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Latest revision as of 13:33, 28 March 2021

After Meeting The Hellequin
Date of Scene: 26 March 2021
Location: St. Margaret's Church, Bushwick
Synopsis: Some chit chat about Hellequin after the fact.
Cast of Characters: Moonstar, Nightcrawler, Willow Rosenberg

Moonstar has posed:
After the ghostly being disappears, Dani tilts her head. First one way, then the other. Much like a dog trying to hear that noise juuuust out of range. Finally, she nods once. "He's gone, this time. I can't feel him anymore." She relaxes now, finally, and flops back onto the pew she'd stood up from not so long ago. "Think I'd say mutation is more of an improvement made by Mother Nature than a mistake. That's how it's been through history." Someone really likes reading and studying, apparently. "Nature adapts. Those adaptations are all mutations of one sort or another. Without them, we wouldn't have the animals we have today. Take birds, for example. Millions of years ago, they used to be dinosaurs. Now they soar the skies."

Dani shakes her head. She slides down the pew and leans her head against the back of it. Without looking at Willow, she offers her right hand to the redhead. "Dani Moonstar. Pleasure to meet you, Red." Oh no. There's already a nickname! "If you meet Brightwind, I just know he's going to try to eat that red hair of yours." Dani turns her head to look at the woman, deep brown eyes sparkling with amusement that curls up her lips with it.

Those eyes turn to the blue elf. "Kurt, you okay?" She's sure he is, but it's good to ask, right?

Nightcrawler has posed:
Being considered a 'mistake' is, at least, an improvement than being considered Satan or a demon. But it's not what Kurt had said. He didn't say that mutants were mistakes, just that they were different sorts of people. And that's how he sees himself. He's just different. Still a man. Just different. He's quiet a moment after the Hellequin has left. "Danke, Gott, dass du mich leben lässt," Kurt says quietly, his voice low and near a whisper as he turns his gaze towards the crucific upon the altar.

Lifting his right hand, he pushes his hair back and then tussles it a bit. That was... well... Kurt isn't sure if he has a specific word for what that was! This certainly wasn't what he had expected when he had come to church. "Ja, Dani... I would have to agree. Mutations are improvements," Kurt says quietly.

And then there's a long moment whilst he's quiet again, simply looking up at the crucifix. Weighing things, considering them. The questions that the Hellequin had asked are questions he's asked himself before. "I think I'm okay. I'm unharmed and expected to be dead, so... there's that," he says, the corners of his lips quirking a touch. It might be sinking in, still.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:

Willow giggles. "My real name is Willow. Willow Rosenberg. My friend calls Wils. Come to think of it, nobody gave me a nickname other than that." She thinks about it. "I think I like it."

But she, too, wondered about Kurt.

"It's actually a myth, you know? Not everything is a win with genetics. For example there are these frogs that the females prefer deep voices. But there are these birds who like to eat them. Unfortunately the deep tone frogs are easy to find because of their tone. Not a case of better always wins."

Moonstar has posed:
No. Kurt didn't say mutants, or mutations, were mistakes. The ghostly being had. She just hadn't replied in a timely fashion to it when it had been said. "If your god hadn't, I would have become your personal Valkyrie, Kurt," says Dani, her voice somewhat soft, but still audible, especially by one next to her. She bares her teeth. "Do you really think I would've let him kill you?" She shakes her head. "You silly blue elf. I wouldn't have let you die," she says firmly, as though she believes that she has the power to stop such a thing from happening. Then again, maybe she does!

As nicknames go, it could be worse? Dani grins at her. At Willow. "Think I'll stick to Red. You can call me Dani. Or Valkyrie, if you prefer." Wait. She'd been serious about the Valkyrie part?? She nods to Willow. "Improvement isn't necessarily better. A lot of mutations die out. The ones that survive eventually mutate to new things to help with survival."

Nightcrawler has posed:
It takes a moment for Kurt to bring his gaze away from the crucifix. Had this been a test of his faith? It might have been! He tussles his hair a bit as he exhales a breath, and then he shifts his weight before gracefully rising to his feet. "Different is not always better. Mostly, but not always. Survival of the fittest and all," Kurt says, a thoughtful tone to his voice. His tail lightly swishes from one side to the other, behind him, a slow sort of movement.

There's another glance towards the crucifix, and then he turns to step down the aisle towards the pew where the ladies are sitting. He slides into the one in front of them, then settles on his knees to be facing the back of that pew, to be facing them. "Thank you, Dani... I appreciate that. I could think of no one better for the task," he says softly, sounding sincere. He tilts his head a touch to one side, and his ears give a slight wiggle as he considers. "You would not have let him kill me but it may still have happened. The two things are not mutually exclusive," he muses. Then he smiles at her and leans forward in order to reach out and squeeze her shoulder nearest to him, if she'll let him. "I'm glad that you came tonight," he says, giving a nod to her. He seems to be balancing out a bit, at least.

