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Phobos (Scenesys ID: 9664)
Full Name: Alexander Aaron
Gender: Male
Species: Olympian
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: College Student
Citizenship: US Citizen, Olympian
Residence: New York
Education: Some College
Status: Dropped
Groups: Pantheon Assembly, SHIELD, Scooby Gang
Other Information
Apparent Age: 24 Actual Age: 24
Date of Birth 04 March 2013 Actor: Bill Skarsgard
Height: 185 cm (6'1") Weight: 82 kg (180 lb)
Hair Color: Blond Eye Color: Hazel and Gold
Theme Song: "I Got You" by Split Enz


Alexander Aaron was the mortal son of Ares, God of War. At the age of eleven he was kidnapped from his home by Amatsu Mikaboshi and used in a war between pantheons to attack his father's home of Olympus. During that time in Olympus, time passed roughly 9 years in the span of one year upon earth allowing the great war and campaign to be waged. In the end Alexander was saved by his father and in turn saved Olympus from destruction and rose to the role of Phobos, God of Fear. He returned to earth facing the daunting task of trying to fit back into a world he only knew as a child.

Current Player Approved: Available for Application



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Alexander Aaron would fade into the background at a glance. It's on the second or third that some of the curiousities about him might be discerned. He's an inch over six foot, fairly tall to some but with his posture he tends to seem a little taller. With blond hair and a handsome curve of features he seems comely enough but it's his eyes that if given a chance make him stand out. They're pale and hazel, that mix of jade green and a soft blue which in its depths has those tell-tale gold circles in his irises. Combine that with his pale skin and you get an individual that at a distance might seem attractive. But closer in with that strange gaze and he might come across as eerie.

Usually he wears casual clothes. Sneakers of black leather shoes cover his feet, somewhat snug fitting jeans cover his legs, and often he wears a t-shirt of plain design sometimes complemented by an overshirt often of cotton or flannel.


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Alexander never knew his mother. She passed in child birth, and it fell to his father, Ares, to raise him. Ares did not know how to be a father. Let along a good one, but he did as best as he could to raise Alexander in a positive manner. And to perhaps give him some edges in life. Of course the edges he taught him first were the edges on the curves of blades and knives. But still.

For the first ten, almost elven, years of his life Alexander's existence was passingly normal. Oh he was trained in most ways of combat known to man, but he still went to school. Still played with other children. Still learned life's lessons. And so perhaps he was a little rough, but still. Edges.

Only for at the age of eleven he was kidnapped by the Shinto god of Evil, Amatsu-Mikaboshi. Over the course of several years lost to the time difference between realms and dimensions, Alexander was turned against his family and his father and crafted into a God of War in his own right. He was given the great ancient blade Grasscutter by Amatsu-Mikaboshi in the expectation that he would use that weapon to slay his father.

Only it was not to be. Ares joined the war and fought to the evil camp alone in the final hours of the war. Amatsu produced Alexander and used him to attempt to slay Ares. Alexander was able to face him, and won the battle, but could not make the killing blow and instead turned upon Amatsu-Mikaboshi and saved Olympus by taking the life of the ancient evil.

After the years of warfare and bloodshed, the two returned home to earth almost a year and a half ago. Since then they both have been trying to find themselves and to learn of who they are. Alexander is attempting to return to some understanding of the world and his place in it, despite what passed for him. For now... this mainly involves college.


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Alexander is strange. Even his best friends would call him that. He has no fear and that affects how one conducts themselves even socially. He is open, seemingly uncaring one moment and insightful the next. He can one moment get along with people utterly easily, be charming and interesting and then the next seemingly heartless and cruel. Some of this may have to do with the aspects of former Phobos that exist in his being. But some of this is also that Alexander, despite all that has passed, is not exactly sure who or what he may well be.


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As the god of Fear, Alexander has a strong connection to many aspects of the emotion. At the base level, Alex does not feel fear. This can be a benefit but also a drawback in some social situations.

