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Latest revision as of 13:33, 28 March 2021

Where oh where has my WillowWitch gone
Date of Scene: 25 March 2021
Location: The Bronze
Synopsis: Alexander talks to Willow about her ghost problem.
Cast of Characters: Phobos, Willow Rosenberg

Phobos has posed:
    The night is supposed to be ominous, it's supposed to be rich with terrors and travails that accost the traveler as they rush from the dark to what sanctuary the light can give them. For the young Olympian known as Alexander Aaron he stalks across the sidewalk with a steady gait, expression severe, he wonders where those terrors and travails might be.
    Hands stuffed into the pockets of his loose jacket, Phobos walked, eyes finding naught save the occasional meandering couple, or perhaps a lone wanderer seeking shelter for the night. No terrors, at least for now. Though with a small half-smirk he pondered the possibility that in this case some would consider him the terror.
    Yet that was neither here nor there. His destination was up ahead, that local hangout known as the Bronze. It might be where he'd find the young woman he was seeking, and if nothing else perhaps give word to someone there to help him find her.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow had been around for just long enough that she was fairly certain that she was alone. So certain was she, that she tried to do something that Tala had told her of: To walk across the floors and make everyone notice her!

She lifted up her chin and began walking from the opposite side of the dancefloor.

Every step she took she made certain to all around her everybody was pushed back just enough to look over at Willow. And they did!

Phobos has posed:
    It was like a ripple washing across the room, the subtle enchantment able to just drift through the minds of the crowd, a little mental nudge, a mystical shift, enough to bring the eyes around and the attention upon the redheaded witch as she made that walk across the way.
    One dancer pauses and watches her long enough that his date gives him a whack on the shoulder to regain his attention. Another girl moistens her lips and tries to get her attention as Willow walks past, trying to affect a look that she saw once on a lip gloss commercial.
    It was a quick magical spell, subtly cast, and the last ripples of it were still wending their way through the crowd when Alexander stepped through the front door. Not his sphere of expertise, he did still manage to sense... something, yet for him that could just as well be a hint of deja vu as anything mystical. He carried on inwards, starting to walk through the crowd. Then smiling a little as he caught sight of her and heads that way.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:

Did he see her making her way across the dancefloor? Drats.. She was feeling positively elated until that. ..Then again, why not?? She gave a little foot stomp. ~C'mon. You did good. Be proud!~ And saying that with her inside voice, she managed to complete the final steps.

"What did you think?" Okay, she was a little nervous. "Please don't tell Buffy? It's.. it's.. a surprise." Yeah, that's what it was. A surprise!

(Not the kind of "surprise" at all.)

Phobos has posed:
    Alexander reaches her and as her guilt gets the better of her with her confessing to... something? He tilts his head to the side, those pale eyes meeting her gaze. Brow furrowing he looks between each of her irises until finally telling her succinctly, "What?"
    Apparently he missed what it was she had done, or his own 'senses' were not as keen as one might imagine. "Don't tell her what?"
    Yet that question might go unanswered as when one of those who had their attention drawn to her, when they had noticed and realized how beautiful a young woman like Willow is, they see some blond guy stroll up and just start talking to her. The hell is up with that.
    So Willow might be the first to see the tall football player from Sunnydale High as he saunters up, and abruptly /thump-thump-thumps/ a hand onto Alexander's shoulder, "Hey fella, can't you see the lady isn't interested?"
    Which has Alex doing the whole 'huh?' face all over again.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Wow. *That* was an awesome surprise. Never in her life did two people fight over her! Well, sort of. They hadn't come to blows.. yet. And, god help her, but she turns to Alex, and waits for his reply.

Phobos has posed:
    There's a brief moment when Alexander looks sidelong at Willow, then at Walter Redley, Sunnydale High Running Back #42! He still has that sort of half-perplexed half annoyed look to him as he says pointedly, "Hey man, I..." He points sideways at Willow and continues, "Really need to talk to her. It's a life or death thing with this ghost of... you know what, doesn't matter. I need to talk to her. So be cool, huh?"
    Which Walter Redley, Star Running Back of Sunnydale High, is NOT willing to accept! "Look fella, I don't care what it is, she's said she's not..."
    Which the whole thing really has Alexander perplexed as his eyes narrow. And then for a moment, Willow might feel a sudden swell of magical power as there's a whorl of sensation like the build up of portent moments before a dam breaks. So little time between that hint of power.
    And then suddenly she'll feel a surging rush of energy as Alexander's eyes abruptly /glow/ a brilliant silver, such intensely focused power as he says sharply in a voice that resonates somehow not audibly, yet with everyone in the room.
    // Fuck off. //
    Which has all the crowd sort of looking up, blinking, the music stopping, the bartender freezing in place and looking momentarily disconcerted. Yet it's Walter Redley, 159 yards rushing versus Greyvale High, who suddenly gasps with eyes widened and lips parting frozen in place. His blue jeans suddenly darken and he gasps again, then turns and /pushes/ his way out of the crowd there as he beats a quick retreat.
    It's only after he's gone that Alexander turns back and the world sees to right itself when he says, "I was told you're endangered from a ghost?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Holy cow!" Willow just *looks* at him with disbelief - but in a good way. "You can do that?" She would peg it at an aural projection, and something else to make it dangerous to boot. "That's amazing!"

She almost forgot to answer the question. "Oh!" And just like that she's shaking her head, and frowning. "I don't like him. He's Hellequin. And he thinks I'm evil and should be cast down into h-e-double-ell. Me!? Can you imagine!"


Phobos has posed:
    A hand lifts as Alexander waves off the details of how he does what he just did, instead urging Willow off to the side from the dance floor while the room returns to its equilibrium. Once they're relatively clear he turns his gaze back at her.
    Those pale eyes tighten a little as he listens to her, seems about to ask something, then shakes his head. "Sounds like a revenant, or a shade sort of thing. Though I've only met some that one of my uncles liked to have serve him."
    Scritching the back of his neck thoughtfully he murmurs, "I was thinking, if you get in a bad spot and can't stop the thing, whatever it is, and I'm not within earshot..."
    A breath is taken, a sigh, then he murmurs. "Well, then if you have any talent at summoning spells, you can invoke my presence in a way similar to when a mage draws upon an outsider. If that is something you've had any experience with."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was just about to ask more questions when Phobos mentions revenants, and suddenly it clicks. "Ooooooh. So he has to find, well, witches in particular.. Ah. Still me as evil!"

But it's the rest that she listens. "I have summoned things before. Usually to trap them. But I've never tried a maaa-"

And then she stops.

"Right, you're not precisely a man, are you." But what does he actually fit under?