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An Angel and an Amazon Walk Into A Coffee Shop....
Date of Scene: 08 March 2021
Location: The Coffee Bean - Manhattan
Synopsis: An Amazon and an angel have their coffee klatch rather rudely interrupted by would-be thugs shaking down the baristas for some cash. The thugs seriously re-think their life choices.
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Nightingale

Wonder Woman has posed:
It's evening, and the weather is on the brisk side of things. The temperature is near freezing but not dipped below it, and there's no precipitation currently falling. It's been a while since the ambassador has been around, and in fact has been a number of weeks since she's been seen anywhere around the city. For this evening, the Amazonian woman is wearing a pair of charcoal coloured dress pants, stylish black winter boots, a long-sleeved purple blouse, and a black winter coat that goes down to mid-thigh. There's a silk scarf that's white with a purple flower pattern on it that's wrapped around her neck, tucked mostly beneath the collar of the coat. Her black hair is loose, and she heads towards the door of the coffee shop, reaching out to pull the door open before stepping inside.

Nightingale has posed:
     It's not so unusual these days, with matters on the home front quieting down, for one young winged woman to range fairly far afield. It wasn't as if she couldn't use the exercise, so today's trip took her in the general direction of Manhattan. More specifically, the East Side. It had its share of tourist traps, with the UN, and at least two well-known embassies in the area. This also meant fairly high-end coffee shops, where one might take refuge from the foul weather. One stood out like a beacon of warmth, a refuge from the chill.

     Backwinging to a graceful landing outside, a respectful distance from the woman just at the doorway, Shannon tucks her wings in neatly behind her with a little flick. She's dressed in some sturdy flannel-lined blue jeans, soft caramel suede boots, a thick cream-colored cable knit tunic sweater, and a dove-grey beanie cap to hold her hair in check. There's a little brown leather bag bedecked in Norse runes tied securely to her belt, its contents a mystery. She's pulled some flight goggles up away from her eyes, tucking them away beneath the brim of her cap. She reaches in to open the door for the woman ahead of her, offering her a light smile.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Even though she isn't facing in the direction that the winged woman approaches from, the Amazonian is aware of her there. Lifting one of her hands, she brushes a bit of hair from where a stray bit of breeze wafts it to her face, tucking it away behind one of her ears. This coffee shop is a particular favourite of hers, and it's close to the embassy where she works. It makes even more reason for her to frequent it, especially after so many weeks away. It will be warmer inside than out, not that she's cold at all. The flick of wings is heard, and Diana takes a moment to glance towards the winged woman. Finding her to be familiar causes her reach to be paused before her hand even comes in contact with the door itself. One of her eyebrows quirks up just a touch at the familiarity, and a smile tugs the corners of her lips as the door is drawn open for her. "My thanks to you, Shannon," Diana says softly, inclining her head towards the younger woman. She steps into the warmth of the coffee shop, though her attention remains back towards the woman she hasn't seen for a while. "It is good to see you again," she adds. There is a line up of customers waiting to be served, some of which are more patient than others.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon's eyebrows loft, first one, then the other. There was just no way. It had been nearly a year and a half since she'd seen that face. A year and a half of wondering what had become of Rokk Krinn. This was not someone she had ever expected to see again. The surprise likely registered in her features, even as her lips curled upwards in a smile. "You're welcome. And likewise. It's been quite a while. Hopefully time has treated you kindly?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
There's a slight tilt of her head at the visible surprise that shows in Shannon's features, and her blue eyes show a touch of amusement to them. "You are surprised to be remembered?" Diana asks, studying the younger woman for a long moment. "A year and a half, or so. Give or take," she comments, a smile touching at the corners of her lips, and she lifts a hand to make a slight gesture. "I'll treat you to whatever you're ordering," she says with a smile. "Time has been what it is. Things have happened, both good and bad, and I've just returned from spending some time at home," she says in a thoughtful tone. "How has time been treating you?" she asks, curious. There's a brief glance over those who wait in line, taking note of a couple of fidgetting customers, but then her attention returns back to Shannon.

Nightingale has posed:
     "By now, most would forget. I should have known better in your case." Shannon's laugh is a light, silvery sound. "It is as it is. There have been some good things, and some not so good. Mutants have been going through trials of their own, which I shared in." She purses her lips slightly, and allows herself a slight smile. "The Earthshaker and grey-eyed one were not exactly happy about it, but relieved when it was all over. I've my studies, and music, and both are going well."

