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Latest revision as of 14:03, 12 March 2021

An Important Question II: Italy
Date of Scene: 10 March 2021
Location: Abruzzo, Italy
Synopsis: Sam asks a very important question, procedes to drink with old Italian people.
Cast of Characters: Prismatic, Cannonball

Prismatic has posed:
    Abruzzo, Italy. Spring has sprung in the mountains here, and the usually dirt roads are a bit muddy. Alexis had gone to town, astride a mule, to do a bit of shopping and pick up items for the homestead, and was pretty confident she could handle it herself, and was waving back over her shoulder before she and the brown-gray beast of burden went trotting down the road.

    That left for Sam with Nona and Papa, along with Zio Lorenzo.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will go to Lorenzo first, to ask him a favor "Hey Lorenzo, you got a bit of free time to help me with something?" He asks, when he finds the man. Sam tries not to fidget he is a bit nervous but this is important.

Prismatic has posed:
    Lorenzo had been working in the barn, and he gives a soft 'hmm'? as Sam comes in. He dusts his trousers off, and regards sam with a critical eye.

    "Does this have something to do with how easily you let the little sparrow go off on her own, risking being stolen by a nice Abruzzi boy?" he gives a grin.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Actually yea, it does. Ah need to talk to Nona and Papa, and ask them something. Ah have been working on my Italian, specially a few phrases, but Ah could use someone to help if I get my words wrong, plus figured you might want to be there.

Prismatic has posed:
    "All right, Farmboy." Lorenzo replies, and he straightens up, and clasps his hand over Sam's shoulder as he begins to walk back towards the house.

    "... she's not pregnant, is she? That wouldn't fly well with Papa."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and says "No, she is not pregnant, you think Ah would let her ride a donkey into town alone if she was? Or she would let me live if I told Nona and Papa she was having a kid without her?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "True, true -- are *you* pregnant?" Lorenzo asks with a gleeful smile. "That would be novel. My father would have to set aside his difference with the priest in the village in order to ask if he should be angry."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "No, but he may still have to put aside his differences with the priest." He offers with a smile and leads to where Nona and Popa should be.

Prismatic has posed:
    Nona is doing some sewing on the porch, rocking in a chair. Papa is also sitting in a chair, though it's more padded for his thinner frame, reading a paper in the bright sunlight, blinking his dark eyes behind those thick glasses.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and walks up, and says "Nona, Papa, " And he takes his time, with this as he tries Italian "Ah would like to speak with you both for a moment, Ah have something to ask of you."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Ah?" Papa asks, shaking his paper and folding it a moment to peer at Sam. He leans forward. "Your accent is getting better. What would you ask us?" he inquires, back in Italian as he raises his eyebrows, looking to Lorenzo.

    Nona has paused her work, and is very, very curiously looking at Sam.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will rub his hands on the side of his legs, and says"Ah am wanting to follow some traditions, and while Filipe is." He pauses and looks over to Lorenzo "How do I say Jackass, without being to crude?" He will use the word Lorenzo tells him. "I want to ask you and Nona's permission to ask Allegra for to marry me." He takes a few times to get the words right but does it in italian.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Chooch." Lorenzo helpfully supplies at the expense of his older brother.

    And Lorenzo is helpful, correcting pronunciation, as if he already knew what Sam was going to ask.

    Psychics. Peh.

    Papa looks thoughtful, but it was Nona who practically leapt up from her chair, discarding her sewing, hopped right over to Sam to pull his head down to her level almost by his ears, speaking in her heavily accented Italian so quickly and kisses both of Sam's cheeks with absolute glee, dabbing at her eyes with her apron.

    "Ah... that was pretty much 'we are very proud even though you're an American, I can look past that because you love her so well, welcome to the family.'" Lorenzo gives a grin.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and blushes a bit and will give Nona a hug, and says "Thank you Nona, Ah am proud to be part of the family, and will bring my family out for you to meet them sometime, but might need to bring some tents, if I bring all of them." He offers with a smile and looks over to Papa, and notices the thoughtfulness. "Whats on your mind sir?"

