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Latest revision as of 19:05, 26 February 2021

End of the week coffee
Date of Scene: 26 February 2021
Location: Teacher's Lounge, Second Floor, Xavier's School
Synopsis: A few of the X-Men get together for breakfast and talk classes.
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Dazzler, Wolverine, Nightcrawler

Cyclops has posed:
It's Friday. Finally. That means the kids will be keeping busy going out and about, doing homework, playing in the yard or staring at their phones.

Scott always looks forward to the weekend. It means that he can spend most of his time in the garage working on one of his cars with a few students from shop class who enjoys extra credit and some more hands on training. Preparing the young minds on how to change their oil, or a tire, is one of the small pleasures in his life.

Dressed in his button down, a tie and slacks, he sips at a coffee while searching the news on the tablet in front of him. At times, he'll bookmark something or highlight a few columns for further research and reading.

Dazzler has posed:
The door to the lounge opens and the sounds of wheels rolling between the hardwood and rugs announces Alison's arrival. Not only is she wearing roller skates, but the blonde star-turned-teacher is wearing her (vintage) white spandex jumpsuit and sparkly stage makeup.

Wasn't today a school day?

Gliding over to a small fridge, she fishes out a diet drink and takes a slurp. "Heya, Scott." she offers.

Wolverine has posed:
Even when Logan is teaching, he doesn't dress like a techer.

His button up shirt is just one of his flannel that he's wearing buttoned up, but he tucked it into his blue-jeans, so at least he's putting in the effort? A cowboy hat sits on his head, curls of black hair hanging from beneath it as he makes his way into the lounge after finishing up his phylosophy class.

Inclining his head to Alison and Scott, he pours himself a big mug of coffee, and drops down into a chair across from the latter. "Hey." To both before sipping. "How ya doin', Alison?"

Cyclops has posed:
"Good morning."

Scott takes another long sip of his coffee as he gives a glance over towards Logan's attire before he sweeps his gaze over to Alison. Spandex. During school hours. He furrows his brows a bit in thought. "How are you two doing this morning? Everything okay?"

He eases back into his chair, putting his tablet away to give them complete focus.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler takes another slurp of soda, returning the nod and adding a smile as well. "Hiya, Logan. Glad it's Friday over here. We're talking about music performance in my class, so today I put on a little concert. And showed the kids some of the prep work that goes into a show."

Which explains the outfit, at least. Giving a nudge with a toe bumper, she glides over and settles onto the arm of a sofa while managing not to fall on her ass.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan cants his head in a nod to Dazzler and Scott, grinning at the former, "Sounds like somethin' they'd enjoy yeah." To Scooter, "Also glad it's friday. Got a whole lot of nothin' planned for the weekend. Imma lounge out at the cabin, drink a few cases of beer, and be left alone to my thoughts..."

Leaning back with a groan of the chair beneath his weight. "It's excitin' times, I tell ya." A sip of coffee. "Just have to make it through these next few classes."

Cyclops has posed:
"I am going to work on a Charger that someone donated to the class. Prepare it for next week. It's red." Scott likes red. His favorite color on a muscle car. With white pin stripes.

"You're more than welcome to come join me if you want to get a bit dirty, otherwise, I'll leave you to your beers."

He leans back some, picking up his tablet and moves it to the side. "Sounds great, Allison. Do you record those little performances? You could post them on YouTube as tutorials, give yourself some free publicity. Long as it falls under our NDA. No logos, no kid's being shown."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler wrinkles her nose and her grin becomes wry. "Why not powder blue, Scott? With sequins?" Okay, so that's probably not a serious request. "And record my classes? Much as I -adore- my fans for their loyalty, I really don't miss the days when the press documented my every move."

She makes a sweep with her free hand. "Breaking News: Dazzler was spotted at a club last night. Dazzler was seen at dinner with a mystery man last night. Dazzler took a bubble bath last night..." Alison chuckles and takes another slurp of soda. "And Logan, I was gonna offer to bring another case over and join you, but I wouldn't want to interrupt your 'me-time' weekend."

Wolverine has posed:
"Yeah?" The smartly(er) dressed Wild Man inclines his head to Scott, "Sure, sounds better than scratchin' my ass all weekend. I'll bring the beer, but I /did/ beat you at cardo, so I get to pick the music this time." Smirking at Scott, he leans a little and glances over at Dazzler.

"I couldn't deal with that much attention focused on me all the time." His coffee cup rests on his thigh. Sitting at a table across from Scott, he's actually got his shirt buttoned up... oh and a tie. He's still wearing his cowboy hat though.

His hypocracy has bounds.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler is leaning against the arm of the sofa wearing her full concert costume; white spandex jumpsuit, sparkly makeup, and even the roller skates. On a school day that she's teaching class, no less. Contemporary Music must have been fairly interesting today.

"Yeah, that's part of the reason I took some time off." That, and when she went public as a Mutant all references to Dazzler became suddenly very toxic.

"So working on a car or drinking beer. Or did you two settle on drinking beer WHILE working on a car? I'm not much good with a wrench, so I may tag out of that one."

