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Latest revision as of 07:02, 1 March 2021

Hunting HYDRA
Date of Scene: 10 January 2021
Location: Bronx Warehouse District
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Peggy Carter, Punisher

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's fairly late and Peggy is alone. Tonight is supposed to just be recon, she doesn't have the back up for anything else, but she needs to confirm what she suspects about this lab. The first concerning thing is a lab which is billed just like a general blood and body samples test lab is up and working at 3 am. And there's two darkly clad guards outside, trying to look casual but rather too built and subtly armed to be casual. Peggy is across the street in an abandoned building, her binoculars out and the bug she planted over the door going. She's dressed in dark, urban camoflague with her hair pinned back and also well armed. But all she does is listen.

Punisher has posed:
A quiet New York night. Well, quiet for New York, which is /never/ completely quiet.

At least until the sound of glass smashing can be heard from inside the warehouse that Peggy is observing. The bug makes it clear that whatever happened, the sounds was most definitely inside and to the eastern edge.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The sound across the bug makes her head tilt. That's unplanned. Peggy frowns a bit and stalks silently forward in her hiding place, a bit closer to the front of the building. If something is going to happen, she's ready to intervene and try her BEST to take out what HYDRA agents she can. She just wanted to confirm they were HYDRA first. She tries to move through the dead warehouse enough that she can get to the side windows to see most of the eastern edge of the building without giving her position up.

Punisher has posed:
It's around the time that Peggy gets a close look inside the side windows that she can see the shattered remnants of some sort of massive glass thing across the floor, with a few people around it. It's clear that these people are engineers or scientists of some sort... but given this is a lab, that much was obvious... and they're all in a cluster talking to themselves and looking around.

It's around three seconds of looking that only Peggy can see the metallic cylinder drop from above, just out of sight enough to the people crowding they don't notice... but Peggy can.

Someone else is operating in there. That's some sort of custom grenade, nothing like standard military.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Strange. Did HYDRA have other enemies? Or perhaps they were planning on raiding this base. Peggy really needed just to catch a momentary look of their symbol, someone commenting on a sympathizer, anything to prove to her which side of this matter she's to be on. But clearly something is going down and she's too far to interfere when she does know. So, she checks the street and the moment it's empty, guards backs turned, she makes a quick dart over to the side of the building.

Punisher has posed:
Whatever was going on, it becomes clear the cylinder is some form of gas grenade... and within moments, other grenades that Peggy didn't see also ejected their payloads. Three, to be exact. The entire warehouse was suddenly filled with a red looking aerosol substance, and the dozen or so people inside suddenly toppled to the ground.

Once the gas has disappated, a man walked out of a side room near the back of the warehouse; probably an office. This one was wearing a gas mask and a clear HYDRA hazard suit as he looked around.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The moment Peggy sees someone in a HYDRA hazard suit, she's got her answers. She slips the rifle from across her back and carefully levels it at the man. She takes a momentary breath, focusing her aim, and then puts two in his neck. There would be others she could interrogate later, the one standing is the threat right now.

Punisher has posed:
It's around this time that something shifts above. A shadow flitting about, above the lighting fixtures themselves. Then, a man in a black trenchcoat, a gear web under it, and a skull vest drops down to the floor from a hastily tossed down rope.

Some sort of customized MP7 is already shouldered as he comes down, and he comes immediately up into a trained shooting stance as he sweeps the area visually.

If Peggy keeps up to date with dossiers -especially after the Bucky Barnes incident- she'll immediately recognize the Punisher at work.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"...Frank Castle. And just how did HYDRA make an enemy of you?" Peggy states to herself, brows arched and an amused, almost appreciative smile on her face. While she knows the man is highly dangerous and rather a completely off the rails vigilante, he's pointed in the direction of the right people, as far as she's concerned. She's looking through to see when the smoke seems to have cleared enough that she can slip into the building, but doesn't come in QUITE yet.

Punisher has posed:
Once Punisher has confirmed the area is relatively quiet, he idles the MP7 into his right armpit, using his left hand to check pulses visibly. Then, he begins to shuffle through pockets as he occasionally sweeps the area with his eyes.

