should get some of those." When he hits the ground he tumbles into a somersault to soften his landing and keeps going. "Sadly, all I've got are blades." He unzips his coat and lets it fall. This shows off the plain black t-shirt and the criss crossed bandoliers of knives he wears. Drawing a knife with each hand he launches them after his prey.

June Connor has posed:
    "Yeah, I call it cheating," June says as she jukes the blades. It costs her some distance, and she pulls the kunai from her arm, flinging it back at Tyler as she slides over the hood of a parked car on the opposite side of the street on her way to the front of the church and its giant wooden doors.

Twitch has posed:
Another blade is drawn and used to deflect the kunai being tossed his way, Tyler twitching as he continues the chase, "You know I'm not a vampire, right? Churches don't even slow me down." When he gets to the car he jumps into the air, putting his foot down on the hood hard to propel himself forward in a front flip. The knife in his hand is readied for a throw, this time Twitch waits for June to try to open the church doors. He aims to pin her hand to the wood.

June Connor has posed:
    Only June wasn't planning to enter the church, as she reaches the door, she runs up the surface of it, using one of the heavy door knockers as a foothold to propel herself to the top of the arch and catch it with her good arm. She flips around her own arm, and with a rather impressive display of acrobatics, plants her feet to reach up with her injurd arm to grab a ledge above it. "Oh..." she grunts, trying to pull herself to the ledge with an injured arm. "It's just I thought I could do a little confession before gettin' whacked," she says. "You know, I think those priests kinda get off on hearing the kinky stuff."

Twitch has posed:
"They probably do," Twitch says as he throws his knife at June and starts to ascend the front of the church, following a similar path. Only his arms are both in good shape and he's got more reach. Still, he doesn't want to get within easy reach while she's got the high ground. "You did pick a hell of a spot to meet your maker, though. Church and all. Pretty epic scene for your last moments."

June Connor has posed:
    June swings herself to the side, avoiding a more significant strike, and the blade hits her in the ribs. Fortunately, ribs are good at repelling thrown objects, and it doesn't go between them. "Fuck, that hurts!" she complains as she manages to get herself up onto the ledge above. "Yeah, well, I thought I'd save him a walk to come fish me out of the river, right?" SHe takes a perching position above Tyler, hand planted on the edge. "You know, if you want to succeed in bein' a badass ninja, you gotta know when to cut your losses. I'm fuck in better position than you right now. What you think I'm gonna do when you get close enough for me to kick the shit out of your face?" she asks.

Twitch has posed:
"I was thinking you'd be out of luck by then," Tyler says as he takes a look around, trying to find an alternate path up the side of the building. "Guess I'll just have to get creative." he leaps for the side of the building a few feet away, moving to quickly try to pull himself up so that he'll be on the same level as June.

June Connor has posed:
    "Hell, I'm always out of luck," June answers. She considers the height, and the risk she'd take to try to answer his leap, and decides against it. There's too high a chance that his ascent could be used as an attack as she was moving to his location. Instead she looks up, and leaps to the opposite side of the building so that he has to cover more distance, and then pulls a smoke bomb from her pocket, throwing it in the ledge behind her. Sure she can't escape quickly, but she hopes to slow the pursuit when he can't see the ledge they are trying to use, and makes her way around the corner.

    Oh, whoops, there's no continuation of the ledge, and she grits her teeth, glancing at the tree over the cemetery attached, and then back at the ledge.

Twitch has posed:
As the woman pops smoke and uses it to provide concealment for herself Tyler frowns. He doesn't want to move through the smoke as it's too great a chance to be an ambush. Instead he aims to go around it, trying to move as fast as he can to go up and over to make sure June can't get away from him. He's quiet now, not wanting to give away his position until just the right moment.

June Connor has posed:
    June takes a few moments to decide, which gives Tyler the edge on positioning as she looks up, and leaps to grab the edge of the ledge above her, unaware that he has already taken to the higher level Her bicep pulses out blood down her now dark stained shirt as she pulls herself up to the edge of the next ledge.

Twitch has posed:
Angling to get to where the smoke's a little thinner, Tyler keeps heading upwards and in June's general direction. Hoping to have the high ground by the time he gets to her, he doesn't waste any time with his ascent. Soon he'll have made it around the corner, ready for action.

June Connor has posed:
    As Tyler reaches the corner, June is just getting herself up to the ledge, still precarious as only one leg has made it to the top. She glances up, a recognition in her face at the critical disadvantage that exists for her.

Twitch has posed:
Now that he's got her right where he wants her Tyler doesn't hesitate. He moves in and tries to deliver a kick to the face in the hopes of knocking his quarry off of the church. "You had a good run. Got some nice moves, but you're just a little too slow. The family's going to love having you back."

June Connor has posed:
    Her position doesn't allow her to dodge. There's no options left except to take the foot connects, just to the right of her nose. It knocks her free, and she goes flying back from the force. Arms flail on the way down the two stories. True to her training, though, she manages to twist and land foot first, crumpling as she makes impact with the grass next to the building and roll out of it. It saves her from a formal break of the leg, but it certainly hurt. Disoriented, she struggles to take inventory of her new position, blood all over her face and shirt, and she moves with a less than intelligible intention.

Twitch has posed:
Now that June's down Tyler starts heading back down to the ground, lowering himself from ledge to ledge in a relatively safe fashion. As he touches down he heads towards his opponent, "Nap time, traitor." He moves towards her, ready to send a spin kick to her jaw to render her unconscious. "You're going to have a hell of a headache if you wake up."

June Connor has posed:
    The kick lands, and she's out. It's certainly not her day. First the meeting goes sideways, she's taken several bloodletting injuries, she lost her coat, she's unconscious, and she's caught by the Foot. Then again, it wouldn't be her life if it wasn't a total bust.