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Latest revision as of 12:56, 22 March 2021

Second Thoughts
Date of Scene: 20 March 2021
Location: Club Mjolnir, Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Follow up to scene 12209, Clint returns after awhile to ask for clarification on Elle's offer, and he is asked to make a serious promise for more proof.
Cast of Characters: Hela, Hawkeye (Barton)

Hela has posed:
It has been sometimes since Elle had run into Clint, seeking her help, on the very appropriate subject of conversing with the dead. She made her offer, but it was a jarring one, as Clint went on his way. Later on, she learned Athena of the Olympian Gods was involved, and assumed the Goddes of The Hunt found a way to mesmerize Clint towards her path. She didn't care none too much, it certainly was nothing to start a feud with another Goddess over.

But one of the many benefits she found since starting her club, is some way or other, curiosities find their way to her. There's always a new fascination to move on to.

Earlier in the day, and slower, there's not as many people, and Elle is having a drink while sat directly across from the prized Mjolnir held aloft atop the bar, it's weirdly akin to her sharing a drink with that vestige of the glorious lengendary weapon.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Indeed, Clint Barton has been busy since he first chatted with Miss Elle. Looking around, for other suggestions as to how to advance in his quest. There was even a promising encounter with a professor of Ancient History, proposing to provide him with clues to follow. Alas, no clue came from that part.

So here he is, back at Club Mjolnir, were the only - almost - tangible offer had been made.

With a decided look on his face, the archer steps in the Club, and easily recognizes the woman he came to talk to. Miss Miracle Elle.

As he approaches, facing her, he stops a few feet away from where she is sitting- maybe he has some manners after all - or maybe he's just a bit cautious.

"Miss Elle," he says, as a manner of greeting. "Just the person I was looking for." There is no reason to try and pretend otherwise - he was looking for her.

Hela has posed:
Elle seems lost in her reverie as she casually drinks and looks at the artifact, that is until Clint walks into her line of sight, and her eyes veery towards him. Emerald and mystical looking as they are. "Ah...I did not expect to see you again, Mr. Barton, change of heart?" She asks quizzically, before raising her tankard at him, "or did you simply wish to sample more of the house mead?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Well, a lot has happened since their first encounter, events and decisions made, and one of them prompts Clint to decline the offer of the house mead. "No, thanks for the mead, I'd go for coffee if you don't mind."

That said, the archer takes her offer of a drink and translates it into an offer to sit down, which he does. In doing so, he places an old cracked Starkphone on the table, his calloused fingers gently taping on it even if it's turned off. Nervous? Who knows.

"No change of mind in my goal," he finally replies. "But I might need some... clarifications."

Hela has posed:
"Coffee...?" Elle arches a brow, "not what is usually imbibed in this great hall, but if you please," she motions with her finger and one of the waiters comes closer, she quickly orders coffee for Clint on the house.

Her next offer remains unspoken, as Clint already sat at her side, and she turns to face him completely, she chuckles quietly to herself at the request, "dealing in such delicate and unseen paths, clarification is oft sought...what, pray tell, would ease your mind?" As she asks she has a long sip of her mead, eyes never once shifting away from Clint's visage.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Yes, coffee will be perfect. Maybe not for his nerves, but surely for his mind. There is no comment made by the archer relatively to his not drinking mead. Leaning back on his seat, he feels mesmerized - like the first time - by Elle's eyes. Definitely of a strange beauty. After a moment, Clint finally answers her question.

"You see, I chatted with Thor," he starts, it having being previously established that she knows of his Avenger identity. "Goldie isn't really forthcoming with details about Hell, or Nefliem as he calls it." Questions he had for Elle were so clear before he entered the Club, for some reasons he's kind of hesitating now. Ah heck.

"I guess my main question is, where is Hell? Asgard has been destroyed, and even Thor couldn't tell me where Hell is now."

Hela has posed:
Elle puts down her tankard once Clint's coffee is brought and set before him, eyes still burrowing deep into him, as if looking at his very being rather than just his face. "Mighty Thor, you're blessed to have his company."

Elle twists her lips a little as Clint fumbles the Norse pronounciation, as she corrects, "Niflheim, I'm sure he called it."

"Ah...yes, Asgard has been destroyed..." she just manages to stop short there, instead of letting her wrath reveal more about 'Miracle Elle' than she intends. "I have learned of it as an Oracle," Elle assures Clint she has her own ways of learning such thing, "of course, knowing Mighty Thor, you would know of it yourself." She takes on silence for a moment, before whispering, "but Asgard did not contain Hel, as it were..." her pronounciation of the word a bit different, perhaps the Noweigian coming through. "As I said before...if you are willing to take on the deal I have once stated, I could lead you to a gate." She then looks around, makes a few gestures with her hands, and suddenly the staff walks around to announce they are closing. Ushering people to finish their business while lights are dimmed, as Elle whispers to Clint, "patience," and apparently waits for the entire place to clear out before she asks him, "you have seen Mighty Thor, so I assume you believe in him, at least so much as in him being true. Is that so?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Just as he was enjoying the dark coffee while listening to Elle, and starting to be at ease - well, as much as he could - she just ordered the place closed! Just like that. Quickly glancing at his watch, he confirms that it is not normal closing time. Nonetheless, he remains silent as asked, while the customers are gently, but clearly, invited to depart.

