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Latest revision as of 05:21, 16 February 2021

Oh just one more thing.
Date of Scene: 14 February 2021
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: Phobos has a final interview with Natasha before graduation.
Cast of Characters: Black Widow (Romanoff), Phobos

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Training is difficult. It is months of mental, physical and psychological training. The success rate is low. On average, at least sixty percent wash out. Sometimes it was less. Often it was more. However, it was necessary. They needed to be thinking soldiers. Able to go out in any situation. Once they graduated, they could specialize.

There were exceptions of course. People recruited through other means. Thinkers in the science fields who were given the basic training. Sometimes a hacker who was brought in for skills alone and training came in later. Those were the exceptions. Few. Far between. But for the grunts on the ground? More was required.

Toward the end of their Training, there was the exit interview. This was usually an officer speaking with the cadet.

It was Alexander Aaron's turn for an interview. He was in one of the interrogation rooms, those used for prisoners or suspects. The same one he had been brought to on numerous occassions.

Phobos has posed:
    One could rarely tell for sure if the room they were in was the same room as the one they had been in those countless times before. They all looked the same with that mirror and the beige-ish paint on the walls. The furnishings were even less worthy of remarks, what with their purely utilitarian design and with them attached to the floor. But there were small ways.
    Like counting the number of strides it took to reach a place. The turns. The timing of events. Yet that can be altered if one knows what they're looking for, and Alexander wouldn't put it past SHIELD. Though as he sat in the black and grey armored uniform of an agent, though with the 'trainee' designation clear on the lapel, there he wasn't entirely sure which room he was in, even as he seemed at ease in the metal chair, hands upon the table.
    A small cough came from him as he shifted posture, sitting up a little and resting his hands on the edge of the table, fingertips lightly touching the underside of the table. Ah there it was. The small imperfection, the tiny indentation he made with his nail in the plastic surface. Hardly noticeable assuredly, but some small measure of comfort for one who prefers to have command of their surroundings.
    But that wasn't his role. Here he was to be dutiful, do as he was bid.
    And so he waited. Once again at ease in that chair, looking across from him at the empty seat. Seemingly almost unblinking but when he did it was quick and brief. Almost like a lizard with the ease of it.
    It was only after the twenty second minute that his composure broke slightly when he glanced at the door and exhaled through his nose slightly. Few people would notice that smallest echo of a sigh deep in his chest. But someone looking for such, well it was clear.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
At the twenty-sixth minute, that door opened. The Black Widow entered, in her full SHIELD uniform including weapons. She pushed the door closed then crossed to her seat. Settling on it, giving him a small smile.

"You seem to be at the end of your journey as a cadet. Depending on some final test scores being tabulated in and the evaluation of a ranking officer."

She was sitting back in her seat, hands on her lap which put them out of sight. A discomfort for most agents. Obviously intentional. But it wasn't as though these two were strangers.

"Do you think you're ready, Cadet Aaron? To serve your country, and the world, as a SHIELD agent?"

Phobos has posed:
    The youth had a good poker face, and he kept it most of the time. Though she smiled he gave the slightest tilt up just at the corner of his mouth. And, if she were paying attention it was on the side that was opposite the more obvious surveillance camera. Not the less obvious cameras that were hidden of course, but still. He made the effort.
    She sat down and he straightened up a little. For a brief moment she could see a hint of puzzlement in those hazel irises. Likely surprised it was her to have the final words given to the cadet before his training was completed. Those irises lowered slightly, then returned back up to meet her gaze as she took that calm controlled posture
    "Yes, ma'am." He answers clearly. The short answer will serve. At least for now. Yet the tilt of his head seems to indicate some thought unvoiced, and quickly quashed. Most others wouldn't notice assuredly, but she was keen on reading those before her.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
There is a slight chuckle from Natasha. "We're alone."

The answer to what she believed was his unspoken question. "No video or audio running at this time." The grin widens a bit. "They'll start up after I leave. When one of the people in your chain-of-command comes in to give you the full interview."

She shakes her head a bit and brings her hands up onto the top of the table. A show of goodwill. "Now let's try this again. You ready for this or no? To go out there, take orders, be a grunt on the ground?"

