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Revision as of 01:57, 2 February 2021

Home sweet home.
Date of Scene: 31 January 2021
Location: The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: 12697
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's late evening by the time Buffy and Thomas return to the Blue Lady, and after hours of patrolling, Buffy is pretty tired. And hungry. "You know, it actually feels good, feeling cold, hungry..Seeing the sun again. I forgot how good those simple things felt..Feeling alive that is.." she smiles, having offered him back his jacket once they slipped into the apartment. "Guess I just gotta get used to being me again.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
After a long and pleasant walk and talk back to his car, Thomas drove them (maybe not like a maniac, but defiantly like a psychopath) back to the Club. Circling around the back he punched in the code that opened the door leading straight up to their apartment. "You wanna hit the shower first while I cook?" he asks with a playful smile. "You smell like you were running around in a cemetery." he teases.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs and nods, "Yeah, can't say no to your luxury shower, or a nice warm bed, dont get me wrong, the wine cellar was...Quaint. But a bit dark and dusty. I felt like a stranger in a stranger's house..Don't think I could ever get used to that sort of life ever again." she smiles, "dunno what most guys see in a Barbie doll like that.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raithsmirks just a little bit, "I can probably come up with 36 Double D reasons why some men might find her appealing." He says in a playful voice. "Fortunately I do prefer a woman with a bit more substance and a bit less silicon. Just as a rule." He says with a grin, considering. "How about Philly cheese Steaks?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes as she heads for the shower, pausing only briefly to shrug at him. "People put too much stock in unrealistic stereotypes. Barbie is an unrealistic doll. At least Skipper was a bit more realistic." she chuckles, "Besides isn't beauty all in the personality?" she nods and smiles, "Sounds good! Just about everything you cook me is perfect!" she winks and waves, disappearing into the luxury shower room.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit, "I certainly hope not. If i had to get by on just my personality, I'd starve to death!" he calls out after her with a chuckle as he begins making the fixings for the sandwiches. He adds some of Mac's beer (and cold too, the blasphemous!) and takes a chocolate cake out of the fridge... He wants her to get to enjoy as many things as possible. Sweet, tart, savory..

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "Come on, underneath the devil may care playboy attitude, you have some redeeming qualities that a girl could easily fall for. I mean, look at me!" and with that she vanishes into the shower room, emerging several moments later dressed in her pink satiny night shirt. It was a bit short on Tiffany but just right on Buffy who has a more lean athletic body to boot. Her hair is up in a pony tail, smelling like strawberry shampoo as she yawns and stretches, slipping into a chair at the kitchen table. "It must have been hard, not being able to..Feed..I know how fear feels to you inits place.." she shivers, remembering how he seemed after using it on her mom in reverse..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a little bit. "Considering /your/ situation I found it rather hard to complain." he says with a smiles, eyes walking slowly over her body and smiling. "And believe me Buffy, I like to look at you every chance I get." He takes a moment from sautéing peppers, onions, and mushrooms to slip over and give her a long deep kiss. "And besides, even you have to admit having a cute ass helps." he says with a grin and offers her own backside a bit of a pinch. "So I thought we could do something, if you were interested..."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, wrapping her arms around his neck, tilting her head up a bit to kiss him softly on the lips. "Mm, this height feels Soo much more comfortable. And your warmth is..Actually welcoming." she sighs, "It's always been one of my nightmares to turn into a vampire, never imagined it would actually come true." she shivers, looking slightly troubled by that, but shakes her head with a faint smile. Buffy does giggle and blush at the compliments, though she arches a brow, "What did you have in mind?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit, "I was thinking," He says with a grin. "We have dinner and then turn in a bit early." He says with a smile. "Then we get up, go up on the roof, and do something Tiffany could never have dreamed of. We watch the sunrise." He says.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers gasps, "The rooftop? On a chilly winter night?" she laughs, "Love it..Guess I'll have to dress more warmly but..I guess I never really had time to watch a good sunrise, you know, busy fighting vamps and all manner of creatures that lurk in the dark all the time.." she sighs, "Guess life's always been too hectic and busy to appreciate the little things."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a little bit, leans in and kisses her lightly, but briefly as he has to get back to the food. "I just like the idea of doing something, even if it's silly, I want to do something with you just the two of us." He says with a smile. "And since you just got unvampired? A Sunrise seems like just the thing.