Alexander also has a fear sense that extends to the world. He can 'hear' the heartbeat of the world's fear as a background noise to his existence. And the nearer people are the easier it is for him to perceive their levels of fear. In his closer vicinity he can easily tell how fearful a person is, can perceive them by their ambient fear, and doesn't need line of sight to sense someone. Though it is not so precise that he could tell precisely where they are so that he could shoot them from across a field. But it's feasible he could get close enough to pin point them within twenty or thirty feet. At a global level if there was some catastrophic event that caused many people in one location to suddenly be filled with terror he would be able to tell something happened and roughly in the direction it came from, and how far.

Phobos is also capable of causing fear in people. His reach is global but the more people he tries to affect the less strength he has to influence them. So if he focused his efforts and tried with great effort... he could make most of the world feel mildly agitated for a minute or two, though the world is not affected by his moods or wishes unless he tries very hard. In a more localized effort if he wished he could make a stadium worth of people terrified and likely to bolt or flee in terror. In a more localized effort if he narrowed his focus further to perhaps the size of an auditorium or a few hundred people in a large room, gymnasium, or the like, then his power is possible to cause mind-boggling terror and permanent harm. These effects are increased if the people being affected can see Phobos, or can hear him, but if he's aware of someone by that fear sense he can still affect them if not able to see or hear them. Just to a lesser extent.

If Phobos partially manifests as the God of Fear and focuses his ability upon a small number of people or one person, then he is able to do mind-rending damage with his fear. With eye contact and angry words given, it has been enough to render even a strong-willed individual catatonic.

These abilities are primarily for use against NPCs. For PCs consent is required and they are more feasibly defended against by individuals of strong will. Mystic spells/barriers/protection can mitigate some of the effects depending on the time/effort/talent placed in their incantation. Time passing can also lessen their effects making them more temporary or just giving a few moments of respite. Individuals who are incapable of feeling fear or are emotionless or artificial are immune to his powers.

On the flip side of things, Alexander is also in turn capable of mitigating peoples' fear. He can instill people with a feeling of bravery, courage, confidence, and allow them to become emboldened. This is also a consent based power primarily for use with NPCs.


As one of the children of Olympus, Alexander has the enhanced physique of a godling. He can, upon full exertion, lift roughly twenty tons though it takes him a few moments to draw upon his strength to such a degree. He is also able to run faster than a normal human, able to reach perhaps thirty miles per hour after fully exerting himself and building up to that point over a span of a few seconds. This, in turn, allows him to jump distances of almost a hundred feet if he gets a running start. His skin is also denser, and he heals exceedingly quickly. Not as rapidly as a healing factor, but wounds close and internal organs mend though it might take a minute or two. More severe wounds take longer.


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Alexander's upbringing was... unique. He was handed a blade before he could walk, was forced to face his fears and quickly was taught to never shy away from a challenge. This escalated from year to year, Ares trained his son using a variety of techniques that some would consider cruel, but he never viewed them as such. It is this training that has led Alexander to be exceptional in all known forms of combat on Earth. If it has been used to take a life in anger, in war, in battle, then chances are Alexander has been shown how to use it. Though of all the weapons he's been exposed to, he's most adept with the sword and could be considered in the top fraction of a percentile of the world.

One of the few aspects of Alexander's life that did not evolve from his father's teachings and more from simply living with his father, Alexander has picked up the basics of diplomacy and some talent at defusing situations should he need to. Trying to get his father not to slug someone, or to smooth things over between his dad and the PTA, Alex is fairly talented in that regard.

Though his studies have been aimed more towards military events and the like, Alexander was very taken with the world's history and has studied it in detail. He is very well-informed on events of the past and can speak to them with a good measure of authority.


Another facet that his father imparted to him is the ability to lead others into battle or through a campaign. Alexander knows the psychology of people in battle and combat, and the best ways to manipulate them to get what is needed for a conflict. He is capable of handling the logistics of a military campaign, capable of creating a guerilla force, or executing an elaborate military plan. To the extent that if he was given an army and an objective there are few others in the military who could enact it better.