That glowing yellow gaze of his turn to Willow then, and he tilts his head a touch to one side. And he offers his right hand to her. "Guten abend, meine dame," he offers in greeting, a smile coming to his features and his ears perking up just a touch. His tail swishes behind him in a sinuous movement, one side to the other. "I'm Kurt," he adds. In case she hadn't heard him give his name when he'd been at the front of the church.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow can feel her lips smiling. "Dani seems nice. After all, Valkyrie seems soooo, um, like I'm expecting you to do something for me." Which made her think. "Are you a Valkyrie?" She had never considered it.

Kurt, though, she never seen something like that before. "I'm glad you're okay. I'm sorry, I didn't know what he was planning, but I thought.." What? You were going to what? Fry him? "Well it wasn't necessary. You were.." She shakes her head in disbelief.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar shakes her head to Kurt. "Brightwind is fast enough to get you to help. I could have held you here long enough for that." Wait. What? Dani smiles and nods. "I'm glad I was here too. I'm even more glad that my abilities were unnecessary."

She looks to Willow and considers. "Something? What kind of something?" She sounds truly curious. And then? Then Dani Moonstar nods. "Yes I am." A Valkyrie. In the flesh. Sitting right next to her, even! "If he hadn't diverted, I would have hit him with a psychic arrow to distract him, at the very least."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"That's the thing. I'm really not sure." Willow furrows up her brows creating a furrow. "I've not encountered him before. Even my scrying wasn't clear.. A real live Valkyrie?!"

She shows surprise and laughs. "I guess mine wasn't even needn't! Still, I didn't know. A Valkyrie? Really?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
A lot of people haven't seen anything quite like Kurt. Unless they've frequented Germany and gone to showings of the Munich Circus. Then they very easily could have seen 'The Amazing Nightcrawler!' Also known as Kurt. That might be a story for another day, though. He tilts his head a bit to one side, and then he gives a small shake of his head. "You owe me no apology, Miss Willow. His actions are his own to make peace with, just as mine are to me," he says softly, watching her. "I'm grateful that neither of you needed to take action against him on my behalf," he adds, a smile coming to his features. "I was...?" he asks, in a gentle verbal nudge. He's curious of what she was thinking to say, and his tail continues to lightly swish behind him, the movement soft and steady.

The fuzzy blue elf could have teleported himself to anywhere in order to keep himself safe. But he had not. He had relied in his faith and only his faith. Maybe his words. But mostly his faith and in the words of God that he had spoken. "I don't doubt that you would have and could have, Dani. And I'm grateful for that, always," Kurt says softly, giving a small nod to her. "God stayed his hand and I was spared. It seems my time wasn't up, just yet," he muses, a thoughtful tone to his voice.

Moonstar has posed:
"I have no idea who he was. I just know he believes fully in his fanatasicm. Fanatics. Feh." Dani Moonstar wrinkles her nose and shakes her head. "They have killed way too many people." The question about her being a real live Valkyrie is met with a nod. "Yup. I'm a real live Valkyrie. I even have a bond with a pegasus." 'cause, can't have a real Valkyrie and not have a pegasus, yo. "But yours might have been needed. If I'm holding him from death," she says, hooking a thumb toward Kurt, "I can't be fighting the.. whatever he was. The Fanatic. You might have been needed to keep him off of us."

Clearly, Dani is not discounting Willow's abilities at all. She'd /seen/ the sparkles of energy crawling over the redhead's hands! She knows fully well what lightning can do and it's not a small power. She nods to the blue elf, but doesn't comment further.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I..I'm afraid of him. He used his sword on me" Willow scowls. "He left a big hole in my coat!" Probably the only reason he didn't kill her outright. "Still.. He's not a fanatic. He left without killing me, or killing Kurt. He can reason out. Just.." She sighs.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"I don't know who he was, either. I've never met him before. There were implications of doing God's will. In the moment he went to kill me, God was not with him," Kurt says softly, sounding as though he truly believes the last of that. Then he gives a small shake of his head, and a smile touches his lips. "Still, I'm grateful that it didn't come to blows," he adds, giving a small nod. Violence in the House of God would have been a terrible thing!

Kurt falls quiet for a moment, considering what Willow says, and he frowns when she mentions that the fanatic had used his sword on her. "I'm not sure what he is. I'm grateful he was not successful," he says, a smile finding the corners of his lips. "Although... all thing considered... it's not the first time that I've been accused of being a demon, or Satan. Much as I would prefer it to be otherwise. Though I may now have a reason to learn Latin," Kurt muses, giving a soft chuckle. He seems in a fair humour given that he could easily have wound up dead moments ago.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar wrinkles her nose again. She shakes her head. "I think something stopped him. He felt frustrated. He's a fanatic, at least right now. Maybe he wasn't always that way. Maybe he can change. Why did he try to kill you?"

And then Kurt just has to say about the blows. Which reminds Dani of his request of her in the moment before, when the other one had been about to attack the blue elf. "Which reminds me," she says, pinning her gaze on him. "The next time something like this happens, you don't get to ask me not to do violence to someone who's planning to do violence. You know my psionic arrows won't physically hurt anyone anyway." Or, at least, he should know that! "He was spouting gibberish about his faith, I think. Nothing you really needed to worry about."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"But," Willow keeps going. "He could not kill you. He couldn't as much as his brain told him, he couldn't. Don't you see?"