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers pouts a bit as he pulls away. But dinner important too right? "I like that too. Something gentle and sweet.." she smiles softly, watching him move around and cook, waiting patiently at the table. "I'm always happy just to sound more time with you, especially as this place is starting to feel more and more like home." she sighs, "Just as long as no more crazies hit us anytime soon. Like I said, a vacation retreat would be nice. Although sunrises are nice too..Even if it's in the middle of winter. But they promised clear skies tomorrow right? Nothing like a pristine white landscape with a brilliant sun to warm you up,just enough..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a little bit and nods, taking down a pair of bakry fresh sandwhich rolls and slicing them open. "So how are you feeling, being back in your own body? I men is it like putting on familiar clothes or...?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms and stretches a bit, "Well...It's kind of like coming home after a long exhausting journey I guess." she shrugs, "Like I said, I don't miss being home at all...I'm mostly worried about what I did while I was in someone else's body..But I guess we covered that already, maybe..?" she's not totally convinced it's ok but at least Buffy isn't running off again.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods and smirks adding the chopped steak, pepers, onions, mushrooms, and cheese to the sandwiches and then some sour cream and onion potato chips. He brings them to the table and grins. "So how curious are you to see what else is under our bed?" he asks in a playful tone.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers waits patiently and rather hungrily at the table, nose twitching at all the delicious scents and spices wafting throughout the kitchen. "Mmm...Smells good.." she murmurs, hopefully there is some nice hot cocoa to go with it..His next question causes her to blush and smile rather shyly though. "Um...Did I say that? Although I guess it's something I've always wondered. I suppose I'd found out sooner or later, but..."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith chuckles a little bit as he sets her plate down, tilts her head up and...okay he put a bit more Hunger into that kiss then he usually does.. still he just smirks and smiles, "We have all the time in the world." He says softly before going over to the fridge and taking out a massive chocolate on chocolate chocolate chip cake...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shivers a bit at the kiss, but is in no hurry to pull away. It does make her all the more curious. "I mean, to be fair...All those things you did, you did to her...Physically anyway so...I guess we have a lot to catch up on..?" she actually coughs a bit as she says that. "Geez, did I just say that? I'm an idiot..Only.." Buffy shrugs and sighs, busying herself wuth the sand which which tastes really good. "Mmmm..." she murmurs, totally distracted and hoping he won't put any weight into what she just said..,Awwwwkward...

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith doesn't say anything about it... he does something much worse. He gives her that wicked little smirk that promised he will be filing that thought away for a more appropriate time. He sets the cake on the table and grins over his own sandwich, "You really are adorable sometimes you know that?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, pausing in her sandwich, almost appalled at the comment. "Adorable? Really!? I mean...I was kinda going for badass...intimidating..scary..Maybe I need to work on my angle.." she sighs, wilting a bit, "Getting stuck as a blonde bimbo with half the town trying to kill me for a month makes it hard to shake off that reputation..." she pouts.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit, "Oh don't get me wrong, as a card carrrying member of the super natural comunity, most of them think the slayer is a baddass bitch who can chew chains and spit nails. Who will stake you just for trying to exist...." He considers "Actually Faith is a pretty good representation of what most of us think a slayer is like. I on the other hand have the distinct pleasure of knowing a slayer can be kind. Beautiful. Gentle. And yes even a bit adorible sometimes. It's kind of a privlage really.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles softly at that, nodding slowly. "Okay, sure...But how about we keep that last part between the two of us? cant let it get out to my enemies that I'm actually cute and cuddly." she winks at him, "Although not all of us slayers are that way.." he may have noticed a slight twitch when Faith was mentioned..Again..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks just a little bit. "Don't worry lover." He says taking a bit of his sandwich and looking amused. "The few true monsters that know ab out me and you pretty much all assume I've got a tiger by the tail and you'll turn on me eventually." He says with a bit of a shrug.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow, looking faintly amused. "Oh really! You think we got em all fooled into thinking I seduced you and just have you wrapped around my finger, waiting to pounce as soon as you lower your guard?" there's a challenging sparkle in her eyes as she says that...Between bites of the tasty sand which, wash down with hot cocoa.

