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Latest revision as of 02:08, 1 March 2021

Just Dropping By! (Again!)
Date of Scene: 28 February 2021
Location: Apartment 214, Hugo Building
Synopsis: Buffy and Willow discuss life over coffee and cookies.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had left Willow's apartment about halfway through the movie last night, not wanting to interrupt their..Date? Hangout? She's still not sure if he's a new boyfriend, but is afraid to ask after the last couple of times. So she decides to swing by to see how things went, pausing at the front to knock on the door rather than walking in - just in case.

"Heey Willow, it's Buffy! Can I come in?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow had been up for a little while, but only a little bit. She was up late..

Peeking her head from out of the kitchen she smiles. "I've got coffee, do you want some?" Never mind the cookies! There were always cookies. "What's up?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is relieved that she's not interrupting something and steps in, peering around. "Heey, how's it going?" well, that's a loaded question, but coffee and cookies sounds good. "Mmm, I can smell it already, and sure!" she shrugs, "Just thought I'd stop by and say hi, I left something behind the other night."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow poured two cups of coffee, one doctored for Buffy, and nabbed up the bowl of cookies. "Let me guess.." She put the thing on the coffee table, and sat one the smaller couch. "You're checking up on me?"

Oh, yes, Willow is aware. This one, she's giving Buffy. The rest? She has to earn it.

She takes up her coffee mug, and blows over the top.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs and smiles as she takes the coffee, with cream and sugar. "Mmm, this is really good, after a late night of patrolling and dealing with Spike." she shrugs, "Welll...The thought had crossed my mind..Mind if I asked how things went..?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"So Spike is back?" Willow nods. "I'm glad. I'm afraid I was angry with him. Probably should try to talk with him again. Actually if you are going out, sometime, I'd like to go with you? Unless you don't need a magic user?"

But she thinks about the rest of it..

"We stayed up really late. I didn't get any studying done." D'uh. "I'll have to figure a schedule out." One more thing on her plate. Mind you, she doesn't mind.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs, "Well, I wouldn't exactly say he's back, he's still living in Gotham, I just asked him to take Dawn out of Bludhaven for a bit while I was all...Vamped out, I guess?" she sighs, "But as much as I trust Spike, surprisingly, I hope I made the right decision in entrusting Dawn's safety to him." she chuckles but hey, at least it keeps her out of my hair when I dont want interruptions.

As for going out, Buffy nods and smiles, "Of course! It's been a while since we patrolled together. Actually there's this place that I need to check out and I think your expertise in magic would be a great help.."

Talk of Austin causes her to smile and nod, "Hey, I think that's great! He seems like a nice guy.." she'd ask more but doesn't want to push things.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow listens to Buffy talking about Spike. "He's always been trustworthy as far as you go. Except when it came to his heart. I'm certain he took good care of her.. She's back though?"

She opened the cookie bowl and picked one, offering the bowl over to Buffy. "Oooh? Tell me more?" For the moment she pondered what to blab and what to hold back about Austin.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shakes her head, "Just dropped by to take Dawn back to Bludhaven, before he headed back to Gotham...Naturally Dawn invited him over for dinner first.." she sighs, "You know how she is, still crushing on him and all.Mobutu it's nice to know he's moved on at least.."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow nods. "I bet he still has a little bit of his heart tucked away for you. We all do have a little bit of our hearts tucked away. It's what makes us human. Alive. It makes us have the whole heart with our next love, because we've grown.."

She munches on her cookie.

"I like Austin. He makes me feel silly, and weirdly, strong. At least when he isn't being macho! But he's not afraid of my intellect, and my magic. He's got his own things to bring to the table." She rolls her eyes. "You'll like this. He's a MMA fighter on the side. As if." She laughs. "I can get away from the type."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns. "Maybe, but it doesn't matter. We've both moved on, we're both happy." she shrugs, "It's better that way.." no really, it is. Buffy also munches on cookies and sups more coffee. mmm..