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During his time being held by Amatsu-Mikaboshi, Alexander was given the blade Grasscutter. A mystical sword with a great destiny, its primarily exceptional aspect is that it is nigh unbreakable and capable of slicing through most all mundane material save for metals of the highest tier such as adamantium, vibranium, uru metal. It is currently bound to Alexander and can be summoned to his hand as well as dismissed back to its place of honor upon Olympus.

The gods of Olympus are perhaps Alexander's greatest resource. He is much more likely to call on his father for aid, much moreso than the others by an order of magnitude in difference, primarily because his father has taught him to not trust any of them. But as one of the pantheon it is feasible he could ask them for help and receive it.

Trust Fund:

For his time in college a fund has been arranged for him to handle for expenses and materials. It is not exhaustive and if he needs to make an expenditure larger than a thousand dollars he has to make a request for it, but it handles his room and board, books, and the occasional frivolous fun time.


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Alexander hasn't 'died' yet and taken on the role of Phobos fully. He's inherited the title, and come into his state of being a Demi-God, but he is not as powerful as a full Olympian. This means that unlike others who can casually access their strength and speed instantly, Alexander has to build up to it as he's still partially mortal. He's not as durable as the others and cannot shrug off bullets. He can still be shot and bleed, though he can endure. Just not as well as the rest of his family.

Because of who he is, Alexander is often the target of plots or attacks. Usually it's by an enemy of Olympus or perhaps even another god from Olympus. Alexander is aware of this great 'game' played between pantheons and his family, and so views the world through that sort of lens which leads to him sometimes not being very trusting. Or over-compensating for his initial mistrust and being too trusting.

Alexander has not had good experiences as the God of Fear. Each time he has manifested his power of Fear it has escaped his control to a degree. This has caused him to lose friends, to destroy his connections to others, it leaves him leery of being known for what he is, and lends to him trying to hide aspects of himself from others.


There have been two other beings that have called themselves Phobos in the past. Having inherited the godhead of that being and risen to the name, Alexander is its latest representation. It is not often that gods can transition in this way, in fact Alexander is the only one to know to have made this advance from merely a child of one of the gods into the role of one of the higher deities. But this comes with a price. For Alexander hears the voices of the other two gods at times in his head. Not a telepathic impression, telepaths would not hear the voices, for they are magical in nature. But telepaths would hear Alexander's perception of those voices and his reactions to them. They often speak rather darkly about matters, but Alexander maintains strong dominance over them. But it is feasible that could change.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Thorns: Prologue August 28th, 2024 A new case falls in the lap of SHIELD which has far more questions than answers. (OOC Warning: Subjects include suicide and homicide. Do not read if you are triggered by these types of things!)
Camp Olympus Pt. 4: Infil. August 6th, 2024 First contact is made with the camp. And there are some surprises in store.
Camp Olympus Pt3: Recon August 2nd, 2024 Recon on the anomalous spot has begun. And there is nothing happening. At all. Which is weird in itself.
Camp Olympus Pt2: Deployment July 15th, 2024 Alex catches Nat up with the mission and the two head out.
Camp Olympus Pt 1: The Briefing July 12th, 2024 Fury calls Phobos into his office for a mission.

