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Latest revision as of 13:32, 28 March 2021

Old fashioned workout.
Date of Scene: 28 March 2021
Location: Gym - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Jimmy and Shannon getting a catch up.
Cast of Characters: Warpath, Nightingale

Warpath has posed:
While there are a lot of things to workout with, sometimes the best thing to use is one's self. Against a far wall, handstand position, Warpath is doing pushup. This is a mixture of a lot of strength, meticulous balance, and concentration. Not that you can tell by looking at his normally passive expression.

Nightingale has posed:
     Warpath wasn't the only one polishing the proverbial guns. Shannon's taken advantage of the normally quiet evening hours to slip off down to the gym. Clad in her usual gym attire of black shorts, sneakers, and tank top with gold edging, she's tied her hair up in a bun, and is off to the side on one of the mats, stretching out. She smiles lightly, watching Warpath for a moment. "Don't recall ever picking that exercise up, shik'isn," she finally says, mildly intrigued.

Warpath has posed:
"Can work on it in a minute if you want." he replies and continues to press himself up and down. After a few more, he carefully folds the over side frame so his feet in the floor and not faceplant in the process. Once he is right again he looks towards her and indicates the wall, thinks a moment, and hmms,"Better put on a t shirt or sweat shirt. Gravity."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon lofts her eyebrows and nods, getting up and heading back into the locker room to change. When she emerges, it's in a white t-shirt emblazoned with 'Mutie Cutie' in hot pink and accented with silver and gold swirls. The shirt's been tucked into her shorts to ensure it stays put. "So, been staying out of trouble lately?" It seemed a perennial question between her and Warpath, and her voice is laced with good humor, her eyes dancing with mirth.

Warpath has posed:
Waiting for her to go and change he stretches a little to make sure he stays limber. There is a snort when he sees her shirt and he shakes his head,"Nice." He motions to the wall and adds,"I rarely see much trouble unless you're involved." Might as well make the joke take full flight.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Thanks! Actually got tapped to do a single song on Andrea's label. It debuted on St. Patrick's Day. This is one of the shirts that came out along with it." When it comes to trouble, Shannon just laughs, shaking her head, bouncing on her feet a bit to make sure she's staying loose and limber. "Ha. Too bad you weren't around the past couple weeks, then. You'd have had a ball." Uh-oh.

Warpath has posed:
He shakes his head and taps the wall,"Handstand." he replies and waits for her to attempt it, ready to help her the rest of the way up,"Andrea is a bad influence in a good way." he mutters lightly and sighs,"The mansion didn't explode and so long as you don't tell me you're pregnant I think I will be OK. Sometimes boring teacher and farmer life is not all bad."

Nightingale has posed:
     "No, the mansion didn't explode and I'd better NOT be preggers! Yeesh, what do you take me for?" Shannon rolls her eyes and laughs, flipping about to go into a handstand position on the wall. "Oooo... head rush... well, I didn't wind up on the evening news, either, so there's that, too..."

Warpath has posed:
He gets her staight and parallel to the wall, providing enough support to help her balance,"You better not be, but teens make choices." he teases mildly and waits for the burn to start in her arms,"The news is over rated." A shake of his head,"The last time I saw a news reel it wasn't terribly flattering."

Nightingale has posed:
     It takes a little while for the burn to start in her arms, but even when it does, Shannon makes little more than a slightly more prolonged sigh, as if breathing out the pain in the midst of a healing. "Well, a coffee shop in the city is still standing, and so is the Themysciran embassy, so all's well in the world." So far, her voice doesn't show any sign of strain, at last. "So what now?"

Warpath has posed:
Since she seems to have a handle on things and doesn't need him, he takes his hand away. The balance act was getting some of her weight off her too,"You try to do it will all your weight now." he teases lightly. Her comments do get a curious look,"Themysciran embassy? Are you two timing the New Mutants and joining the Amazons?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "No way. But I was invited to watch a demonstration and figured hey, it'd be a nice afternoon out and about. I didn't expect the embassy to be broken into and wind up finding out the hard way that those shields of theirs are VERY good in the middle of a gunfight." As she began to bear the full weight of her body in this pose against the wall on her own, Shannon began to focus a bit more on breathing, and a bit less on relaying the adventures she'd found herself in the middle of. -AGAIN-.

Warpath has posed:
"I swear, you need a professional bodyguard." he mutters and continues to watch as she works out,"Very good." he comments to her,"Good form." Listening to her tale he nods,"I would be interested to see one of those shields up close some day. I have heard stories." He continues the evening working out with little sister and catching up.