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Latest revision as of 02:23, 19 March 2021

Time for Tea with Alexis and Remy
Date of Scene: 13 March 2021
Location: Dining Hall - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Always with the magic teapot. Alexis Carr sits down to afternoon tea while Remy LeBeau shows up for breakfast. They have a nice conversation regarding homelessness, survival, and kneecapping people who bother you.
Cast of Characters: Prismatic, Gambit

Prismatic has posed:
    A sunny March day, cool weather outside, but in the dining hall things were positively comfortable.

    Alexis has decided since her afternoon teas were getting frequent visitors in the kitchen to take tea service to the dining hall, in which three other settings were placed, upside-down cups on saucers, the teapot itself in a cozy, and a platter of biscuits and little tea cakes nearby as she goes over a lesson plan. Her dark hair was tied back in a bun, and she was wearing 'casual' clothes -- a cardigan and jeans. How unprofessional!

Gambit has posed:
Of course Remy is sort of the poster boy for "unprofessional attire." Looking like he likely just rolled out of bed at this (for him) unholy hour (Or likely hadn't rolled into bed until most were getting out of theirs.) He seems to have run his fingers through his long reddish brown hair once before tieing it in a loose tail. His jeans have been worn and washed so many times they are almost completely white and he is wearing a pink t-shirt that says "Don't laugh, it's your girlfriend's shirt." Rubbing the back of his neck he just grins slightly to Alexis as he tries to work out a kink. "'Ello dare chere... dat smells distinctly...caffinated."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Bonjour, Remy." the Brit replies without looking up, and when she does, taking in his attire, she gives a small smile and reaches to turn over one of the teacups.

    "Afternoon teas may yet catch on in the New World. I'm positively thrilled." she teases lightly before pouring him a cup of reddish-brown tea. It has an orange and pepper tinge to the smell. "Not as caffinated as a cup of coffee, but does in a pinch. Just making your way up now?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau takes a seat, smiling appreciatively as she pours, "Some always bettah cen none, ehh chere?" he says with a bit of a smile on his lips, he inhales the aroma deeply and takes a slow sip, sighing with obvious pleasure. At her question he smiles a bit, "Ah 'ad..." he pauses. Normally he'd say "Ah 'ad a t'ing..." with the 't'ing', meaning anything from he went out all night drinking and carousing, was at a woman's home, something to do with the Guilds, or any number of things that would give Scott indigestion. He shakes his head, "Ah was with Riana. We was watchin' Netflix all night. Time got away from me." Riana being the lover he's seemed to have kept of over a year now and has accompanied the X-Men on at least one mission.

Prismatic has posed:
    "As curious as I may be, Remy, unless it affects the children in the school under our care, your business is your own." she gives a little smile, "Unless you should need the help of a highly qualified fencer, though in Riana's case, I should assume you have things *well* in hand." she gives a smile.

    After all, she pretty much lives in Sam's room these days.

    "Was there anything good on? I've been catching up on Bridgerton and some new drama regarding a haunted firestation between training and work."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit and says "Well Riana give me a pretty good run foh mah money wit' de bo, so dare at least dat." He says with a bit of a grin, tilting his head slightly and grinning a bit. "Dare dis show called De Dead of Winter dat Ah've gotten kinda hooked on. Like a Reality show meets Zombie apocalypse meet de great Blizzard. Dey got dis whole abandoned town up in Canada and de producers have seeded it wit' supplies and all dat. Den dey got dese zombies dat'll attack de were house dey live in or de stores dey are trying ta loot. T'ing is aftah 10 weeks dey supposed ta be rescued an' dey all split a $1,000,000 prize 'tween dem... but dat also mean can yah trus' yah fellow colonists not ta betray yah foh a bigger cut of de pie..."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Mm. Reality shows. I never really understood how they became so popular. They're always so divisive. And /mostly/ scripted." she replies quietly, her nose wrinkling "... but a zombie blizzard apocalypse show does sound interesting. I might have to take a look at that one -- if only for the survival aspects. Brushed up my urban winter survival in Boston two months ago."