     Though she opens her mouth to protest, when Diana has made her mind up, there was to be no gainsaying her! A sheepish sort of smile spreads across her face, and she nods. "Thank you, though hopefully you'll let me return the favor one day."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"You are not wrong, most likely would," Diana says in a thoughtful tone. Most aren't gifted with her memory. "There are times it is a blessing, and there are times it is a curse," she adds, then lifts one of her shoulders in a faint shrug. To remember the good and the bad, equally well. She raises an eyebrow slightly at mention of ill happenings amongst mutant-kind, her blue gaze holding fast to the younger woman. "I am sorry to hear that has been the cases. If it is not too personal of a thing to ask, what has been happening?" she asks, curious. "I have been away for a while, and I have not had a chance to catch up as of yet," she adds, her brow furrowing a touch. "The passing of ill times is often something many would find relief in. Perhaps I will have to make the time for visiting them," she muses, considering the notion. She quirks a smile, then gives a light laugh before nodding. "It can likely be arranged. Or allowed, however you would choose to view it," she comments, giving a nod. "I would expect it busier in the morning than the evening as it is now," she adds, her gaze turning to flick over the others in line. The line does, at least, seem to be moving well, but there are a couple of men standing near to one another who are fidgetty, glancing around often.

Nightingale has posed:
     "It's not personal, but if you've been away, I'm not surprised you haven't heard what's been happening. A good amount of it's been focused in the Bushwick area of late. There was a 'Cure' developed to give mutants with truly harmful gifts the choice to shed them if they wished. Sadly... it was weaponized, and many were robbed of their gifts against their will." She purses her lips, crossing her arms and letting out a light sigh. "I was one of them."

     She's silent for a few moments as the line moves along, the younger woman dipping her head, her smile returning after a bit. "An antidote was also developed, which proved successful. Did my heart good to see the Cure being used as a weapon, ultimately fail."

     Her smile widens a bit further, and she flicks her wings briefly behind her, reaching to smooth out some of the feathers. "Visiting home can do the heart a world of good. Hopefully yours went well?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
"When I am home, I spend much of the time outside, training with my sisters or riding or any number of other things," Diana says, a smile coming to her features. "I have not been to the Bushwick area in some time. A Cure?" she asks, curious, tilting her head slightly to one side. "I can understand giving those with harmful gifts a choice whether to keep them or not. But to turn it into a weapon," she pauses, considering that a moment before shaking her head, "it is not right. Not all with gifts would wish to part with them, would wish to have them ripped away. It is a terrible thing that something that is meant to give choice is instead used to tear the choice away, to be used against the will of the one it affects. I am sorry, that you were one of those to be affected," she says in a gentle tone. "It is good to hear that there is an antidote to it. That your gifts were restored," she says, sincerely. "Have the ones who are responsible been found and caught?" she asks, one of her eyebrows raising.

"It was good to be home again, yes. It went very well, and I enjoyed it very much. I was gone for longer than I thought or expected that I would be. It is good to be back at the same time, though," she says, giving a soft chuckle. She lifts a hand, brushing a bit of hair from her face. The line moves along, and she steps forward as it does, a couple of customers passing with insulated paper cups full of hot drinks.

Nightingale has posed:
     By way of answer to Diana's question, Shannon just smiles. It's one of those very telling expressions that, while she neither formally confirms nor denies the fate of those responsible for mis-use of the Cure, says enough on its own. "One can always hope so."

     Listening to Diana, Shannon just closes her eyes, trying to picture such a time. Riding free, training among friends and family, reveling in the joys of home. It brings a smile to her face, and she nods slowly. "It sounds as if riding and training to you is much like flying and training would be to me. Freedom. Joy. Just... -being-."

Wonder Woman has posed:
The smile that Shannon gives is answer enough for Diana. She tilts her head just a touch to one side, and then she gives a pleased nod after a moment. "Those who are the victims of such things deserve justice for what was done," she says, a smile touching her features. "I always hope that those who do wrong are brought to justice," she adds.

