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Latest revision as of 01:15, 19 March 2021

Strolling in the Park in Spring..
Date of Scene: 08 March 2021
Location: Columbus Park - Chinatown
Synopsis: Megan and Conner hang out at the park and discuss superheroics and school.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Superboy

Pixie has posed:
As the days grew warmer, Megan was spending more time outdoors, enjoying the warm weather as well as a short break from classes. Oh and now that DAMT has been destroyed, she can really relax. So naturally she invited Conner to join her in the Chinatown park via a text message.May as well get to know Mew York a bit better at least!

Superboy has posed:
Conner is usually happy to take a break in his studies to see Megan. They have not seen each other enough lately, between that new anti-mutant group and his last year at college. And they have been dating for nearly a year now.

"Hey, baby," he greets at seeing Megan, moving closer for a hug. "I got your texts. How did it go?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles, s wrapping her arms around his neck as she snuggles him tightly. "Hiii! I missed you..We have sooo much to catch up on..We finally brought down DAMT and all those mutants are finally getting an antidote..Ooh and I got an interview with Mr Clark Kent...Cool huh? How you been?"

Superboy has posed:
"I am good, somewhat busy," replies Conner, wrapping his arms around Megan's torso and pulling her off the ground for a few seconds. He frowns faintly when he hears about the DAMT, but at least that problem is over. "Well, that is good. And Kent is from... still Daily Planet? That is Metropolis. Maybe they treat mutants better there."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shrugs, "Come to think of it, I'm not sure how mutants are treated over there, but I thought it would be good to get our voice out there, right?" she smiles, "But it feels good to know DAMT won't be threatening anyone anymore..,Although..." she bites her lip, clutching him tightly, a bit worried. "Watching Ms Grey become the Phoenix was...Frightening..So much fire, so many needless deaths...Is this what it means to be a hero? Is killing really necessary sometimes?"

Superboy has posed:
"No, never necessary," replies Conner, frowning again. "Sometimes unavoidable. But not something that should done by choice." At least it is not what the Outsiders, the Titans and the Justice League would ever do.

He grins a little, "I am glad you didn't get hurt this time. Are you hungry? There is a nice Bistro the other side of the park we can get some lunch. If you have time, maybe a movie later?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shivers a bit, nodding slowly as she clutches him tightly, an almost...Haunted look in her eye. "I...I hope I'm never forced to kill...But Phoenix..She's really scary..." she squeezes her eyes shut, trying to calm her thought, nodding slowly and smiles, looking back at him softly.

"Boy am I ever starved? And oooh movie sounds good! Anything good playing? Cant wait for Fate: Winx Saga to be out!"

Superboy has posed:
Conner laughs, "you are... and you would." No more talk about killing people. That is a bridge to cross when it happens. If they start angsting long before they will never get anything done. "Okay, it is a date. We can walk there, this is about the first day of good weather we have in months. Spring will be here soon."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods, relaxing g enough to let go, although she does grasp his hand as they walk along the riverside. "Okay, that sounds fun! Do they have though little me,Ted cheese croissants? And mocha lattes?I looove those!" she giggles, trying to brush off whatever ominous feeling seeing the Phoenix in action had left her. "Lead on!"

Superboy has posed:
"I don't know about the croissans," admits Conner. And he doesn't appreciate coffee too much either. "They have this amazing garlic and cheese bread and, hmm... the salmon is really good, so is the cheesecake."

It is also a college student hangout, you see.

As for the movie, it is time to check the smartphone. He has not been paying attention to new movies lately, for shame.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn ooohs, "I like garlic and cheese, let's try one of those. Oh hey, aren't they gonna do a movie in the park thingie later? That might be fun!" she beams as she skips along, happy to spend time with Conner. "Sooo how's school going for you lately? I'll bet you're like super smart right? How many years you have left, you were studying journalism was it?"

Superboy has posed:
Conner reaches for Meggan's hand and laughs. "Right. I will be finishing next fall. Then I have to find a job. And I switched to political science, remember? I could still find work as a journalist, I guess. I sure had enough courses on writing." Then he shakes his head. "Not super-smart, but I gotta admit being able to sleep about a third a normal human does help finding enough time to study."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs and shakes her head, "Yeah, right..How's polisci? Are you enjoying that..Gonna become a politician one day?" she smirks, "Maybe put in a good word for mutants or something? But seriously, I think that's cool. I mean, whatever your passion is.." she sighs wistfully, watching the lazily floating clouds thoughtfully, "Still dunno what to do with my life. I mean, aside from being a superhero, hoped to take up music but I never really got far..I've been enjoying drama though, but I guess I hear lots of stuff about how acting corrupts you too, you know?"

