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Latest revision as of 02:21, 19 March 2021

Bifrost 4: Enter the Burnout
Date of Scene: 18 March 2021
Location: Burnout Pub, Garnet (Knowhere)
Synopsis: Thor does not know how to haggle, but something of this Lord of Stars preys on the Thunderer's thoughts!
Cast of Characters: Thor, Star-Lord

Thor has posed:
    Down below the surface of Knowhere, in the myriad layers of metal and bio-robotics, The Burnout Pub and its nearby buildings provide some hint of respite for those burdened with a life on the great decapitated skull of a Celestial. Accessibly only by the twist of a staircase that reaches down, leading to the almost always hectic and busy bar, it has a way of assaulting the senses.
    Brilliant bright colored advertisements shine and flicker, casting holograms upon the patrons as they descend. Several security monitors flash into life, displaying a cross-section of each patron as they stroll down, and depending on their gear flashing on one screen or another a reminder that the Burnout Pub is not responsible for the loss of life of those within due to malfeasance. Yet that seems to stop none of those stepping down into that wild whirl of humanoid and otherwise activity. Rarely do any visitors draw the attention of the crowd. Perhaps due to a culture jaded with the bizarre and used to the strange. Or perhaps that the priorities of those living on this world... are more on survival and less on spectacle.
    This changes not for when the tall man in the brown coat descends those winding steps. A wooden walking stick in hand, and heavy leather boots on his feet. He takes each step in its time, neither hurried nor lazy. A wide-brimmed hat adorns his head and seems suitable for a planet with a much higher proximity to its nearest star.
    Perhaps a few of the citizens there glance his way. Perhaps others take note of his tall frame and severe image, for there is no hiding the strapless eyepatch he wears and that grim countenance. Yet after a moment he seems to espy a particular creature. One with a set of nine tentacles and claws that has him walking in that direction.

Star-Lord has posed:
The bar itself is fairly busy despite it's location and the general population of the rock itself. All kinds come through here, though Knowhere is known for it's colorful patrons.

Peter, for his part, is in the back of the bar in a shadowed corner. There's a quiet discussion going on, though occasionally Peter grows a bit animated with his hands. There's a definitely feel of 'being jerked around' to him to anyone who looks his way.

Thor has posed:
    Eyes occasionally do turn Peter's way. A few of the creatures becoming aware, others growing agitated as the signs of a disagreement perhaps become more prominent. Nothing too serious yet, but enough to cause a rustling of feathers amongst the three avians nearby.
    Yet the tall man in the broad hat spares a few words with the tentacled being at the end of the bar. A hint of curiousity lights the blond man's features and he gives a nod to the primordial monstrosity here before he thumps it on what could pass for its shoulder, then turns and starts to advance upon that shadowy corner.
    A handful of moments later and yet another shadow falls across that table as the Asgardian pauses there at Star-Lord's table. A glance is given to the man himself, then what company he may have, then back to Star-Lord.
    "I beg your pardon."

Star-Lord has posed:
The person across the table from Peter is robed... but this close, Thor can see the silvery white skin and sleek structure of the creature underneath. Quietly, Peter hisses at the other, "I'd laugh if I didn't know you were serious about this." The, he leans forward. "Actually, I'll laugh anyway, because your deal is worse than a negotiation with the Nova Corps!"

Then, he starts to get up, and there's a jumping start as Thor startles Peter back into his seat. "uh... hello there, big and looming. Looking for me, or ET over there?" Peter headtilts in the silvery ones direction.

Thor has posed:
    A tilt of his head is given as Thor remains standing there, indeed fairly large, and indeed possibly looming. He gives a smile to the silvery fellow, polite as can be then looks back to the recently reseated human. "Indeed, my business is with yourself. If you are the one known as the Lord of the Stars."
    His voice is deep, and there is a steady rhythm to it, accented almost British in some ways yet not entirely so. And though he has a certain serious look, that smile given robs it of some of its gravitas.
    He then looks to the robed being and says, "However if you have further business with this gentleman, I can wait."
    With that said he starts to step back, to grant the pair some privacy should it be needed.

Star-Lord has posed:
"No... no, I'm done here." Peter stands up. "And it's Star-Lord, Big and Looming." Then, Peter leans to the side over the table towards the creature, and gives one "HA! See? Told you I'd laugh at you." Then, he gets up, cheery in his demeanor, and starts to walk over towards the other side of the room. "Come on. I know a spot." Peter's duster is adjusted as he heads over towards one of the brighter tables. "We get all kinds around here. What can I do for you?"

Thor has posed:
    "Star-Lord," The words repeated as the tall man gives a nod. "I am Thor Odinson." His voice is stern and steady as he follows in the wake of Peter Quill and his duster. A few eyes go up and turn their way at the mention of his name, a small flutter from the avians in the corner.
    They reach the table on the other side of the room and he'll drop into a chair opposite the other man. That walking stick is settled over his lap and he rests his arms upon the table surface. "I am seeking the aid of a captain. A captain of a ship that can reach these coordinates." A small electronic data display flickers to life as he slides it across the table towards the foundling ravager.
    He cocks an eyebrow, "The Oranian, Tlxxxx'klxxxt'pk, vouches for you and his word carries some weight with me and mine."
    Curiously enough the man does not stumble over the Oranian name, pronouncing it as easily as a native speaker.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Oh! I thought you looked familiar. Avengers on Terra and all that jazz. I've heard of you." Peter gives Thor an up and down glance. "I thought you'd be taller." He gives a million dollar grin. "Anyway-" He plops down onto a chair, taking a look at the coordinates. Then, he clicks his helmet on and scans it ,the red of the helmet eyes glowing bright for a moment. "Asgard? I thought that sector was empty now. I thought for sure you'd want to go back to Terra."

Thor has posed:
    An easily offered smile is given in return, "Not this time, passage for myself and my compatriots. Five all told." He reaches a hand into the pocket of that great coat he wears and digs around, then three small platelets of silvery metal are placed upon the table with a soft clink.
    "Three now, three upon return. Should be enough to suit for your time and effort." His head tilts to the side, "A small contract assuredly for one of your standing, but well compensated."
    He settles back in his chair, "Does this suit you well?"

Star-Lord has posed:
The helmet is clicked off, and those green eyes glance at the coins briefly, then looks up to Thor. "Depends on your business and how long you plan to they there. If it's just a transport request, let's call it five silver each way. You Asgardians got a lot of people pissed off at you. Normally it'd just be the four, but the one extra is for hazard pay for your status." Star-Lord brings down a finger and takes one of the coins, glancing it over, before he flicks it deftly back onto the other two.

"Anything else I might need to call the other Guardians about." He notes.

Thor has posed:
    The Asgardian's hand settles over the pile of metal and he draws it back to himself. "Ah, well then it seems my search continues." That said, Thor gains his feet and pushes himself upright, letting the walking stick in his hand click upon the metal grating floor.
    He gives a single nod, adjusts his cap and tells Star-Lord calmly, "I wish you luck in your pursuits, Lord of Star."
    That said he turns and begins to walk toward the door.

Star-Lord has posed:
"You won't find a more agile ship, or a better pilot in the sector, Odinson. The Milano was /designed/ for jobs like this." Star-Lord replies to Thor's back, "Not to mention finding someone willing to head out all the way to Asgard with an actual Asgardian. Your people have a rep."