"Riding and training or flying and training. It is good to keep my skills as sharp as my weapons. Awake with the dawn, and returning past nightfall. I enjoy to train on the sands of the beach, and take a swim if it becomes too hot," she comments, giving a soft chuckle. "There is a freedom to it that is like few others that can be found," she adds. "Perhaps one day we should train together, hmm?" she suggests, raising an eyebrow slightly. There's a clank of something metal to the counter, and Diana turns her blue gaze towards the front of the line, tilting her head a touch to listen closer. "Something is not right," she says quietly.

Nightingale has posed:
     "There is probably more I could learn from you, than the other way around. It would be an honor."

     Shannon, too, hears the clank of metal to the counter, and she just becomes very, very still. Her wings are tense behind her, arms held straight at her sides. Her right hand, while relaxed, has the fingers curled lightly. Her knees are lightly bent, lowering her center of gravity ever so slightly. But otherwise, she makes no move, no sound. Her gaze flicks from side to side, doing a general sweep of the area, checking for exits, entrances, places of cover and concealment.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Perhaps that is so, but training with others is of value to all of those involved," Diana says with a smile. "It would equally be an honour. I look forward to it," she adds, giving a nod to the winged woman. She tilts her head a touch to one side, considering the situation. "It is less reassuring to see that the criminal element is so very bold. Do you suppose that they have forgotten that actions have consequences?" she suggests in a thoughtful tone. She's never kept her identity a secret. Her gaze flicks over the customers who in front of them, between them and the ones at the front with the gun -- or possibly guns. Then her gaze turns to Shannon, studying her for a moment. "Time to skip the line up," she says, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She moves then, stepping out of line and then starting to walk forward, the heels of her boots clicking on the floor of the shop.

Nightingale has posed:
     Uh-oh. This could not bode well. Shannon slid out of line to fall in step behind Diana, her own boots making a much softer sound, barely audible by comparison. She'd only seen her in the field once, and that had been an eye-opening experience. They had not, at that time, been fighting on the same side.

     This time, though, would perhaps be different--if fighting was even needed at all. Somehow, though, if those metallic -thunks- were any indication, she had a feeling that she might get a bit more of an education today than was originally planned.

     So much for an endurance training flight. But, since when did a trip away from home ever quite go according to plan?

Wonder Woman has posed:
It could bode well, or it could all go sideways. Either is possible, at this point. Diana keeps her hands out of her pockets, and once she's to the front of the line, she lifts her right hand to place it on top of theman's hand where it rests on top of the gun on the counter. Her gaze turns to the baristas, and she gives a brief glance towards the archway leading to the kitchen before looking back to them. "Go," she says simply, giving a slight nod towards the archway. One of them had been stuffing money into a bag. Diana shakes her head, for her to stop, then glances towards the archway. The barista sets the bag down with shaking hands, and she and her coworkers retreat to the back, to the kitchen. The man's partner, standing on his other side, is rummaging under his coat to try to retrieve a gun, which is something out of Diana's sight. "So tell me," Diana begins, turning her gaze towards the man whose hand her own rests atop of, "Do you always bring a gun for coffee and steal the money people have worked hard for?" The man stammers, a bit more so when she closes her hand a bit tighter over his hand and over the gun. She isn't a fan of guns, particularly.

Nightingale has posed:
     One way this could go sideways very quickly is if innocents nearby came to harm. When Diana springs into action, Shannon actually turns about, and proceeds to start guiding patrons out of the coffee shop, doing her best to shepherd those she can to safety. Legends abounded of the Amazons and their skills in battle--even against firearms. While it might one day be intriguing to see if those legends bore any truth, this was not the way she would hope to see such things done.

     No, she had to help get them out of the door, and under concealment as soon as possible--preferably while the gunmen were still distracted by Diana.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The sounds are enough to tell Diana just what it is that Shannon is doing behind her, and so she doesn't turn to look. Her attention remains upon the man who had intentions of robbing the place. Legends and myths are often rooted in truth, and so it is with the Amazons. She tilts her head to one side, and one of her eyebrows quirks up a touch. "Perhaps it was simply a misguided thought that dishonest actions would earn more money than honest ones," Diana says in a thoughtful tone. She uses her right hand to take hold of the man's wrist, then swiftly bends his arm back and around behind him. The man struggles, but it's nothing she can't handle fairly easily. Her left hand comes up to the gun, sliding it down to the far end of the counter where no one else is. She can hear one of the baristas in the back calling the police. The other man finally manages to get out his gun from where it had been tucked at his back, and he fires a pair of shots into the ceiling. Diana isn't surprised or startled by it, and she slips her left arm around the neck of the mn whose arm she has captive, in order to knock him out. The police, when they get here, will take him into custody from there. She looks to the other man, then tilts her head a bit to one side. "I am pretty sure that you do not really want to shoot at me," Diana says, raising an eyebrow.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon, still just inside the door, turns about just in time to witness Diana neatly disarm one gunman, and very strongly, successfully discourage both from a more violent course of action. For her own part, she keeps out of the way, allowing both Diana and the authorities to do what they knew and were trained to do. Often, much could be learned by observation alone--and, in this case, it was probably wisest to do so.