She lookss between the two of them.

"Okay, you have a point, but not really. God's will couldn't kill you, Kurt. Maybe that's why he couldn't kill me too. Maybe the mortal person wants to try because, well, maybe he's a tad fanatics. But the revenant can't go against god's wishes , and he's stuck learning the difference? Or something like at."

Figures Willow always looks on the bright side of life. Even when she didn't really like the guy.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Faith provides Kurt with a simple answer. Something stopped him? God stopped him. It may not be that simple to others, but to him it is. "Perhaps he can change. I would hope that he can, for the sake of the innocents that he would otherwise hunt," Kurt says softly, his brow furrowing a touch.

Kurt tilts his head slightly to one side as Dani's gaze pins him, and one of his eyebrows nudges up just a touch. "I asked, I did not tell you not to. I knew that even though I asked, if you saw a need to deliver violence, that you would do so. It was not what harm you would cause that was the issue, Dani. It is the place, this space," Kurt says softly, a gentle tone to his voice. "His words may have been... misguided. But it wasn't gibberish that he spoke. I believe his faith is real, that he believes he is doing God's work. His base of knowledge is old or perhaps lacking. I'm not sure," he says, lifting one of his shoulders in a bit of a shrug.

"Ja, God's will could kill me. Or could have let him kill me. He could have, on appearances alone. But there was conversation. He learned that I have faith in God. Could he have killed me if I didn't have faith in God? I don't know. Perhaps he is learning that things are not so black and white as they might appear. That people are not as they appear," he says, giving a nod to Willow. "You raise good points."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar thinks about what Willow is saying. Her gaze goes off somewhere into the distance, somewhat between the both of them. She nods slowly. "Yeah. Yeah, I think you might be right, there. Or, at least, that sounds right to me. That would fit with what I felt from him. Frustration, as though he was denied what he wanted to do." She wouldn't deny that it was god. Afterall, she knows for a fact that gods exist. She's a Valkyrie.

"You're splitting hairs, Kurt. It's the same thing. And you're right. It wouldn't have mattered if you had asked or told. If he had harmed you, I would have done whatever I needed to." She raises a brow at the blue fuzzball. "That wasn't what I meant. Gibberish as in nonsense you didn't really need to understand to get the idea. And you know that's what I meant. Not that he didn't believe, nor that his faith isn't real. Fanatics always believe. And I think they're spouting gibberish and nonsense too. Anyone that follows anything to the point of not thinking generally becomes someone who is no longer good." Her eyes are on Kurt now, and there's a spark of anger within them. Perhaps at his misunderstandings. Perhaps at something else. Perhaps at the situation as a whole.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"But,"Willow says softly, "Fanatics don't reason."

And from where she had watched, Hellequin definitely had reason. After all, didn't he ask questions of Kurt? He was frustrated, yes, but what if those frustrations weren't because he couldn't kill Kurt, but because he was angry at not being able to figure out *why* he couldn't.

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a glance to Dani, then to Willow. And then his gaze turns back to Dani. And he tilts his head a little bit to one side, listening carefully as she speaks. And he gives a small nod. "Ja, I'm splitting hairs," he says softly, watching her. He takes in a deep breath, and then lets it out, slowly. "I know... ja, I know. I'm sorry, Dani. I'm not meaning to be a trial to you," he adds, a touch sheepishly, his ears slipping back a little bit. He knows he can be one, sometimes. And perhaps more so where religion is concerned.

He lifts one of his hands, lightly tussling his hair a bit before lowering his hand again. And he looks down to his hands for a moment, considering things a touch more. "He couldn't... wouldn't?... kill me, first. Then he asked questions," he says softly, his brow furrowing a little bit. "This is a bit of a new situation. Unexpected," he adds, looking down at his odd three fingered hands.

Moonstar has posed:
"He didn't ask questions until he was stopped," points out Dani with a little bit of logic. "Fanatasism. That he was stopped seemed to have been the only reason he started asking questions." She takes a breath. She's not angry at Willow, afterall. "That he started asking questions after he was stopped is a good sign that maybe, just maybe, he can see reason and give up being a fanatic."

Dani also takes a deep breath, releasing some of the tension in her own muscles. "You're being defensive, Kurt, and turning it on me. Stop it. Else I'm going to chase your fuzzy blue ass around the salle when we get back home. And I'll be using my sword to chase you with." Another deep breath, another bit of tension easing. "I don't mind having religious debates with you. You know I don't. I mind when you start misinterpreting what I'm saying. If I thought you were doing it deliberately and not because you're freaked out, I'd double the time in the salle." She pauses and listens to what he says. "Couldn't," she says immediately. "If he wouldn't, his emotions would have been different. He wouldn't have been frustrated in the way he was frustrated." She wrinkles her nose. "Brightwind is fretting. He doesn't like it when I get mad." Really, he should be used to it by now! Dani /is/ something of a hothead sometimes, afterall.