He's clearly expecting more trouble... but then, he can plainly see that hazard suited man at the side of the warehouse; it doesn't take a tactical genius to realize someone else is operating in the area from that, given he hasn't fired a shot.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The woman lingers another few minutes, watching and waiting for whatever the man is going to do, but also to be certain most of the gas has cleared as she does not have a respirator. Once that's done, she very carefully starts to shift open the window by the fire escape where she rests, the muzzle of her firearm coming in first, but she calls quietly into the room. "We're on the same side here right now, Castle." Her British accent is clipped and quiet.

Punisher has posed:
It's around the minute mark that the respirator is taken off and put in a utility pouch on the gear web, and Frank is on the fifth body.

By the time Peggy talks to him quietly, the Punisher doesn't even blink when Peggy opens the window. He grates out, "if I were looking to shoot you, you would have known a couple minutes ago, woman." Punisher starts to move towards another body as he continues his searching. "Frank Castle is dead, has been for years. Call me the Punisher. Come on in, I get the impression you're here checkin' things."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"HYDRA facility. Was just here to confirm before I brought a bigger team to clean it out. Seems you've already done the job for me." Peggy nods towards the man she shot dead and the symbol on his suit. There's no remorse in her features for having killed the man in quite cold blood. Just a day in the life of her job. She pauses a moment, listening for anyone else in the building. "Guards out front were still present when I came in. They'll need handled too. But I can take over this scene now, unless you're here for something...Specific."

Punisher has posed:
As the Punisher looks to Peggy, he studies her a moment. "A group I was trackin' had some messengers pop in here. I was investigatin' the next link in the chain. If HYDRA is involved..." Punisher stands up, looking at the hazard suited man. "This looks like a lab. Do you know what it makes?" He asks, his eyes keeping on that man peggy killed already.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Now he's talking about sharing her intel. Peggy's eyes slightly narrow on the vigilante, considering him for a heartbeat, before she goes back over towards one side area and shifts the bag from her back, safetied rifle going back into place. Her pack is opened so she can start scooping up two computers, a few other test samples in bags, basic evidence that will help her figure what they are making, but also connections to other people. "They generally pursue super soldier serums of one sort or another. But they were doing tests here and blood draws on every day people so..." Peggy shrugs. She's here to figure that out.

Punisher has posed:
"At least one of the local gangs is talkin' to them. Why, I have no idea yet. I was plannin' in findin' the punk in here, but I don't see him anywhere. Might be somethin' underground." Then, Punisher heads over to the hazard suited man, and starts to pull the suit off. "Everythin' I'm seein' tells me this guy is probably from elsewhere. I don't see anythin' off hand that'd require a suit up here."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Possibly making deals for human subjects. They like to make promises like that. Give your bodies for free, we'll make you super strong... The next Captain America. This time it'll work. You know the lies these kind of people tell." Once she's cleared out the most active lab corner, she stares surveying the place for any other offices. Peggy watches him as he's going as well, keeping a corner of her attention on him at all points in time, but she seems content to think he's not going to completely screw her over. And she has no wish to mess with him.

Punisher has posed:
"I have a general idea. Who are you, then?" Punisher turns around and looks back to Peggy, over his shoulder, "you'd need to live under a rock to not know me... but I don't know you."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"No one you need to concern yourself with. The person whose job it has been, for a very long time, to clean out these rats' nests." Peggy responds stiffly, still keeping a bit of an eye on him but she seems willing to mostly turn her back to the man. Not fully, but mostly, as she digs through a few more samples of little blue vials she's putting into her bag. "And ensure the hurt they do to people stops."

Punisher has posed:
Punisher answers with only a grunt, his eyes watching the door the man came out of. Then, he starts to walk back towards the rope, picking up the spent grenades as he goes. "If this is a HYDRA operation, I need more intel. If you'd like to call in reinforcments and deal with this place yourself, I'll provide overwatch in exchange for any intel your people find along the way."

Peggy Carter has posed:
That offer gets a long look from her and a slightly deeper smirk. "Look, 'Punisher'. You are wanted for so many crimes I couldn't count them on both my hands. You are lucky I don't call in my colleagues just to get you out of here. I don't need overwatch and I don't play ball with convicted vigilantes just because they cleaned out my site first. You've got until SHIELD back up gets here to clean up and get what you NEED, then get *gone*. We're not handing over intel and you don't get to make demands here." Peggy's voice is as clipped, quiet and calm as ever. She's not angry at him, she's just clearly unwilling to play ball.