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A lesson in Greek Mythology
Date of Scene: 14 March 2021
Location: Themysciran Embassy - Manhattan
Synopsis: Buffy and Thomas get a primer on Greek gods from Princess Diana
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith, Wonder Woman

Buffy Summers has posed:
It has been a while since Buffy visited the Themysciran Embassy, only the last time the roles had been reversed. Last time, Diana had sought advice from Buffy about her field of expertise. This time, Buffy is seeking advice from Diana regarding Greek gods.

She had called ahead of time of course to make an appointment with the Amazonian woman, and had brought along her boyfriend who no doubt would be involved in similar matters, being part of the group of heroes dedicated to protecting Bludhaven from threats.

Of course she has only been to the embassy once before so as she and Thomas step in, it takes her a moment or two to pause and take in the sights and sounds of the embassy, which is quite a sight to behold.

At least she wore something somewhat business casual, her long powder blue trench coat is worn over grey dress pants and a crisp white blouse.

"Well, here we are..No too shabby, is it.." she murmurs as she strides through the front door, looking around..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith has at least stepped out of his "Man-in-White persona enough to add a rose colored shirt and a slightly darker red tie. The white fedora fe slips onto his head with a flourish also has a rose band around it. He still looks a bit like a 1920's gentleman gangster, but he's not likely to get lost in a blizzard. After parking the Corvette, also white, he steps up beside Buffy and grins. "well an embassy is a countries way of putting their very best foot foreword." He says looking mildly impressed if not overwhelmed. "They want you to hear, we are strong, we are powerful, we are magnamous, all before anyone says a word." He grins a bit more, "admittedly this one checks all the boxes.

Wonder Woman has posed:
There had been a number of weeks during which Diana has been away from the Themysciran Embassy. Though her assistant hadn't shared where the Amazonian was, there had been a date of return that was shared, and so the appointment was made for after that date. Diana herself has been back at the embassy for about a bit longer than a week now. The set date of the appointment has arrived, and Diana easily carries a Themysciran shield over to hang it on the wall where it had been up until a few days ago.

After hanging the shield and adjusting it just slightly, Diana turns to look towards those who enter. She's wearing a pair of charcoal grey dress pants and a purple blouse, as well as a pair of black heels. She steps away from the display, which was just the shield on the wall, and she starts to make her way towards the pair who have entered together. "Good afternoon to you both," she says with a smile. She takes a moment to glance over some of the art pieces on display here, then turns to attention back to the pair. "We try not to overstate any of those things, but there is a certain value in stating them," she adds, her smile easily returning. There are some other people who are present in the embassy, other workers within the building, and there are a handful of Amazons in armour who are present as well. Additional security.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is certainly enjoying admiring the various pieces of art on display..Although she has to wonder if much of it it in fact genuine and more than just for display - especially the armour and weaponry which, being something of an expert in those fields tends to draw her attention more than the others.

"Yeah, makes sense. Just haven't been to a lot but this is potentially important. I'm sooo curious to see Themyscira with my own eyes though, wouldn't that be awesome?" Of course it might be a wee bit tricky to bring Thomas there let alone herself. Probably not a viable vacation spot.

When Diana makes her appearance, Buffy turns around to greet her with a warm smile and slight bow. She still wasn't sure what the proper way was to greet a Themysciran princess but hopefully this is adequate.

As always, the striking height of the Amazon princess is noted and Buffy is glad she wore her two-inch heeled boots although even then she's looking up at the taller woman. Which might intimidate some people, but Buffy is not so easily intimidated.

"Your Highness, good afternoon. Its an honour to meet you again. Thank you for agreeing to meet with us." a nod is given to Thomas, "This is my boyfriend Thomas." she probably doesn't have to introduce Diana. It's pretty obvious who she is.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith gives Buffy an amused look, "Oh yes, I can just imagine being a poor Incubus trapped on an island populated entirely by warrior women. I'm fairly sure that is my singular nightmare." He says in a low playful tone. Still somethings are just ground deep into the marrow of a person, like proper court etiquette, and the Prince of the White Court falls back on that training like slipping on a glove. He removes his hat with one motion. He bows his head fully, then bows just slightly at the waist. "Your Highness, truly an honor." He then flourishes the hat back onto his head with a bit of a grin adding, "My little sister Inari is a huge fan."

Wonder Woman has posed:
For one like Buffy who knows weapons and the like from extensive familiarity with them, it could be noticed that the weapons and armour and shields are all very much real. They have all seen use and they are all well maintained even while they are on display. Themysciran swords, shields, spears, and many other types of melee weapons are on display. Though Themyscira has decided to no longer maintain its isolation, accepting visitors is likely a topic yet up for debate.

Diana gives a nod in response to the greeting that Buffy gives her. There's nothing inadequate about it, to her way of thinking. She's not attempting to be intimidating, and she seems relaxed and at ease. The embassy is her home away from home, after all. She smiles and gives a nod to Buffy. "It is an honour to greet you again as well," she says with a smile. "Of course, I am happy to help in any way that I can," she adds. Her attention turns then to Thomas, watching his movements, and she inclines her head towards him. "It is an honour to meet you as well, Thomas. You are both welcome to call me Diana, if you wish," she offers, looking from one to the other of them.