Nightcrawler has posed:
One minute there isn't anyone there, and the next -- look! It's Kurt! "Old or new Charger?" he asks, curious. "I think you ask for red cars. They are the most donated, it seems," he comments, grinning. He lifts a hand to tussle his hair, but remains leaning against one of the walls of the lounge, his tail swishing a bit behind him. His glowing gaze takes in the others here, and he tilts his head a bit to one side. "Like the hat," he comments with a nod to Logan. Serious or joking or both? "It's a time honoured American tradition, ja? Drinking beer and working on a car on the weekend," he says, grinning to show his pointed teeth.

Wolverine has posed:
"Thanks." Logan takes it as serious, or just doesn't care, both are evenly likely. "Sometimes the hat wears a man, some men wear the hat." Sip. Very dramatic. How far Logan has come from growling and peeing on stuff to claim it, right? Kidding. Kidding. That's his x-box though.

"Mm... well, /I'm/ gonna drink beer and work on cars." The coffee mug he's holding is held out towards Scott, "He will probably puss out an' say it's dangerous to mix alcohol and heavy machinary." Grinning side long, brow perked at Dazzler. "Yeah? So what are ya doin' this weekend?"

Cyclops has posed:
"You know, Allison, you could just brand yourself as Allison Blaire, instead of Dazzler, with those YouTube videos." Scott says as he takes another sip of his coffee before he glances over to Kurt.

"It's an old Charger. From the 80's. Hello, Kurt. How is your morning?" Sip. Sip.

Giving a 'look' towards Logan, his eyes roll behind his red shades a bit as he presses his lips together. "I enjoy drinking while working on my cars during the weekend. Bring your beer."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler smirks at the hat philosophy, sipping from her diet soda while they talk. She tilts her head, then. "I don't think my 'secret identity' is very secret, Scott, at least not to the diehards. Or the paparazzi." She looks over when Kurt bamfs in, offering him a smile as well. "Hiya, Kurt. And yeah, it's degenerating into boy-talk pretty fast around here."

The blonde shrugs. "Not sure what my weekend looks like, actually. Might just hang out with a friend or two. Maybe take a long bubble bath or cry my lonely self to sleep." From the grin and the bright look in her eyes, it's pretty doubtful that the blonde starlet is very lonely.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Oooh. Deep," Kurt says with a grin. He pushes away from the wall, stepping over to one of the arm chairs in order to sit, his tail flicking over to one side as he does. "A car isn't exactly heavy machinery," he comments, raising an eyebrow. Kurt tilts his head a bit to one side, looking over to Scott, and he gives a nod. "Maybe I'll pop by and see how it goes, ja? So far? It's a good morning. Relatively quiet," he offers, lifting a shoulder in a shrug. "Hmm... from the 80's... standard transmission," he comments, about the car. Then his attention shifts to Dazzler, and he tilts his head to one side as he watches her a moment. "Well... it does seem to happen with boys, mein dame," he says with a grin, lifting a hand to gesture towards Scott and Login, implicating them. "Somehow I have a feeling that you will be not so lonely on many and most of your weekend," he says with a grin.

Wolverine has posed:
"Mhm, I'm sure you'll be alone." Logan sounds playfully dubeous of such notions, grinning around the raised mug he's about to sip from. Cutting his eyes to Scott with another smirk, "Peer pressure, wins again." Nodding to Kurt as well, "When has that ever stopped anyone from cuttin' their fingers off installin' a carborator?" He wonders this, but not really because Logan has never done that. At least, it's never stuck, those cut off fingers.

Then his attention is on Dazzler, nodding with something Scott said, "From what I know of the you tubing, you can appeal to a whole different audience who will watch regardless of what the news and other outlets say about ya, right? It's a way to get your music out there without dealin' with the bullshit that comes from assholes. So long's you don't read the coments."

Cyclops has posed:
"Mm. I was thinking of you having a channel of just boring Allison Blaire, giving coaching lessons, dance lessons, singing lessons, then when you go out on the club scene you can be Disco Dazzler with your .. spandex and sequence." Scott says as he gives an amused smile towards Allison.

"Lots of celebrities are doing that now these days. How is James doing?" He asks curiously as he lifts his brows over the top of his shades before he glances back to Kurt and nods.

"Eighties was one of the best decades for muscle cars. I like driving standard. There is something about throttling through a clutch that makes the ride more enjoyable."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler just gives a knowing smile, peering over the can while blue eyes flicker from Kurt to Scott to Logan. "Oh, I definitely agree with you on the internet, Kurt. Andrea's really been trying to get me to put my music out there more as well." She blinks when Scott askes about James, and even the blue starbust makeup doesn't hide the slight coloring of her cheeks.

"James? Oh, he's doing just fine." James is Andrea's bodyguard, of course. And anyone who followed the tour would know that he definitely fits the category of 'Dazzler seen having dinner with a mystery man...'. Even after the tour finished.

Ahem. "Speaking of which, I really should get out of these clothes before dinner." Pause. Deeper blush. "...into something more comfortable..." Pause again. "... something that's nice for dinner and a movie." Blushing deeply now, Alison finishes her drink and the skates glide towards the door. "And nothing funny is going on, by the way!"

