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Latest revision as of 19:12, 25 February 2021

WandaStream (Get it
Date of Scene: 25 February 2021
Location: Backyard, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Drake and Wanda talk about vintage sneakers and get chili dogs.
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Witch, Slipstream

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The weather this morning is nicely clear, but it's still cold enough the sunlight does little to add warmth. A figure in shades of red and black stands near the fountain, her hands tucked into her pockets. Her long red hair blows in the breeze that seems to be be present today, gusting, but not too badly. Wanda shakes her head and turns away from the fountain. Her steps take her along the pathway, away from the manor's door. The normally vibrantly colored flowers are anything but, at present, with winter still hanging on by a thread. At least the snow is mostly gone.

A soft sound beeps from her pocket and she pauses for a pair of breaths before resuming her slow walk. She pulls her right hand from her pocket as she walks and taps the earbud in her ear on that side. "Yeah. I saw them yesterday. They are starting to get it," she says. Her voice is low, just loud enough for the earbud's microphone to pick it up. Of course, anybody nearby is also going to hear her. A smile curls up her lips and sets her eyes to sparkling. "Now that's just mean. Come, tell me you won't actually do that. You'll scar them for life."

Slipstream has posed:
There is a blink of blue contrails as Drake blurs his way out into the yard, slowing down into a quick walking pace as he gives a tug at the collar of his bomber jacket. The youngest speedster blows some hair away from his face as he takes in a deep breath of fresh air. He also has a black t-shirt and a pair of torn jeans on and some worn down white sneakers that he probably bought last week. He goes through them like cups of water.

As he spies Wanda, he slows down his step, then makes a pair of finger gun motions at her. Pew! Pew! "Hey Wanda. How's it hanging?" He calls over to her as he takes a long look at the New York skyline with a broad grin upon his face.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Whatever is said on the other end of the line, it elicits a laugh. "Right," she says, amusement lingering in her voice, "I'll see you for lunch then. Later." Wanda taps the earbud again, ands shakes her head. "Only you, Pietro," she says quietly, to herself. Drake's appearance in her vicinity is not missed, and Wanda turns to watch him. Her green eyes slip to those worn down white sneakers and something akin to sympathy can be seen. "Hey Drake. Fairly well, considering I don't have an 'it' to hang." Her eyes sparkle with the comment, likely amused at herself.

Eyes that had gone up with the comment look to those sneakers again. Her expression is more thoughtful than amused now. "I wonder if there's a way to keep those from wearing out so fast.." It doesn't really sound like she's talking to him so much as talking to herself.

Slipstream has posed:
"You sure? You kinda got a lot of 'it' going on." Drake says as he flops down into a bench and gives a bit of a stretch. His eyes glance down towards his sneakers as he wiggles his feet back and forth a bit. "Tony has a sneaker deal for me, so I kinda get them for free. He told me he can probably find a way to create some reinforced sneakers that will make me jump ten miles in the air, though he hasn't figured out the landing part since you know .. I'll just .. uh.. break.. since I'm a normie."

His lips curve upwards into an amused grin. "So, you were talking to the bro, huh? Whaddup with him these days? He still looking forward to getting smoked by me on the track?" Drake wouldn't stand a laughable chance, but he sure loves a challenge.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff looks up to the heavens, a semi amused sigh escaping her lips. It's sort of an exasperated, but more amused than exasperated sort of sound and look. "Flattery," she says, dropping her green eyes back to Drake, "Will get you nowhere. You know this." She pauses and considers. "Or, you should by now." Despite that, Wanda's eyes sparkle with amusement. Her direction turns and instead of continuing toward the wall, her steps take her toward Drake's bench.

"Well. Free is not a bad deal," she comments lightly. She chuckles. "There's nothing wrong with not being super strong or invincible, you know." There's a gentle smile now being directed at him. "I mean, I break just as easily as you do." Well. When her luck will allow her to do so, at any rate. "I was, yes." She laughs. "I'm not sure he's all that interested in a sure loss," she points out, playing along with the man. "To answer your question, he's keeping himself busy."

Slipstream has posed:
"I'm pretty sure that you're the most powerful member of the Avengers and that you breaking is not an easy task for anyone. You kinda got the finger wiggle nose twitch going on and then people explode." Drake says as he plucks one of his sneakers off and turns it around to stare at the sole, poking a finger into a hole. "Which is so freaking cool and I'm /totally/ not jealous of you at all. Nooope. I like .. you know .. running fast, but slower than your brother. Budget Pietro."

As he tugs his shoe back on and relaces it, his lips giver a twitch upwards. "Yeah? What's he busy with? Does he need a plucky but useless sidekick to tag along with here and there? I got a free schedule since no one has bothered to blow up the city in a few months."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Pish. I just have great luck," she counters. "I do not twitch my nose, thankyouverymuch." Nope. Definitely not annoyed. Definitely amused. Wanda appears to be in quite the good mood today. She steps closer and bends down to look closer over the sneaker. Not close enough to get a whiff of any smells that might be coming from it, though! "You know," she starts off, conversationally. "I could probably repair that." Completely deadpan, that statement.

