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Latest revision as of 07:03, 1 March 2021

Prelude to Thunder
Date of Scene: 02 January 2021
Location: Backyard, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Sam Wilson and Bruce Banner welcome Thor back to the mansion.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Falcon, Hulk

Thor has posed:
Avengers Mansion.

Home and semi-public headquarters of the Earth's Mightiest Heroes. It had been some time since some earth-destroying threat came rampaging earth's way and it is all for the better...though it is sensible that even though their next visitor means no harm...sensors still go off the charts.

In the heavens, thunder broiled and toiled. Lightning flashed above as the sky turned black, once white clouds becoming dark with ominous fury that bears the origin of a thunderstorm.

Descending with a speed few could track, the mighty Thor, son of Odin, falls from the heavens in a perfect drop, landing in a crouched position with Mjolnir planted in front of him to help catch his landing. The Thunderer rose to his feet, dressed in his fine armor and flowing cape, blonde hair coming down to the shoulders, and beard to cover his face.

Even as it began to rain.

"Fellow Avengers! Thor has returned!" He calls as he approaches the Manor.

Falcon has posed:
Still not used to everything the mansion can do, Sam Wilson finds himself responding to the sensors freaking out by putting on his flight harness and goggles and rushing to see what's happening for himself. He tears ass through the Avengers' Headquarters until he reaches the back door and hears someone bellowing.

When he pulls the door open the Falcon finds himself looking at Thor. Lifting a hand in a wave he says, "Hey. I'm Sam Wilson, the Falcon." He looks up at the sky, wondering where the sudden rainstorm came from, until the realization hits him. "I just joined the team. Big fan of yours. Love the lightning."

Thor has posed:
Thor notices a new face.

A new hero?!

Thor approaches Sam Wilson, stepping close enough that poor Sam has to look up at Thor if he wants to look him in the eyes. Thor tilts his head for a moment and seems almost....mean, before that frown turns -way- upside down and he attempts to pick Sam up by the collar harmlessly to get a good look at him. "Greetings! As you seem to have heard, I am Thor, son of Odin and God of Thunder. To be an Avenger, you must be of stout heart, strong will, and persevering intellect."

He says this almost critically.

"I welcome you!" He puts Sam back down if he was allowed to pick him up at all. "Now then, friend Sam, is the ale I left here still present? Or has Stark helped himself?"

Falcon has posed:
Odder things have happened to him than being picked up by a god, but not many. Sam goes with it, chuckling as he gets set back on the ground, "Everybody keeps telling me I've got what it takes to be here and I know better than to argue the point."

Shifting his weight on his feet somewhat, Wilson grins, "Thank you. I'm not actually sure about the ale situation, but last I heard Stark's focusing his drinking on Macallan so there's a good chance you're in luck. And if not we can run out and grab something." Always wanted to do a beer run with a deity.

Thor has posed:
Thor grumbles.

"Odin curse him." But almost immediatley after he says it, Thor seems to visibly calm down as his eyes re-settle themselves on Sam. "Every hero must have their start somewhere. The fact that you were approved for this team tells me that you are worthy to be part of it." Thor drops Mjolnir on the ground, the god-weapon simply landing exactly how it was dropped: directly on its head and unmovable except by Thor or another who is worthy.

"Come then, friend Sam! Drinks would be a blessing worthy of the Allfather, though now is the time you speak to me of your deeds."

Falcon has posed:
Leading the way back inside, heading for the kitchen where drinks await, Sam asks, "Where should I start?" It's mosty rhetorical as he keeps talking, "I was in the Air Force as a Pararescueman. Used to go into the most dangerous places in the world to extract people from dangerous situations. Eventually Uncle Sam gave me a pair of mechanical wings so I could rescue people faster and to increase my combat efficiency. Got out of the service, worked as a social worker for the VA, got picked up by SHIELD and given my wings back. Still work for them. Lots of combat and recon missions. Worked with some of the folks on our team a few times and now I'm an Avenger."

Thor has posed:
Thor looks upon Sam and he smirks a bit as he mentions he's worked with Avengers before.

"Hah! Then you already have experience with how we operate. Recall whom you worked with? We have many members who are quite capable." He smiles a little bit all the same as he walks into the Mansion, his footsteps heavy and solid upon the ground.

"Mechanical wings? So you can fly like....what do mortals call it, airplanes? Curious." He comments, but he seems approving all the same.

Falcon has posed:
"I've worked with Cap and Slipstream," Falcon says with a grin. "Took down some Russian operators with them not too long ago."

Then he nods, "Like a cross between an airplane and a bird. I'm way more maneuverable than almost anything else in the air." He chuckles, "And I pack a lot more firepower than most guys on foot can manage. It provides me with a lot of advantages."

Thor has posed:
Thor 'aahs'.

"Captain Rogers is one of the very few mortals whom I would gladly follow into any battle. It would serve you quite well to continue working with him." Thor nods only once as if it is the only answer he could possibly need.

"Firepower? I thought all you did was fly around?" He questions Sam, but humans are very remarkable creatures who can bring plenty to the table when given the chance. "I would be delighted to see what you can do in battle. You would honor me by fighting by my side during the next mission."

He nods once, as if that was that.

Falcon has posed:
"I like working with the man, too. Sort of guy you know won't steer you wrong," Sam says to Thor as he arrives at the kitchen and heads for one of the fridges. "Lets see what we've got to drink."

