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Latest revision as of 03:21, 6 March 2021

My Kingdom for another pair of Long Johns
Date of Scene: 06 March 2021
Location: Upper East Side, Manhattan
Synopsis: A traffic accident at 150 feet.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Spider-Man

Thor has posed:
    Friday night in the great city of Manhattan and the city is in full swing, the streets bright with the brilliance of thousands of headlights, creating the illusion of the hearty metropolis being a luminous living and breathing thing. So many people out and about, walking along the sidewalks, taking the ubiquitous yellow cabs, and depositing them at their destinations. No small number of shows are seen, no small number of restaurants are packed, and often buskers are seen along the walkways, playing music, dancing, and even some offering magic tricks for display.
    All of this draws the crowd, eyes turning and settling on those small elements of attention. Though here in the Upper East Side, opposite the famed Avengers Mansion, tourists and locals same all at times park a bit outside the home of the Earth's Mightiest Heroes, seeking to gain a glimpse or a glance.
    And for the most part they are bereft, not even a hint of Tony Stark stalking around in one of the upper floors.
    That is until...
    "Oh hey, is that one of them!?"
    "What, that big guy? He's in normal clothes." Says one of the citizens.
    "Yeah but they dress normal sometimes."
    "Is that Thor?"
    "He's wearing jeans, Thor doesn't wear Jeans."
    "No way, he does, I saw him at The Cape Club once."
    "Whatever, man."
    Yet for those in the know, the figure that had emerged upon the front lawn was indeed the monarch of New Asgard, and indeed in jeans and a black winter coat. But what might prove the fact is the hammer held light in his off hand.

Spider-Man has posed:
New York is big. Five boroughs, and that's assuming you don't count the unofficial ones of lower Westchester County, Gotham, Bludhaven, and Metropolis. Even Nassau County used to be part of Queens until a little over a hundred years ago. There was no way a man with the proportionate speed of a spider could patrol it all, the man called spider had to section it off into grids. Unless he was trying to solve a particular problem, like Carnage going on a rampage, he would pick one each day, and patrol that one.

Today, he happened to be patrolling an area that included Avengers Mansion, why he bothered even he didn't know. Who was going to mess with Gods, living legends, and real life Mary Sues, or Gary Sues... Spider-Man would pause mid swing between buildings to rub his chin, thinking aloud, "what would be the non-gendered version of a Mary / Gary Sue? G is the 7th letter of the alphabet, and M is the 13, so that'd make it J. Okay, Spidey, new head canon. The non-gendered term for Mary and Gary Sues is Jerry Sues, which works, since it can be a boys or a girls name, although they spell them differently..." With a sigh, he added, "I wish I lived in a Cobra Kai universe."

Thor has posed:
    The gathered crowd lift their voices and there might be a few people shouting, two young women grasp at the wrought iron gate of Avengers mansion and one screams with a giggle, while another calls out, "Thor we love you!"
    Which as soon as the man with the eye-patch hears it, even as he's lifting his hammer at the ready, he laughs and then shouts right back. "And I love you, good citizens!"
    Which causes another few shrieks of surprise. Yet then the hammer in his hand sets to spinning, a low resonant /whom-whom-whom/ building up until the Mighty Mjolnir lifts him up into the air, slicing across the sky upwards, curiously straight into Spider-Man's path of all things.

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man had just begun to swing by again when a blond bomber approaches. In the middle of his swing, his spider-sense went off, and he weaved and contorted his body, letting go of one webline, and shooting out another to take him out of the path of the hammer up his backside, as he gave a mighty shake of his fist, his voice full of jest, "tourist!" Before he'd find a nice perch on a nearby building, as it probably wasn't the best idea to continue webslinging when you just shouted at the God of Thunder. He wasn't worried about the Thunder so much as the lighting part.

Thor has posed:
    The Thunder God's flight was arrested as he draws up short, holding the hammer loosely and floating in the air some small distance from where Spider-Man had perched. That large black great winter coat flared somewhat as the winds held the Asgardian aloft, his single blue eye focusing upon the wall-crawler.
    "Ah, Spider-Man. Forgive me, I had sought to get under way directly." There's a pause as he tilts his head and looks to the side, then back towards the young vigilante. "What passes for you? It has been no small time since last we shared words."

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man looked puffier than usual, but that was because he was wearing three pairs of long john underwear under his not quite spandex, but pretty thin and stretchy suit. From up close, one could make out the buttons. This is why spiders become less active to dormant during the winter months. "Oh, I can't complain. It's against company policy. You know, as a one man show, I never thought I'd have a human resources department, but I got a letter about it." Of course, much of that probably would go over Thor's head, so he added, "I'm well... I'd be even better if you could guarantee some warm weather, or at least no rain or snow."

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, were I to do so you know that other areas of Midgard likely would suffer." Thor says in that deep tone of voice, only mildly admonishing but doing so gently. He takes a deep breath and shakes his head, "There was that harsh storm last week, but I feel that Winter has likely expended the last of its rage."
    That said he starts to float upwards once again, head tilting to the side, "If there is naught you need then best I should make my way back to New Asgard."
    He glances to the side, good eye distancing before he turns his gaze back to him. "There is much afoot of late and I am loath to be unavailable to those that might need my attention."

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man likes the warmth, not freezing is always a plus, but the weather requests were just his usual casual joking manner. Much of his material was lost in translation with Thor, even if the God had been among mere mortals for some time now. "Ah, right, yeah, biodiversity is a delicate thing. I can add another layer... I think." He was mentally calculating the elasticity of his suit, and whether or not it would be able to support his kind of activities with another pair of long johns. He really didn't want a rip in battle that didn't come from the other person. "Ah, well, nice seeing you again Thor. Safe flight, and make sure you get the complimentary snacks!"

Thor has posed:
    A wry laugh comes from the tall Asgardian even as he continues to drift up up upwards toward those puffy clouds that either offer the purity of overcast or more snow soon enough. No matter what the weather-wielder might say. Yet he offers a few words in parting. "And you, Spider-Man. Good hunting."
    Then, after that one moment, he abruptly breaks into speed and rushes off into the distance.

Spider-Man has posed:
"He has a kingdom to run, and I have overdue rent to make." Spider-Man commented to himself as the Avenger soared off into the wild blue yonder. "Hmm, maybe I'll hit up Yancy Street, see if Ben Grimm's having fun with the Gang." Of course, a mugging would be nice, though a supervillain would be better. He hated that he kind of hoped for people to be endangered, but it was sort of how he made his living, such as it was. And off he went, swinging from building to building.