She straightens and chuckles. "You and my brother can both outrun me," she says. "I think I might actually be a little jealous of you." Though this is said with a little smile, there's also a hint of truth to those words. And a laugh at 'Budget Pietro'. "Don't sell yourself short. You can do things my brother can't." That is said in all seriousness. She shrugs. "Oh, you know. Pietro things." Which likely means either she can't say, or he's keeping secrets. "Be glad the city hasn't exploded. The city exploding is bad for everyone."

Slipstream has posed:
"You can fly." Drake also points out. "Oh, wait, I can fly also .. with my Legionnaire space ring, but it's really not the same thing." His brows raise upwards as she says that she can fix his sneaker. "Whaaat? And ruin my free air conditioning? No way. These holes give my sneakers a vintage vibe."

"Also I'm pretty sure that Pietro can beat me in just about anything because he cheats, and he's arrogant, and he has that cool wind swishy hair." He says with a laugh. "So, got plans later or what? Everyone else is out and about and I got nothing to do. You wanna do something?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Does it matter how you fly if you can fly? Flight is flight." Wanda lifts her shoulders, amused anew. She holds up both hands, palms facing Drake. "Alright, alright. I won' fix your free air conditioning," she says with a laugh. She shakes her head, still amused. "Vintage vibe. I think they have to be more than a couple of days old for that to count, though."

"He does have has nice hair. Have to agree there. Cheating and arrogant, though?" She pauses, and considers that seriously, or it would appear she's considering it seriously. She laughs. "Yeah, you're right. I can't deny the cheating or the arrogance." She does know her brother. She watches Drake for a few seconds at his question, then shrugs. "I dunno. You have something in mind?"

Slipstream has posed:
"The way I run through my shoes? They're ten years old by the end of the week." Drake grins as he lifts one foot upwards and gives it a wiggle in mid-air. "I don't have anything in mind. Usually by this time of the day I'm rolling out downtown to snag some street meat from a vendor, and then blur around the park for a bit as a workout. But, if you're up to kicking it with me, I can change my usual routine up."

"Do you even like chili dogs?" He asks with a lift of his brows upwards. "Because I love chili dogs."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff can't help the quiet laugh that emerges at his quip. "Ten years old," she says. She watches that foot wiggle, the smile from her laughter still in place. She thinks about the offer, and then nods. "You know, why not? Something to eat and a run don't sound half bad. Or maybe a run then food?" She nods and glances toward the mansion. "I do. Like chili dogs. I'm going to change my shoes before we go. Heels aren't what I call fun to run in." She grins. "Meet out front in, say, ten minutes?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh, we don't have to do the running thing. My running tends to be high speed bursty jaunts in which I dodge traffic. How about we do chili dogs and do a walk?" Drake says as he hops to his feet, then blurs forward in a quick 'zip' of contrails behind him. "You really like chili dogs? I've never found a girl that likes chili dogs. Except Shulkie. She loves chili dogs. But she pounds them like shots at Coyote Ugly. It's scary to see in action."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Oh. In that case then, my shoes are fine." Wanda turns, her eyes following behind the contrails. "I think I can do with skipping the dodging traffic part, anyway. Chili dogs and a walk sounds good, though." She nods firmly at the next question. "I really like chili dogs. And a great many other things. But chili dogs are especially nice on cold days." She starts to walk, catching up to Drake. Then pauses. "Pounds them. Like shots. How does that work? Are they blended first? That doesn't sound very appealing."

Slipstream has posed:
"No, just when she goes big and green, and she's all.. She-Hulk Smaaaash! Then she just double fists chili dogs." Drake says as he trots for one of the exits from the backyard to the main street. He nudges the door open and steps out on to the sidewalk. "Ok, so what else do you like? I didn't peg you for a chili dog girl being from Slovakia ... or .. is that how you say it? I figured you would be into chili borshct or whatever they make up there." That is defintely not going to be in the Avenger's cook book anytime soon. "I'm pretty classic American. Pizza, wings, chili dogs, Mountain Dew."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff lets that image settle in her mind, and then nods. "Ohh. That is a better thought than what I had imagined," she says. "Slovakia. Close enough. I don't know. Lots of things. Pizza is good too. Mountain Dew is.. fizzy. I was introduced to pizza and chili dogs after coming here. Borshct is also good. And sauerkraut. And the kind of sausages that don't come out of a factory. And.. many other things. Name it. I'll say if I like it." She follows him to, and out, that door. She pauses to make sure the door is closed behind them. "Have you ever had segedin goulash? That's quite tasty." And so it goes. A walk, chili dogs, and much talk of food.