There is a hint of colour that comes to her cheeks at the latter of his words. "I hope that I and my sisters will be an inspiration to her and to others," she says. Then she turns before lifting her right hand to gesture slightly towards her office. "Shall we step into my office?" she suggests with a smile.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods slowly, thoughtfully, glancing one last time towards those weapons. Ahh if she could get her hands on one and give it a good whirl..But of course that would be inappropriate. She's even afraid to ask about them. Right, best to stay on topic.

"Princess Diana then." she nods and smiles, "Forgive me, I haven't met a lot of princesses. I guess this is still pretty new, especially since it's been a while since the last time. Even so, always nice to see a familiar face."

To Thomas, she smirks a bit about the Incubus comment and decides that would not be a wise conversation in front of an Amazon. Mention of Inari causes her to arch a thoughtful brow, having still not met her.

For now, Buffy gives another nod to Diana, following towards her office. "Certainly, let's get down to business then.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grinss just a bit, his handsome features practically glowing. "I will pass on your sentiment to her of course, Diana." He says with a smile sliding his hand into Buffy's and giving her's a gentle squeeze. He let's Buffy do the talking for now, mostly here as moral support and eye candy.

Wonder Woman has posed:
There's a glance towards the weapons that draw Buffy's eye, and one of her eyebrows quirks just a touch. There's a flicker of amusement to touch her blue eyes, and she brings one of her hands to rest at the small of her back. "Perhaps one day, there will come a day when training might be a reason for visiting," Diana comments, a smile coming to her features. Training is a thing that's beneficial to all involved, most often.

She gives a small shake of her head then, paired with a smile. "There is naught to apologize for, I assure you. It is a new thing, I imagine, and it is always good to see a familiar face," she says with a smile. She looks to Thomas and inclines her head towards him. "Thank you, that would be most kind of you to do. How old is your sister?" she asks with a touch of curiosity.

She turns to lead them both to her office, which is in the back corner. The door is already standing open, and she moves to stand next to the door before lifting a hand to gesture them both within. The office is fairly typical for its sort,though perhaps a touch larger than might be expected -- a desk, a chair behind it, and a couple of chairs in front of it for visitors. There is a tapestry on one of the walls, and a couple of other weapons here as well.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks and shrugs at Diana's response. She's unsure of the Amazonian's skill level but certainly she is nothing to scoff at in battle. However, her strength alone would over power Buffy's even if their skill levels are likely comparable.

"Hmm, well those weapons are quite impressive, but I could never I impose on you.." still, it would be pretty fun, maybe.

Once they step into her office, Buffy is drawn at first by the tapestry on the wall, then more weapons, ooh!"

But..Back on topic, can't get distracted! She clears her throat, taking a seat opposite Diana's desk, waiting for the others to sit before she begins. "Well, I expect you already know a bit about why I'm here today..Specifically, I need some information on..Well Greek gods.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles slightly taking the seat next to Buffy and saying simply, "Inari is 16. She's hoping to be a film producer some day. She might even make a fairly good one if she can stay away from bad influences... like our family." He says shaking his head a bit and grinning slightly, "I have to admit though I would pay good money to watch that sparring match..."

Wonder Woman has posed:
There's a glance towards the weapons when they're mentioned, and she inclines her head slightly towards Buffy. "In the hands of one who knows how to use it, any weapon is able to be impressive," Diana says, her tone thoughtful. She's never witnessed Buffy's fighting for herself, but there are likely certain reputatins and rumours to give hints towards such. "It is less of an imposition when it is invited," she says with a smile. It could, at least, be interesting.

The tapestry within her office is one that depicts the Greek goddess of Demeter, holding a sheaf of grain in one hand and casting seeds with the other. She waits a moment for the pair to be seated, and then she steps into the office and pulls the door closed behind her before stepping around the desk to take a seat there, smoothly crossing her legs at the knee. One of her eyebrows quirks up at the mention of the Greek gods, though she had suspected as much, and she gives a nod. "Was there a particular Greek god or goddess that you were seeking information for?" she asks, curious. She gives a soft chuckle at Thomas's words, bringing her hands to rest lightly within her lap. "Perhaps it will happen, perhaps not. Sixteen is an impressionable age. I hope that she will find much success in her path. If she works hard, there is no reason she cannot accomplish her goals," she says with a smile.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods and chuckles a bit. "Sure, one of these days..It would certainly be an honour to train with you. Thanks for the consideration.." she had of course witnessed Diana's combat capabilities firsthand once against a group of errant cyborgs, of which Buffy herself had helped to fend against. She had never so fearsome a warrior before..

The tapestry is given an admiring nod as she studies the characters depicted and sighs. "Okaay, do my mythology is a bit rusty..That's like, the goddess associated with wheat or something, and her daughter, the one who got kidnapped by the hell god?sooo many gods to keep track of. And that's just Greek gods.."

A glance and smile is given Thomas, "Ooh, your sister would love this place. She seems like a sweet girl.."