(Note: Fury emitted by Natasha Romanoff)
Ghosts of the Past June 17th, 2024 There is no such thing as coincidence.
It's My Party and I'll Shoot If I Want To May 28th, 2024 Natasha doesn't like this definition of a Party either.
I Know What You Did And Saw That Haircut May 7th, 2024 Alexander is insane. And Natasha is busted.
Ninja Kick the Damn Rabbit April 26th, 2024 Natasha is yet again accused of something by Alexander. After a calm discussion, it disolves into violence. Sort of. But not really. And she isn't at all evil ever no matter what he says.
Hot Chocolate April 20th, 2024 Alexander found a gun that stinks. But he isn't going to admit that when Natasha makes fun of it.
ChooChoo! April 2nd, 2024 Alexander gets his birthday present! Slow Train through Norway!
Dark Willow: Circling the Drain March 21st, 2024 Phobos gives a gentle talking to Willow. Will she accept it?
Get In the Quinjet and No One Gets Hurt March 13th, 2024 Alexander gets kidnapped! Okay, not really.
Outliving Expectancies March 11th, 2024 Alexander and Buffy have a chat about aging because they are soooo old now!
Littlest Widow: Natasha Is Back February 21st, 2024 Natasha is back and she talks with Alexander about his adventures with the young version of her. The word Brat is used.
No BIRDS ALLOWED February 17th, 2024 Alex proves he's the best yet again.
Littlest Widow Loose in the City! January 27th, 2024 Young Natalia is loose in the city. She slips her handler but then she returns after learning details that bring everything into question for her.
Littlest Widow January 24th, 2024 Magic sucks and now 15 year old Natasha is in the custody of SHIELD. Agent Aaron gets assigned babysitting duty.
Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow January 17th, 2024 Alexander is off on a trip across the pond. Packing is completed and goodbyes are said. Or more Seeya Later.
But You Are So Old December 29th, 2023 Time for a birthday dinner and new rules are put in place for the future.
Karmic Entanglements: Beginning November 14th, 2023 WAND done messed up. In testing, they managed to disappear Agent Aaron! But where did he go?!
No Sleep Til Brooklyn November 11th, 2023 Never trust R&D.
Weapon Talk October 29th, 2023 Phobos drops off something special at the magic box..
In the Jungle October 24th, 2023 A day in SHIELD.
AIM Stuff in the Trunk October 3rd, 2023 Nat and Al plan their road trip.
White Knight and Black Widow September 12th, 2023 White knighting goes wrong.
About Slayers and Magic MacGuffins August 25th, 2023 Slayers have magic weapons. Who knew?
Challenge of the Lotus August 1st, 2023 The Lotus Competition starts
Beware Lotus Invitations July 30th, 2023 An invitation received. But do they really want it?
Pew Pew July 12th, 2023 Alexander and Nat test out the new firing range equipment and modifiers.
Life Is Too Short for Sleep June 30th, 2023 A chat about what's going on with Buffy's noggin and the threat of a Murder of Cupids hangs in the air.
Every Spy Has Their Weakness June 12th, 2023 Mmm cheeseburgers.
Get a Grip May 24th, 2023 So Natasha tried to get Steve and Alexander thrown out of a gym, while Kimberly watched...
What Is and What Could Have Been April 21st, 2023 Alexander and Natasha play a 'what if' mental exercise together.
Back to Sunnydale and the memories it holds! April 18th, 2023 Buffy captures a winged cherub. Turns out he's Greek. Who Knew?! Oh right, Alexander.
Running into gods.. is this my life now April 5th, 2023 another meeting another time perhaps!
Tales of Avengers and Sushi April 3rd, 2023 Natasha and Alexander see a play then head out for sushi.
Sporting Advantages March 16th, 2023 Alex gets a new boss and tells Nat about it over dinner plans.
Random Acts of Violence February 25th, 2023 Nat gets in a bar brawl and Alexander doesn't help.
This is a thing that we are doing. February 6th, 2023 we go to canada
We Need To Talk January 3rd, 2023 Ares is not happy at the elaborate spending on the purchase of a yacht by his son. He comes a'knocking to find out what they were thinking!
I don't care if it's the most joyful time of the year! December 14th, 2022 Maria Hill chews out Nat, while Alex did nothing wrong.
Back from Abroad November 26th, 2022 After months, the pair return to the U.S. and prepare to deal with everything back in the real world.
An Offering to Poseidon November 7th, 2022 Natasha and Alexander take a moment before their trip across the Atlantic back to the United States, to honor the god of the seas.
Turning North October 18th, 2022 Nat and Alex discuss dinner plans.
Shore Leave September 30th, 2022 Natasha & Alexander go inland for dinner. Only to learn Natasha is evil and likes to try to start fights.
On the Ocean September 10th, 2022 Natasha and Alexander make their slooooow way back to the States.
Supplies for the Voyage August 23rd, 2022 Natasha and Alexander buy clothes for the trip back to the United States. And a yacht.
Missing Man Formation July 19th, 2022 Natasha infiltrates the base where Alexander is being held. The bad guys will regret ever taking him.
Something To Be Done June 30th, 2022 A man captured and put to death. The Black Widow goes hunting.
I Hate Wait June 27th, 2022 Alexander is missing. Natasha is getting information. Even if they don't want her to. The clock is ticking...
What's Fonzie Like June 23rd, 2022 Natasha is informed about the status of Operation Rosewood Buckle.
