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(It's one last call for alcohol for Freddie Bowen as Frank Castle is on his scent)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 21:33, 7 February 2021

Flight Delay
Date of Scene: 07 February 2021
Location: JFK International Airport
Synopsis: It's one last call for alcohol for Freddie Bowen as Frank Castle is on his scent
Thanks to: Phantasm (Drago)
Cast of Characters: Punisher

Nick (9039) has posed:
The General Aviation Terminal of JFK International Airport has a lot going for it. With most private jets working out of that particular terminal, the amount of persons running about is usually not that high which leads to plenty of seating available. For those who wait, they can enjoy the lovely blue skies from the vast amount of windows set to provide access to the outdoor light. In the case of those in the terminal this evening, a possible glimpse of the stars.

But for Freddie Bowen, a man of questionable intent, he is instead taking advantage of the VIP bar that is located in the terminal. While well past the normal hours of operation, it remains open for the private party of him and two bodyguards, positioned to either side of him at the bar. A bartender serves up drinks, aware that it is past the usual operation hours, does not question why he is here. VIP guests tend to be demanding sorts and... well, he's been assured he's getting overtime pay so... the drinks are still coming to Freddie. His personal security refrains however.

Having partaken in coffee earlier, three terminal security employees are now experiencing the effects of a sabotaged coffee maker as they slumber away in a chemical induced sleep. One of them however has the misfortune of sleeping in his skivvies as he's been relieved of his uniform.

The bar is adjacent to the waiting area where the plane is being prepped. The plane crew is already locked away in their cabin and the underside of the plane has been closed up now. Most of those who have loaded it are making their way into the plane, seating themselves in the coach section. It's not that crammed as they each get a row to themselves. Six find their seats while the other two wait to either side of the stairs leading into the plane.

Punisher has posed:
The Punisher is under no illusions that assassinating bosses like he's about to do is in any way a long term victory. It is, at best, a path to chaos as a family devolves into a short term power struggle over assets and control over power and the rank and file.

Nonetheless, that short time also gives the Punisher time to hunt down the rest. Without organization, after all... it's much easier to pick off loners.

Today, a little bit of prep time has allowed the Punisher to find a member of airport security is mostly his size, and 'borrow' their uniform in a way that doesn't arouse suspicion. He's already secretly locked down the security office to prevent complications, and has hijacked the airport security grid so he can lock down the airport proper if his target or the assets he's looking for try to escape.

Now all that's necessary is to perform the 'sweep' by security, where the Punisher will have plenty of time to silently clean up the trash for this flight... and he's already on his way in a casual demeanor across the airport grounds towards the bar.

Nick (9039) has posed:
One of the bodyguards tilts his head to the side, listening in to an unseen person. He taps a button on a cord. "Got it." Turning his head back, he looks over to Freddie who appears to be pretty calm and relaxed. He's halfway through the third drink.

"Plane's loaded. Crew's on board and secure. They're waiting on us." He advises the man.

Freddie gives a slight nod, tapping the glass before him. "This will be my last then." There's no protest to the information. He's done this before. And there's no point to be greedy. He's got enough to feel good for the flight. But not enough to cause issues with his work later. It's all perfect.

The second Bodyguard turns his head to see the approaching man in uniform. Without the context of the skull on the chest there's no indication to be wary of the newcomer beyond what is normal. The uniform itself indicates that the security guard belongs there. So all that's needed is to run some basic interference. He steps forward to Frank. "Can I help you Mr..." He glances to the name tag, "Yanez?"

Punisher has posed:
Sometimes, assassination means infiltration... and in the years in Special Forces AND in his war, he's had plenty of practice in acting. So, he transitions naturally into a 'let's not spook the passengers, but this guy seems like a bodyguard, to professional courtesy' attitude.

"Yeah." Punisher forces his tone to be a bit deeper than usual, a skill he has plenty of practice in, "cameras caught something in the pit. I got the short straw for checking it." Punisher flicks his eyes non-verbally to a door near the bar. "You know how it is. It was time for a sweep anyway. You mind?" The Punisher glances back to the man.

Nick (9039) has posed:
The bodyguard frowns. "What did the cameras catch?" He asks, voice lowering as he gives a glimpse over to the other bodyguard. Catching the other guard's attention enough. He glimpses to Frank and then to the previously indicated door.

There's a moment's hesitation before the other guard looks over Frank before giving a nod.

Having conferred, he looks back to Frank. "Alright. " He steps back, allowing him access.

Punisher has posed:
"Good shit."

