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Latest revision as of 13:33, 28 March 2021

Life Is For Living
Date of Scene: 25 March 2021
Location: Wellness Office - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Kurt has his stitches removed. He and Shannon talk about life, new students, and mentors. Plans to return to the circus via the Danger Room are made.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Nightcrawler

Nightingale has posed:
     It had been about two weeks since Shannon had to call upon her training and steel her nerves for stitching up one Kurt Wagner from his misadventures in the Brimstone Dimension. She'd done her best to make sure he didn't ruin her good work, even raising her voice to him just once as he leapt into the pool with wild abandon just a few days after the stitches were set. But it was finally time to check on the progress of healing, and take the stitches out. She'd prepared the necessary implements on a little tray table in the wellness office, tied her hair back, washed her hands, and slipped on a pair of gloves for the task at hand. She was dressed simply in some plain blue jeans, white sneakers, and a white t-shirt with 'Mutie Cutie' emblazoned upon it in shades of hot pink, and glistening with gold and silver accents.

Nightcrawler has posed:
For the most part -- except for that pool incident -- Kurt -has- behaved. Mostly. He's still teleported, of course, but he's done his best to make the trips quick and as painless as possible. Which has meant small holes into the Brimstone Dimension and no lingering! He's dressed in a pair of black jeans, and he's wearing a light grey t-shirt when he peeks into the doorway of the wellness room, his ears wiggling a bit as he watches her prepare. The stitches itch and have been annoying, but he's left them be as much as he can. Lifting one of his hands, he scruffles his hair, and then he moves to step into the room itself, choosing to walk in rather than BAMF and potentially scare her in the process. "Guten tag, Shannon," Kurt offers in greeting, a smile coming to his features easily.

Nightingale has posed:
     A little more at ease this time, the winged teen smiles at Kurt, dipping her head. "Guten tag, Herr Wagner." Despite the differing dynamics the situation demanded, she still insisted on addressing him with the respect he was due. Pale blue eyes danced with mirth as she peers over at him, patting the edge of the bed. "Been keeping out of trouble? Is that possible?" Alright, maybe it was just too juicy a chance for a little good-natured teasing to resist! A small humidifier has been set up on the main desk to combat the still-dry air of early spring, by emitting a cool, lightly orange-scented mist.

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a soft chuckle at the honorific that she gifts him with, and he gives a small shake of his head, a smile readily pulling up the corners of his lips. "Always 'herr', ja?" Kurt asks, some amusement in his voice. He glances towards the bed that she indicated, and he chuckles softly as he nods to her, his yellow eyes glowing. "Ja, I have been keeping out of trouble. Mostly. I have not been fighting more Neyaphem, at least. There was the pool incident, but you already know of this since you were there," he says, quirking a bit of a grin. He steps over to the bed, and then lightly settles to sit at the edge of it, bringing his hands to rest upon his lap. "It is sometimes possible," he adds, grinning.

Nightingale has posed:
     "It's just the respect you're due," Shannon replies, chuckling softly. Keeping her wings tucked in behind her a little more tightly in the slightly more confined space, she moves to slide one of the dividers into place, and shield the area from immediate view of the doorway. "Besides, it's not as if we're out in the field," she adds, with a gesture for Kurt to ease the back of his shirt up so she can see to work.

     "Let's see how that's been healing up, ja? The last couple times you had me check on it, it seemed to be doing well, and none of the nurses had any complaints about my work."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a soft chuckle from the man, and he lifts one of his hands to lightly tussle his hair a bit. "I'm not so sure that I deserve such respect, especially when I have done some foolish things that end up with a need for stitches in my flesh," he comments, quirking a bit of a grin. His hands move then to the lower hem of his shirt, and he easily lifts it up and over his head, setting it on the bed next to him. The furriness of him goes a long way towards somewhat hiding the scars that he's earned over the years of his life, both intentional and unintentional. He wiggles one of his ears, and then he chuckles. "True, ja. In the field, you would call me other than 'herr'," he comments, with some amusement in his voice. Then he gives a nod to her. "You are welcome to check it when you are ready to. It has been itching and it has proven to be a challenge to leave it be," he comments with a smile. "I would not expect for them to have any complaints over your work. It was very good work."

Nightingale has posed:
     "I'm still only in my junior year. It wouldn't be right for me to call you by your given name just yet." Shannon smiles as she moves over to check Kurt's shoulder, tearing open an alcohol wipe to gently dab around the wounded area. "Wow. This looks like it's been healing really well." She chuckles softly, reaching for a short-bladed pair of scissors on the tray table. Soft little flicks of the blades punctuate her soft wordless humming; the tune is actually recognizeable as 'Greensleeves'. One by one, the stitches are snipped, and carefully removed, for proper disposal later.