Then there's a little chuckle, "I have surprises up my sleeves. Or mounted on my wings." Then he grows more serious, looking Thor in the eye and nodding, "I'd be honored to fight alongside you, Thor. We'd kick a metric ton of ass, I'm sure of that."

Thor has posed:
Thor chuckles a little bit. "You have weapons on your wings? Hah! The creativity of mortals never ceases to amaze me." He informs Sam with a light smirk, though as he checks the fridges, Thor summons Mjolnir back to his hand. Wouldn't do to just leave it outside, after all. The Hammer flies straight through the open door and into Thor's grasp, which he sets on the table.

Then he takes his seat. "Hah! That's the spirit. You would be welcome in halls of Valhalla for such words."

Falcon has posed:
"Weapons on my wings, my wrists and usually in my hands," Wilson adds to his earlier statement after hearing Thor's question. As he opens one of the refrigerators he pulls out a beer.

"I might end up there some day," Sam says regarding Valhalla. "Got a lot of work to do first. Helping people out and making the world a little safer."

Thor has posed:
"Impressive!" Thor tells Sam as he looks the fellow over to perhaps see what the mortal was talking about, but then he pulls out some beers. It was no mead of an Asgardian Brewery, but it'll have to suffice. In the meantime, Thor remains seated and at the head of the table, perhaps somewhat expecting for Sam to sit with him.

"Perhaps, perhaps not. Only your deeds and your heart will sound the final horn." he smirks. "So tell me, are you enjoying being on this team so far? Or has it been...strange for you?"

Falcon has posed:
Heading to the table, Sam sits down next to his teammate and cracks open a beer. After taking a gulp he leans back in his seat, nodding to Thor.

It takes Wilson a moment to respond to the questions, "I like being an Avenger, that's for sure. It's a little weird. I'm used to the cohesiveness of a military unit and SHIELD, but things here are little bit more 'shoot from the hip' than I was expecting."

Hulk has posed:
It's well known among the Avengers that Bruce Banner AKA the Hulk is rarely at the mansion. He has a dedicated room that isn't completely spartan, but he's not a regular by any means... and doesn't tend to call ahead in general when he /is/ in. Those who need to know (Tony and Steve) get notices, of course... but Bruce has, since the 'accident', been adamant about leaving as little footprint as possible wherever he goes.

The reason for that... should be obvious.

Today, however, his attempt at stealthily 'infiltrating' the Avengers Mansion from the back is interrupted as he comes around a corner outside the backyard, looking about to use the gate to sneak in. Only to stop as he realizes there are /people/ back here today.

"Oh." He casually remarks as he brings a hand through his hair, his slumped shoulders radiating nervousness, "I... don't recognize you." Bruce notes of Sam... then, he waves to Thor, "Hi, Thor."

Thor has posed:
Thor smirks a little bit to Sam as he speaks. "I see. We are more free-thinking and the consequences of our decisions are still our own. There is freedom here to be your own person and your own identity, friend Sam." He smirks a little bit before his attention shifts to Dr. Banner.

"Bruce!" Thor bellows, rising up from his seat to approach the mild-mannered scientist. If Bruce allows, Thor will pick him up in a big 'ole bear hug. If not, prolly fine. "It is good to see you my old friend! Tell me, how have you been? And how has managing your...other side been?"

Thor and Bruce go way back. Totally.

Hulk has posed:
Surprisingly, Bruce does /not/ object when Thor goes to bear hug him. Perhaps Bruce trusts Thor enough to not go overboard? Either way, he doesn't resist.

"As well as can be expected. At least the uniform is holding up." Bruce notes dryly as he glances around, "I thought you were in Asgard. Back on Earth for a while?"

Thor has posed:
After embracing Bruce enough, Thor sets him back down to his feet before he stands to his full height, burly arms crossing over his chest as his eyes look upon him. "Hah! Of course. I know I have not the expertise to help you, but I will as necessary."

Thor's one of the few people who go toe to toe with Hulk if he went out of control. Not that Thor particularly -wants- to fight Hulk either. But at least the uniform is holding up.

"Aye, I was on Asgard and many more realms since last we spoke. I still recall my friends readily enough. Figured it was time for me to return to Midgard."

Hulk has posed:
A hand moves up to adjust the green uniform under his casual clothing, and he slides the collar down just so. "The Other Guy hasn't been out for a few weeks, and I hope to keep it that way." Then, he adjusts his casual clothing, taking out a pair of glasses from a pocket, then a tablet from another pocket, and he starts to read from it. "Right..." Bruce mused slightly to himself. Then, he presses a button, and shows the screen to Thor. "Another movie you might like that I picked up while I was out in the midwest."

There's a pause, before he adds, "Assuming you're interested in movies? I don't know if you like our entertainments."

Thor has posed:
Thor smirks a litlte bit to Bruce as he adjusts his green uniform. You never know when its time to bust the green guy out, so its nice to have a uniform to help contain so his clothes arn't missing. But his eyes remain on Bruce before he nods. "I'll try not to upset you then." he smirks.

Though he actually -smiles- when Bruce offers him some form of entertainment. "I enjoy your moving pictures, therefore I would dare to watch such a feature. They are, after all, extremely entertaining! We only have actors, muses, and bards. These would be popular in Asgard."

Hulk has posed:
"I'm sure Stark wouldn't mind giving you a tablet PC to bring back to Asgard, if you like. This one is custom to me." Bruce noted as he started to head for the back of the mansion proper. "I have a list of others, if you like action movies. I'll show you." Bruce looked over his shoulder gesturing for Thor to follow.