     She would not be on the evening news tonight.

Wonder Woman has posed:
With one of the men knocked out, she releases him and leans him against the counter. This wasn't exactly the 'homecoming' that she had imagined with her return to New York City. She doesn't use all of her strength, but she uses enough of it when she needs to. She steps forward, reaching out to grasp the gun from the second gunman. She pulls him half a step forward, uses one of her feet to sweep his legs out from under him, then sits him on the floor next to his partner. "Sit, and stay. Do not make me need to do more to you," she says, arching an eyebrow to him. Diana doesn't want to be on the evening news tonight, and hopes to avoid it. She takes a moment to glance over the interior of the coffee shop then before her attention settles on Shannon, and she gives a nod to the winged woman who saw the innocents safely out of the establishment. It will only be a couple of minutes before the police pull up, and for officers to head for the shop.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon nods to Diana, and glances towards the door. "If we don't want to make the headlines tonight, maybe it might be prudent to depart?" The leg-sweep maneuver had been rather carefully observed, and one she resolved to practice as soon as she got home. She tugs open the drawstrings of her little brown bag, rummaging around inside for a moment before coming up with a small card, tying the bag shut once more. Just as it had been when they were on their way in to the little coffee shop for a treat, so it is that she holds the door for Diana. However, this time, she offers her the card. "I'm sorry our visit was cut short, but there is how you can reach me if you want."

Wonder Woman has posed:
There's a glance given towards the criminals who are, at least, staying down and against the counter. And quiet, which is easy for the one who's knocked out. The baristas are still in the back, and there's a possibility that there could be police officers approaching the back of the shop as well. Diana turns her attention to Shannon, and she gives a nod. "The reporters will be only a minute or two behind the police. That seems to be always the case, at least," she says. She steps across the shop towards the door that Shannon holds open, and she accepts the card as she passes through the door and out to the sidewalk beyond. "Thank you, Shannon," she says with a smile, giving the card a read before tucking it into a pocket of her coat. "'Tis not your fault, and no need for you to apologize. These things are unfortunately a thing that happen," she says in a thoughtful tone. She retrieves a card of her own, offering it -- it's a simple thing, with her name and phone number and email address, nothing too fancy. "If you are in the neighbourhood and want a coffee or to grab lunch sometime, then feel free to give me a call," she offers with a smile.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon smiles and dips her head, giving the card a quick read. Once again, she opens her little brown bag, and the card is tucked away in one of the more secure places inside the little pouch, right alongside one more card that looks to have been with her for a while--certainly long enough to become slightly dog-eared. Well-worn, but cherished. Tied shut and secured, the pouch hangs at her side. Her wings spread out to their full span, and she smiles at Diana. "Thank you. You honor me. Till then, travel safely!"

     With a few strong downstrokes of her wings, she is up in the air, and gaining altitude quickly as she heads out of the immediate area.

Wonder Woman has posed:
There's a glance towards the broth bag where her card ends up, and her blue gaze flicks lightly over the runic symbols that it bears. She notices the other card there, but she doesn't ask after it. It's not her business, and she's got no reason to pry into the winged woman's business. Her gaze passes over the woman's wings when they're spread, and there's a smile that comes to her features. "You honour me just as much," Diana says, giving a nod to her. She steps back a bit, out of the way of the wingbeats to come. "I look forward to next time. Thank you, and travel safely as well," she says with a smile and a nod. She'll watch, then, as the winged woman takes off into the air, and she doesn't seem bothered at all by the downswept air. The sirens approach, and as the cruisers pull up in front of the coffee shop, Diana gives them a brief glance before starting on her way towards the Themysciran embassy.