This kind of /get the hell outta here/ in places with customers, usually is announciating of doom incoming. Not something Hawkeye has never seen, and which usually calls for bow-time. Right, what's next?

Clint drinks some more of the coffee, considering her words and what she's asking. "Yeah, I know the deal," he admits, "Just need more details and see someone else." Now might not be the time to mention the Sorcerer Supreme. Might as well stay on the topic of Thor.

"Of course," he replies with a grin, "I know Thor. Now, to /believe/ is such a word, but yeah, he's real. Can be a real PITA too." He pauses, then adds, more seriously, "So it goes that if Thor exist, then Hela or whatever her name is, does exit as well."

Hela has posed:
Noting the discomfort in Clint as she has the place emptied out for privacy, Elle offers a comforting smile, and explains, "some conversations are not for all ears, and we've closed out for VIP customers in the past, it's not unheard of...and we usually do that for unique experiences. You are discussing one such 'experience'." Obviously the reason there's talk of Miracle Elle as a mystic, is not because of Jarl For A Day type events in her club for VIPs. It's clear Clint stumbled on something, whether he does or doesn't understand it, it's likely the offer at hand is quite real.

Elle looks utterly confused at the word 'PITA' but doesn't ask for an explanation. "He is the God of Thunder. Whether you believe in it or not." Is all she says of the matter.

"Of course the Asgardian Gods exists, as do all Gods, Olympians as well..." she casually mentions, after all, there's no way she'd know he actually met with Athena, is there?

"...if you are conflicted, and seek the voice of another, I will of course give you time..." Elle states, and then looks hesitant for a moment, before adding, "if you want to see something...I can show you, but..." she pauses again, and now her eyes, which looked so alluring earlier, suddenly carry intensity and power in them, as she asserts, "if I show you something...you must speak of it to no one. Only those with true faith in their hearts are allowed to witness it...I've made exceptions before, and if it will steady your belief in what I offer...I can show it, but then, whether you take my offer or do not...my secret must remain my own."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
On alert or not, obviously the situation didn't push the archer to be combat-ready. And in some ways, after consideration, the Club being empty kind of suits him. He too has professional secrets that he'd rather not discuss in a public environment.

"Only fools rush in," he quotes, reminding himself to not become one of these fools. "Again, I'm not conflicted in my goal. I just want to make sure that when, if, I accept the deal, I'll have covered all other alternatives." Including one last talk with Strange.

He then finishes the coffee, and nods, pondering. In the spy gig, the point is usually to reveal undiscovered secrets and share them with the proper authorities. Now, can he keep a secret, secret? "I'm known for many faults," he then declares, truely, "But I have only one word. You have my word."

Hela has posed:
"I have heard that spoken before...wise words," Elle agrees with the sentiment. She does listen to his concerns quietly, not poking fun or otherwise rushing him to a choice. "It is always wise to know all options before making a choice, but as I've said, I know not what you will be asked in return...I only serve a means that would otherwise be locked to you, towards the one who can help you. But she could have any number of demands, I was merely suggesting what you must be willing to do before embarking on such a meeting."

Elle extends her hand towards Clint, palm upturned, "put your hand in mine," she tells him.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Well, if the deal changes, I'll have to consider it. So far, I'm keeping with the possible /moment with Hell/ part," he replies, almost grinning, mixing Hell and Hela. Ah! here comes his adventurous-self. Always ready for a challenge. Often being too curious. Which usually leads him in lots of troubles.

There are many things that can be said about Hawkeye, not all favorable ones even. But like some vilain from outter-space once told him, he sure doesn't lack testicular fortitude.

So without another word, and without hesitation, Clint places his large calloused hand in Elle's, his decision taken, almost rushing in. Que sera, sera!

Hela has posed:
"I can only speak for myself," Elle reminds Clint, "I dare not offer deals on behalf of another who is by far my superior in every way...I am a mere voice," she says humbly, lowering her eyes as she speaks of this entity.

The moment Clint rests his hand in Elle's palm, she locks her fingers around his hand, and he can sense intense heat building up, and if he tries to pull back, he'll find her grasp quite powerful, unnatural almost. "Do you, Clint Barton, on your very soul, vouch your silence when shown a Sanctum not meant for you? None must learn of it, or hear of it, from your lips. We make a pact, and should you break it, you understand the cost..." her eyes pierce into Clint's once again, and it seems his answer will dictate whether she shows him anything futher or not.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Now sure, this woman is dead serious. From what Clint has heard of her - not that much actually, and probably half gossips - she possesses some real mystical skills. It might be yet another instance of the archer being too curious and acting on the spot. But he's not with the Avengers right now, and is not working on a SHIELD assigment. This is personnal, deeply personnal, and he's the sole master of his decisions. And the decision is quickly reached.

The powerful grasp of her fingers acts as a beacon to him, pulling him forward in the unknown, urging him to learn more. Desperately looking for a proof that no one was able to give him. Hopefully, some remnants of logic urges him to remain focused and ready for anything.

Blue eyes meet green eyes, locked in a silent agreement. "You have my word," he simply repeats.

Hela has posed:
"It is settled...and I will reveal it, but I must prepare for it..." Elle announces as she lets go of Clint's hand, "I respect a man who backs their words with action, that is a true promise you just made," she offers a slight bow towards Clint, "please be on your way...wait for my call, when you recieve it, you may come here again, and I will show you."