But back to the matter at hand. "Well, a few years ago, Ares, the god of war travelled through Bludhaven and spent some time in Sunnydale. He..Seemed a decent enough guy, although it seems the hellmouth interacted with his...Unique abilities and he pretty much triggered a portal to open and a horde of demons attacked us. Fortunately we got the situation under control.."

She frowns a bit at the memory but continues, "Fast forward three years, and now it's his son in town. I guess that would make him what, Phobos? Deimos? One of the two, right? Anyway, he seems like a nice guy, but I'm still wary because of last time. Just need to know if I should be worried, why there are gods even walking on earth, you know?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith actually winces slightly at Buffy's words... I mean he's only had a highschool leveltutilage in Greek Mythology but yeesh, even he knows Hades isn't a "Hell God," I mean who can honestly name their dog "Spot" and be that bad of a guy.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"We will have to see what can be arranged. The ball room often serves as a training area for myself and my sisters," Diana says, a smile quirking at the corners of her lips. "I look forward to the opportunity, should it arise," she adds, inclining her head slightly towards Buffy.

She is quiet, listening then, and one of her eyebrows quirks up a touch. A glance is given towards the tapestry, and then her attention returns to Buffy. "There are many, that is true," Diana says with a smile. "That one is of the goddess Demeter. She is the daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and the goddess of agriculture. She is the mother of Persephone, who was kidnapped, after a fashion, by Hades. When she went in search of Persephone, her abscence caused a famine as it diverted her attention away from the harvest," she explains.

Her attention turns to Thomas at Buffy's suggestion, and she tilts her head a touch to one side before she gives a nod. "Perhaps you should bring your sister at a later date. There are combat demonstrations held fairly regularly, perhaps she might wish to witness one of them," she offers.

"By times, Ares is... troublesome, it could be said," Diana says, one of her eyebrows quirking up a touch as the tale is relayed, though she's otherwise quiet and listening. A touch of a frown marks her features at the mention of the hordes of demons, though she doesn't pry and does, instead, give a nod at hearing that the situation was brought under control. "Ares has a handful of children. Phobos and Deimos are two of them. They walk the earth to take part in human wars, to visit shrines or temples that are dedicated to them, and for other reasons. Sometimes they come to help people and sometimes they come to hinder people or play tricks on them. Their reasons can be as individual as you would find motives amongst people," Diana says softly, her brow furrowing a touch in thought. "Phobos is the son of Ares and Aphrodite. He is the personification of panic and fear. His brother Deimos represents terror and dread. They would often accompany Ares into battle, to drive his chariot and spread fear in his wake."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers ooohs and nods to Thomas, "Hey, maybe you can bring Inari to one of the combat demos? I'd love check one of those out too..Always good to learn something new, even if I tend to think I already know a lot when it comes to fighting.." she smirks, perhaps a bit too cocky but hey..

The story of Persephone and Demeter gets a solemn nod and frown from her. "Soo..I guess gods can be cruel and petty, even amongst each other." she shivers, "With the level of power they can flaunt around, that's pretty disturbing.."

Talk of Ares and his many kids just makes her all the more disturbed. "Gee, he really got around, didn't he? And here I thought..." Thomas is given a bemused look but Buff decides not to go down that road. "Okaay, so from what I know of..Alex, I'm guessing he'd be Phobos, he mentioned something about propagating fear.. But..Does that mean he's here to cause trouble then? I mean he seemed like a nice guy, can he really go against his nature and try to live a peaceful life, or is that impossible? Has it been done before?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
"And Willow seemed to like him well enough... though in hindsight that might be a bit of a red flag isn't it?" He asks slightly amused, though he smiles to take the barb out of his words. At the suggestion of bringing Inari to a fight demo he looks highly amused. "It would defiantly be interesting, If I could get her away from the rest of the family any way...

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Of course, by all means. All are welcome to come and watch them. It is normally my sisters staging the demonstration, though there are times when I take part in it as well," Diana says with a smile. "Those of us who have fought, we tend to think that we know a great many things," she comments, giving a soft chuckle.

There's a moment of consideration given to things, and then she gives a nod. "The gods and goddesses are as prone to being cruel and petty as what people are. Perhaps even more so, sometimes, as there have been more years to accumulate rights and wrongs across the span of," she says in a thoughtful tone.

"Many of the gods and goddesses had more than one consort with which they had children. There were times when that, too, was used as a way of playing one against another," she says. "If he wishes to propagate fear, then that would be Phobos. It is possible that he could be here to cause trouble. There is a possibility that he may have had a reason for being nice, for coming across as peaceful. Perhaps not all of his pieces are people are in play as of yet. Or perhaps the timing is not yet right. The worship of Phobos is often a very bloody affair. Sacrifices are often made in his name. There have been those who have sworn oaths in the blood of those who were sacrificed in the name of Phobos. In ancient times, strangers have been beheaded in order to build a temple to him made of their skulls," Diana says, providing further information about the god of fear. "A god might go against their nature. I suppose even they might decide to change and to do the right thing, after time. I would be wary of his true intent, regardless of what he says it might be," she adds.