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Revision as of 00:37, 27 January 2021

The Cure: The Situation
Date of Scene: 26 January 2021
Location: War Room - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Megan updates Jean and Scott on Dr Brightman and Beast's current state.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Cyclops, Phoenix

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn had contacted both Jean and Scott for a little impromptu meeting. And while she still felt rather nervous around the two senior Xmen, it was still a very necessary step going forward.

So here she is, dressed in her Xmen uniform, although she is (hopefully) not going to be called on to do some action heavy mission..Not after recent events with her losing half her powers at least. But hey, who knows?

At least she arrived early?

Cyclops has posed:
Making his way into the war room as the doors swish open is Scott Summers. The field leader is wearing a black polo with a pair of khaki pants and a shiny pair of shoes. He has his wrap around red glasses on to keep his eye-beams in check and steady.

He tilts his head upwards to Megan curiously. "Hey. What's going on?" He asks as he makes his way over to his seat and sinks down into it, followed by tapping the table a few times along the glass surface to pull up his notes.

Phoenix has posed:
Behind Scott, as expected, comes Jean. She's been keeping herself occupied. Recon, Cerebro, and even covert patrols around Westchester looking for any unexpected faces. The goal's been keeping unseen, but keeping her own eyes open.

"Hey, Megan. How're you doing?" She asks, sounding more concerned firstly for the young woman as opposed to their reason for being here. She heads for her typical seat purely on autopilot and takes a seat. "I've been meaning to check in with you, just..." She gives a wobbling wave of her hand in the air, that universal gesture of 'everything'.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn has been pacing the war room herself, a place that always made her feel rather nervous. And it's not like she still feels anymore like one of the more seasonned Xmen, even less so now that she has lost her mutation.

When Scott and Jean arrive, she smiles and bobs her head to them both. "Hii, Miss Grey, Mr Summers! Uh, I'm doing okay, y'know, without the powers but..." she shrugs. "Umm..Okay, I dunno how much you know but.."

Megan draws a deep breath, trying to order her thoughts that tend to be scattered. "Okay, soo Dr. Brightman? He was found and rescued before the Reavers could off him. I wasn't there but I was in communication with Illy and she says she took him somewhere..Safe.." Megan makes a face. "Err, until she can make arrangements to move him to his sister's house temporarily. Anyway, soo I - with the help of Thor - managed to recover some of the missing documents that he left behind when he fled, documents to help him create the formula for an antidote, with Beast's help of course.."

She wilts a little though, taking a seat. "Umm only trouble is, Beast has gone AWOL after his experiments with Brightman...I guess he was using himself as a guinea pig..? No one seems to know where he is.."

Cyclops has posed:
There is a visible frown upon Scott's face the more he hears the story unravel before him. He gives a glance to Jean, then steeples his fingers together in front of him. "I did not sign off on any of this." He shifts his jaw to pop one side of it angrily.

"Jean, I'll need you to use Cerebro to track down Hank. If he's injured, we will need to get to him quickly." Giving a lick of his lips to moisten them, he taps away at the glass.

"I am deeply disappointed that not a single person thought to speak with me beforehand so that we can create a proper plan, if any. None of this is sane to me."

Phoenix has posed:
"This is new to me too." Jean says quietly, sounding both disappointed and concerned. She tends to pride herself on things generally not going under her notice. Given that this involves one of her oldest friends, there is a distinct look of failure shadowing her expressions.

"So much for him taking a break. I'll get right on it, and I'm not coming out until I find him. We need to find him and this needs to stop."

<< We need to move, Scott. We're going to have to take this fight to them, before they take more from us. >>

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shakes her head. "Don't think there were any available Xmen at the time. Illyana was the only available one I heard from. I didn't even know what was going down, except I heard Jeremy was there too, he probably intercepted information from DAMT. I dont think any other Xmen were available, probably due to all the chaos going on in Mutant Town lately.."

She pouts a little though, feeling like she let them both down. "I'm sorry, I should have let you know sooner, but everything happened so quickly. We didn't even know where Beast was, until he burst out of Dr. Brightman's summer cottage, apparently. I guess Illyana had her hands full protecting Brightman and there were no other Xmen available to contact at the time."

Megan shrugs. "This is all second hand information mind you, since I wasn't even there, just kept tabs with Illy. But, I did get some information about Beast's last known whereabouts.."

Megan hands over a notepad with an address of Brightman's cottage in WestChester, along with a photograph of the surrounding forest where Beast was last seen.

Cyclops has posed:
"Fff." Scott hisses out between his teeth as he glances down at the address to memorize it. "No one even bothered to update the field reports that are mandatory. If we were indisposed, we need to have this information available to follow up." He pushes himself upwards to his feet.

"I'll assemble the team. Thank you, Megan, for coming to me with this. I assure you, we're doing everything we can to find a way to help you. Though I do not approve of Hank's methods. This sounds mad and it goes too far."

He turns and starts for the door, sighing heavily as he takes his phone out to tap along the glass. "Someone get with Jeremy and get whatever he knows." He mutters along the way under his breath.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean reaches out to take up the notepad and looks over the address and the photograph. "All of this going on in our damn back yard." She says with a ragged, angry sigh. Some team of heroes they're seeming, right now. She pushes herself up from the table and looks over to Megan.

"While Scott's getting the team, could you speak with Jeremy and touch base with him? Tell him I sent you. Then just send the report to Scott. If anyone topside needs me, direct them to the Professor. He can reach me if needed while inside, I don't want anyone else opening the door."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs a bit, feeling guilty, "Umm..I can't speak for Jeremy, but Illyana is probably still making sure Dr. Brightman is safe..I wasn't on the field, but I can write up a report best as I can until she gets home, based on what little information I was given? At least..At least there is an antidote on the horizon?" She nods. "Thanks Mr. Summers..I'm sure everything will be okay.."

Cyclops has posed:
"That sounds good, Megan. If you see Illyana before I do, tell her to get her ass in front of me ten minutes ago." Scott call sover his shoulder to Megan before he slips out the door.