At least she's not wearing her yummy sushi pjs when she says that.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smarks "Or I have you under my spell, and the second my control slips you are going to shove a nice pice of mahogany in my chest... whisch will be quite messy you know since I don't dust." He says with an amused smirk crunching into a chip and grinning. He tilts his head. "Out of couriosity... what /is/ the protocal for things that leave bodies behind?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, finishing off her sand which, wiping her face clean and rinsing it down with the rest of her hot cocoa. "Well, you know, I guess.." she frowns, "That's..A good question. I usually just let Giles deal with it, or Willow manages to magic things away usually.." Buffy shrugs, "Of course not all demons go poof and stakes are only used for vamps..I've encountered all sorts of demons but you're definitely the first of your kind I've had to deal with. If I met others like you, not so sure how I would deal with them, or if you'd even allow me to harm members of your family..Or heck, if you'd defend them against me.."it's a worrying thought actually and causes her to frown a bit..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith blinks slightly and then actually starts laughing. I mean straight up belly laugh at that image. "Buffy.. My heart... My love... my only... If I found out that you had decided to start targeting the majority of my family? I wouldn't try to stop you, I'd hold your coat." He says amused.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly in confusion, picking up her dish and cutlery, rinsing them in the sink, "But..They're family, aren't they? The way you speak of your sister at least, it's like she was even a surrogate mom to you..I mean your dad, sure he wants to kill you and all, but Lara? And what about your other sisters? I guess Inari isn't..Awakened yet, but the others.." she shrugs helplessly.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs a bit, getting his chuckles under control, shaking his head. "If you went after Inari, and you wouldn't, I would stop you. Yes. And Lara? I love Lara, but she plays the game, and she's not afraid to hurt people, including me, to do it. As for the rest, I said what I said." He says simply. "Want to see who I consider my family?" He walks over and takes down a photo that was taken some time ago... Him and Her... Murphy and Harry. "You can put Willow in there, as well as Dawn. Axe, Smash, and Crush. Nick, Sasha, and Didi. that's my family. that's who I would die to protect."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods slowly, thoughtfully, "Good to know. I'm still curious to meet Lara mind you, but I'll stand by your decision..And it's good to know if they ever step out of line, you won't stop me from doing what needs to be done." she shrugs, "Mind you, I imagine there are lots of evil organizations out there that are best left alone, I mean, how long have the White Court been operating right under my nose and I didn't even know about them til recently? And how many other baddies are laying low under the radar too?"she sighs, "But I guess that's my job, I'm sure the Watcher'a counsel will do whatever they think is best and keep me updated, hopefully.." too bad she has yet to learn if the white counsel.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs a little bit, "Probibly allot of us." He admits, "though it's not you we're afraid of. The biggest fear of any preditor is for the prey to realize that if they band togethert hey can destroy us." He shrugs slightly, "The White Court especially prefers to play from the shadows. Attacking someone directly is considered uncooth."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods slowly. "Soo they will leave me alone if I leave them alone, as long as I don't do something tactless that might inadvertently expose them..Of course I'm still concerned about your cousin and those horror movie invitations. Wonder if he knows about me?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly making a face, "Lara knows so Natalia knows so Elisa knows so Madeline knows so Madrigal knows." He says in one long stream that gives him a slight smirk. "MY family are some of the worst gossips I've ever met in my life." He smirks, "And don't forget what our family business is. It's actually remarkably hard to mind your own business when you are so deep into other peoples."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers groans. "Ohh..Great. So much for the element of surprise. So they haven't decided aim a big enough threat yet. Or is. The Scoobies." where did that title even come from anyway? "At any rate I'd rather enjoy the rest of the night then worry about a possible attack from afar..I guess I should change into something Warner if we're doing some rooftop viewing..?"