    She pauses, her cup halfway to her lips. "So many Dunkin Donuts."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit and looks a bit sheepish, "It's a guilty pleasure Ah admit, and also an interesting slice of humanity. Seein' at what poin' and to wha' degree people migh' cross dare own moral boundaries." He smiles a bit. "Also considering de lives we lead? Findin' ourselves in de middle of a Zombie Blizzard apocalypse not de most outlandish t'ing in de world." He grins a little bit and shakes his head. "Ah only indulge in doughnuts if de Krispy Kreme light is on." He says with a smile sipping some more tea... "What blend is dis anyway?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "That is black with orange rind and peppercorn. Good for warming up stomachs." Alexis replies. And she raises her eyes to Remy a moment.

    "Between the life you've lead and my experiences in New York, I think we know that moral boundaries are... malleable within the wrong circumstances. Rarely are things so black and white."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau looks a bit amused at that statement, Black globes of his eyes burning with red hellfire as a small smirk tugs lightly at his lips, "Oh really chere? Do tell." He says in a playful tone, dripping with so much faux innocence one might believe for almost a heatbeat that the Cajun never danced while the devil played.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis, meanwhile, delivers A Look to the cajun, and she sets her cup down.

    "Homeless in New York can make you competitive, especially around other teenagers. I was never part of any cabal of theives, but survival is paramount. Even if it means having to lift a couple loaves of bread. Which likely sounds far tamer now than it felt back then. But then you find another reason to push your ethical boundaries. Step by step, dancing closer to that knife's edge."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smiles a little bit, and she could easily tell that he is following her train of thought step by step. "It's a lil easier growin' up oc de streets of Nawlins." He says with a shrug. Winters don't get so cold and de tourists are even more lax if dat is possible." He shakes his head. "COurse Ah wasn' even a teen at de time. Best guess Ah was 'bout siz when mah mamma abandon me in a bus station."

Prismatic has posed:
    "... meanwhile, as a thirteen year old who'd just turned colors on stage, I was terrified of my family's rejection."

    Alexis takes a sip of her tea. "So obviously, the most sensible thing to do was to stowaway on a cargo ship and hide in New York. Not dramatic at all." she replies with a dry tone of voice.

    "... what was it like? If you feel so inclined to speak of it -- I've never been to New Orleans."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau chuckles a little bit and shrugs. "It was a city, yah know. Dare ain' no ot'er place in de world like it dat's foh sure." He smiles a bit, "Yah c'n lay in an alley starvin' while lookin' at Mansions dat 'undreds of years old an' survived hurricanes. A lil ol' lady might give yah twenty bucks an' tell yah ta go ta church...and de next try ta give yah a concussion wit' a cane. A bigger kid name Pike took me in till Ah could survive on mah own. Den Ah took in ot'er kids foh de same reason."

Prismatic has posed:
    "That is the Truth. In New York it's generaly a Sikh with a ten, and then you get hit by a cab driver. Many invitations to go to church -- not so many to eat there. Was nice to have somewhere to warm up." she recalls quietly, and she turns her eyes back to Remy.

    "It's quite the learning curve if you go at it on your own. As a young lady, new to New York, there were certain... avenues I could have pursued. Certainly no shortage of offers, but I was by far more protector than protectee. With my mutation, it was... difficult to really hurt me. But once the neighborhood ruffians found out I couldn't be stabbed, I had to change neighborhoods for busking."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods sipping his tea and making a bit of a face, though more at the memories then the spicy tea. "Still a pretty good deterrent, non. Ah mean bein' cut dat's a primal fear. Yah lizard brain knows "Sharp, hurt, bad." Yah run into someone who got no fear of yah blade...dat'll short de wiring, foh a minute anyway."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Which has thankfully made me the highest-scorring 'knee-capper' on the East End. I only need a minute before hitting them with something and running like Hell." Alexis gives just the biggest, most serene smile to Remy at that, seeing the humor in it.

    "Teacake, Mr. LeBeau?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a little bit and smirks. "Merci, Oui. He says taking one of the proffered cakes with an amused smile. "Well at least yah smart enough ta go foh de knee caps." He says taking a small bite. "Lotta filles always try foh de balls." He shakes his head amused, "T'ing is mos' hommes been learning ta protect dare "pridelands" since de lil garcons. De do it reflexively. Busting a kneecap a 'undred times easier."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Not to mention not as far for my foot to travel." The dark-haired woman gives a smile. "And even if you're wearing a cup, still hurts when someone whose legs are trained for dance kicks at you. I'll never be part of a football team, but at least I've kicked a few goals." she gives a bright smile at that. "You are, honestly, so easy to speak with, Remy."