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A Musical Interude with Alexis and Megan
Date of Scene: 11 March 2021
Location: Classroom - Xavier's School
Synopsis: A beginning music lesson with Alexis and Megan
Cast of Characters: Prismatic, Pixie

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis Carr -- in reality, the former Anti-Mutant singer Allegra Caradenza -- has taught master classes in violin. She has performed on piano for royalty and the rich. She has even helped a certain mutant popstar with a piano version of her own music.

    And now she is in teaching mode. She is playing a piece on the piano before Megan arrives, beautifully melancholy. Her dark hair was pulled back into a simple braid as she sat at the piano in the music room, with... a... pile... of... music books. Study. Theory. Technique. Tips and tricks, and two insulated mugs of mint tea.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn has been a little rusty lately, on her musical skills, particularly singing. Heck, she's been busy with the whole 'Mutant Cure' shindig and hasn't really had time to try and rebuild a potential music career after her highschool band split up.

But now she's back in full swing and determined now more than ever to learn how to sing on a professional level. Oh no, and she's late too, arriving a bit breathless, about to open her mouth to say something..

But that music is so melancholy and soothing that she just slinks in and listens. "ooh..."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Good afternoon, Megan." Alexis states as she plays, her fingers drawing up and down the piano.

    "About ready for warm ups?" she asks, her gaze drawing from the keys to the Pixie as she gives a bright smile over to her.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn continues to watch Alexis' playing with wide-eyed wonder. Now, of course she knows how to play the piano, but she never really advanced past grade 8 or so. And her playing was never anything fancy, really she was more into singing.

"Alexis! Hii! Long time!" she beams and nods, sidling up to the piano, clearing her throat. "Right as rain! Ready when you are! Oh by the way, how have you been? Heard you went on a trip or something?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "It has been, hasn't it?" Alexis gives a small smile, and lifts her hands from the keys a m oment, settling them in her lap.

    "Been all right. Mostly been catching up on everything I've missed." she gives a smile to MEgan as she stretches her fingers a moment. "How have you been?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods slowly, "Glad to have you back..My music skills have been a bit rusty lately, I mean.. I haven't really been practicing as much as I should and it didn't really help that i haven't had much luck getting gigs, even with the backing of Shaw Studios. Sooo..." she shrugs and sighs, "I guess I really wanna step things up in a big way, get my voice into shape you know?"

She smirks, "Heh, I've been okay other than that, I mean, it's been busy too, crazy really, what with the whole attack on Mutant Town a while back and I was one of their victims too.." she shivers at the memory, "It's pretty scary, depending so much on your powers, only to suddenly lose them one day like that, you know? But I'm better now."

Megan did think to carry a bottle of water with her of course, and she pulls it out now to take a long sip before carefully replacing it in her mini backpack. "So what's today's lesson?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "Practice does make perfect, though if you wanted a gig, could crash on Club Evolution's Rookie Night that I am going to encourage a certain blond man to found. You know, to show off local talent." she gives a little smile -- but the mention of the attack does darken her face.

    "I'm sorry, I should have been there to help. Likely their darts wouldn't have gotten past my armor." she states, tapping on her arm quietly, and she looks to Megan, and breathes out. "I'm relieved that everyone's all right now, but that must have been such a horrifying experience."

    "Well, what kind of music are you considering? Stance will be important to do the 'modulation' that an opera singer might do, but if you're doing Jazz or POp, there's different exersizes..." she states, and pulls out one book --

    Mongolian Throat Singing for Dummies.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods slowly, drawing a deep breath. "Well, Admittedly there were some pretty tight situations..But in the end, we all pulled through. Besides, I'm an X-man! Takes more than a bunch of crazy mutant hating scientists and their old beaten up Sentinel to scare me!" she smirks, "But...But honestly, what scared me more was seeing the full fury of the Phoenix unleashed on them..."

Megan actually shivers a bit, hugging her arms, "I...I never witnessed it first hand, how it just came at those guards..Incinerated them to dust in an instant. I mean, they were bad guys, but did they really deserve that? I dunno..."

Another shrug and she smiles faintly at Alexis. "It's okay, next time...And really? A Rookie night sounds like fun! I guess..Well I'm really into new agey trance ambient, but Metal Opera is kinda fun too..I should really find a piece to work on that might be unique and fun, unless you have any suggestions?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "... I... I wasn't privvy to that..." Alexis states, and she breathes out a moment. "You must be terribly brave to be an X-man. I'm not so terribly brave. Mostly just paperwork. Less that Jean has to do, the more relaxed she can be." she states, and she reaches over, a gentle hand placed on Megan's shoulder.

    "Oh, well, there is one band I know. Symphonic metal, have an opera singer as their lead. Had. It's been many years."

    She brings her fingers down, and begins to play. It's a song with a quiet bit of intensity, and she changes stance, sitting very straight up.

    "This is me, for forever, one of the lost ones. The one without a name without an honest heart as compass, this is me for forever one without a name. These lines the last endevour, to find the missing lifeline."

    "Oh how I wish for soothing rain, oh how I wish to dream again. My lying heart lost in the dark, for hope I'd give my everything..."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs, and shrugs, "Well...I guess Cyclops mostly just had Shannon and I in the back, helping get prisoners to the blackbird, so it wasn't like in the thick of the action like I would have liked to be. But y'know, I at least got to make a difference, however small.."

She shrugs and settles down to listen, sliding a chair over to the piano. "Oooh, ooh I know th is one..Nightwish, right? Love that band! That'd be awesome to play, but hmm, as a solo?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "'Nemo' is easy enough to play on piano, or on guitar. Has a bit of a more... sombre tone. Amaranth uses an orchestral version that I rather liked."

    "Could always go with something older, how's your Italian?" she jokes.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn chuckles and shakes her head. "Don't know much Italian except uh, pizza?" she ggiggles, "But no, that song is a good one..I usually do more upbeat stuff, but maybe people would take me more seriously with something more sombre like that dont you think?" she smiles, "I think it would sound nicer on guitar but my guitar's a bit rusty so I should probably stick with piano, yeah? Orchestra would be tricky..."

Prismatic has posed:
    "What, you don't keep a Philharmonic in your back pocket?" Alexis gives a grin, and she leans forward.

    "Megan, choose music that speaks to you. Music that you enjoy. Don't... worry about a career in it. ANd I could teach you guitar, taught myself while I was in and out of teen shelters. What music do you /like/? What do you feel like singing when you're in a good mood? What are songs that you go back to over and over again?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles and shrugs, "Well, I doubt playing my phone on stage as accompaniment would be very impressive." she nods slowly and sighs, "Yeah..I guess so. I mean, people keep telling me it's thankless work, it's hard, too much competition, too much stress, but...I dunno..."

She smiles, "I'd honestly love some lessons in guitar. I just know the basics, and I cheat a lot." she giggles, "But y'know, I dont have super big hands, even if I do have decent piano fingers. As for inpsiring songs...Well I like those nostalgic celtic ballads, y'know the kinds that take you back to mysterious fog covered islands full of mermaids and faeries, that sort of stuff I guess?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "Mmm... maybe I should pick up a hurdy-gurdy." the dark-haired woman replies, and she gives a smile to Megan. "I don't say it to dissuade you... just... keep in mind I was in the business as a wee tot. My experience is mostly with big, loud men telling me I was wrong about my violin and me explaining how I taught a master class in Hamburg once."