Somewhere in Eastern Europe June 17th, 2022 In between missions, Alexander talks with some interpol weirdo.
Operation Blue Pitchfork June 14th, 2022 Alexander goes on a mission.
The Reasonable Deployment of Assets May 30th, 2022 Alexander gets a job
On The Nature of Fear May 8th, 2022 Alexander speaks with Pepper about how to manage fear, and then end up talking all about Natasha.
What Gods Do For Fun May 6th, 2022 Natasha is learning to use spear and shield!
The Waiting Game April 26th, 2022 Pepper and Alexander wait nervously (well, Pepper is nervous) for news about the people they love on a very dangerous mission.
Just Another Thursday April 20th, 2022 Alexander and Buffy catch up a bit while learning fun new facts. Oh god.
Those of Dubious Morality April 12th, 2022 Agent retrieval post mission.
Do I Know You April 1st, 2022 Buffy runs into Alexander at the Bronze. Unfortunatly, she doesn't remember him either. New clues are picked up but more questions than answers.
AEC, part 3, 'The one where they talk about it, but don't talk about it.' March 31st, 2022 Nat and Alex talk about the upcoming missions. But don't really talk about them.
Hello New Friend March 28th, 2022 Summary needed
Special Equipment for Specialized Consultants March 24th, 2022 The specialized equipment designed for Agent Aaron is having odd reactions to Olympian physiology so will need some expert consultations.
The Russian Summit March 16th, 2022 Natasha and Yelena end hostilities while Alex plays referee
Widows March 14th, 2022 Yelena meets Alexander. Then the Widows meet. And it doesn't go as expected.
Meeting the Man February 28th, 2022 Alexander stops by with a gift for Natasha who's been working extra time guarding Tony. Pepper intercepts him with so many questions for the boyfriend. They have some bonding times.
Wasted away again in Margaritaville February 11th, 2022 An anniversary, of sorts.
Ever Used One Of These January 24th, 2022 Alexander teaches Natasha about ancient weapons because she isn't scary enough already.
Always Take Time to Stretch January 6th, 2022 Alexander helps Natasha stretch before she works out.
This is like college all over again. December 17th, 2021 Natasha shows Alexander around the Avengers mansion
Thanksgiving with Olympians December 3rd, 2021 Alexander and Natasha recover after Thanksgiving with friends and family.
Life Choices November 5th, 2021 Alexander and Natasha discuss ideas for his future.
You're Fired! October 15th, 2021 Nat and Alex ponder the future.
Oh hai October 8th, 2021 Returning from Olympus, Alex says hi.
The Incident Review September 17th, 2021 When Ops go wrong, the questions begin being asked about the nature of Agent Aaron.
Shopping With Gods. ver 2.0 August 22nd, 2021 When wishing to increase one's commission, don't be judgemental of the clientele.
Hunting Things. But Not Monsters. August 11th, 2021 Faith is on the prowl. Alexander agrees to be her wingman.
Future Possibilities July 28th, 2021 A trio of agents have lunch and a chat.
The Fabulous Adventures of Mr. Kellogg and his Psychedelic Dream Machine July 28th, 2021 SHIELD acquires an evil mask.
Fear-O-Meter, Bah Dee Ba Dee Da July 22nd, 2021 Fearful Fellows Find Fun and Friendship in Fated Fouled Forthress of Faith
Paint it beige July 18th, 2021 SHIELD agents and friends come to give a hand with the painting, and a nice party ensues.
You shoot them with the pointy end. July 15th, 2021 Phobos meets Agent Morse and she is only slightly mean.
Putting the Arr into R&R July 11th, 2021 The boat trip begins
An Escape June 28th, 2021 Yaozu is 'released' from his captivity. Japanese superstitions have him accused of being a demon and a mob gathers. SHIELD unexpectedly arrives to break things up and rescue him.
Avengers The Movie: 3..2..1.. Action June 23rd, 2021 Avengers The Movie! It's happening! Natasha and Alexander meet the starlet who will be playing Nat in the film.
Log 13503 June 14th, 2021 Summary Needed
Big Annoyances in Small Packages June 13th, 2021 Summary needed
Yo, I'm hoppin' all around I'm a pink bird June 12th, 2021 Giles meets Nat and everyone roundly agrees that Alex is awesome.
When Something Goes Bump in the Night June 11th, 2021 Summary needed
A Lunch Delivery June 9th, 2021 Mercy brought lunch to the Magic Box for Giles, and additional guests appeared. A magic circle in the shop was tested.
SHIELD Zero-G Training June 9th, 2021 SHIELD agents go on a field trip and learn how to function in zero-G.
Where do you keep the extra blankets June 8th, 2021 People chit chat after all the crazy.
So Much For A Quiet Lunch June 6th, 2021 'Paul' comes a'callin' to try to sway Natasha's affection. He fails and the god leaves in a huff.
It's like I'm cursed or something June 4th, 2021 It turns out that the Apophis stone has guardians. The Scoobies and Sinister discovered who and received some assistance from Phobos, in an olympian capacity.
While the Bucky Dances May 30th, 2021 Natasha and Alex talk after the Stark party.
Now That's Just Plain Weird May 28th, 2021 Several SHIELD agents get together to discuss the Kellogg Case.
The Hazy Days of Summer May 25th, 2021 Nat and Alex go to the market and learn about Fate.
Are you there dad, it's me, Alex May 20th, 2021 Alexander and Natasha speak with Ares about Hermes' transgressions as well as about their relationship.