     "Thanks for not ruining my good work," she finally says, chuckling. "Looks like this is doing rather well."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a nod that's given to Shannon's words, and Kurt gives a soft chuckle. "Ja, I know you are. But I do not mind if you call me by my given name. Especially when it is a situation that is just you and I. In classes, that is different. We are friends, so... outside of classes, it is allowed," Kurt says with a smile. At least, he would allow it and not scold her for it. He sits still then whilst she checks the stitches, though he does turn his head to glance in the direction of the wound. "See? I can behave," he comments with a fair amount of amusement, his glowing eyes bright. And then he falls quiet, to listen to her humming, easily recognizing the melody that she sings, and then softly humming along with her. Joining her. He ducks his chin slightly at the last of her words, giving a small nod. "You are most welcome. I did try not to make a mess of it," he says softly, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Okay, okay... that's going to take some getting used to, though!" Shannon smiles, chuckling softly and humming once more as she plucks the last of the stitches free, setting the bit of suture with the rest of the bits on the tray to be disposed of. "I guess I've been having a taste of how it feels on your end, because the new girl, Rosie, she insists on calling me Miss Shannon, even though I'm just a student like her, and only one year ahead." She tilts her head, thinking for a moment. "Real nice girl, though she's been through hell and back. Seems like Sam's been doing well helping her."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Ja, I know. I'll not hold it against you either way, regardless of which you choose to call me in any given moment. So long as it's polite. And not late for dinner," Kurt says with a grin. He is, clearly, teasing her, and there's amusement in his voice. "Being a year ahead, it means being more senior. It means being deserving of respect from her. Even for me, it is difficult to not call you 'Miss Shannon' when I address you," he admits, tilting his head a touch to one side. "I haven't met Rosie yet. I may have to make a point of doing so, soon," he muses, a thoughtful note to his voice.

Nightingale has posed:
     "So what? Just one year ahead, and I'm only a student just like she is." Shannon pauses, pursing her lips a little bit. "Rosie... it sounds like she really caught hell, and where she came from was incredibly anti-mutant, and well... yeah, not a good set of circumstances she came from. She believes herself a monster, and well..." She bites her lower lip, frowning more deeply now. "The situation regarding her family and her gifts, I'd definitely talk to Sam about, before you approach her. It's a bit alarming." Her expression softens a bit, and she tilts her head. "She's sharp as a tack though, and pretty damn bright. Seems to love science. I suggested she might get along with Dr. McCoy well, and so did Sam."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Some people feel that people who are older or more learned, more taught, even if it is only by one year, are deserving of that additional respect. It's a thing," Kurt says softly, his tone thoughtful. His brow furrows a little bit as he listens to what Shannon says about the other girl, and he gives a small nod. "No, that would not be a good set of circumstances," Kurt says quietly, frowning a little bit. He's had mobs think he's a demon and chase him with the intent of killing him before. He tries not to think about those days, though. "I don't think it would be fair to find out about her past from another. If she has a wish for me to know, then she can tell me. I'll not pry into it, otherwise," he says in a thoughtful tone. Prying isn't his way. But if people talk to him about things, then he'll ask questions where his curiosity is sparked to do so. "Science is interesting. And Dr. McCoy would be a good mentor for her," he adds, agreeing with her.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Heaven only knows he's been a fantastic mentor for me," Shannon replies, her smile widening. "Utterly, completely brilliant, and a wicked sense of humor. Doesn't let anything hold him back." She smiles at Kurt, before turning to dispose of the remains of her work in the appropriate biohazard container, and wash her hands. "You've been a great mentor as well, too, you know. Everyone here has been. There's been something different to learn from each teacher I've worked with. You... you have a zest for life few if any can match, a wicked sense of humor, incredible kindness and creativity... and you don't let excellence hide itself in the crowd."

     Smiling, she dips her head towards Kurt's shoulder. "How's that shoulder feeling now?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
"It can be hard to find a mentor, sometimes," Kurt says, a smile coming to his features. If any of the stitches being snipped and pulled has caused him any discomfort or pain, he's given no sign of either. "He is a good man," Kurt adds, giving a nod to her. There are many good men and woman here at the mansion. Her compliment of him causes him to duck his chin and give a soft murmur, a bit of colour rising to his cheeks although his colouring hides it well. "I... am just me, ja? Everyone has their own strengths, their own weaknesses," he says softly, a bit sheepishly. He gives a quiet murmur, looking down at his hands where they rest in his lap. "I just try to live. Each day, each night. One at a time. To make the most of each day and to do what I can to help people. A job well done deserves to be praised for being well done," he says quietly, a bit shyly. Then he blinks a couple of times at the unexpected (but expected) question about his shoulder, and he moves it around some, his ears perking up a bit. "Oh! It feels much better, danke!" he says in a warm tone.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Bitte. And see, that's the very thing that makes you a great mentor. You pass on that living each day one at a time. Saw it right from the first time I snuck into the Danger Room and you not only threw yourself into the whole circus simulation you had going, but you wouldn't let me hide in the crowd, either."

     Shannon smiles and perches on the edge of the main desk, letting her wings flare out and relax somewhat. "I'd still keep it a little light on that shoulder another day or two, and if there's discomfort, you know the drill."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Ah, there is no hiding, ja?" Kurt suggests softly, a gentle tone to his voice. "Life is for living. We could spend time with regrets burdening our hearts, with sins weighing our souls, but... it is better to be lighter. Release the regrets and sins to God," he says softly. It's what he does, at least, at least after paying his own sort of penance for each sin that he's committed. "It was a beautiful day, mein dame. It should be done again," Kurt says softly, giving a small nod to her, a smile coming to his features. "I grew up in the circus. It is dear to me, still, even though I'm no longer a part of it," he comments. Then he chuckles softly before giving a nod to her. "I can refrain from sword play and piracy for a few days longer, I suppose. It will be such a difficult thing, though," he says with amusement, winking at her.

Nightingale has posed:
     "If you work yourself back into it... just take it slowly? Heaven only knows I've heard the same after I've come out of the medbay." Shannon wrinkles her nose and chuckles softly, shaking her head. "Knock on wood, may that not happen for a good long while to come. And definitely! We'll have to break out that circus simulation sometime, maybe see if there's anyone else who would want to join in. Cut loose and have a little fun for a while."

     Her smile widens and she bobs her head in agreement. "After all, life is for living."