Phobos has posed:
    The youth's lips part and he gives a nod as he murmurs a soft 'ah'. But then his brow knits ever so slightly as if he didn't entirely believe her even as he gives her the sideeye. Since hey, she has created the semi-informal atmosphere. Yet he then nods again, "Alright."
    Then as she refocuses his eyes flit to her hands, then back to her blue irises and he gives a single nod. "Yes, ma'am." He then says succinctly, "Sublimation of the self is important for any cohesive unit. I can go into this without preconceptions nor ego."
    Which... might not entirely be true, since though the young man before her is a fraction of her age. He's still a god. And there's no quashing that ego in some ways. Yet his body language seems to signify he's going to try earnestly.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"And now you are quoting lessons to me instead of just answering the question," Natasha said, tone sounding slightly disappointed as she shook her head. The smile never wavered. "I have no doubt you'll be graduating. I have no doubt you'll be an agent. And I know you could go far with SHIELD. It's just a matter of your will to do so. If you don't get bored."

The hint of humor in her expression. "Level 1 agents have no fun. Very little at least."

Phobos has posed:
    There's that nose crinkle, the smallest register of annoyance or disagreement, given even as he turns his head away as if aware of his own tells and trying to obfuscate them. Yet he takes a deep breath, one hand lifting across his chest to rest fingers upon the opposite shoulder, squeezing lightly at the muscle there and digging the tips in as if trying to hang onto something, or a thought perhaps.
    "I'm not looking for fun." He looks back across at her. "I'm not looking for glory. I'm more trying to see..." His words drift off as his eyes distance past her own shoulder. "If I can do it. And if I can make a life without having to depend on other things." Which as he says it causes his shoulders to tighten a little under his touch as if knowing that doesn't help a lot. His eyes lift upwards as his lips twist a little into a scowl.
    "I know how that sounds. Will I forever be a SHIELD agent? No, not likely. Ten years. Twenty? Most likely. A hundred? No definitely not."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
She simply watches. Nothing outward, nothing given. It's a conversation between people who know each other. Somewhat. After all, he'd been a boy. Now he was a man thanks to the complication of his genetics and the drama that came with it.

"You could have tested yourself other ways. Could have gone to become a doctor. Or an instructor of martial arts. Or a regular soldier in any of the services. Instead, you chose to become a mix of soldier and law enforcement. A role that is to serve others, to protect."

She stands up suddenly. "I think perhaps you need to look more closely at yourself and understand why you are doing what you are doing. It isn't just about proving you are more than your bloodline. It's something deeper." She taps her temple.

Then she crosses to the door, glancing over her shoulder just before she opens it. "As for the last? Definitely not a hundred years. The world changes so much in a century. You never know what it will hold that far in your future. None of us do."

Phobos has posed:
    There's a nod given as he accepts the truth of some of the things she says, but the way his head tilts one way and then the other it might seem there are a few niggling points he'd likely argue with perhaps or maybe reservations though they are unvoiced. He lifts his hands from the table surface, palms up as if giving the point to her as he murmurs, "I think I can do some good. But I am here for my reasons as well. I think it's good they dovetail together."
    Yet it's at the last thing she comments on that has his head cocking the other way. When she rests a hand on the door to open it he lifts his voice to ask. "What did you do for your birthday?" Conversational, curious, perhaps having some insight. Perhaps not.
    But at the least aware that some milestone may have been crossed.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The only hint he might have gotten something was the arching of an eyebrow. It could be a reaction to some outside source or it could be just the reaction to an innocent question.

"I was on an assignment. Eliminating a threat." Translation she spent her birthday killing someone. Her birthday was not an unknown. The dates were known. Sadly, the year was sort of in question. There had been some leaked details in the past that made it seem to have been impossible dates. Her official birthdate right now was modern, fitting for her appearance. It was in her records, on her driver's license. "But I appreciate you asking."

Phobos has posed:
    As she departs he says quietly, "You should do something for your birthday, Agent Romanov."
    But then he lifts his voice, as if that resolved that thread of their conversation. "If you tell me I should leave, I will. No questions asked. I trust you, and your read of the situation. If I will not be of use then I will find something else to do with myself."
    A small smile is given as he then shrugs and for a moment he seems his age, "I know you might be worried I'll show you up or something, so it's alright."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Birthdays are just another day. Not sure why everyone makes a big deal out of them," Natasha says, shaking her head.

She does turn to look at him, giving another shake of the head as she addresses his words. "I think you will be a good agent. I think in time, you will serve well and save many lives. I just wanted to be sure you were doing it for the right reasons."

Then there is that soft laugh, her eyes showing true amusement. "You may show me up. You may not. If you don't, I'll be very disappointed."

Phobos has posed:
    As the door closes, for once, Alexander's smile reaches his eyes.