Freddie's fate is already sealed, but getting into position to take out everyone at once like this will make it that much easier.

A few dozen feet over... just after he's around the corner of the bar, Punisher pulls both the visible pistol and the pistol as he gets out of sight, attaches both silencers, then comes right back around the corner and starts popping heads in a sequence that allows him to drop them one at a time in rapid succession without attracting serious attention.

The bartender, of course, would see it happen... being the only innocent here. The rest? They die, just about immediately.

Frank has /very/ good aim.

Nick (9039) has posed:
The bartender, who overheard the mention of Freddie being on his last drink, had started the process of cleaning up behind the bar. As a result he had his back to the going ons when Frank was talking to the bodyguard. Right now his only thought was on not having to be in the bar any longer than necessary once Freddie left it.

He definitely was not expecting for a stranger in the borrowed uniform of a security officer pulling out a couple of firearms to blow away several of the patrons. "OH MY GOD!" The bartender dives down, to the ground in reaction before he starts crawling over to a corner, wedging himself between small fridge and sink. If he wasn't religious before he certainly is now as he works to make himself as small as possible.

The exchange is not long. The permissive bodyguard was the first to go down. His proximity making him fortunate to not have to live with his mistake as long as the others. The second does manage to shove Freddie off his seat to the floor before he ended up joining his charge. Only with more holes.

The smack to the floor was sufficient enough to kick off some adrenaline. Causing for him to start reacting in the same manner the bartender did. Trying to crawl to safety behind the bar. But, the angles are just not with him as he's soon lying on the ground, gasping.

Punisher has posed:
It doesn't take the Punisher long to find Freddie, and without ceremony, put a silenced round right into the mans head.

Then, he's over at the bar, "Hey kid. Stay down. I'm not after you, I'm after /them/." With everyone dead, his voice is back to normal, and he checks the bar itself for weapons briefly, keeping an eye on the plane proper for movement.

Nick (9039) has posed:
The only weapons in the bar apparently are on the bodyguards and Freddie himself. Due to how quickly Punisher pulled off the shots, and the second bodyguard's attempts to push Freddie out of danger instead of going for his firearm, none of them were drawn. There is a slight murmuring sound coming from the ears of the bodyguards. Whoever is on the other side is talking.

The Bartender's lips quiver as he looks up to the man speaking to him. Eyes glance down but the wood of the bar prevents him from seeing what is laying on the other side. "No overtime is worth this..." He whimpers out, drawing his legs in further as he wedges himself further back between the fridge and sink.

Off through the sound proofed windows there is a glimpse of the plane. With only the faintest of hints to the engine sounds going on outside. The plane is ready for departure. One of the men to the side of the plane starts to walk towards the entrance of the wait area.

Punisher has posed:
No time for collecting weapons. The Punisher hides his pistols in the waistband behind himself and he casually starts heading towards the plane.

Hopefully, he'll get close enough to the man coming out that the other man won't see the bodies until it's too late.

Hopefully, he won't have to destroy those engines to keep them from taking off, either. It'll be much easier to handle the weapon hijacking if he doesn't need to crash the Battle Van through the airport fence.

As he approaches, his demeanor is casual as he jogs over. There's a hint of concern in his movements, but nothing like panic.

Nick (9039) has posed:
As the one man from the stairwell approaches the wait area, his glance looks over to the security guard approaching him. He puts up a hand in a halting manner. "That's about far enough. Mr. -" He pauses. "Yanez?" He frowns , considering the man's look before he turns to look to the window area leading to the bar section. Eyes widening he draws his gun.

Punisher has posed:
If the Punisher was a man to sigh in frustration, this would most definitely be one of the best times for it.

Instead, he keeps his stoic expression as he quickdraws a pistol, immediately placing a round in the forehead of the thug.

Immediately, the pistol is replaced behind his waistband, checking if anyone saw that through the plane windows.

If they did, this just got a lot more complicated.

Nick (9039) has posed:
The good news for Punisher is that no one on the plane saw.

But, the other guy who was guarding the stairs. DID. "Shit." He bolts up the steps, pulling his gun as he opens his mouth to give warning to those inside.

Punisher has posed:
It's doubtful, but maybe he can manage to headshot that one as well before he can get off a word. The gun is once again quickdrawed, and another round is fired at the back of the mans head.

This time, the Punisher keeps the gun out, behind himself, away from the plane proper, so he can shoot anyone coming out of the plane itself. Regardless, he starts to dash for the stairwell proper. He's not too far away, and his grapnel gun is close enough now to be used if it starts to retract.

