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Latest revision as of 17:11, 8 March 2021

Not my Strong Suit
Date of Scene: 08 March 2021
Location: Orchestra, Monarch Theatre
Synopsis: Phoebe rescues a project bike from certain doom, and Tim rescues the same project bike from Phoebe.
Cast of Characters: Sparrowhawk, Red Robin

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe is very smart at many things. She's memorized the medical property of plants, knows how to forage in the botanical parks for edibles, wonderful with first aid and even can make a mean carrot cake -- but this isn't her strong suite. Not by a long shot.

    She's wearing a pair of old jeans, a stained, threadbare tee, and has a wrap around her hair as she works with the guts of a motorcycle. There's pieces and parts all around, the frame is in need of major repair, and she has her laptop, a tablet, her phone, and three books all around her as she mutters:

    "'How hard could it be'? Next time you ask yourself that, Pheebs, 'harder than training with Dick'."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake comes in to see what is up. He has had to fight the urge not to come in and fix it for her. Knowing how to do this is a good skill to have, never know when you might have to make repairs on the fly. He puts his hands in his pockets to keep from reaching for parts "Hey there." He offers with a smile.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Hi, Nerd." Phoebe replies affectionately to Tim, and she lets her shoulders sag a moment, and then motions to the bike.

    "I know, I know, you're going to say 'if you wanted a motorcycle all you had to do was ask', and not try and piece together someone's project bike from ten years ago." she states, and she frowns a moment, looking to the gas tank. It's a bit dinged up.

    "I'm not even sure all of these parts are from the bike. Or this bike."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles at her, and will walk closer leaning over and looking at the things "Looks like most of it is at least the same bike, going to need me to show you how to pull the dents out of the gas tank, maybe do one and let you do the rest?" He leans in kissing her cheek.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe gives a grin as he kisses her cheek, and leans against him a moment. "I need to clean out the tank and make sure there's no other flammables still in it. Had a couple of tablespoons of gas in one of the lines, and I want to clear it to make sure it's safe." she states with certainty, and then she leans back.

    "... I could have just asked for a Hawkbike, but no. Doing things the hard way to get your attention."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and will move behind her and wraps his arms around her "Well, I think you can get my attention a lot of ways, but what drew ya to this bike?" He asks her hugging he gently.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe leans back a little against Tim. "Impulse buy, really, practically a steal." she gives a grin. "My neighbors got divorced after she caught him cheating with a girl half their age. He got the car, she got their storage unit. I got the bike for about a hundred bucks -- buuuut it doesn't run really well. Stalled out a couple of times on the way here -- I was already nervous about not wearing a helmet."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake grins at her, and says "Well, we can either go get you one, or modify one of the helmets here to look more street level." He offers her a smile, and says "So gonna strip it totally and rebuild from ground up?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "I dunno what I really want to do with it. It was a project idea. I kinda... wanted to build it and expand it for use to get around the city, you know? Be able to weave in and out of traffic instead of just sticking to running along rooftops." she gives a smile.

    "Also, way easier than trying to steal or Red Robin-mobile when you get kidnapped by well-meaning guys."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake blinks and says "Oh wanting to use it as a Sparrowhawk Bike?" He hmms and seems to look it over with a new eye "Thought you was thinking more for your normal riding." He will study it a bit and says "Ok, for the special additions, I can help or have you just leave places clear for addons."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "I don't normally ride... I'm actually... really scared of motorcycles. That scooter we borrowed in Greece not withstanding." she gives a little grin to Tim as she stretches her arms up, arching her back.

    "This is just an urban bike, though. There's not a lot of ways to add onto it without really changing the look -- but it *is* a Ducati, and I know those are expensive. Maybe... we could fix it together and go riding? Like normal people?" she laughs. "And we can work on a HawkBike."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, his head a bit to this and says "Sounds like a plan, and we can work on your riding alone more to get you over your fear of them hon. You know you jump from building to building on Gotham rooftops, motorcycles aint that bad." He grins at her.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Buildings aren't moving at a rate of sixty-five miles per hour surrounded by two-ton death machines also moving at sixty-five miles per hour." Phoebe sticks her tongue out at Tim, and she gives a happy sigh, leaning back against him.

    "I was terrified I would fail, you know. Trying to get you back."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's brow raises a bit and says "Get me back? You have never lost me hon." He is not sure what she means but will turn her around gently so he can look into her eyes.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... when you were kidnapped, Tim, right from the street. I don't know how much you compartmentalize you as Tim Drake Wayne and you as Robin." she explains. "I was concerned they would hurt you, and you wouldn't do anything because... I don't know the level of secrecy Bruce expects us to keep." she presses her lips together a moment.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her, and says "Well, I would maybe have let them bruise me up a bit, but if it got to a point where I was in real danger would have found a way to slow them down. Bruce would not want us taking any lasting damage if we can get out of it."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... also I think Babs thought I already knew who Bruce is, but I connected the dot. Thank /God/ you're the brains in our operation." Phoebe gives a small smirk, closing her eyes.

    "Well. At least you don't have lasting damage, as long as you're letting me live here."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles, a bit and says "Well, I would not want to get thrown on my butt again." He teases her, and says "Well, she knows your a smart one and knowing Dick and me, does sorta give a big hint" He leans in giving her a quick peck.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Yeah, but I thought Bruce Wayne was just /bankrolling/ the operation. Not that he /was/ the Operation." she states quietly, rubbing the back of her neck absently. "Does... he care about you as a person? Or just as an employee? Or... I don't know. Knowing he's a 'dad' to you is weird because he is also Batman. And I guess that just makes it weird because my dad was..."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "He cares about us, as both Bruce and the Bat, but it is a bit different with him than more." He takes her hands in his and says "And I am sure your dad would be proud as all get out of you and probably worry about you too."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... being a costumed vigilante, using magic powers for the greater good? Shacking up with my fabulously wealthy boyfriend who flies me to Greece on a whim to show me he can?" she takes a deep breath, and then breathes out slowly.

    "My dad would love you. You're a tech head, you're smart and you're kind. You treat me like I'm everything you wanted. I'm not disposable." she replies, and she curls her fingers against his. "And even better than all of that, you are willing to put yourself on the line any time there is an emergency. God, there are days you remind me of him when we go running towards the danger."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake gives her hands a gentle squeeze, and says "Your not disposable, you are the best thing ever." He smiles at her, and says "I want to take you every where and experience everything we can together hon. " He will hold her close and says "Well I know, I am proud of how much you put into helping people hon and not just the hero stuff either, the helping feed and heal the homeless, even the web page.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Yeeaaah, that webpage hasn't been updated since I started working nights." Phoebe gives a wry grin, and she looks at the ripped-up bike in front of her.

    "... so would you be able to fabricate a new seat for this? Pretty sure that leather and padding is worthless and dry-rotted beyond repair. Had to fight a family of rats to get at the thing."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head a bit to this and says "Wanting one with room for another on the back of it, or one just made for you." He hmms and says "May have to take some measurements and make some closed observations.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Probably room on the back, in case I've got to ride with anyone else to move them quickly." Phoebe gives a grin. "You know, good of the city--" she trails off a moment, then looks to Tim.

    "MM, measurements and closed observations, huh? What kinda measurements?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles mischievously at her and says "Well would need to know about the connections to the bike, as well, just how to make the seat so it is the most comfortable for you.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Yeah-huh. I'm pretty sure you've already pulled up the bike's model and have the complete technical guide downloaded into your computer system making the required adjustments to be the most comfortable for my butt." she jokes.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake grins and says "Me, na, I would never be doing something like that." He teases her but does kiss her again softly before asking "You thought about colors?"