(OOC Note: Ares was emitted for the scene, included his character number for history tracking)

Sloppy Joe Day! May 18th, 2021 Small chit chat about life recently.
Boss Fight May 16th, 2021 Our Heroes won! Or did they? That stench will take months to get out.
Training for the next Ops May 15th, 2021 Red tape and training don't mix
ADVENTURE! May 6th, 2021 Three SHIELD agents are accosted by Hermes and deal with his obnoxiousness.
Shield Briefing May 6th, 2021 Reynard briefs the Alphas about current the state of matters.
I Carry All the Things May 5th, 2021 Alex catches Skye up a lil on social stuff while he's busy fetching and carrying.
So Many Secrets May 4th, 2021 Alexander finds out there are two Slayers, but not the story of how. He shares some insight about Willow for Faith to follow up on. And he totally would've lost the arm wrestling competition.
Tonight, on a Very Special Episode of Blossom May 2nd, 2021 Alexander and Natasha go out to dinner with his squadmates.
Agents was Filmed on Location April 27th, 2021 SHIELD agents gather to watch an internal documentary about their profession.
Widdershins for Hot Dogs April 20th, 2021 A tribe of Kobalins attacks Central Park and are seen to by Juggernaut, Tala, and Wanda!
So, you're old, right April 15th, 2021 Alex and Diana have a talk about girl cooties.
Candygram. April 15th, 2021 Skye comes a calling on Alex and Natasha's safehouse.
Sweet Dreams April 14th, 2021 Nat shoots Alex in the head.
Hi, I'm a ninja attack. April 13th, 2021 Natasha buys a utility.
The Ultimate Enemy April 13th, 2021 Natasha calls in sick and Alex discovers she's human after all. (Occurs simultaneous with scene #12992 on 4/8/2021)
Monday in Manhattan April 13th, 2021 A young mutant manifests and the X-Men (and Song) do what they do best.
The missing shield April 10th, 2021 Buffy discovers the location of the shield and learns of a new suspicious friend of Willow's.
Knock knock. Who's there April 9th, 2021 Willow and Tala practice a spell of summoning.
Workout Time April 8th, 2021 Three meet in the gym and some light conversation ensues.
I'm Back From Outer Space April 6th, 2021 Nat comes home from space to a nonchalant Alexander. Just kidding! She does come home though.
Alpha Group Briefing April 6th, 2021 Agent Reynard gives a briefing on the status of SHIELD's efforts against AIM.
Old faces and new April 3rd, 2021 Jess returns from a long-term mission and gets to know a new recruit.
The Morning After... April 3rd, 2021 A surprise is delivered to Vitali, from Willow, with interesting timing.
So.. you know that antique dealer April 3rd, 2021 There is talk of Hellequin and Henri Fontainbleu. And a promise extracted not to hurt him.
Post Mission Discussion April 2nd, 2021 Alex and Skye catch up a little about the mission.
Czech Mate March 30th, 2021 Clint, Skye, and Nat lead the strike against the AIM hive and capture Taskmaster.
Hi, I'm a Burglar! March 27th, 2021 Alexander and Natasha catch up on some of the goings on lately.
Grounded March 26th, 2021 Summary needed
It's the Final Countdown March 26th, 2021 Natasha is going to space. Whether she likes it or not. She talks to Alexander about the upcoming trip.
A Meeting at the Embassy March 25th, 2021 A discussion of recent happenings, of reasons and of helping friends.
Where oh where has my WillowWitch gone March 25th, 2021 Alexander talks to Willow about her ghost problem.
Last minute patrol March 22nd, 2021 Buffy encounters Phobos again and asks much needed questions. A new alliance is formed.
AIM Takedown March 22nd, 2021 AIM training facility is taken down. Unfortunately, the teacher isn't there so the hunt continues.

