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Latest revision as of 05:34, 2 March 2021

Happy news
Date of Scene: 01 March 2021
Location: 66 East 11th Street, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Sam breaks the news to Jay and Andrea that he is going to propose to Alexis. Andrea now has ideas and Jay is going to have a long night.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Icarus, Cannonball

Rage has posed:
It's Sunday evening and Andrea is currently sprawled out on the couch with Jay, tucked into his arms with the TV on and a huge bowl of popcorn on their laps. It seems that tonight was a casual day of chilling and spending time with each before a few busy weeks of concerts and studio work will arrive.

On the large TV mounted on the wall is a rom-com that they both finally agreed upon. With her head on her shoulder, she plucks some popcorn and glances up at him at times, sneaking a kiss to his jaw.

Icarus has posed:
"How do they ever think these things are going to work out well? I mean their entire relationship is based on one of them lying," Jay asks, verbalizing something that has always bothered him about this genre.

Don't misunderstand. He loves rom coms. He's a big romantic, as most everyone that knows him well gets. Yet that just seems to be the big gaping plothole in most romcoms.

He picks up some popcorn from the bowl, tossing a couple of pieces in his mouth and chewing then swallows before speaking. He glances down at Andrea. "I mean would you forgive something like that? You know I'm an open book."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has decided to stop by and seek some advice, from Jay and Andrea. One for a bit of practical and one for a hey is this cool. He buzzed to get an elevator up, and headed up to meet the two. He has a duffle bag over one shoulder, and waves "Hey guys, hope ya don't mind me stopping by."

Rage has posed:
"It's not lying if she is bending the truth .. um... to get his attention .." Andrea says with an amused smile to Jay. She reaches into the bowl and gets some more popcorn. "Would I forgive you? Would be /really/ easy for me to do if you were shirtless, strumming a guitar and giving me those real sexy eyes of --- OH! Hey .. Saaaam.."

Obviously he has a key to walk in, and she missed the buzz. She leans up after sneaking another kiss to Jay's ear. "Hey, what's up? Want some popcorn?"

Icarus has posed:
Jay can't help laughing at the moment Andrea is surprised by his brother. Such perfect timing. He'd claim Sam planned it if that had been possible.

"Hey, Sam. Pull up a chair. I can get you some tea?" he offers as he goes to get up off the couch now that Andrea isn't using him to lean on.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "It is ok, I can get it, I know where ya keep it, and no reason for me to break up a cuddling couple." He offers them a smile and says "If now is a bad time, I can come back later, just figured now might be a time could catch you two while just me."

Rage has posed:
"Ah, it's okay. We've been like rabbits since nine this morning. We probably need to hydrate and eat real food besides popcorn and ice cream sandwiches." Andrea says as she gives a wolfish grin to Jay before she hops up to her feet, giving a long stretch of her body. "So what's going on? You had something on your mind you wanted to talk about?" She says as she saunters her way into the kitchen to start digging out some wrapped half sandwiches from the day before, as well as a couple bottles of one. One of which is lobbed to Jay.

Icarus has posed:
Jay gives Andrea a pained look. Then he just pretends she didn't say all that. She does it for shock value and he's gotten used to it. Rarely even blushes from it now.

"Now is fine. What's on your mind?" he asks Sam as he catches the lobbed drink easily.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is pouring himself some tea, the backpack sitting on the table, and says "Well you know me, Ah aint never had what would be considered the worlds best fashion sense, and when it comes to jewelry even less so. I have been looking through a few magazines, trying to find something that matches this." He pulls a ring box in it, and inside it is Ma's wedding ring. "I mean this one is for the big event, but need the one before it."

Rage has posed:
Giving a grin back to Jay, Andrea blows him a kiss before taking another long sip from her bottle of water. When Sam pulls out the ring box, her eyes widen, raising upwards quickly. She stares at the ring, then looks to Sam, then looks to Jay, then back to Sam.

"Holy shit, are you ... are you going to propose to .. Alexis?"

Icarus has posed:
Why did she look at him? Dammit!

Jay let out a low whistle. "That's a big leap. You sure you're ready for it?" Translation: Great, now I'm in hot water. Not that he lets that show on his face.

"Shopping, Andrea is your gal. She has great taste. Not like us."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit and says "YEa, we have been together for two years or so, went through a lot. Ah love her and want to be with her. Ah don't see that ever changing." He offfers with a smile rubbing the back of his neck a bit. Talked to Ma about if and then thought you guys should be next, and could help me make sure it is right."

