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Latest revision as of 04:49, 5 February 2021

Post Chaotic Cooldown..
Date of Scene: 05 February 2021
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Megan touches base with Betsy about starting up more training.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Psylocke

Pixie has posed:
It had been a long, cold and insanely stressful day. After an attempted assassination on Dr Brightman's life, Megan had finally had a chance to line up in. the freezing cold, and after a long wait, she finally received the antidote that would eventually lead to the restoration of her mutant powers.

She really should head straight to bed! but Megs had opted for a bit of tv and leftover macaroni and cvheese instead. And maybe it was the weird side effects or something else but now she was having trouble sleeping, in spite of dozens of cups of cammomile..ugh, it's gonna be a looong night...

Psylocke has posed:
Betsy had her own mission that night. A private one, having nothing to do with the X-Men. Upon finishing up, she had returned to the school to pick up some paperwork she had failed to remember earlier in the day due to her preoccupation with other events.

As she walked down the hall, dressed for the weather in jeans with a heavy coat, only her boots (which disappeared under her pants legs) might be recognized as something that was part of her costume normally. Which implied it was under those clothes.

She paused as she started to pass the rec room, catching site of Megan. "You're up late. How are you doing?" She knew of Megan, Shannon and Wolverine's situations by word-of-mouth and team briefings, though she hadn't had much of an opportunity to chat with them.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is curled up at the tv, munching on macaroni and watching a very non funny comedy rerun, when Betsy drops by. "Ohh..Hi Ms Braddock.."she'd had the bad habit of calling all her teammates by last names.Go figure, she's the ' kid ' of the group, the outsider. It's hard to speak on familiar terms with her.

"Eh, well after today's fiasco in Mutant Town I just couldn't sleep..But hey, at least I finally got an antidote in me..? Ooh.." she blinks, covering her mouth, knowing how everyone thinks she can't take care of herself and should stay out of trouble, even if she does still have her fae powers, darnit!

"Umm maybe forget that last part?" more nervous laughter.

Psylocke has posed:
That got her attention. Even if Megan didn't want it to.

"Betsy," she automatically corrected, as she did everytime Megan called her Ms Braddock these days. After all, Megan wasn't a student anymore.

She turned and remained there by the door, arching a violet brow. "You got the antidote? That's good news isn't it? Why would you want me to forget that part?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks a bit, blushing and smiling shyly. "Right right! I guess we're team mates Afterall, right? Even though it's awkward sometimes. I mean..I'm the kid of the group, the awkward newbie, just leaning the ropes. Everyone's older than me, have their deep set history with one another. Me.. I dunno, I'm the odd one out, not old enough to be one of the gang, too old to hang out with the New Mutants.."

Oh Gee, did she just babble all of that out just now? Megan blushes and giggles a bit, waving a dismissive hand. "Sorry sorry. I guess..Mr Su-Err, Scott can be a bit protective, thinks I need protecting, and even if I lost my mutation, I still have magic, even if I dint understand it well, but.."

She sighs, "I get it, it was dicey, Scott and Jean were there to stop the attack on Dr Brightman but dunno how they'd feel if they knew I was there, in a potentially dangerous place, even if it was just waiting innocently in line at a clinic.."

Psylocke has posed:
"You are right to be cautious. Scott is ..." Betsy pauses, wanting to be certain she phrase this properly. "Certainly protective. Overly so at times. He feels a responsibility for everyone that is under his care, particularly teammates. It makes him sometimes forget we have lives outside the team, that we have our own choices we have to make and deal with. Being new and younger, you likely get it doubly so while the more senior members have managed to develop a balance that he respects." She grins a little. "Even if he might not like it."

She tilts her head slightly. "Any idea when your powers should be returned?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods slowly and hmms, "Right, I get it..Just wish I could prove myself, let him know I can take care of myself." she smirks, "I guess I can be a..Trouble magnet, but I've been super helpful too..Even if..I may have done things of my own initiative.." she nods and grimaces. "Hopefully he didn't spot me.."

As for the antidote, Megan nods, "Seems like it'll be a gradual process, apparently it shouldn't take more than four or five days maybe? Dr Brightman said a faster treatment could change the body too drastically and lead to nasty side effects. Heey, I'm already getting in some pink hairs, and I can feel an itchy rash on my back like the first time my wings appeared. I dont mind waiting as long as it's not too long."

Psylocke has posed:
"It's not a reflection of your skills or abilities that he worries. It's just who Scott is. It's kind of sweet when you think about it, how much he cares though he does his best to hide it. Not that you should mention that to him. Ever." Betsy adds hastily.

"In time, you will find that balance as well but he will never stop worrying about you. It's easier if you can accept that early on."

She gives a nod. "I'm happy for you. That you hopefully will be back to normal soon." Funny how a human and a mutant think of 'normal' differently.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and smiles, "Heh, if only I could manage to not get in trouble sooo much. I mean, I may not be in highschool anymore, but have you seen that massive mountain of pink detention slips of his?" she makes a face, "It's like he enjoys punishing bad students, or even slightly...Adventurius students.."

Like her. "Oh speaking of, losing my mutant powers made me realize just how much I rely on distance attacks to fight. I'd really like to step up my knife training practice with you, cuz I learned a lot and a few times it came in handy..But my skills are still..Rusty.."

Psylocke has posed:
"Adventurous students end up in other dimensions fighting for their lives. That's why he has detention slips. We would like them to live to see adulthood at the very least. Old age is preferable," Betsy says with a smile.

"Certainly, we can continue your training. You've been using the program I set up in the DangerRoom, I'm guessing? We'll get together soon and see where you've gotten. For now, I must away. I have some things to take care of tonight. We'll talk soon."