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Latest revision as of 07:33, 19 February 2021

Once the dust had settled..
Date of Scene: 19 February 2021
Location: 1407 Greymalkin Lane - Breakstone
Synopsis: Megan and Vitali chat in the junkyard..
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Vitali Svyatoslav

Pixie has posed:
After the dust had settled, Megan had stayed behind to port various heroes back to where they needed to go, as well as sending the shaken father and son to the doctor once Shannon and Vitali had jointly healed his wounds. Even so, they'd probably need to talk to the police and get themselves checked out - even the son had been banged up a bit during the attack.

Now it was just a matter of checking the debris for any other innocents. A quick scan shouldn't take long before heading home herself, and Megan draws her glowing pink soul dagger to light the way, after many of the flood lights were destroyed when the sonic gun hit.

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
Though it was the first time he had healed a gunshot wound, it had gone well. Vitali has lingered around after the healing was done and the man had been sent to somewhere presumably safe. He isn't overly familiar with how things work here, what with being new to the city. Smoothly rising to his feet, he takes a moment to stretch before holding out his left arm. And with it extended, he makes a whistled tone. It takes a few moments before the eagle glides down before backwinging to land on his forearm, and he lifts his right hand to lightly stroke her chest. With her on his arm, he starts to walk towards the scrapyard, approaching the woman with the glowing knife. "You look for someones?" he asks.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn yawns and stretches tiredly. A quick scan shows her no more stragglers. The police had been called and the villains had been tyed up, although no doubt at least some of them had been taken in for questioning by one of more of the vigilantes who had shown up tonight.

The eagle is noted, and then her owner - or partner? she smiles faintly to Vitali and nods. "Ohh, no, I think we're good. Um. Thanks for helping out earlier, that was pretty amazing, you're kinda like a Shanon, a healer huh?" the eagle is eyed with curiosity, stepping towards it. "Wow, a real eagle? You managed to tame an eagle? So cool!"

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
The Russian man watches her make the scan, and he tilts his head a bit to one side, studying her. The scrapyard is given a glance, but his attention readily returns to Megan. "You not hurt, da?" he asks, curious. Just checking, since she had been involved in more of what happened than what he had. "Good, da. Not want missing people," he says, giving a nod. "Pozhaluysta," he says, inclining his head towards her. "Am glad for giving help. Was first time for wound like that. Da, am healer. A Shannon? Not know meaning. Am shaman," he explains, a smile finding the corners of his lips. He looks towards the eagle, then to the woman, and one of his eyebrows raises before he gives a nod to her. "Da, is eagle. Raise from small. Umm... tame is maybe. Can touch. Here," he offers, demonstrating by stroking the eagle's chest with the fingers of his right hand. She's obedient and trained, but he isn't sure tame is the right word. "Name is Vitali," he adds, lifting his right hand to touch his chest, to indicate himself.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and shakes her head. "Nah, a bit shaken up but okay. That sound blast was pretty loud and scary but I think the worst is over - for now, just wish I knew what they were after.." she still eyes the eagle thoughtfully.

"Oh hey, I'm Megan, and yeah, that other wing girl is Shannon. What's your name, are you from around here?"

she reaches out curiously to the bird and giggles, "Awwe, she's soo pretty!" she tries to pet her. "Nice to meet you, Vitali, does the eagle have a name too?"

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
"Da, was much loud. Big kaboom," Vitali says, giving a nod. "Sound sort of like tree exploding. If many did at once. Happen sometimes, in winter," he explains. He tilts his head a bit to one side, frowning a little bit. "Maybe... maybe man with wound can say more? They make business," he says in a thoughtful tone. He gives a nod as the name is offered, a smile coming to his features. "Is good to meet, Megan," he says, a smile readily returning to his features. "Not know her name, before. Is good to know. Am not from here, nyet. Come from far," he explains. The eagle will remain standing on Vitali's arm, and she leans just a touch into the petting to her chest, and there are no signs of any aggression in her. "Spasibo. Da, pretty. Eagle is Soraya," he adds.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and sighs, "I took down his contact information, but him and his son are both very shaken at the moment..But I'm sure we can catch up with them later." she shrugs. "Not every day that you get attacked by cyborg mercs and anti-mutant government agents right? We'll get there."

She nods again and hmms. "Soraya huh? Cool name. Does she know any tricks?"

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
"Da, is good. Maybe they have informations to give," Vitali says, a thoughtful tone to his voice. "Shaken, da. Is normal. They go through much for one night," he muses, frowning briefly. Then he blinks a bit at the unfamiliar words, and he gives a little shake of his head. "Not knowing these things. Bad people are what?" he asks, looking for some sort of clarification. Then he looks to the eagle for a moment before looking to Megan, and a smile comes to his features. "Tricks? Umm... sort of, da," he says, giving a small nod. She'll at least attempt to do anything that he asks her, given the communication they have. The eagle clicks her beak, and then she walks up his arm to settle on his shoulder instead, and once she's there, Vitali lowers his arm to his side.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms, "Well, the 'bad guys' are quite a few, to start with.." she sighs, "Well DAMT are either working for the government, or former government agents who are hellbent on controlling the mutant population. They recently attacked Mutant town and depowered a good chunk of them."

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
Vitali blinks and tilts his head a bit to one side. "Bad people are many. Is never good when people want control other people," he says in a thoughtful tone, frowning a little bit. "Is way to give power back? For ones it was taken from. Not sure how to help, but... will try. Will help where can, da?" he suggests, raising an eyebrow slightly. The eagle makes a soft sound, then clicks her beak before clamping her beak on a stray lock of his hair and giving it a tug. He mutters something under his breath in Russian. "Soraya give help too," he adds, glancing to the eagle on his shoulder before he turns his attention back to Megan.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods. "Of course, we found a way, with help from Dr McCoy and Dr Brightman. A clinic was set up with an antidote to the antimutagen..It's really just a matter of time..But DAMT kidnapped a bunch of mutants, plus, they've taken...Some big techno thingy from this junkyard, and that has me worried..What could they be planning?"

She brightens at his offer. "thanks! We can use all the help we can get. We're pretty short staffed with many of the mutants having lost their powers and still recovering, but we're gettin there."