Rage has posed:
"Yes, I am your girl. Believe me, I've gave this a /lot/ of thought."

Andrea gives another weighted stare towards Jay as she says that, lifting up her left hand as she holds her bottle of water to take a sip, fingers wiggling a bit almost purposely.

"I would /love/ to get inside a jewlery store to do a proper fitting .. and pick something out for you and Alexis. I can make a few calls and ensure that we have a private shopping experience so that when you're ready, Alexis will be very surprised and happy."

Another slooooow glance back to Jay.

Icarus has posed:
Jay plays it cool. Super cool. He just gives Andrea a smile every time she looks his way. When she is /not/ looking his way, he narrows his eyes and the smile fades as he GLARES at his brother. Then as Andrea turns back his way, he is all smiles again before she can catch the brotherly interplay.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Well, I am getting close to my mid twenties, old enough to know what I want and go for it, but young enough for it to still be something that will last a long time, and if we decide to have kids, still be uber active with them. " He tries giving Jay help with the whole being older and being together longer. "I know if you want it to be right it is something ya can't rush."

Rage has posed:
"I agree. It's something you shouldn't rush, which is why I have been /very patient/ the last /two years/ as well." Andrea says as she cuts her eyes back towards Jay, followed by a 'sniff' of her nose upwards. "Alexis is only a year older than me by the way. Less than, actually." Darn her and her fancy math.

"And right now we're both in a position in which we'll never want for anything." Duuuun Dun. Duuuun Dun. Can you hear the Jaws theme song growing louder?

"When do you plan on getting married? This year, next?"

Icarus has posed:
At least Sam tried. He has to give his brother credit. Yet Jay is positive this is going to be one of the longest nights of his relationship with Andrea.

As he gets another look from Andrea, he manages to keep that slight smile in place but this time his gaze flicks down. Dammit, she won.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Don't know when, that is more something we have to decide together, heck Ah could ask her and her say no." He shows a bit of that old worrying Sam for a moment. And if we go to a jewelry shop I am not looking to buy something you can see from space. I am thinking something a couple thousand max. I mean the normal is 3 months salary for the wedding ring right?"

Rage has posed:
"No, the normal is something that she would love. The size of a ring isn't important, nor is the price tag. It's about what you feel represents who you are as a man and how you feel about your woman. Personally, I would go simple, small, elegant, because she comes from a life of luxury and she threw it all away to live on the streets and fell in love with a poor boy from Kentucky. Therefore, material things does not matter to her. The size of a diamond doesn't matter."

Andrea gives a firm nod of her head towards the two them, reaching out to take Jay by the hand and drawing herself up close to him. "For example, I don't want a huge ring either. I want something that Jay picks out for me that symbolizes how much he loves me. I don't care if it's a rubber band or a ring pop or a tiny little diamond. I'm saying I Do to him, not a ring."

Icarus has posed:
"Well that simplifies things. Ring pop it is," Jay says with a chuckle as he pulls her over to give her a brief hug. He knows he's not out of the woods here. When Sam isn't there...

Enjoy the company while he can.

"Also want it to be something that fits her lifestyle. You don't want some giant diamond there if she's gonna be out fighting bad guys with you. If you even want to go diamond. I know it's traditional but could go something else if she likes sapphires or emeralds or whatever better."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, I was thinking something that goes well with Ma's ring, and it is a diamond, so thought diamonds, had not thought about other stones to be honest. He admits. AH think she maybe out doing the hero thing some but more normal life, helping running the school, playing her music. Also want to make sure it is something nice her grandma's will not give me the stink eye over." He joke"

Rage has posed:
"Her birthstone is an aquamarine. You could do something with that, blend it with some diamonds. It doesn't have to be over the top." Of course Andrea would know that as well.

Icarus has posed:
How does she know these things? Jay isn't even sure what his birthstone is at the moment yet she knews the birthstone of a friend. Maybe it's a girl thing. Or just an Andrea thing.

"Do you want to look at magazines or do the shop thing Andrea offered? Get you in, let you look at lots of things, get her opinion while there and can look at lots of different things with Ma's ring?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, I got magazines so far, figured it would work for basic planning and then there are some sites online where you can build one. Thought maybe get an idea, and then see if we can find something like it or better from real shops.""