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Should I be wondering how many times this has happened? At least the fingers don't stay cut off, if it has," he comments with a grin. "Everything with moving parts can bite. Maybe I should stop by, just to make sure everyone still has all of their parts," Kurt adds, teasing. Then he tilts his head a bit to one side, and he lifts one of his shoulders in a bit of a shrug. "Then turn the comments off. Then you don't have to worry about seeing what other people want to say, good or bad," he comments in a thoughtful tone. He looks to Scott and gives a nod. "It was a good period. Standard is better. There's something about having the control over the gears," he comments. Then he looks over to Dazzler, tilting his head to one side. "It's not a bad thing. The YouTube thing," he offers. Then he grins and snickers. "Nothing funny, but it sounds like a good date night," he teases.

Wolverine has posed:
"Wouldn't matter if it was." Logan says to Alison in a casual, even, tone at her assurances that nothing is going on. He holds his hands out to his sides, shrugging indifferently, "Who you're palin' around with in your free time aint our business... anymore than it's the tabloids business. So long's you're having a good time, that's all that matters." He finishes his coffee in a big gulp and sets the mug down on the table.

Hands dropping to his legs, he looks now between Scott and Kurt, "I just like my beat up old truck." It's kind of amusing that he knows so little about cars, but then only slightly, and mostly to himself.

Cyclops has posed:
There is a bit of an amused look upon Scott's face at Allison's reaction. He watches her leave, then gives a glance over towards Kurt and Logan. "James is a good guy. Ex military. Very good head on his shoulders." He says as he taps along his tablet again with his finger to scroll through a few websites. "Very good at his job."

"Kurt, how has classes been going for you? The students love your acrobatics courses and your Danger Room simulations involving .. pirates." He says, chuckling.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Having fun is important," Kurt agrees, giving a nod. Then he grins at Logan before giving a nod. "It's why you keep it around. Besides, when it needs parts then they aren't too hard to find," he comments. Everyone has things to learn about most things. He glances towards Allison as she heads off, then looks over to Scott before giving a nod. "He sounds pretty solid. And he seems good for her. She was blushing. A lot," he grins. He's quiet a moment, then, and he lifts one of his shoulders in a touch of a shrug. "I have not done one of the Danger Room simulations in a while. Perhaps it will be time for another, soon. Classes have been good. They do seem to enjoy the challenge of moving in such ways, ja," Kurt says with a grin. "Maybe I will need to arrange a new course in the yard," he muses.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan leans back in his chair, feet stretching out beneath the table, and his hat pulled down to cover his eyes. He's not specifically going to sleep or even ignoring the other two teachers, so much as recharging before he must go teach another class. "Probably why they keep me around too. Low maintenance, old build, lots of milage." He's grinning beneath his hat, arms crossed over his chest as he relaxes.

Cyclops has posed:
"We keep you around because you bring a bit of rustic charm to the school." Scott says to Logan as he rises up and heads to refill his mug of coffee. "If you want me to help you work on some simulations, Kurt, let me know. We need to find a balance of fun and ensuring they get a good workout as well. I know there are several students who are looking for a challenge."

Once his mug is filled, he adds a package of sugar and begins to stir it in with a thoughtful look upon his face. "But I am glad to hear classes are going well. We could use an easier year than it has been lately." He plucks a bagel out of a bag and heads back towards them.

"I was thinking of having a guy night out. A bit of team bonding."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Oh, sure. That and you don't leak oil all over the place," Kurt comments in a teasing tone, a grin accompanying the words. His tail gives a light flick, and there's a possibility that he might be plotting certain things in regards to the hat, but... for the moment, he doesn't do anything to it. Or with it. His glowing gaze turns to Scott, and he tilts his head a touch to one side. "That would be good, ja. The balance is sometimes hard to find. They get a good workout, usually. Perhaps... perhaps a course with different challenges, ja? Timed, maybe? A number of sections one right after another," he muses, a thoughtful tone to his voice. Weighing different options, perhaps. "It will be how it is, ja? It is early in the year, yet. Many things and anythings are options," he says with a nod. Then he raises an eyebrow slightly before grinning and giving a nod. "Might be a good thing," he adds. "Did you have something in mind?"

Wolverine has posed:
Yawns distractedly and sits up from his seat to stand with a groan. "Alright, Lords and ladies, I got a class in ten minutes." His hat is righted on his head, walking around the outside of the table towards the sink where he sets his mug to clean after he gets done with this lesson. "Wish me luck. If you hear screamin' from down the hall, know that they deserved it."

Cyclops has posed:
"Good luck, Logan." Scott says as he watches him lumber for the door, then turns his attention back towards Kurt with a shrug of his shoulders upwards. "I don't know. Camping trip maybe. Just roughing it. No powers. Give Logan something to teach us that boyscouts didn't."

He takes another long sip of his coffee and gives his old friend a smile. "I'm going to get to some paperwork myself, but let's catch up tonight for dinner." He says to his blue fuzzy friend.