Quake Brings the House Down.

That's New March 20th, 2021 The safehouse needed a stove!
What is in a name March 19th, 2021 Skye is able to learn one of the secrets about Agent Aaron and confronts him with it.
Maybe Possibly Could Ya March 17th, 2021 Everyone has secrets. The only thing that gets confirmed is Willow scryes the location of Faith's target!
A Princess and a God's son Reunite March 15th, 2021 Diana and Phobos share a snack of fries in a diner and have a chat to catch up with each other.
Last Minute Clean-up! March 11th, 2021 Buffy gets to know Alex a bit better.
Leaving Sunnydale March 7th, 2021 Willow and Alexander have a discussion about people and relationships, Buffy and Thomas show up as well and share their thoughts.
Overseas Complications March 6th, 2021 First assignments never go smoothly. Alexander learns this first hand.
Hunting Things...after Dancing March 5th, 2021 Alexander visits the Bronze and meets some of the Scoobies.
Blizzard vs Dinner Party March 5th, 2021 Nat and Alexander talk about the past during a winter storm.
Rangers Lead the Way February 27th, 2021 Alexander gives a small class on how to deal with the wounded in a combat situation.
Any More Family Moments February 16th, 2021 Supergirl hears a familiar voice and drops in to say hi
Somewhere in Newton, New York. February 16th, 2021 Alexander does his job so awesomely, Skye and Nat are super impressed.
Oh just one more thing. February 14th, 2021 Phobos has a final interview with Natasha before graduation.
Full Metal Phobos February 8th, 2021 Alexander shows he is super awesome and Nat is a jerk to him.
Like a Titan Rising (I) September 14th, 2020 Garth goes out to recruit Supergirl for the Titans. She in turn introduces him to Phobos over a dozen cherub monsters.
After the show. September 8th, 2020 Alexander and the Darelings talk about sekrits!
So about the thing. September 7th, 2020 Ares and Phobos resolve the artifact situation.
You Can Do What August 26th, 2020 Phobos is trying to kill someone! Supergirl saves the day! Only, Phobos had a good reason and was the good guy! Who knew?!
Where is My Stuff August 20th, 2020 Phobos still hasn't got my stuff back yet!
Pretty please give me my dad's stuff back August 14th, 2020 Alexander makes a deal to get his father's artifacts back and gets more than he bargained for.
Alleviation of Boredom August 5th, 2020 Thieves thieve from the thieves who thieved from the museum.
Here Have Some Junk-I Mean Artistic Pieces August 1st, 2020 During a lovely day at the museum, things go awry. Not surprising.
Uninvited Guests July 21st, 2020 Father and son chat about the future for the young godling


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