Nick (9039) has posed:
The fates must be shining down upon Frank because a moment after he pulls off the shot of desperation, there is a lurch to the man going up the stairs. But luck runs out a bit as the man falls dead through the doorway of the plane.

He may not have said anything verbally but the thud of the body landing on the floor is warning enough.

There are muffled shouts going on in the plane as half of the men seated in coach upgrade themselves to first class. scattering about to start the process of getting the door closed. One man gives a pound to the cabin door while another starts the process of getting the stairs to lift up. A process slightly delayed as he has to move the body first to do so.

Punisher has posed:
The pistol is already out and firing the second the Punisher seems the man removing the body. Not long now, and he won't need to worry about the ramp coming up yet. Good.

Nick (9039) has posed:
THUMP. Ok now instead of one body blocking the means to close the door there's now two. The man who was knocking on the cabin door backs away, moving out of the view of the doorway as he backs up. "We got company coming!" He warns, leaving the two deceased comrades to act as a makeshift barricade for the still open door as he gets to a corner of first class that gives him a good angle for anyone coming in. The other in first class mirrors him, taking up the other corner. Back in coach, a similar postioning is being undertaken with the three of them taking a corner that is not presently occupied by an airplane bathroom.

Punisher has posed:
Unlike these others, the Punisher is one of the best at what he does, so he's quite capable of simply flinging the bodies at the top of the stairwell out of the way down the ramp, grabbing them by the neck and tossing them overboard, as it were.

The second he's inside, the uniform is torn off and tossed outside too, revealing the skull vest, gear web, and various holsters on his legs underneath it.

No one can see the skull yet... but the Punisher has access to all his gear once more. Now, he pulls two grenades from the web, and tosses them into one cabin, then the other.

Smoke first... then a gas grenade to put whoever is inside to sleep.

Can't blow out the windows if he wants to fly this thing out, after all.

Nick (9039) has posed:
As the bodies are being tugged out and flung that is apparently enough for the one diagonal from the entrance to be fully alert, training his gun on the opening. The moment he sees a body coming in the doorway, he shoots right at Frank. No shouted warnings, No hesitation. With two men killed already, anyone coming into the plane without a radio ahead is fair game.

As the smoke grenade lets out, the shooter dives down, not wanting to be where he was last standing when the intruder initially came into place. It is a smart move. Usually. Except for the damn gas from the second round of grenades.

The other one in the main cabin in a straight line from the entranceway opens fire into the smoke. A startled shout erupts from the cockpit area causing for the sounds of several thumps on the floor in there. Looks like the plane isn't leaving anytime soon.

Punisher has posed:
It's a combination of agility and sheer luck that the Punisher doesn't get seriously hurt by that gun, instead he gets nicked in an arm as he presses against the wall. Then, when the man dives, turns the corner and fires a round into the mans head, holding his breath for a moment as he grabs a portable mouth rebreather from a pouch and grabs it with his teeth. With the smoke obscuring vision, he brings up a knife and keeps it on his offhand as he aims downrange with his pistol, slowly moving forward as he secures the place to the pilot cabin.

Nick (9039) has posed:
And so ends the last stand of the more competent of the first class thugs ends up clocking out earlier with a bullet to the head. If there's any blessing to that man's ordeal, the second grenade was already kicking in to effect. There's not much to register of the situation as a result.

The second shooter doesn't continue as he succumbs to the gas.

Off to coach class, the sounds of several thumps can be heard. Then silence. That is some very potent gas.

Punisher has posed:
The bodies can be tossed later, though he does put a bullet in the head of each one he can confirm as one of Freddie's. For now, he needs to get this thing moving. Once at the cabin, he takes out a thermite charge and puts it on the locking mechanism for the pilot cabin, setting it. Then, he turns around and keeps watch behind.

He can fly the plane himself... no need to chance dealing with pilots being a 'hero'.

Nick (9039) has posed:
As Frank finishes off the group of persons associated with Freddie, there is a silence coming from within the cockpit.

The thermite does the trick, causing for a bright glow of light as the metal starts to melt away. There's a bit of a dripping effect as the molten after effects are slow to cool. The newly formed hole in the door finds the plane crew also on the floor, out cold.

Punisher has posed:
The plane is clear. Good.

Pressing a finger to the transmit of his commlink, Punisher starts to finish up where the pilots left off. "Microchip, got the plane secured. Plan A is still in effect. Start heading for the strip. I'll meet you there."

Punisher looks back into the plane towards the bodies.

"I have some other packages to drop off facefirst into the ground on the way, so I may be delayed a bit."