As for Austin, Buffy chuckles a bit. "Oh really? Well, sounds like he's the perfect guy. As long as he treats you right, he's got my blessing. And a professional fighter too? Guess he can handle himself then. Always nice when you live in Bludhaven."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow doesn't follow the frown, but nods anyways. "Yeah.. "

As far Austin.. "He was a little concerned about you judging him. I told him, she left us with a movie, it couldn't be too bad, could it!" She laughs.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shakes her head. "Judging him? Whos being judgemental? " she laughs but knows she can be a bit protective of Willow at times. So sue her. "Nah, really, he seems nice..Although I'm not gonna pry..Unless you feel like divulging? in which case I'm all ears." she grins.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"It's.. new?" Willow scrunches up her face. "I haven't thought how I feel yet. Who knows, maybe I won't feel like that tomorrow. But it feels like it's good. I have faith in us." She makes it sound so decisive!

Softer, "I really hope it's good.."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs, "Well as long as you're having fun and he makes you feel good. I mean...You obviously like him, right? You seemed happier than I've seen you in a while." she smiles, "I've been worried about you lately, but it's nice to see you not feeling so lonely." she smirks, "And if he ever breaks your heart, I'll make sure he regrets it!"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"You wouldn't!" Willow breaks out into a giggle. "Buffy, tell me you wouldn't!"

She was concerned by the other bit. "You were concerned? About me?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and nods, "I would, but only if you wanted me to. I dint like when people toy wuth my friends' hearts. Buuut I'm sure it won't come to that.Like I said he seems like a nice guy." another shrug, "Sometimes I worry about you! mostly because I still feel a bit bad about leaving here, leaving you alone.Knowing you were so busy in your studies you didn't always have time to make friends. So times you seemed lonely, like I didn't give you enough attention, and I always worried that you felt inadequate when it came to fighting vamps with the rest of us."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow shrugs. "I wouldn't even worry after the apartment. I mean I did a little bit, but frankly, where you live means nothing, really. Heck, my days and night usually are booked these days, which does mean a bit of a conundrum.. where am I going to fit Austin in!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs, "I'm sure you'll manage. You've always been good at balancing your life. Just don't overdo the studying, you deserve to have a good social life." she smiles, "So what else have you been up,to, lately?Still part of that Wicca circle in college?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Of course! Mind you, sometimes it's pushed to that back." Willow tried to make it a priority, but sometimes she wasn't able to. "I made another friend. A magic using friend! Like real magic using! We met at the Bronze. So.. I'm not too bad with social part."

Willow grins.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers oohs, "Another witch? That's cool, I always hoped Harry and you could exchange notes, but he's not all that sociable, and he tends to get busy a lot. So what's your new friend like? I'm glad you're making new friends!"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow thinks. "She's cool. I mean, she's carefree, and wild. Which isn't what you would expect of me. But she makes me feel free. And then she also has a serious side. In fact, she kinda was the impetus to going out with Austin a second time. I just thought: what would she do."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles and nods, "Hey, nothing wrong with getting a little wild and free once in a while right? even you deserve to relax and enjoy life once in a while. Well, I'm glad you made some new friends, I always worried you were spending too much time studying and not getting out enough."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow doesn't yet tell Buffy she's still studying as much. Well, almost as much! "I've got to get my marks as high as I can. To get in grad school!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods slowly, "Of course, I'm sure you'll be the top of your class...Me? I'm not so sure. But, maybe it's okay, I'm not really cut out fir college anyway. Heck I've been thinking more and more about joining the police force. how about you? What will you do when you finish college?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Finished?" Willow thinks about that for some time. "I think I would like using my computer and mathematics to break down codes. Or by a professor. Either/or."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers oohs, "I could see you using your skills in some super secret government organization, heck, maybe even SHIELD!" she chuckles, "I think Fred is still working for them but it's been a while.." she sighs, "just hope I can get through my last semester of college, then maybe I can focus on something less stressful." honestly she finds fighting demons less stressful than studying for exams. go figure.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I always said I'll help you with it. Honest, Buffy." Willow puts her cup a coffee down and hugs her. "Any day, you just have to ask. Heck, you just have to scream or something in my general direction."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, returning the hug. "Thanks Wil..I guess it's hard for all of us to balance, work, life and patrolling in our own different ways. Glad you have my bad and I hope you know I have yours." but the night is still young and surely she can spend a few more hours here before heading back to the Blue Lady..