Superboy has posed:
"I don't think so," admits Conner. "Maybe work for the UN or a NGO, but mostly I took politics courses to understand politics. And it is really interesting." He peers are her cloud-gazing, pulling her closer. "Aside from being a super-hero. I thought you wanted to learn more magic. I am not sure how is the job market for wizards or sorceresses but I have yet to meet on that looks poor."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs and nods, "Well that would be fun too right?You'd probably get to travel around the world a lot too..Although I'll bet as a superhero you do that a lot already right?" she shrugs, "Yeah...I hear Dr Strange is back in town after a long absence..I suppose he'd be a better influence than Morgan le Fay was..Never really got over her attacking a friend of mine.." she bites her lip as she ponders that one. "Well I hear there's this professional wizard in Bludhaven who is like, a supernatural detective or something? Orrr maybe I could be like a faerie ambassador or something." she laughs as she ponders that. "So day I'd like to travel back to the nevernever, maybe learn more about my mom..And faeries in general, you know?"

Superboy has posed:
Conner does like to travel, yes. But he doesn't have enough chances lately. He would much prefer to travel with Megan, anyway. "After that evil Legolas jerk business?" He grunts. "I think you need to learn more about that side of you before getting into trouble with faeries again," he comments, losing his smile. "You should come more often to the Titan's tower, though. It is the place for young supers to learn to be heroes."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pouts a bit. "Yeaaaaah, that goblin prince was scary..But I'd really like to learn more about the nevernever and my fae heritage too, you know? Imean, I still dunno why my mum abandoned me and hid the truth.."

She clutches his arm a bit more tightly as they step in line at the snack shop, clearly worried. "Mmm, but you're right, guess I should hit the books, do some research.." As for the Titans, that causes her to smile and nod, "Oooh yeah that's right, Starfire is a Titan too, right? I had a little adventure with her in limbo.." she giggles, "I'm actually surprised that Illy let me off so easily after stumbling in her 'kingdom'." she makes a face as she says that.

"Although I did appreciate the training Red Robin offered me, I hope I can train there again, maybe meet more of your team mates?"

Superboy has posed:
"I have not seen Starfire in over a year," comments Conner. "She was a Titan for a while, but when I finally joined the team when Garth invited me, she had left." Then again he has not been a very active Titan. He should try harder!

Once in the restaurant, he guides Megan to a corner table. As usual, her wings tend to draw attention. He tries to ignore the stares.

"You should definitely come to hang out more," agrees the young man. "It is a big building and full of facilities for training and crime-fighting."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a curious brow, "Ooh, did she? That's too bad, she's kinda fun.." she smiles, totally ignoring the stares. Really, she's used to it by now, but maybe more people are sympathetic towards mutants after the whole 'cure' thing anyway.

"Yeah, that'd be fun, I mean, I enjoyed that last training session but yeah, that tower is huuuge, I'd still like to see the rest of it." she bites her lip, pondering, "Soo, the Titans are like a training ground for superheroes? Kinda sounds like X---Err..." oh there she goes again, clamming up, acting weird, although she's pretty sure he knows all about Xavier's by now. Still she won't be held accountable. "Well...You know...'

Superboy has posed:
Conner nods. "It is one of their mission statements. Because the first Titans were sidekicks, I guess. Long before my time," he is no sidekick, despite the name. And Red Robin is the third Robin. Not that Megan is likely to know it unless she has been following Batman's career closely.

Yeah, not commenting about the X-Men again. He knows Megan is supposed to be far more discreet. But Conner is good at pretending he doesn't know much.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods, "Sooo are you leader, or Red Robin? I mean you guys seem pretty experienced, but I'm still new to the hero business, and sometimes it can get a little scary, like watching my team mate turn into a blazing firebird and burn atom of people to a crisp.." she shivers, but is pulled back to reality when it's their turn in line. She grins and tugs him along, "Come on, our turn, I'm starving!"

Superboy has posed:
Conner gestures for the waitress to come, but before she does, he replies to Megan. "Rob and I have been at this seven years now," this being the superhero thing. "I guess we are experienced. But not as much as the Leaguers or the Four F. Man, we were little kids when we started. Seems a lifetime ago."

Well, for Conner it has been the -whole- lifetime. "You know, we should go to the Tower after food. See the movie there. We have a big screen."