Prismatic has posed:
    Papa looks up thoughtfully at Sam, and then states in carefully practiced English: "I am considering how I will bounce your babies on my knee when they shall be giants! Look! So tall! Strong boy!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and rubs the back of his neck, and says "Well if they take after me, might be a bit tall for their age, but also a bit more bean poleish than I am now." He will smile and says "I now need to figure out the best and most romantic way to ask her the big question."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Oh, I'd say probably take her out to dinner. Play music that makes you think of her. Curse her father and spit on his name and say to her, 'Allegra, mi bella," and Lorenzo reaches down, and takes Sam's hand, looking to the blonde boy -- and looking up at him, since Lorenzo is also short! "leave behind your lonely days, let us unite as one. I shall be the rock that we build our lives upon anew.'"

    And then Lorenzo breaks into some laughter, releasing Sam's hand.

    "Or bring her someplace romantic in a truck, Americans are clever with this sort of thing, yes?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins a bit and says "Well, I think if it is taking her some place back home, it might be on my motorcycle, I think it is part of what got her attention at first." He offers with a smile. Oh Papa there is something else I would ask of you but I understand if you want me to wait till I am married to Allegra. I would like a vine sproutling to plant at my farm back home as a piece of here for her there.

Prismatic has posed:
    Papa stands up. He walks to Sam, rubbing his wrinkled chin, and he eyeballs the American a moment, and he purses her lips.

    "You'll get a few cuttings. I shall ship them. My gift to you. First -- your family. Here. I meet your mother. Nona gets the children. Then --" he claps a hand over Sam's cheek. "We talk to the priest, yeah?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and says "I am thinking we will have to have at least two weddings one here and one in America. And I get the little ones out here, you might have to find extra work to keep them busy." He offers with a grin "We are a large family."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Good. Nona wants four great-grandchildren before we die." Papa states with a nod, and he goes to sit back down.

    "Bah. Get married in America. Then travel here. We give chalet in alps for you."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, I am sure she will want you at the wedding." He offers to them, and says "But I have to ask her and get her to say yes, before worry about when and where the wedding will be.""

Prismatic has posed:
    "... Sam! Papa and Nona are *old*, not *dead*! We travel!" Papa laughs. "We go to Roma. We go to Paris. One day, we go to Texas. We go to Boston."

    Lorenzo gives a smile, and leans over stating:L "What he means is that you could be married in Antartica, and he would show up for the party."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie ponders a savage land wedding for a moment, and smirks "Oh one moment, I brought you something." He heads inside and comes back shortly with two mason jars one a bit larger than the other. He offers the smaller one to Lorenzo, and the larger one to Papa "My uncle made this, I thought you might like to try something from the back woods of Kentucky." He offers. "It is strong."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Mm?" Papa questions, and Lorenzo reaches for the jar, uncaps it and gives a sniff before straightening up and looking a bit dazed.

    "Not burbon. Or whiskey." he states, "Be careful, Papa, strong."

    Papa takes the cap off, and Nona procures several cups for sharing. The libation is poured, and Papa even hands Sam one!

    "Possa la vostra gioia durare cento anni! Viva l'amore!" Papa cheers, and sips at the moonshine.

    Nona replies "Por cent'anni!" and sips.

    Lorenzo is watching, and translates "May your joys last a hundred years. Long live love. And For a hundred years." he grins, and then sips.

    Papa doesn't seem to be affected, but the strong alcohol takes away Nona's breath!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will counter with the toast "And my our families be one finding love, health and joy as one." He sips the moonshine, and says "This is called Moonshine, and back home, it is made pretty much from anything that will ferment. Apples being one of the most common versions." He offers them in explanation.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Dios mio--" Nona coughs, and then gives a swallow, and a laugh.

    "Famiglia! Mis bambinos!" she giggles, giving a contented sigh as she reaches over to take Papa's hand, and Papa gives her hand a squeeze.

    <<I think... one cup maaay be enough for now.>> Papa replies with a smile, and sips a little more.